How to use local_conf method in Slash

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1# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste ( Licensed under the MIT license: __future__ import with_statement4import os5import sys6import re7import pkg_resources8from paste.deploy.compat import ConfigParser, unquote, iteritems, dictkeys9from paste.deploy.util import fix_call, lookup_object10__all__ = ['loadapp', 'loadserver', 'loadfilter', 'appconfig']11############################################################12## Utility functions13############################################################14def import_string(s):15 return pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse("x=" + s).load(False)16def _aslist(obj):17 """18 Turn object into a list; lists and tuples are left as-is, None19 becomes [], and everything else turns into a one-element list.20 """21 if obj is None:22 return []23 elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):24 return obj25 else:26 return [obj]27def _flatten(lst):28 """29 Flatten a nested list.30 """31 if not isinstance(lst, (list, tuple)):32 return [lst]33 result = []34 for item in lst:35 result.extend(_flatten(item))36 return result37class NicerConfigParser(ConfigParser):38 def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kw):39 ConfigParser.__init__(self, *args, **kw)40 self.filename = filename41 if hasattr(self, '_interpolation'):42 self._interpolation = self.InterpolateWrapper(self._interpolation)43 read_file = getattr(ConfigParser, 'read_file', ConfigParser.readfp)44 def defaults(self):45 """Return the defaults, with their values interpolated (with the46 defaults dict itself)47 Mainly to support defaults using values such as %(here)s48 """49 defaults = ConfigParser.defaults(self).copy()50 for key, val in iteritems(defaults):51 defaults[key] = self.get('DEFAULT', key) or val52 return defaults53 def _interpolate(self, section, option, rawval, vars):54 # Python < 3.255 try:56 return ConfigParser._interpolate(57 self, section, option, rawval, vars)58 except Exception:59 e = sys.exc_info()[1]60 args = list(e.args)61 args[0] = 'Error in file %s: %s' % (self.filename, e)62 e.args = tuple(args)63 e.message = args[0]64 raise65 class InterpolateWrapper(object):66 # Python >= 3.267 def __init__(self, original):68 self._original = original69 def __getattr__(self, name):70 return getattr(self._original, name)71 def before_get(self, parser, section, option, value, defaults):72 try:73 return self._original.before_get(parser, section, option,74 value, defaults)75 except Exception:76 e = sys.exc_info()[1]77 args = list(e.args)78 args[0] = 'Error in file %s: %s' % (parser.filename, e)79 e.args = tuple(args)80 e.message = args[0]81 raise82############################################################83## Object types84############################################################85class _ObjectType(object):86 name = None87 egg_protocols = None88 config_prefixes = None89 def __init__(self):90 # Normalize these variables:91 self.egg_protocols = [_aslist(p) for p in _aslist(self.egg_protocols)]92 self.config_prefixes = [_aslist(p) for p in _aslist(self.config_prefixes)]93 def __repr__(self):94 return '<%s protocols=%r prefixes=%r>' % (95, self.egg_protocols, self.config_prefixes)96 def invoke(self, context):97 assert context.protocol in _flatten(self.egg_protocols)98 return fix_call(context.object,99 context.global_conf, **context.local_conf)100class _App(_ObjectType):101 name = 'application'102 egg_protocols = ['paste.app_factory', 'paste.composite_factory',103 'paste.composit_factory']104 config_prefixes = [['app', 'application'], ['composite', 'composit'],105 'pipeline', 'filter-app']106 def invoke(self, context):107 if context.protocol in ('paste.composit_factory',108 'paste.composite_factory'):109 return fix_call(context.object,110 context.loader, context.global_conf,111 **context.local_conf)112 elif context.protocol == 'paste.app_factory':113 return fix_call(context.object, context.global_conf, **context.local_conf)114 else:115 assert 0, "Protocol %r unknown" % context.protocol116APP = _App()117class _Filter(_ObjectType):118 name = 'filter'119 egg_protocols = [['paste.filter_factory', 'paste.filter_app_factory']]120 config_prefixes = ['filter']121 def invoke(self, context):122 if context.protocol == 'paste.filter_factory':123 return fix_call(context.object,124 context.global_conf, **context.local_conf)125 elif context.protocol == 'paste.filter_app_factory':126 def filter_wrapper(wsgi_app):127 # This should be an object, so it has a nicer __repr__128 return fix_call(context.object,129 wsgi_app, context.global_conf,130 **context.local_conf)131 return filter_wrapper132 else:133 assert 0, "Protocol %r unknown" % context.protocol134FILTER = _Filter()135class _Server(_ObjectType):136 name = 'server'137 egg_protocols = [['paste.server_factory', 'paste.server_runner']]138 config_prefixes = ['server']139 def invoke(self, context):140 if context.protocol == 'paste.server_factory':141 return fix_call(context.object,142 context.global_conf, **context.local_conf)143 elif context.protocol == 'paste.server_runner':144 def server_wrapper(wsgi_app):145 # This should be an object, so it has a nicer __repr__146 return fix_call(context.object,147 wsgi_app, context.global_conf,148 **context.local_conf)149 return server_wrapper150 