How to use find_select_or_datalist_input method of Capybara.Node.Actions Package

Best Capybara code snippet using Capybara.Node.Actions.find_select_or_datalist_input


Source:actions.rb Github


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...185 #186 # @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The option element selected187 def select(value = nil, from: nil, **options)188 raise ArgumentError, 'The :from option does not take an element' if from.is_a? Capybara::Node::Element189 el = from ? find_select_or_datalist_input(from, options) : self190 if el.respond_to?(:tag_name) && (el.tag_name == 'input')191 select_datalist_option(el, value)192 else193 el.find(:option, value, options).select_option194 end195 end196 ##197 #198 # Find a select box on the page and unselect a particular option from it. If the select199 # box is a multiple select, +unselect+ can be called multiple times to unselect more than200 # one option. The select box can be found via its name, id or label text.201 #202 # page.unselect 'March', from: 'Month'203 #204 # @overload unselect(value = nil, from: nil, **options)205 # @macro waiting_behavior206 #207 # @param value [String] Which option to unselect208 # @param from [String] The id, Capybara.test_id attribute, name or label of the select box209 #210 #211 # @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The option element unselected212 def unselect(value = nil, from: nil, **options)213 raise ArgumentError, 'The :from option does not take an element' if from.is_a? Capybara::Node::Element214 scope = from ? find(:select, from, options) : self215 scope.find(:option, value, options).unselect_option216 end217 ##218 #219 # Find a descendant file field on the page and attach a file given its path. There are two ways to use220 # `attach_file`, in the first method the file field can be found via its name, id or label text.221 # In the case of the file field being hidden for222 # styling reasons the `make_visible` option can be used to temporarily change the CSS of223 # the file field, attach the file, and then revert the CSS back to original. If no locator is224 # passed this will match self or a descendant.225 # The second method, which is currently in beta and may be changed/removed, involves passing a block226 # which performs whatever actions would trigger the file chooser to appear.227 #228 # # will attach file to a descendant file input element that has a name, id, or label_text matching 'My File'229 # page.attach_file('My File', '/path/to/file.png')230 #231 # # will attach file to el if it's a file input element232 # el.attach_file('/path/to/file.png')233 #234 # # will attach file to whatever file input is triggered by the block235 # page.attach_file('/path/to/file.png') do236 # page.find('#upload_button').click237 # end238 #239 # @overload attach_file([locator], paths, **options)240 # @macro waiting_behavior241 #242 # @param [String] locator Which field to attach the file to243 # @param [String, Array<String>] paths The path(s) of the file(s) that will be attached244 #245 # @option options [Symbol] match (Capybara.match) The matching strategy to use (:one, :first, :prefer_exact, :smart).246 # @option options [Boolean] exact (Capybara.exact) Match the exact label name/contents or accept a partial match.247 # @option options [Boolean] multiple Match field which allows multiple file selection248 # @option options [String, Regexp] id Match fields that match the id attribute249 # @option options [String] name Match fields that match the name attribute250 # @option options [String, Array<String>, Regexp] class Match fields that match the class(es) provided251 # @option options [true, Hash] make_visible A Hash of CSS styles to change before attempting to attach the file, if `true` { opacity: 1, display: 'block', visibility: 'visible' } is used (may not be supported by all drivers)252 # @overload attach_file(paths, &blk)253 # @param [String, Array<String>] paths The path(s) of the file(s) that will be attached254 # @yield Block whose actions will trigger the system file chooser to be shown255 # @return [Capybara::Node::Element] The file field element256 def attach_file(locator = nil, paths, make_visible: nil, **options) # rubocop:disable Style/OptionalArguments257 raise ArgumentError, '``#attach_file` does not support passing both a locator and a block' if locator && block_given?258 Array(paths).each do |path|259 raise Capybara::FileNotFound, "cannot attach file, #{path} does not exist" unless File.exist?(path.to_s)260 end261 options[:allow_self] = true if locator.nil?262 if block_given?263 begin264 execute_script CAPTURE_FILE_ELEMENT_SCRIPT265 yield266 file_field = evaluate_script 'window._capybara_clicked_file_input'267 rescue ::Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError268 warn 'Block mode of `#attach_file` is not supported by the current driver - ignoring.'269 end270 end271 # Allow user to update the CSS style of the file input since they are so often hidden on a page272 if make_visible273 ff = file_field || find(:file_field, locator, options.merge(visible: :all))274 while_visible(ff, make_visible) { |el| el.set(paths) }275 else276 (file_field || find(:file_field, locator, options)).set(paths)277 end278 end279 private280 def find_select_or_datalist_input(from, options)281 synchronize(Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery.wait(options, session_options.default_max_wait_time)) do282 begin283 find(:select, from, options)284 rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound => select_error285 raise if %i[selected with_selected multiple].any? { |option| options.key?(option) }286 begin287 find(:datalist_input, from, options)288 rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound => dlinput_error289 raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, "#{select_error.message} and #{dlinput_error.message}"290 end291 end292 end293 end294 def select_datalist_option(input, value)...

