How to use NoSuchVariableException class of com.consol.citrus.exceptions package

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...16package com.consol.citrus.variable;17import com.consol.citrus.Citrus;18import com.consol.citrus.context.TestContext;19import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.CitrusRuntimeException;20import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;21import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;22import javax.script.*;23/**24 * Utility class manipulating test variables.25 * 26 * @author Christoph Deppisch27 */28public final class VariableUtils {29 30 /**31 * Prevent instantiation.32 */33 private VariableUtils() {34 }35 36 /**37 * Evaluates script code and returns a variable value as result.38 *39 * @param scriptEngine the name of the scripting engine.40 * @param code the script code.41 * @return the variable value as String.42 */43 public static String getValueFromScript(String scriptEngine, String code) {44 try {45 ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName(scriptEngine);46 47 if (engine == null) {48 throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Unable to find script engine with name '" + scriptEngine + "'");49 }50 51 return engine.eval(code).toString();52 } catch (ScriptException e) {53 throw new CitrusRuntimeException("Failed to evaluate " + scriptEngine + " script", e);54 }55 }56 /**57 * Cut off single quotes prefix and suffix.58 * @param variable59 * @return60 */61 public static String cutOffSingleQuotes(String variable) {62 if (StringUtils.hasText(variable) && variable.length() > 1 && variable.charAt(0) == '\'' && variable.charAt(variable.length() - 1) == '\'') {63 return variable.substring(1, variable.length() - 1);64 }65 return variable;66 }67 /**68 * Cut off double quotes prefix and suffix.69 * @param variable70 * @return71 */72 public static String cutOffDoubleQuotes(String variable) {73 if (StringUtils.hasText(variable) && variable.length() > 1 && variable.charAt(0) == '"' && variable.charAt(variable.length() - 1) == '"') {74 return variable.substring(1, variable.length() - 1);75 }76 return variable;77 }78 79 /**80 * Cut off variables prefix81 * @param variable82 * @return83 */84 public static String cutOffVariablesPrefix(String variable) {85 if (variable.startsWith(Citrus.VARIABLE_PREFIX) && variable.endsWith(Citrus.VARIABLE_SUFFIX)) {86 return variable.substring(Citrus.VARIABLE_PREFIX.length(), variable.length() - Citrus.VARIABLE_SUFFIX.length());87 }88 return variable;89 }90 /**91 * Cut off variables escaping92 * @param variable93 * @return94 */95 public static String cutOffVariablesEscaping(String variable) {96 if (variable.startsWith(Citrus.VARIABLE_ESCAPE) && variable.endsWith(Citrus.VARIABLE_ESCAPE)) {97 return variable.substring(Citrus.VARIABLE_ESCAPE.length(), variable.length() - Citrus.VARIABLE_ESCAPE.length());98 }99 return variable;100 }101 102 /**103 * Checks whether a given expression is a variable name.104 * @param expression105 * @return flag true/false106 */107 public static boolean isVariableName(final String expression) {108 if (expression == null || expression.length() == 0) {109 return false;110 }111 if (expression.startsWith(Citrus.VARIABLE_PREFIX) && expression.endsWith(Citrus.VARIABLE_SUFFIX)) {112 return true;113 }114 return false;115 }116 117 /**118 * Replace all variable expression in a string with119 * its respective value. Variable values are enclosed with quotes120 * if enabled.121 * 122 * @param str123 * @param context124 * @param enableQuoting125 * @return126 */127 public static String replaceVariablesInString(final String str, TestContext context, boolean enableQuoting) {128 StringBuffer newStr = new StringBuffer();129 boolean isVarComplete;130 StringBuffer variableNameBuf = new StringBuffer();131 int startIndex = 0;132 int curIndex;133 int searchIndex;134 while ((searchIndex = str.indexOf(Citrus.VARIABLE_PREFIX, startIndex)) != -1) {135 int control = 0;136 isVarComplete = false;137 curIndex = searchIndex + Citrus.VARIABLE_PREFIX.length();138 while (curIndex < str.length() && !isVarComplete) {139 if (str.indexOf(Citrus.VARIABLE_PREFIX, curIndex) == curIndex) {140 control++;141 }142 if ((!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(str.charAt(curIndex)) && (str.charAt(curIndex) == Citrus.VARIABLE_SUFFIX.charAt(0))) || (curIndex + 1 == str.length())) {143 if (control == 0) {144 isVarComplete = true;145 } else {146 control--;147 }148 }149 if (!isVarComplete) {150 variableNameBuf.append(str.charAt(curIndex));151 }152 ++curIndex;153 }154 final String value = context.getVariable(variableNameBuf.toString());155 if (value == null) {156 throw new NoSuchVariableException("Variable: " + variableNameBuf.toString() + " could not be found");157 }158 newStr.append(str.substring(startIndex, searchIndex));159 if (enableQuoting) {160 newStr.append("'" + value + "'");161 } else {162 newStr.append(value);163 }164 startIndex = curIndex;165 variableNameBuf = new StringBuffer();166 isVarComplete = false;167 }168 newStr.append(str.substring(startIndex));169 return newStr.toString();170 }...

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...20 * @author Christoph Deppisch21 * @since 200922 *23 */24public class NoSuchVariableException extends CitrusRuntimeException {25 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;26 /**27 * Default constructor.28 */29 public NoSuchVariableException() {30 super();31 }32 /**33 * Constructor using fields.34 * @param message35 */36 public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {37 super(message);38 }39 /**40 * Constructor using fields.41 * @param cause42 */43 public NoSuchVariableException(Throwable cause) {44 super(cause);45 }46 /**47 * Constructor using fields.48 * @param message49 * @param cause50 */51 public NoSuchVariableException(String message, Throwable cause) {52 super(message, cause);53 }54}...