else:151 assert 0, "Protocol %r unknown" % context.protocol152SERVER = _Server()153# Virtual type: (@@: There's clearly something crufty here;154# this probably could be more elegant)155class _PipeLine(_ObjectType):156 name = 'pipeline'157 def invoke(self, context):158 app = context.app_context.create()159 filters = [c.create() for c in context.filter_contexts]160 filters.reverse()161 for filter in filters:162 app = filter(app)163 return app164PIPELINE = _PipeLine()165class _FilterApp(_ObjectType):166 name = 'filter_app'167 def invoke(self, context):168 next_app = context.next_context.create()169 filter = context.filter_context.create()170 return filter(next_app)171FILTER_APP = _FilterApp()172class _FilterWith(_App):173 name = 'filtered_with'174 def invoke(self, context):175 filter = context.filter_context.create()176 filtered = context.next_context.create()177 if context.next_context.object_type is APP:178 return filter(filtered)179 else:180 # filtering a filter181 def composed(app):182 return filter(filtered(app))183 return composed184FILTER_WITH = _FilterWith()185############################################################186## Loaders187############################################################188def loadapp(uri, name=None, **kw):189 return loadobj(APP, uri, name=name, **kw)190def loadfilter(uri, name=None, **kw):191 return loadobj(FILTER, uri, name=name, **kw)192def loadserver(uri, name=None, **kw):193 return loadobj(SERVER, uri, name=name, **kw)194def appconfig(uri, name=None, relative_to=None, global_conf=None):195 context = loadcontext(APP, uri, name=name,196 relative_to=relative_to,197 global_conf=global_conf)198 return context.config()199_loaders = {}200def loadobj(object_type, uri, name=None, relative_to=None,201 global_conf=None):202 context = loadcontext(203 object_type, uri, name=name, relative_to=relative_to,204 global_conf=global_conf)205 return context.create()206def loadcontext(object_type, uri, name=None, relative_to=None,207 global_conf=None):208 if '#' in uri:209 if name is None:210 uri, name = uri.split('#', 1)211 else:212 # @@: Ignore fragment or error?213 uri = uri.split('#', 1)[0]214 if name is None:215 name = 'main'216 if ':' not in uri:217 raise LookupError("URI has no scheme: %r" % uri)218 scheme, path = uri.split(':', 1)219 scheme = scheme.lower()220 if scheme not in _loaders:221 raise LookupError(222 "URI scheme not known: %r (from %s)"223 % (scheme, ', '.join(_loaders.keys())))224 return _loaders[scheme](225 object_type,226 uri, path, name=name, relative_to=relative_to,227 global_conf=global_conf)228def _loadconfig(object_type, uri, path, name, relative_to,229 global_conf):230 isabs = os.path.isabs(path)231 # De-Windowsify the paths:232 path = path.replace('\\', '/')233 if not isabs:234 if not relative_to:235 raise ValueError(236 "Cannot resolve relative uri %r; no relative_to keyword "237 "argument given" % uri)238 relative_to = relative_to.replace('\\', '/')239 if relative_to.endswith('/'):240 path = relative_to + path241 else:242 path = relative_to + '/' + path243 if path.startswith('///'):244 path = path[2:]245 path = unquote(path)246 loader = ConfigLoader(path)247 if global_conf:248 loader.update_defaults(global_conf, overwrite=False)249 return loader.get_context(object_type, name, global_conf)250_loaders['config'] = _loadconfig251def _loadegg(object_type, uri, spec, name, relative_to,252 global_conf):253 loader = EggLoader(spec)254 return loader.get_context(object_type, name, global_conf)255_loaders['egg'] = _loadegg256def _loadfunc(object_type, uri, spec, name, relative_to,257 global_conf):258 loader = FuncLoader(spec)259 return loader.get_context(object_type, name, global_conf)260_loaders['call'] = _loadfunc261############################################################262## Loaders263############################################################264class _Loader(object):265 def get_app(self, name=None, global_conf=None):266 return self.app_context(267 name=name, global_conf=global_conf).create()268 def get_filter(self, name=None, global_conf=None):269 return self.filter_context(270 name=name, global_conf=global_conf).create()271 def get_server(self, name=None, global_conf=None):272 return self.server_context(273 name=name, global_conf=global_conf).create()274 def app_context(self, name=None, global_conf=None):275 return self.get_context(276 APP, name=name, global_conf=global_conf)277 def filter_context(self, name=None, global_conf=None):278 return self.get_context(279 FILTER, name=name, global_conf=global_conf)280 def server_context(self, name=None, global_conf=None):281 return self.get_context(282 SERVER, name=name, global_conf=global_conf)283 _absolute_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z]+:')284 def absolute_name(self, name):285 """286 Returns true if the name includes a scheme287 """288 if name is None:289 return False290 return ConfigLoader(_Loader):292 def __init__(self, filename):293 self.filename = filename = filename.strip()294 defaults = {295 'here': os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)),296 '__file__': os.path.abspath(filename)297 }298 self.parser = NicerConfigParser(filename, defaults=defaults)299 self.parser.optionxform = str # Don't lower-case keys300 with open(filename) as f:301 self.parser.read_file(f)302 def update_defaults(self, new_defaults, overwrite=True):303 