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1 def find_select_or_datalist_input(locator)2 find(:select, locator, :visible => true)3 find(:datalist, locator, :visible => true)4World(Capybara)5When /^I select (.*) from (.*)$/ do |value, field|6 find_select_or_datalist_input(field).select(value)7When /^I select (.*) from (.*) within (.*)$/ do |value, field, selector|8 within(selector) do9 find_select_or_datalist_input(field).select(value)10Then /^I should see (.*) in (.*)$/ do |value, field|11 find_select_or_datalist_input(field).value.should == value12Then /^I should see (.*) in (.*) within (.*)$/ do |value, field, selector|13 within(selector) do14 find_select_or_datalist_input(field).value.should == value15When /^I click (.*)$/ do |button|16 click_button(button)17When /^I fill in (.*) with (.*)$/ do |field, value|18 fill_in(field, :with => value)19When /^I select (.*) from (.*)$/ do |value, field|20 find_select_or_datalist_input(field).select(value)21When /^I select (.*)

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1 def find_select_or_datalist_input(locator, options = {})2 find(:select_or_datalist_input, locator, options)3Capybara.add_selector(:select_or_datalist_input) do4 XPath.descendant(:input)[XPath.attr(:type).one_of('select-one', 'datalist')][XPath.attr(:name).equals(locator)]'/')

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1iframe = find(:xpath, '//iframe[@id="iframeResult"]')2select_or_datalist_input = iframe.find_select_or_datalist_input('cars')'Audi')4iframe = find(:xpath, '//iframe[@id="iframeResult"]')5select_or_datalist_input = iframe.find_select_or_datalist_input('cars')'Audi')7iframe = find(:xpath, '//iframe[@id="iframeResult"]')8select_or_datalist_input = iframe.find_select_or_datalist_input('cars')'Audi')10iframe = find(:xpath, '//iframe[@id="iframeResult"]')11select_or_datalist_input = iframe.find_select_or_datalist_input('cars')'Audi')13iframe = find(:xpath, '//iframe[@id="iframeResult"]')14select_or_datalist_input = iframe.find_select_or_datalist_input('cars')'Audi')16iframe = find(:

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1 find(:xpath, ".//input[@type='text' or @type='search' or @type='tel' or @type='url' or @type='email' or @type='password' or @type='number' or @type='range' or @type='date' or @type='month' or @type='week' or @type='time' or @type='datetime' or @type='datetime-local']")2 def find_select_or_datalist_input(locator, options = {})3 find(:select_or_datalist_input, locator, options)4 def has_select_or_datalist_input?(locator, options = {})5 has_selector?(:select_or_datalist_input, locator, options)6Capybara.add_selector(:select_or_datalist_input) do7 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:id) == locator] |8 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:id) == locator] |9 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:name) == locator] |10 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:name) == locator] |11 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:class) == locator] |12 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:class) == locator] |13 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:placeholder) == locator] |14 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:placeholder) == locator] |15 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:title) == locator] |16 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:title) == locator] |17 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:value) == locator] |18 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:value) == locator] |19 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:autocomplete) == locator] |

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1World(Capybara::DSL)2Given(/^I am on the home page$/) do3 visit('')4When(/^I type "(.*?)" in the search box$/) do |arg1|5 fill_in('lst-ib', :with => arg1)6Then(/^I should see "(.*?)" in the list$/) do |arg1|7 find_select_or_datalist_input(:id, 'lst-ib').select(arg1)8 def find_select_or_datalist_input(locator_type, locator)9 find(:xpath, locator)101 scenario (1 passed)113 steps (3 passed)

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1, js_errors: false)2 def find_select_or_datalist_input(input)3 def select_from_select_or_datalist_input(input, option)4 select_or_datalist_input = find_select_or_datalist_input(input)5 select(option, from: select_or_datalist_input[:id])

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1 find(:xpath, ".//select | .//datalist")2 def select_option_from_select_or_datalist_input(option, options = {})3, options)4 select_option.select_option(option, options)5 def select_option_from_select_or_datalist_input(option, options = {})6 find_select_or_datalist_input.select_option_from_select_or_datalist_input(option, options)7 within_frame(find(:xpath, "//iframe[@id='iframeResult']")) do8 select_option_from_select_or_datalist_input('Volvo')9 click_button('Submit')10 expect(page).to have_content('Volvo')

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1 find(:xpath, ".//input[@type='text' or @type='search' or @type='tel' or @type='url' or @type='email' or @type='password' or @type='number' or @type='range' or @type='date' or @type='month' or @type='week' or @type='time' or @type='datetime' or @type='datetime-local']")2 def find_select_or_datalist_input(locator, options = {})3 find(:select_or_datalist_input, locator, options)4 def has_select_or_datalist_input?(locator, options = {})5 has_selector?(:select_or_datalist_input, locator, options)6Capybara.add_selector(:select_or_datalist_input) do7 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:id) == locator] |8 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:id) == locator] |9 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:name) == locator] |10 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:name) == locator] |11 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:class) == locator] |12 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:class) == locator] |13 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:placeholder) == locator] |14 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:placeholder) == locator] |15 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:title) == locator] |16 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:title) == locator] |17 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:value) == locator] |18 XPath.descendant(:datalist)[XPath.attr(:value) == locator] |19 XPath.descendant(:select)[XPath.attr(:autocomplete) == locator] |

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1World(Capybara::DSL)2Given(/^I am on the home page$/) do3 visit('')4When(/^I type "(.*?)" in the search box$/) do |arg1|5 fill_in('lst-ib', :with => arg1)6Then(/^I should see "(.*?)" in the list$/) do |arg1|7 find_select_or_datalist_input(:id, 'lst-ib').select(arg1)8 def find_select_or_datalist_input(locator_type, locator)9 find(:xpath, locator)101 scenario (1 passed)113 steps (3 passed)

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1, js_errors: false)2 def find_select_or_datalist_input(input)3 def select_from_select_or_datalist_input(input, option)4 select_or_datalist_input = find_select_or_datalist_input(input)5 select(option, from: select_or_datalist_input[:id])

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