Best Citrus code snippet using com.consol.citrus.cucumber.step.designer.core.MessagingSteps.receiveXmlMessage
...79 public void shouldSendPayload(String endpoint, String payload) {80 send(endpoint, payload);81 }82 @When("^<([^>]+)> receives message <([^>]+)>$")83 public void receiveXmlMessage(String endpoint, final String messageName) {84 receiveMessage(endpoint,, messageName);85 }86 @When("^<([^>]+)> receives ([^\\s]+) message <([^>]+)>$")87 public void receiveMessage(String endpoint, String type, final String messageId) {88 if (messages.containsKey(messageId)) {89 designer.receive(endpoint)90 .messageType(type)91 .message(new DefaultMessage(messages.get(messageId)));92 } else {93 designer.receive(endpoint)94 .messageType(type)95 .message(messageCreators.createMessage(messageId));96 }97 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1 @When("^receive message$")2 public void receive_message() throws Throwable {3 receiveXmlMessage();4 }5 @When("^send message$")6 public void send_message() throws Throwable {7 sendXmlMessage();8 }9[@Test](/u/test) 10public void test() throws Exception { 11Runner runner = new Runner(); 12runner.runCucumber(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(“test.feature”));13 }
Using AI Code Generation
1@Given("I receive XML message") 2public void receiveXmlMessage() {3 receiveXmlMessage();4}5@When("I send XML message") 6public void sendXmlMessage() {7 sendXmlMessage();8}9@Then("I validate XML message") 10public void validateXmlMessage() {11 validateXmlMessage();12}13@Then("I validate XML message with XSD") 14public void validateXmlMessageWithXsd() {15 validateXmlMessageWithXsd();16}17@Then("I validate XML message with XSLT") 18public void validateXmlMessageWithXslt() {19 validateXmlMessageWithXslt();20}21@Then("I validate XML message with JSONPath") 22public void validateXmlMessageWithJsonPath() {23 validateXmlMessageWithJsonPath();24}25@Then("I validate XML message with XMLPath") 26public void validateXmlMessageWithXmlPath() {27 validateXmlMessageWithXmlPath();28}29@Then("I validate XML message with JSON schema") 30public void validateXmlMessageWithJsonSchema() {31 validateXmlMessageWithJsonSchema();32}33@Then("I validate XML message with XML schema") 34public void validateXmlMessageWithXmlSchema() {35 validateXmlMessageWithXmlSchema();36}37@Then("I validate XML message with SOAP") 38public void validateXmlMessageWithSoap() {
Using AI Code Generation
1 @When("^receive XML message$")2 public void receiveXmlMessage() {3 run(new ReceiveXmlMessageDesigner() {4 public void configure() {5 receive()6 .payload("<TestRequestMessage><text>Hello Citrus!</text></TestRequestMessage>");7 }8 });9 }10 @When("^receive JSON message$")11 public void receiveJsonMessage() {12 run(new ReceiveJsonMessageDesigner() {13 public void configure() {14 receive()15 .payload("{\"text\": \"Hello Citrus!\"}");16 }17 });18 }19 @When("^receive text message$")20 public void receiveTextMessage() {21 run(new ReceiveTextMessageDesigner() {22 public void configure() {23 receive()24 .payload("Hello Citrus!");25 }26 });27 }28 @When("^receive binary message$")29 public void receiveBinaryMessage() {30 run(new ReceiveBinaryMessageDesigner() {31 public void configure() {32 receive()33 .payload("SGVsbG8gQ2l0cnVzIQ==");34 }35 });36 }37 @When("^receive SOAP message$")38 public void receiveSoapMessage() {39 run(new ReceiveSoapMessageDesigner() {40 public void configure() {41 receive()42 }43 });44 }45 @When("^receive HTTP message$")46 public void receiveHttpMessage() {
Using AI Code Generation
1 @When("^(?:I )?receive XML message$")2 public void receiveXmlMessage() {3 receive(builder -> builder.endpoint("xmlEndpoint")4 .payload("<TestRequest><Message>Hello World!</Message></TestRequest>"));5 }6 @When("^(?:I )?send XML message$")7 public void sendXmlMessage() {8 send(builder -> builder.endpoint("xmlEndpoint")9 .payload("<TestResponse><Message>Hello World!</Message></TestResponse>"));10 }11 @Then("^the XML response should be$")12 public void theXmlResponseShouldBe(String payload) {13 receive(builder -> builder.endpoint("xmlEndpoint")14 .payload(payload));15 }16 @Then("^the XML response should contain$")17 public void theXmlResponseShouldContain(String payload) {18 receive(builder -> builder.endpoint("xmlEndpoint")19 .payload(payload)20 .extractFromPayload("$..Message", "message"));21 }22 @Then("^the XML response should contain message \"([^\"]*)\"$")23 public void theXmlResponseShouldContainMessage(String message) {24 receive(builder -> builder.endpoint("xmlEndpoint")25 .payload("<TestResponse><Message>" + message + "</Message></TestResponse>")26 .extractFromPayload("$..Message", "message"));27 }28 @Then("^the XML response should contain message \"([^\"]*)\" and name \"([^\"]*)\"$")29 public void theXmlResponseShouldContainMessageAndName(String message, String name) {30 receive(builder -> builder.endpoint("xmlEndpoint")31 .payload("<TestResponse><Message>" + message + "</Message><Name>" + name + "</Name></TestResponse>")32 .extractFromPayload("$..Message", "message")33 .extractFromPayload("$..Name", "name"));34 }35 @Then("^the XML response should contain message \"([^\"]*)\" and name \"([^\"]*)\" and age \"([^\"]*)\"$")36 public void theXmlResponseShouldContainMessageAndNameAndAge(String message, String name, String age) {37 receive(builder -> builder.endpoint("xmlEndpoint")38 .payload("<TestResponse><Message>" + message + "</Message><Name>" + name + "</Name><Age>" + age + "</Age></TestResponse>")
Using AI Code Generation
1 @Given("message consumer receives message from queue (.*)$")2 public void receiveXmlMessage(String queueName) {3 receiveXmlMessage(queueName, null);4 }5 @Given("message consumer receives message from queue (.*) with payload$")6 public void receiveXmlMessage(String queueName, String payload) {7 receiveXmlMessage(queueName, payload, null);8 }9 @Given("message consumer receives message from queue (.*) with payload and headers$")10 public void receiveXmlMessage(String queueName, String payload, Map<String, Object> headers) {11 receiveXmlMessage(queueName, payload, headers, null);12 }13 @Given("message consumer receives message from queue (.*) with payload, headers and message selector$")14 public void receiveXmlMessage(String queueName, String payload, Map<String, Object> headers, String messageSelector) {15 receiveXmlMessage(queueName, payload, headers, messageSelector, null);16 }17 @Given("message consumer receives message from queue (.*) with payload, headers, message selector and timeout$")18 public void receiveXmlMessage(String queueName, String payload, Map<String, Object> headers, String messageSelector, Long timeout) {19 receiveXmlMessage(queueName, payload, headers, messageSelector, timeout, null);20 }21 @Given("message consumer receives message from queue (.*) with payload, headers, message selector, timeout and message name$")22 public void receiveXmlMessage(String queueName, String payload, Map<String, Object> headers, String messageSelector, Long timeout, String messageName) {23 receiveXmlMessage(queueName, payload, headers, messageSelector, timeout, messageName, null);24 }
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