for key, value in iteritems(new_defaults):304 if not overwrite and key in self.parser._defaults:305 continue306 self.parser._defaults[key] = value307 def get_context(self, object_type, name=None, global_conf=None):308 if self.absolute_name(name):309 return loadcontext(object_type, name,310 relative_to=os.path.dirname(self.filename),311 global_conf=global_conf)312 section = self.find_config_section(313 object_type, name=name)314 if global_conf is None:315 global_conf = {}316 else:317 global_conf = global_conf.copy()318 defaults = self.parser.defaults()319 global_conf.update(defaults)320 local_conf = {}321 global_additions = {}322 get_from_globals = {}323 for option in self.parser.options(section):324 if option.startswith('set '):325 name = option[4:].strip()326 global_additions[name] = global_conf[name] = (327 self.parser.get(section, option))328 elif option.startswith('get '):329 name = option[4:].strip()330 get_from_globals[name] = self.parser.get(section, option)331 else:332 if option in defaults:333 # @@: It's a global option (?), so skip it334 continue335 local_conf[option] = self.parser.get(section, option)336 for local_var, glob_var in get_from_globals.items():337 local_conf[local_var] = global_conf[glob_var]338 if object_type in (APP, FILTER) and 'filter-with' in local_conf:339 filter_with = local_conf.pop('filter-with')340 else:341 filter_with = None342 if 'require' in local_conf:343 for spec in local_conf['require'].split():344 pkg_resources.require(spec)345 del local_conf['require']346 if section.startswith('filter-app:'):347 context = self._filter_app_context(348 object_type, section, name=name,349 global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf,350 global_additions=global_additions)351 elif section.startswith('pipeline:'):352 context = self._pipeline_app_context(353 object_type, section, name=name,354 global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf,355 global_additions=global_additions)356 elif 'use' in local_conf:357 context = self._context_from_use(358 object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions,359 section)360 else:361 context = self._context_from_explicit(362 object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions,363 section)364 if filter_with is not None:365 filter_with_context = LoaderContext(366 obj=None,367 object_type=FILTER_WITH,368 protocol=None,369 global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf,370 loader=self)371 filter_with_context.filter_context = self.filter_context(372 name=filter_with, global_conf=global_conf)373 filter_with_context.next_context = context374 return filter_with_context375 return context376 def _context_from_use(self, object_type, local_conf, global_conf,377 global_additions, section):378 use = local_conf.pop('use')379 context = self.get_context(380 object_type, name=use, global_conf=global_conf)381 context.global_conf.update(global_additions)382 context.local_conf.update(local_conf)383 if '__file__' in global_conf:384 # use sections shouldn't overwrite the original __file__385 context.global_conf['__file__'] = global_conf['__file__']386 # @@: Should loader be overwritten?387 context.loader = self388 if context.protocol is None:389 # Determine protocol from section type390 section_protocol = section.split(':', 1)[0]391 if section_protocol in ('application', 'app'):392 context.protocol = 'paste.app_factory'393 elif section_protocol in ('composit', 'composite'):394 context.protocol = 'paste.composit_factory'395 else:396 # This will work with 'server' and 'filter', otherwise it397 # could fail but there is an error message already for398 # bad protocols399 context.protocol = 'paste.%s_factory' % section_protocol400 return context401 def _context_from_explicit(self, object_type, local_conf, global_conf,402 global_addition, section):403 possible = []404 for protocol_options in object_type.egg_protocols:405 for protocol in protocol_options:406 if protocol in local_conf:407 possible.append((protocol, local_conf[protocol]))408 break409 if len(possible) > 1:410 raise LookupError(411 "Multiple protocols given in section %r: %s"412 % (section, possible))413 if not possible:414 raise LookupError(415 "No loader given in section %r" % section)416 found_protocol, found_expr = possible[0]417 del local_conf[found_protocol]418 value = import_string(found_expr)419 context = LoaderContext(420 value, object_type, found_protocol,421 global_conf, local_conf, self)422 return context423 def _filter_app_context(self, object_type, section, name,424 global_conf, local_conf, global_additions):425 if 'next' not in local_conf:426 raise LookupError(427 "The [%s] section in %s is missing a 'next' setting"428 % (section, self.filename))429 next_name = local_conf.pop('next')430 context = LoaderContext(None, FILTER_APP, None, global_conf,431 local_conf, self)432 context.next_context = self.get_context(433 APP, next_name, global_conf)434 if 'use' in local_conf:435 context.filter_context = self._context_from_use(436 FILTER, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions,437 section)438 else:439 context.filter_context = self._context_from_explicit(440 FILTER, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions,441 section)442 return context443 def _pipeline_app_context(self, object_type, section, name,444 global_conf, local_conf, global_additions):445 