How to use getFrameContext method of class

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...246 .param("expression", expression);247 if (returnByValue) {248 toSend.param("returnByValue", true);249 }250 Integer contextId = getFrameContext();251 if (contextId != null) {252 toSend.param("contextId", contextId);253 }254 if (quickly) {255 toSend.setTimeout(options.getRetryInterval());256 }257 if (fireAndForget) {258 toSend.sendWithoutWaiting();259 return null;260 }261 return toSend.send();262 }263 protected DevToolsMessage eval(String expression) {264 return evalInternal(expression, false, true);265 }266 protected DevToolsMessage evalQuickly(String expression) {267 return evalInternal(expression, true, true);268 }269 protected String evalForObjectId(String expression) {270 return options.retry(() -> {271 DevToolsMessage dtm = evalInternal(expression, true, false);272 return dtm.getResult("objectId", String.class);273 }, returned -> returned != null, "eval for object id: " + expression, true);274 }275 private DevToolsMessage evalInternal(String expression, boolean quickly, boolean returnByValue) {276 DevToolsMessage dtm = evalOnce(expression, quickly, false, returnByValue);277 if (dtm.isResultError()) {278 String message = "js eval failed once:" + expression279 + ", error: " + dtm.getResult();280 logger.warn(message);281 options.sleep();282 dtm = evalOnce(expression, quickly, false, returnByValue); // no wait condition for the re-try283 if (dtm.isResultError()) {284 message = "js eval failed twice:" + expression285 + ", error: " + dtm.getResult();286 logger.error(message);287 throw new RuntimeException(message);288 }289 }290 return dtm;291 }292 protected void retryIfEnabled(String locator) {293 if (options.isRetryEnabled()) {294 waitFor(locator); // will throw exception if not found295 }296 if (options.highlight) {297 // highlight(locator, options.highlightDuration); // instead of this298 String highlightJs = options.highlight(locator, options.highlightDuration);299 evalOnce(highlightJs, true, true, true); // do it safely, i.e. fire and forget300 }301 }302 protected int getRootNodeId() {303 return method("DOM.getDocument").param("depth", 0).send().getResult("root.nodeId", Integer.class);304 }305 @Override306 public String elementId(String locator) {307 return evalForObjectId(DriverOptions.selector(locator));308 }309 @Override310 public List elementIds(String locator) {311 List<Element> elements = locateAll(locator);312 List<String> objectIds = new ArrayList(elements.size());313 for (Element e : elements) {314 String objectId = evalForObjectId(e.getLocator());315 objectIds.add(objectId);316 }317 return objectIds;318 }319 @Override320 public DriverOptions getOptions() {321 return options;322 }323 private void attachAndActivate(String targetId) {324 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Target.attachToTarget").param("targetId", targetId).param("flatten", true).send();325 sessionId = dtm.getResult("sessionId", String.class);326 method("Target.activateTarget").param("targetId", targetId).send();327 }328 @Override329 public void activate() {330 attachAndActivate(rootFrameId);331 }332 protected void initWindowIdAndState() {333 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Browser.getWindowForTarget").param("targetId", rootFrameId).send();334 if (!dtm.isResultError()) {335 windowId = dtm.getResult("windowId").getValue();336 windowState = (String) dtm.getResult("bounds").<Map>getValue().get("windowState");337 }338 }339 @Override340 public Map<String, Object> getDimensions() {341 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Browser.getWindowForTarget").param("targetId", rootFrameId).send();342 Map<String, Object> map = dtm.getResult("bounds").getValue();343 Integer x = (Integer) map.remove("left");344 Integer y = (Integer) map.remove("top");345 map.put("x", x);346 map.put("y", y);347 return map;348 }349 @Override350 public void setDimensions(Map<String, Object> map) {351 Integer left = (Integer) map.remove("x");352 Integer top = (Integer) map.remove("y");353 map.put("left", left);354 map.put("top", top);355 Map temp = getDimensions();356 temp.putAll(map);357 