How to use setLine method of class

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...72 feature = new FeatureParser(feature, FileUtils.toInputStream(text)).feature;73 if (old != null) {74 feature.setCallTag(old.getCallTag());75 }76 feature.setLines(StringUtils.toStringLines(text));77 return feature;78 }79 public static void updateStepFromText(Step step, String text) throws Exception {80 Feature feature = new Feature(step.getFeature().getResource());81 final String stepText = text.trim();82 boolean hasPrefix = -> stepText.startsWith(prefixValue));83 // to avoid parser considering text without prefix as Scenario comments/Doc-string84 if (!hasPrefix) {85 text = "* " + stepText;86 }87 text = "Feature:\nScenario:\n" + text;88 FeatureParser fp = new FeatureParser(feature, FileUtils.toInputStream(text));89 if (fp.errorListener.isFail()) {90 throw new KarateException(fp.errorListener.getMessage());91 }92 feature = fp.feature;93 Step temp = feature.getStep(0, -1, 0);94 if (temp == null) {95 throw new KarateException("invalid expression: " + text);96 }97 step.setPrefix(temp.getPrefix());98 step.setText(temp.getText());99 step.setDocString(temp.getDocString());100 step.setTable(temp.getTable());101 }102 private static InputStream toStream(File file) {103 try {104 return new FileInputStream(file);105 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {106 throw new RuntimeException(e);107 }108 }109 private FeatureParser(File file, String relativePath, ClassLoader cl) {110 this(new Feature(new Resource(file, relativePath)), toStream(file));111 }112 private FeatureParser(Resource resource) {113 this(new Feature(resource), resource.getStream());114 }115 private FeatureParser(Feature feature, InputStream is) {116 this.feature = feature;117 CharStream stream;118 try {119 stream = CharStreams.fromStream(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);120 } catch (IOException e) {121 throw new RuntimeException(e);122 }123 KarateLexer lexer = new KarateLexer(stream);124 CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);125 KarateParser parser = new KarateParser(tokens);126 parser.addErrorListener(errorListener);127 RuleContext tree = parser.feature();128 if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {129 logger.debug(tree.toStringTree(parser));130 }131 ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();132 walker.walk(this, tree);133 if (errorListener.isFail()) {134 String errorMessage = errorListener.getMessage();135 logger.error("not a valid feature file: {} - {}", feature.getResource().getRelativePath(), errorMessage);136 throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);137 }138 }139 private static int getActualLine(TerminalNode node) {140 int count = 0;141 for (char c : node.getText().toCharArray()) {142 if (c == '\n') {143 count++;144 } else if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) {145 break;146 }147 }148 return node.getSymbol().getLine() + count;149 }150 private static List<Tag> toTags(int line, List<TerminalNode> nodes) {151 List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList();152 for (TerminalNode node : nodes) {153 String text = node.getText();154 if (line == -1) {155 line = getActualLine(node);156 }157 String[] tokens = text.trim().split("\\s+"); // handles spaces and tabs also 158 for (String t : tokens) {159 tags.add(new Tag(line, t));160 }161 }162 return tags;163 }164 private static Table toTable(KarateParser.TableContext ctx) {165 List<TerminalNode> nodes = ctx.TABLE_ROW();166 int rowCount = nodes.size();167 if (rowCount < 1) {168 // if scenario outline found without examples169 return null;170 }171 List<List<String>> rows = new ArrayList(rowCount);172 List<Integer> lineNumbers = new ArrayList(rowCount);173 for (TerminalNode node : nodes) {174 List<String> tokens = StringUtils.split(node.getText().trim(), '|');175 int count = tokens.size();176 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {177 tokens.set(i, tokens.get(i).trim());178 }179 rows.add(tokens);180 lineNumbers.add(getActualLine(node));181 }182 return new Table(rows, lineNumbers);183 }184 private static final String TRIPLE_QUOTES = "\"\"\"";185 private static int indexOfFirstText(String s) {186 int pos = 0;187 for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {188 if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) {189 return pos;190 }191 pos++;192 }193 return 0; // defensive coding194 }195 private static