if 'pipeline' not in local_conf:446 raise LookupError(447 "The [%s] section in %s is missing a 'pipeline' setting"448 % (section, self.filename))449 pipeline = local_conf.pop('pipeline').split()450 if local_conf:451 raise LookupError(452 "The [%s] pipeline section in %s has extra "453 "(disallowed) settings: %s"454 % (', '.join(local_conf.keys())))455 context = LoaderContext(None, PIPELINE, None, global_conf,456 local_conf, self)457 context.app_context = self.get_context(458 APP, pipeline[-1], global_conf)459 context.filter_contexts = [460 self.get_context(FILTER, name, global_conf)461 for name in pipeline[:-1]]462 return context463 def find_config_section(self, object_type, name=None):464 """465 Return the section name with the given name prefix (following the466 same pattern as ``protocol_desc`` in ``config``. It must have the467 given name, or for ``'main'`` an empty name is allowed. The468 prefix must be followed by a ``:``.469 Case is *not* ignored.470 """471 possible = []472 for name_options in object_type.config_prefixes:473 for name_prefix in name_options:474 found = self._find_sections(475 self.parser.sections(), name_prefix, name)476 if found:477 possible.extend(found)478 break479 if not possible:480 raise LookupError(481 "No section %r (prefixed by %s) found in config %s"482 % (name,483 ' or '.join(map(repr, _flatten(object_type.config_prefixes))),484 self.filename))485 if len(possible) > 1:486 raise LookupError(487 "Ambiguous section names %r for section %r (prefixed by %s) "488 "found in config %s"489 % (possible, name,490 ' or '.join(map(repr, _flatten(object_type.config_prefixes))),491 self.filename))492 return possible[0]493 def _find_sections(self, sections, name_prefix, name):494 found = []495 if name is None:496 if name_prefix in sections:497 found.append(name_prefix)498 name = 'main'499 for section in sections:500 if section.startswith(name_prefix + ':'):501 if section[len(name_prefix) + 1:].strip() == name:502 found.append(section)503 return found504class EggLoader(_Loader):505 def __init__(self, spec):506 self.spec = spec507 def get_context(self, object_type, name=None, global_conf=None):508 if self.absolute_name(name):509 return loadcontext(object_type, name,510 global_conf=global_conf)511 entry_point, protocol, ep_name = self.find_egg_entry_point(512 object_type, name=name)513 return LoaderContext(514 entry_point,515 object_type,516 protocol,517 global_conf or {}, {},518 self,519 distribution=pkg_resources.get_distribution(self.spec),520 entry_point_name=ep_name)521 def find_egg_entry_point(self, object_type, name=None):522 """523 Returns the (entry_point, protocol) for the with the given524 ``name``.525 """526 if name is None:527 name = 'main'528 possible = []529 for protocol_options in object_type.egg_protocols:530 for protocol in protocol_options:531 pkg_resources.require(self.spec)532 entry = pkg_resources.get_entry_info(533 self.spec,534 protocol,535 name)536 if entry is not None:537 possible.append((entry.load(), protocol, break539 if not possible:540 # Better exception541 dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(self.spec)542 raise LookupError(543 "Entry point %r not found in egg %r (dir: %s; protocols: %s; "544 "entry_points: %s)"545 % (name, self.spec,546 dist.location,547 ', '.join(_flatten(object_type.egg_protocols)),548 ', '.join(_flatten([549 dictkeys(pkg_resources.get_entry_info(self.spec, prot, name) or {})550 for prot in protocol_options] or '(no entry points)'))))551 if len(possible) > 1:552 raise LookupError(553 "Ambiguous entry points for %r in egg %r (protocols: %s)"554 % (name, self.spec, ', '.join(_flatten(protocol_options))))555 return possible[0]556class FuncLoader(_Loader):557 """ Loader that supports specifying functions inside modules, without558 using eggs at all. Configuration should be in the format:559 use = call:my.module.path:function_name560 561 Dot notation is supported in both the module and function name, e.g.:562 use = call:my.module.path:object.method563 """564 def __init__(self, spec):565 self.spec = spec566 if not ':' in spec:567 raise LookupError("Configuration not in format module:function")568 def get_context(self, object_type, name=None, global_conf=None):569 obj = lookup_object(self.spec)570 return LoaderContext(571 obj,572 object_type,573 None, # determine protocol from section type574 global_conf or {},575 {},576 self,577 )578class LoaderContext(object):579 def __init__(self, obj, object_type, protocol,580 global_conf, local_conf, loader,581 distribution=None, entry_point_name=None):582 self.object = obj583 self.object_type = object_type584 self.protocol = protocol585 #assert protocol in _flatten(object_type.egg_protocols), (586 # "Bad protocol %r; should be one of %s"587 # % (protocol, ', '.join(map(repr, _flatten(object_type.egg_protocols)))))588 self.global_conf = global_conf589 self.local_conf = local_conf590 self.loader = loader591 self.distribution = distribution592 self.entry_point_name = entry_point_name593 def create(self):594 return self.object_type.invoke(self)595 def config(self):596 conf = AttrDict(self.global_conf)597 conf.update(self.local_conf)598 conf.local_conf = self.local_conf599 conf.global_conf = self.global_conf600 conf.context = self601 return conf602class AttrDict(dict):603 """604 A dictionary that can be assigned to.605 """...