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1package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;2public class NoSuchVariableException extends CitrusRuntimeException {3 public NoSuchVariableException(String message, Throwable cause) {4 super(message, cause);5 }6 public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {7 super(message);8 }9}10package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;11public class CitrusRuntimeException extends RuntimeException {12 public CitrusRuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause) {13 super(message, cause);14 }15 public CitrusRuntimeException(String message) {16 super(message);17 }18}19package com.consol.citrus;20import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.CitrusRuntimeException;21import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;22public class Citrus {23 public static String getVariable(String name) {24 return null;25 }26 public static void setVariable(String name, String value) {27 }28 public static void setVariable(String name, String value, boolean overwrite) {29 }30 public static void setVariable(String name, Object value) {31 }32 public static void setVariable(String name, Object value, boolean overwrite) {33 }34 public static void setVariable(String name, String value, String description) {35 }36 public static void setVariable(String name, String value, String description, boolean overwrite) {37 }38 public static void setVariable(String name, Object value, String description) {39 }40 public static void setVariable(String name, Object value, String description, boolean overwrite) {41 }42 public static void removeVariable(String name) {43 }44 public static void clearVariables() {45 }46 public static boolean containsVariable(String name) {47 return false;48 }49 public static String getVariable(String name, boolean required) {50 return null;51 }52 public static String getVariable(String name, String defaultValue) {53 return null;54 }55 public static String getVariable(String name, boolean required, String defaultValue) {56 return null;57 }58 public static String getVariable(String name, boolean required, String defaultValue, boolean create) {59 return null;60 }61 public static String getVariable(String name, boolean required, String defaultValue, boolean create, boolean overwrite)

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1import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;2public class NoSuchVariableExceptionDemo {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 try {5 throw new NoSuchVariableException("No Such Variable Exception");6 } catch (NoSuchVariableException e) {7 System.out.println("Caught " + e);8 }9 }10}

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1package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;2public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {3public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {4super(message);5}6}7package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;8public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {9public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {10super(message);11}12}13package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;14public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {15public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {16super(message);17}18}19package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;20public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {21public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {22super(message);23}24}25package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;26public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {27public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {28super(message);29}30}31package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;32public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {33public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {34super(message);35}36}37package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;38public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {39public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {40super(message);41}42}43package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;44public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {45public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {46super(message);47}48}49package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;50public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {51public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {52super(message);53}54}55package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;56public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {57public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {58super(message);59}60}61package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;62public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {63public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {64super(message);65}66}67package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;68public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {69public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {70super(message);71}72}73package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;74public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {75public NoSuchVariableException(String message) {76super(message);77}78}79package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;80public class NoSuchVariableException extends RuntimeException {

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1import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;2public class NoSuchVariableExceptionExample {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 try {5 throw new NoSuchVariableException("no such variable");6 } catch (NoSuchVariableException e) {7 System.out.println(e.getMessage());8 }9 }10}11import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;12public class NoSuchVariableExceptionExample {13 public static void main(String[] args) {14 try {15 throw new NoSuchVariableException("no such variable");16 } catch (NoSuchVariableException e) {17 System.out.println(e.getMessage());18 }19 }20}21import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;22public class NoSuchVariableExceptionExample {23 public static void main(String[] args) {24 try {25 throw new NoSuchVariableException("no such variable");26 } catch (NoSuchVariableException e) {27 System.out.println(e.getMessage());28 }29 }30}31import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;32public class NoSuchVariableExceptionExample {33 public static void main(String[] args) {34 try {35 throw new NoSuchVariableException("no such variable");36 } catch (NoSuchVariableException e) {37 System.out.println(e.getMessage());38 }39 }40}41import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;42public class NoSuchVariableExceptionExample {43 public static void main(String[] args) {44 try {45 throw new NoSuchVariableException("no such variable");46 } catch (NoSuchVariableException e) {47 System.out.println(e.getMessage());48 }49 }50}51import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;52public class NoSuchVariableExceptionExample {53 public static void main(String[] args) {54 try {

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1package com.consol.citrus;2import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;3import java.util.Map;4import java.util.HashMap;5public class NoSuchVariableExceptionDemo {6public static void main(String[] args) {7Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();8variables.put("var1", "value1");9Object value = variables.get("var2");10if (value == null) {11throw new NoSuchVariableException("var2");12}13System.out.println(value);14}15}16 at com.consol.citrus.NoSuchVariableExceptionDemo.main(

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1package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;2import org.testng.annotations.Test;3import com.consol.citrus.exceptions.NoSuchVariableException;4public class NoSuchVariableExceptionTest {5public void NoSuchVariableExceptionTest() {6NoSuchVariableException nsve = new NoSuchVariableException("NoSuchVariableException");7System.out.println(nsve.getMessage());8}9}

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1package com.consol.citrus.exceptions;2import java.util.Scanner;3public class NoSuchVariableException extends Exception {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 Scanner sc = new Scanner(;6 System.out.println("Enter the value of a: ");7 int a = sc.nextInt();8 System.out.println("Enter the value of b: ");9 int b = sc.nextInt();10 System.out.println("Enter the value of c: ");11 int c = sc.nextInt();12 try {13 if (a == 0) {14 throw new NoSuchVariableException();15 }16 int d = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);17 double root1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a);18 double root2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a);19 System.out.println("Root1 = " + root1);20 System.out.println("Root2 = " + root2);21 } catch (NoSuchVariableException e) {22 System.out.println("Value of a cannot be zero");23 }24 }25}

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