String fixDocString(String temp) {196 int quotePos = temp.indexOf(TRIPLE_QUOTES);197 int endPos = temp.lastIndexOf(TRIPLE_QUOTES);198 String raw = temp.substring(quotePos + 3, endPos).replaceAll("\r", "");199 List<String> lines = StringUtils.split(raw, '\n');200 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();201 int marginPos = -1;202 Iterator<String> iterator = lines.iterator();203 while (iterator.hasNext()) {204 String line =;205 int firstTextPos = indexOfFirstText(line);206 if (marginPos == -1) {207 marginPos = firstTextPos;208 }209 if (marginPos < line.length() && marginPos <= firstTextPos) {210 line = line.substring(marginPos);211 }212 if (iterator.hasNext()) {213 sb.append(line).append('\n');214 } else {215 sb.append(line);216 }217 }218 return sb.toString().trim();219 }220 private static List<Step> toSteps(Feature feature, Scenario scenario, List<KarateParser.StepContext> list) {221 List<Step> steps = new ArrayList(list.size());222 int index = 0;223 for (KarateParser.StepContext sc : list) {224 Step step = new Step(feature, scenario, index++);225 steps.add(step);226 int stepLine = sc.line().getStart().getLine();227 step.setLine(stepLine);228 step.setPrefix(sc.prefix().getText().trim());229 step.setText(sc.line().getText().trim());230 if (sc.docString() != null) {231 String raw = sc.docString().getText();232 step.setDocString(fixDocString(raw));233 step.setEndLine(stepLine + StringUtils.countLineFeeds(raw));234 } else if (sc.table() != null) {235 Table table = toTable(sc.table());236 step.setTable(table);237 step.setEndLine(stepLine + StringUtils.countLineFeeds(sc.table().getText()));238 } else {239 step.setEndLine(stepLine);240 }241 }242 return steps;243 }244 @Override245 public void enterFeatureHeader(KarateParser.FeatureHeaderContext ctx) {246 if (ctx.featureTags() != null) {247 feature.setTags(toTags(ctx.featureTags().getStart().getLine(), ctx.featureTags().FEATURE_TAGS()));248 }249 if (ctx.FEATURE() != null) {250 feature.setLine(ctx.FEATURE().getSymbol().getLine());251 if (ctx.featureDescription() != null) {252 StringUtils.Pair pair = StringUtils.splitByFirstLineFeed(ctx.featureDescription().getText());253 feature.setName(pair.left);254 feature.setDescription(pair.right);255 }256 }257 }258 @Override259 public void enterBackground(KarateParser.BackgroundContext ctx) {260 Background background = new Background();261 feature.setBackground(background);262 background.setLine(getActualLine(ctx.BACKGROUND()));263 List<Step> steps = toSteps(feature, null, ctx.step());264 if (!steps.isEmpty()) {265 background.setSteps(steps);266 }267 if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {268 logger.trace("background steps: {}", steps);269 }270 }271 @Override272 public void enterScenario(KarateParser.ScenarioContext ctx) {273 FeatureSection section = new FeatureSection();274 Scenario scenario = new Scenario(feature, section, -1);275 section.setScenario(scenario);276 feature.addSection(section);277 scenario.setLine(getActualLine(ctx.SCENARIO()));278 if (ctx.tags() != null) {279 scenario.setTags(toTags(-1, ctx.tags().TAGS()));280 }281 if (ctx.scenarioDescription() != null) {282 StringUtils.Pair pair = StringUtils.splitByFirstLineFeed(ctx.scenarioDescription().getText());283 scenario.setName(pair.left);284 scenario.setDescription(pair.right);285 }286 List<Step> steps = toSteps(feature, scenario, ctx.step());287 scenario.setSteps(steps);288 if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {289 logger.trace("scenario steps: {}", steps);290 }291 }292 @Override293 public void enterScenarioOutline(KarateParser.ScenarioOutlineContext ctx) {294 FeatureSection section = new FeatureSection();295 ScenarioOutline outline = new ScenarioOutline(feature, section);296 section.setScenarioOutline(outline);297 feature.addSection(section);298 outline.setLine(getActualLine(ctx.SCENARIO_OUTLINE()));299 if (ctx.tags() != null) {300 outline.setTags(toTags(-1, ctx.tags().TAGS()));301 }302 if (ctx.scenarioDescription() != null) {303 outline.setDescription(ctx.scenarioDescription().getText());304 StringUtils.Pair pair = StringUtils.splitByFirstLineFeed(ctx.scenarioDescription().getText());305 outline.setName(pair.left);306 outline.setDescription(pair.right);307 }308 List<Step> steps = toSteps(feature, null, ctx.step());309 outline.setSteps(steps);310 if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {311 logger.trace("outline steps: {}", steps);312 }...