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1"""Swagger to SDK"""2import os3import shutil4import logging5import json6from pathlib import Path7import tempfile8from git import Repo, GitCommandError9from .SwaggerToSdkCore import (10 read_config_from_github,11 DEFAULT_COMMIT_MESSAGE,12 get_input_paths,13 extract_conf_from_readmes,14 get_readme_files_from_git_object,15 build_file_content,16 solve_relative_path,17 this_conf_will_generate_for_this_pr18)19from .autorest_tools import (20 execute_simple_command,21 generate_code,22 merge_options,23)24from azure_devtools.ci_tools.git_tools import (25 checkout_and_create_branch,26 do_commit,27)28from azure_devtools.ci_tools.github_tools import (29 configure_user,30 manage_git_folder,31)32_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)33def move_wrapper_files_or_dirs(src_root, dst_root, global_conf, local_conf):34 """Save wrapper files somewhere for replace them after generation.35 """36 src_relative_path = local_conf.get('output_dir', '')37 src_abs_path = Path(src_root, src_relative_path)38 dst_abs_path = Path(dst_root, src_relative_path)39 wrapper_files_or_dirs = merge_options(global_conf, local_conf, "wrapper_filesOrDirs") or []40 for wrapper_file_or_dir in wrapper_files_or_dirs:41 for file_path in src_abs_path.glob(wrapper_file_or_dir):42 relative_file_path = file_path.relative_to(src_abs_path)43 file_path_dest = Path(dst_abs_path, relative_file_path)44 if file_path.is_file():45 file_path_dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)46"Moving %s to %s", str(file_path), str(file_path_dest))47 # This does not work in Windows if generatd and dest are not in the same drive48 # file_path.replace(file_path_dest)49 shutil.move(file_path, file_path_dest)50def delete_extra_files(sdk_root, global_conf, local_conf):51 src_relative_path = local_conf.get('output_dir', '')52 src_abs_path = Path(sdk_root, src_relative_path)53 delete_files_or_dirs = merge_options(global_conf, local_conf, "delete_filesOrDirs") or []54 for delete_file_or_dir in delete_files_or_dirs:55 for file_path in src_abs_path.glob(delete_file_or_dir):56 if file_path.is_file():57 file_path.unlink()58 else:59 shutil.rmtree(str(file_path))60def move_autorest_files(client_generated_path, sdk_root, global_conf, local_conf):61 """Update data from generated to final folder.62 This is one only if output_dir is set, otherwise it's considered generated in place63 and does not required moving64 """65 dest = local_conf.get('output_dir', None)66 if not dest:67 return68 destination_folder = get_local_path_dir(sdk_root, dest)69 generated_relative_base_directory = local_conf.get('generated_relative_base_directory') or \70 global_conf.get('generated_relative_base_directory')71 if generated_relative_base_directory:72 client_possible_path = [elt for elt in client_generated_path.glob(generated_relative_base_directory) if elt.is_dir()]73 try:74 client_generated_path = client_possible_path.pop()75 except IndexError:76 err_msg = "Incorrect generated_relative_base_directory folder: {}\n".format(generated_relative_base_directory)77 err_msg += "Base folders were: : {}\n".format([f.relative_to(client_generated_path) for f in client_generated_path.iterdir()])78 _LOGGER.critical(err_msg)79 raise ValueError(err_msg)80 if client_possible_path:81 err_msg = "generated_relative_base_directory parameter is ambiguous: {} {}".format(82 client_generated_path,83 client_possible_path84 )85 _LOGGER.critical(err_msg)86 raise ValueError(err_msg)87 shutil.rmtree(str(destination_folder))88 # This does not work in Windows if generatd and dest are not in the same drive89 # client_generated_path.replace(destination_folder)90 shutil.move(client_generated_path, destination_folder)91def write_build_file(sdk_root, local_conf):92 build_dir = local_conf.get('build_dir')93 if build_dir:94 build_folder = get_local_path_dir(sdk_root, build_dir)95 build_file = Path(build_folder, "build.json")96 with open(build_file, 'w') as build_fd:97 json.dump(build_file_content(), build_fd, indent=2)98def execute_after_script(sdk_root, global_conf, local_conf):99 after_scripts = merge_options(global_conf, local_conf, "after_scripts", keep_list_order=True) or []100 local_envs = dict(os.environ)101 local_envs.update(global_conf.get("envs", {}))102 for script in after_scripts:103"Execute after script: %s", script)104 execute_simple_command(script, cwd=sdk_root, shell=True, env=local_envs)105def get_local_path_dir(root, relative_path):106 build_folder = Path(root, relative_path)107 if not build_folder.is_dir():108 err_msg = "Folder does not exist or is not accessible: {}".format(109 build_folder)110 _LOGGER.critical(err_msg)111 raise ValueError(err_msg)112 return build_folder113def build_project(temp_dir, project, absolute_markdown_path, sdk_folder, global_conf, local_conf, autorest_bin=None):114 absolute_generated_path = Path(temp_dir, project)115 absolute_save_path = Path(temp_dir, "save")116 move_wrapper_files_or_dirs(sdk_folder, absolute_save_path, global_conf, local_conf)117 generate_code(absolute_markdown_path,118 global_conf,119 local_conf,120 absolute_generated_path if "output_dir" in local_conf else None,121 autorest_bin)122 move_autorest_files(absolute_generated_path, sdk_folder, global_conf, local_conf)123 move_wrapper_files_or_dirs(absolute_save_path, sdk_folder, global_conf, local_conf)124 delete_extra_files(sdk_folder, global_conf, local_conf)125 write_build_file(sdk_folder, local_conf)126 execute_after_script(sdk_folder, global_conf, local_conf)127def build_libraries(config, skip_callback, restapi_git_folder, sdk_repo, temp_dir, autorest_bin=None):128 """Main method of the the file"""129 global_conf = config["meta"]130 global_conf["autorest_options"] = solve_relative_path(global_conf.get("autorest_options", {}), sdk_repo.working_tree_dir)131 global_conf["envs"] = solve_relative_path(global_conf.get("envs", {}), sdk_repo.working_tree_dir)132 global_conf["advanced_options"] = solve_relative_path(global_conf.get("advanced_options", {}), sdk_repo.working_tree_dir)133 