How to use factory method of FactoryBot.Syntax.Default Package

Best Factory_bot_ruby code snippet using FactoryBot.Syntax.Default.factory


Source:factory_default.rb Github


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1# frozen_string_literal: true2require "test_prof/factory_bot"3require "test_prof/factory_default/factory_bot_patch"4module TestProf5 # FactoryDefault allows use to re-use associated objects6 # in factories implicilty7 module FactoryDefault8 module DefaultSyntax # :nodoc:9 def create_default(name, *args, &block)10 options = args.extract_options!11 preserve = options.delete(:preserve_traits)12 obj = TestProf::FactoryBot.create(name, *args, options, &block)13 set_factory_default(name, obj, preserve_traits: preserve)14 end15 def set_factory_default(name, obj, preserve_traits: nil)16 FactoryDefault.register(name, obj, preserve_traits: preserve_traits)17 end18 end19 class << self20 attr_accessor :preserve_traits21 def init22 TestProf::FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods.include DefaultSyntax23 TestProf::FactoryBot.extend DefaultSyntax24 TestProf::FactoryBot::Strategy::Create.prepend StrategyExt25 TestProf::FactoryBot::Strategy::Build.prepend StrategyExt26 TestProf::FactoryBot::Strategy::Stub.prepend StrategyExt27 @store = {}28 # default is false to retain backward compatibility29 @preserve_traits = false...

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Source:dsl_patch.rb Github


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1# frozen_string_literal: true2require 'crystalball/map_generator/factory_bot_strategy/dsl_patch/factory_path_fetcher'3module Crystalball4 class MapGenerator5 class FactoryBotStrategy6 # Module to add new `factory` method to FactoryBot::Syntax::Default::DSL and FactoryBot::Syntax::Default::ModifyDSL7 module DSLPatch8 class << self9 # Patches `FactoryBot::Syntax::Default::DSL#factory` and `FactoryBot::Syntax::Default::ModifyDSL#factory`.10 def apply!11 classes_to_patch.each { |klass| klass.prepend DSLPatch }12 end13 private14 def classes_to_patch15 [16 FactoryBotStrategy.factory_bot_constant::Syntax::Default::DSL,17 FactoryBotStrategy.factory_bot_constant::Syntax::Default::ModifyDSL18 ]19 end20 end21 # Overrides `FactoryBot::Syntax::Default::DSL#factory` and `FactoryBot::Syntax::Default::ModifyDSL#factory`.22 # Pushes path of a factory to `FactoryBotStrategy.factory_definitions` and calls original `factory`23 def factory(*args, &block)24 factory_path = FactoryPathFetcher.fetch25 name = args.first.to_s26 FactoryBotStrategy.factory_definitions[name] ||= []27 FactoryBotStrategy.factory_definitions[name] << factory_path28 super29 end30 end31 end32 end33end

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 name { "John Doe" }2 name { "John Doe" }3 name { "John Doe" }4 name { "John Doe" }5 name { "John Doe" }6 name { "John Doe" }7 name { "John Doe" }8 name { "John Doe" }9 name { "John Doe" }10 name { "John Doe" }11 name { "John Doe" }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 title { "MyString" }2 body { "MyText" }3FactoryBot.create(:post)4 title { "MyString" }5 body { "MyText" }6create(:post)7 title { "MyString" }8 body { "MyText" }9create(:post)10 title { "MyString" }11 body { "MyText" }12create(:post)13 title { "MyString" }14 body { "MyText" }15create(:post)16 title { "MyString" }17 body { "MyText" }

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