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1* def feature ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/core/setLine.feature')2* feature.setLine(7, ' * def a = 1')3* feature.setLine(8, ' * def b = 2')4* feature.setLine(9, ' * match a == b')5* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(0).getLine() == ' * def a = 1'6* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(1).getLine() == ' * def b = 2'7* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(2).getLine() == ' * match a == b'8* def feature ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/core/setLine.feature')9* feature.setLine(7, ' * def a = 1')10* feature.setLine(8, ' * def b = 2')11* feature.setLine(9, ' * match a == b')12* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(0).getLine() == ' * def a = 1'13* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(1).getLine() == ' * def b = 2'14* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(2).getLine() == ' * match a == b'15* def feature ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/core/setLine.feature')16* feature.setLine(7, ' * def a = 1')17* feature.setLine(8, ' * def b = 2')18* feature.setLine(9, ' * match a == b')19* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(0).getLine() == ' * def a = 1'20* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(1).getLine() == ' * def b = 2'21* match feature.getScenario(0).getStep(2).getLine

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1 * def feature ='path/to/feature-file.feature')2 * feature.setLine(line, text)3 * def newFeature = feature.writeToString()4 * def feature ='path/to/feature-file.feature')5 * feature.setLine(line, text)6 * def newFeature = feature.writeToString()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def feature ='path/to/feature/file')2* feature.setLine(1)3* print feature.getLine()4* feature.setLine(2)5* print feature.getLine()6* def feature ='path/to/feature/file')7* def scenario = feature.getScenario(0)8* scenario.setLine(1)9* print scenario.getLine()10* scenario.setLine(2)11* print scenario.getLine()12* def feature ='path/to/feature/file')13* def scenario = feature.getScenario(0)14* def step = scenario.getStep(0)15* step.setLine(1)16* print step.getLine()17* step.setLine(2)18* print step.getLine()19* def feature ='path/to/feature/file')20* def scenario = feature.getScenario(0)21* def docString = scenario.getDocString()22* docString.setLine(1)23* print docString.getLine()24* docString.setLine(2)25* print docString.getLine()26* def feature ='path/to/feature/file')27* def scenario = feature.getScenario(0)28* def table = scenario.getTable()29* table.setLine(1)30* print table.getLine()31* table.setLine(2)32* print table.getLine()33* def feature ='path/to/feature/file')34* def scenario = feature.getScenario(0)35* def table = scenario.getTable()36* def tableRow = table.getRow(0)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')2 * feature.setLine(4, line)3 * def actualLine = feature.getLine(4)4 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')5 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString()6 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')7 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString('\r\n')8 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')9 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString('\r\n', 4)10 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')11 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString('\r\n', 4, 'GIVEN')12 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')13 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString('\r\n', 4, 'GIVEN', ' AND ')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 * def feature ='path/to/feature-file.feature')2 * feature.setLine(line, text)3 * def newFeature = feature.writeToString()4 * def feature ='path/to/feature-file.feature')5 * feature.setLine(line, text)6 * def newFeature = feature.writeToString()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')2 * feature.setLine(4, line)3 * def actualLine = feature.getLine(4)4 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')5 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString()6 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')7 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString('\r\n')8 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')9 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString('\r\n', 4)10 * def feature ='path/to/feature/file.feature')11 * def featureFileAsString = feature.toString('\r\n', 4, 'GIVEN')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 * def feature ='classpath:feature-file.feature')2 * def line = feature.getLines().get(1)3 * feature.setLine(1, newLine)4 * def feature ='classpath:feature-file.feature')5 * def line = feature.getLines().get(1)6 * feature.getLines().set(1, newLine)

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