for project, local_conf in config.get("projects", {}).items():134 if skip_callback(project, local_conf):135"Skip project %s", project)136 continue137 local_conf["autorest_options"] = solve_relative_path(local_conf.get("autorest_options", {}), sdk_repo.working_tree_dir)138 markdown_relative_path, optional_relative_paths = get_input_paths(global_conf, local_conf)139"Markdown input: {markdown_relative_path}")140"Optional inputs: {optional_relative_paths}")141 absolute_markdown_path = None142 if markdown_relative_path:143 absolute_markdown_path = Path(restapi_git_folder, markdown_relative_path).resolve()144 if optional_relative_paths:145 local_conf.setdefault('autorest_options', {})['input-file'] = [146 Path(restapi_git_folder, input_path).resolve()147 for input_path148 in optional_relative_paths149 ]150 sdk_folder = sdk_repo.working_tree_dir151 build_project(152 temp_dir,153 project,154 absolute_markdown_path,155 sdk_folder,156 global_conf,157 local_conf,158 autorest_bin159 )160def generate_sdk_from_git_object(git_object, branch_name, restapi_git_id, sdk_git_id, base_branch_names, *, fallback_base_branch_name="master", sdk_tag=None):161 """Generate SDK from a commit or a PR object.162 git_object is the initial commit/PR from the RestAPI repo. If git_object is a PR, prefer to checkout Github PR "merge_commit_sha"163 restapi_git_id explains where to clone the repo.164 sdk_git_id explains where to push the commit.165 sdk_tag explains what is the tag used in the Readme for the swagger-to-sdk section. If not provided, use sdk_git_id.166 branch_name is the expected branch name in the SDK repo.167 - If this branch exists, use it.168 - If not, use the base branch to create that branch (base branch is where I intend to do my PR)169 - If base_branch_names is not provided, use fallback_base_branch_name as base170 - If this base branch is provided and does not exists, create this base branch first using fallback_base_branch_name (this one is required to exist)171 WARNING:172 This method might push to "branch_name" and "base_branch_name". No push will be made to "fallback_base_branch_name"173 """174 gh_token = os.environ["GH_TOKEN"]175 message_template = DEFAULT_COMMIT_MESSAGE176 autorest_bin = None177 if sdk_tag is None:178 sdk_tag = sdk_git_id179 try: # Checkout the sha if commit obj180 branched_rest_api_id = restapi_git_id+'@'+git_object.sha181 pr_number = None182 except (AttributeError, TypeError): # This is a PR, don't clone the fork but "base" repo and PR magic commit183 if git_object.merge_commit_sha:184 branched_rest_api_id = git_object.base.repo.full_name+'@'+git_object.merge_commit_sha185 else:186 branched_rest_api_id = git_object.base.repo.full_name187 pr_number = git_object.number188 # Always clone SDK from fallback branch that is required to exist189 branched_sdk_git_id = sdk_git_id+'@'+fallback_base_branch_name190 # I don't know if the destination branch exists, try until it works191 config = None192 branch_list = base_branch_names + [branch_name] + [fallback_base_branch_name]193 for branch in branch_list:194 try:195 config = read_config_from_github(sdk_git_id, branch, gh_token)196 except Exception:197 pass198 else:199 break200 if config is None:201 raise ValueError("Unable to locate configuration in {}".format(branch_list))202 global_conf = config["meta"]203 # If PR is only about a language that this conf can't handle, skip fast204 if not this_conf_will_generate_for_this_pr(git_object, global_conf):205"Skipping this job based on conf not impacted by Git object")206 return207 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:208 clone_dir = Path(temp_dir) / Path(global_conf.get("advanced_options", {}).get("clone_dir", "sdk"))209"Clone dir will be: %s", clone_dir)210 with manage_git_folder(gh_token, Path(temp_dir) / Path("rest"), branched_rest_api_id, pr_number=pr_number) as restapi_git_folder, \211 manage_git_folder(gh_token, clone_dir, branched_sdk_git_id) as sdk_folder:212 readme_files_infered = get_readme_files_from_git_object(git_object, restapi_git_folder)213"Readmes files infered from PR: %s ", readme_files_infered)214 if not readme_files_infered:215"No Readme in PR, quit")216 return217 # SDK part218 sdk_repo = Repo(str(sdk_folder))219 for base_branch in base_branch_names:220'Checkout and create %s', base_branch)221 checkout_and_create_branch(sdk_repo, base_branch)222'Try to checkout destination branch %s', branch_name)223 try:224 sdk_repo.git.checkout(branch_name)225'The branch exists.')226 except GitCommandError:227'Destination branch does not exists')228 # Will be created by do_commit229 configure_user(gh_token, sdk_repo)230 # Look for configuration in Readme231'Extract conf from Readmes for target: %s', sdk_git_id)232 extract_conf_from_readmes(readme_files_infered, restapi_git_folder, sdk_tag, config)233'End of extraction')234 def skip_callback(project, local_conf):235 # We know "project" is based on Path in "readme_files_infered"236 if Path(project) in readme_files_infered:237 return False238 # Might be a regular project239 markdown_relative_path, optional_relative_paths = get_input_paths(global_conf, local_conf)240 if not (241 markdown_relative_path in readme_files_infered or242 any(input_file in readme_files_infered for input_file in optional_relative_paths)):243"In project {project} no files involved in this commit")244 return True245 return False246 build_libraries(config, skip_callback, restapi_git_folder,247 sdk_repo, temp_dir, autorest_bin)248 try:249 commit_for_sha = git_object.commit # Commit250 except AttributeError:251 commit_for_sha = list(git_object.get_commits())[-1].commit # PR252 message = message_template + "\n\n" + commit_for_sha.message253 commit_sha = do_commit(sdk_repo, message, branch_name, commit_for_sha.sha)254 if commit_sha:255 for base_branch in base_branch_names:256 sdk_repo.git.push('origin', base_branch, set_upstream=True)257 sdk_repo.git.push('origin', branch_name, set_upstream=True)...

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1# Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.2#3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5# You may obtain a copy of the License at6#7# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or12# implied.13#14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and15# limitations under the License.16import os17import shutil18import tempfile19import unittest20from devstack_local_conf import LocalConf21from collections import OrderedDict22class TestDevstackLocalConf(unittest.TestCase):23 def setUp(self):24 self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()25 def tearDown(self):26 shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)27 def test_plugins(self):28 "Test that plugins without dependencies work"29 localrc = {'test_localrc': '1'}30 local_conf = {'install':31 {'nova.conf':32 {'main':33 {'test_conf': '2'}}}}34 services = {'cinder': True}35 # We use ordereddict here to make sure the plugins are in the36 # *wrong* order for testing.37 plugins = OrderedDict([38 ('bar', 'git://'),39 ('foo', 'git://'),40 ('baz', 'git://'),41 ])42 p = dict(localrc=localrc,43 local_conf=local_conf,44 base_services=[],45 services=services,46 plugins=plugins,47 base_dir='./test',48 path=os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'test.local.conf'))49 lc = LocalConf(p.get('localrc'),50 p.get('local_conf'),51 p.get('base_services'),52 p.get('services'),53 p.get('plugins'),54 p.get('base_dir'))55 lc.write(p['path'])56 plugins = []57 with open(p['path']) as f:58 for line in f:59 if line.startswith('enable_plugin'):60 plugins.append(line.split()[1])61 self.assertEqual(['bar', 'baz', 'foo'], plugins)62 def test_plugin_deps(self):63 "Test that plugins with dependencies work"64 os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'foo-plugin', 'devstack'))65 os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'foo-plugin', '.git'))66 os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bar-plugin', 'devstack'))67 os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bar-plugin', '.git'))68 with open(os.path.join(69 self.tmpdir,70 'foo-plugin', 'devstack', 'settings'), 'w') as f:71 f.write('define_plugin foo\n')72 with open(os.path.join(73 self.tmpdir,74 'bar-plugin', 'devstack', 'settings'), 'w') as f:75 f.write('define_plugin bar\n')76 f.write('plugin_requires bar foo\n')77 localrc = {'test_localrc': '1'}78 local_conf = {'install':79 {'nova.conf':80 {'main':81 {'test_conf': '2'}}}}82 services = {'cinder': True}83 # We use ordereddict here to make sure the plugins are in the84 # *wrong* order for testing.85 plugins = OrderedDict([86 ('bar', 'git://'),87 ('foo', 'git://'),88 ])89 p = dict(localrc=localrc,90 local_conf=local_conf,91 base_services=[],92 services=services,93 plugins=plugins,94 base_dir=self.tmpdir,95 path=os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'test.local.conf'))96 lc = LocalConf(p.get('localrc'),97 p.get('local_conf'),98 p.get('base_services'),99 p.get('services'),100 p.get('plugins'),101 p.get('base_dir'))102 lc.write(p['path'])103 plugins = []104 with open(p['path']) as f:105 for line in f:106 if line.startswith('enable_plugin'):107 plugins.append(line.split()[1])108 self.assertEqual(['foo', 'bar'], plugins)109 def test_plugin_circular_deps(self):110 "Test that plugins with circular dependencies fail"111 os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'foo-plugin', 'devstack'))112 os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'foo-plugin', '.git'))113 os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bar-plugin', 'devstack'))114 os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bar-plugin', '.git'))115 with open(os.path.join(116 self.tmpdir,117 'foo-plugin', 'devstack', 'settings'), 'w') as f:118 f.write('define_plugin foo\n')119 f.write('plugin_requires foo bar\n')120 with open(os.path.join(121 self.tmpdir,122 'bar-plugin', 'devstack', 'settings'), 'w') as f:123 f.write('define_plugin bar\n')124 f.write('plugin_requires bar foo\n')125 localrc = {'test_localrc': '1'}126 local_conf = {'install':127 {'nova.conf':128 {'main':129 {'test_conf': '2'}}}}130 services = {'cinder': True}131 # We use ordereddict here to make sure the plugins are in the132 # *wrong* order for testing.133 plugins = OrderedDict([134 ('bar', 'git://'),135 ('foo', 'git://'),136 ])137 p = dict(localrc=localrc,138 local_conf=local_conf,139 base_services=[],140 services=services,141 plugins=plugins,142 base_dir=self.tmpdir,143 path=os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'test.local.conf'))144 with self.assertRaises(Exception):145 lc = LocalConf(p.get('localrc'),146 p.get('local_conf'),147 p.get('base_services'),148 p.get('services'),149 p.get('plugins'),150 p.get('base_dir'))151 lc.write(p['path'])152if __name__ == '__main__':...

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1import os2from paste.deploy import appconfig3import paste.fixture4from ckan.config.middleware import make_app5import ckan.model as model6from ckan.tests import conf_dir, url_for, CreateTestData7from ckan.controllers.admin import get_sysadmins8from import create_pairtree_marker9class TestStorageAPIController:10 @classmethod11 def setup_class(cls):12 config = appconfig('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir)13 for key in config.local_conf.keys():14 if key.startswith('ofs'):15 del config.local_conf[key]16 config.local_conf['ofs.impl'] = 'pairtree'17 config.local_conf[''] = 'ckantest'18 config.local_conf['ofs.storage_dir'] = '/tmp/ckan-test-ckanext-storage'19 create_pairtree_marker( config.local_conf['ofs.storage_dir'] )20 wsgiapp = make_app(config.global_conf, **config.local_conf)21 = paste.fixture.TestApp(wsgiapp)22 CreateTestData.create_test_user()23 @classmethod24 def teardown_class(cls):25 CreateTestData.delete()26 def test_index(self):27 url = url_for('storage_api')28 res = out = res.json30 assert len(res.json) == 331 def test_authz(self):32 url = url_for('storage_api_auth_form', label='abc')33 # Non logged in users can not upload34 res =, status=[302,401])35 36 # Logged in users can upload37 res =, status=[200], extra_environ={'REMOTE_USER':'tester'})38 39 40 # TODO: ? test for non-authz case41 # url = url_for('storage_api_auth_form', label='abc')42 # res =, status=[302,401])43class TestStorageAPIControllerLocal:44 @classmethod45 def setup_class(cls):46 config = appconfig('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir)47 for key in config.local_conf.keys():48 if key.startswith('ofs'):49 del config.local_conf[key]50 config.local_conf[''] = 'ckantest'51 config.local_conf['ofs.impl'] = 'pairtree'52 config.local_conf['ofs.storage_dir'] = '/tmp/ckan-test-ckanext-storage'53 create_pairtree_marker( config.local_conf['ofs.storage_dir'] )54 wsgiapp = make_app(config.global_conf, **config.local_conf)55 = paste.fixture.TestApp(wsgiapp)56 CreateTestData.create()57 model.Session.remove()58 user = model.User.by_name('tester')59 cls.extra_environ = {'Authorization': str(user.apikey)}60 @classmethod61 def teardown_class(cls):62 CreateTestData.delete()63 def test_auth_form(self):64 url = url_for('storage_api_auth_form', label='abc')65 res =, extra_environ=self.extra_environ, status=200)66 assert res.json['action'] == u'/storage/upload_handle', res.json67 assert res.json['fields'][-1]['value'] == 'abc', res68 url = url_for('storage_api_auth_form', label='abc/xxx')69 res =, extra_environ=self.extra_environ, status=200)70 assert res.json['fields'][-1]['value'] == 'abc/xxx'71 def test_metadata(self):72 url = url_for('storage_api_get_metadata', label='abc')73 res =, status=404)74 # TODO: test get metadata on real setup ...75 label = 'abc'76 url = url_for('storage_api_set_metadata',77 extra_environ=self.extra_environ,78 label=label,79 data=dict(80 label=label81 )82 )83 # res =, status=404)84# Disabling because requires access to google storage to run (and this is not85# generally available to devs ...)86class _TestStorageAPIControllerGoogle:87 @classmethod88 def setup_class(cls):89 config = appconfig('config:test.ini', relative_to=conf_dir)90 config.local_conf[''] = 'ckantest'91 config.local_conf['ofs.impl'] = 'google'92 if 'ofs.gs_secret_access_key' not in config.local_conf:93 raise Exception('You will need to configure access to google storage to run this test')94 # You will need these configured in your95 # config.local_conf['ofs.gs_access_key_id'] = 'GOOGCABCDASDASD'96 # config.local_conf['ofs.gs_secret_access_key'] = '134zsdfjkw4234addad'97 # need to ensure not configured for local as breaks google setup98 # (and cannot delete all ofs keys as need the gs access codes)99 if 'ofs.storage_dir' in config.local_conf:100 del config.local_conf['ofs.storage_dir']101 wsgiapp = make_app(config.global_conf, **config.local_conf)102 = paste.fixture.TestApp(wsgiapp)103 # setup test data including testsysadmin user104 CreateTestData.create()105 model.Session.remove()106 user = model.User.by_name('tester')107 cls.extra_environ = {'Authorization': str(user.apikey)}108 @classmethod109 def teardown_class(cls):110 CreateTestData.delete()111 def test_auth_form(self):112 url = url_for('storage_api_auth_form', label='abc')113 res =, extra_environ=self.extra_environ, status=200)114 assert res.json['fields'][-1]['value'] == 'abc', res115 url = url_for('storage_api_auth_form', label='abc/xxx')116 res =, extra_environ=self.extra_environ, status=200)117 assert res.json['fields'][-1]['value'] == 'abc/xxx'118 url = url_for('storage_api_auth_form', label='abc',119 success_action_redirect='abc')120 res =, extra_environ=self.extra_environ, status=200)121 fields = dict([ (x['name'], x['value']) for x in res.json['fields'] ])122 assert fields['success_action_redirect'] == u'http://localhost/storage/upload/success_empty?label=abc'123 # TODO: re-enable124 # Disabling as there seems to be a mismatch between OFS and more recent125 # versions of boto (e.g. >= 2.1.1)126 # Specifically fill_in_auth method on Connection objects has gone away127 def _test_auth_request(self):128 url = url_for('storage_api_auth_request', label='abc')129 res =, extra_environ=self.extra_environ, status=200)130 assert res.json['method'] == 'POST'...

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