temp.remove("windowState");358 method("Browser.setWindowBounds")359 .param("windowId", windowId)360 .param("bounds", temp).send();361 }362 public void emulateDevice(int width, int height, String userAgent) {363 method("Network.setUserAgentOverride").param("userAgent", userAgent).send();364 method("Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride")365 .param("width", width)366 .param("height", height)367 .param("deviceScaleFactor", 1)368 .param("mobile", true)369 .send();370 }371 @Override372 public void close() {373 method("Page.close").sendWithoutWaiting();374 }375 @Override376 public void quit() {377 if (terminated) {378 return;379 }380 terminated = true;381 // don't wait, may fail and hang382 method("Target.closeTarget").param("targetId", rootFrameId).sendWithoutWaiting();383 // method("Browser.close").send();384 client.close();385 if (command != null) {386 command.close(true);387 }388 getRuntime().engine.setDriverToNull();389 }390 @Override391 public boolean isTerminated() {392 return terminated;393 }394 @Override395 public void setUrl(String url) {396 method("Page.navigate").param("url", url)397 .send(DevToolsWait.ALL_FRAMES_LOADED);398 }399 @Override400 public void refresh() {401 method("Page.reload").send(DevToolsWait.ALL_FRAMES_LOADED);402 }403 @Override404 public void reload() {405 method("Page.reload").param("ignoreCache", true).send();406 }407 private void history(int delta) {408 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Page.getNavigationHistory").send();409 int currentIndex = dtm.getResult("currentIndex").getValue();410 List<Map> list = dtm.getResult("entries").getValue();411 int targetIndex = currentIndex + delta;412 if (targetIndex < 0 || targetIndex == list.size()) {413 return;414 }415 Map<String, Object> entry = list.get(targetIndex);416 Integer id = (Integer) entry.get("id");417 method("Page.navigateToHistoryEntry").param("entryId", id).send(DevToolsWait.ALL_FRAMES_LOADED);418 }419 @Override420 public void back() {421 history(-1);422 }423 @Override424 public void forward() {425 history(1);426 }427 private void setWindowState(String state) {428 if (!"normal".equals(windowState)) {429 method("Browser.setWindowBounds")430 .param("windowId", windowId)431 .param("bounds", Collections.singletonMap("windowState", "normal"))432 .send();433 windowState = "normal";434 }435 if (!state.equals(windowState)) {436 method("Browser.setWindowBounds")437 .param("windowId", windowId)438 .param("bounds", Collections.singletonMap("windowState", state))439 .send();440 windowState = state;441 }442 }443 @Override444 public void maximize() {445 setWindowState("maximized");446 }447 @Override448 public void minimize() {449 setWindowState("minimized");450 }451 @Override452 public void fullscreen() {453 setWindowState("fullscreen");454 }455 @Override456 public Element click(String locator) {457 retryIfEnabled(locator);458 eval(DriverOptions.selector(locator) + ".click()");459 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);460 }461 @Override462 public Element select(String locator, String text) {463 retryIfEnabled(locator);464 eval(options.optionSelector(locator, text));465 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);466 }467 @Override468 public Element select(String locator, int index) {469 retryIfEnabled(locator);470 eval(options.optionSelector(locator, index));471 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);472 }473 @Override474 public Driver submit() {475 submit = true;476 return this;477 }478 @Override479 public Element focus(String locator) {480 retryIfEnabled(locator);481 eval(options.focusJs(locator));482 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);483 }484 @Override485 public Element clear(String locator) {486 eval(DriverOptions.selector(locator) + ".value = ''");487 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);488 }489 private void sendKey(char c, int modifiers, String type, Integer keyCode) {490 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Input.dispatchKeyEvent")491 .param("modifiers", modifiers)492 .param("type", type);493 if (keyCode == null) {494 dtm.param("text", c + "");495 } else {496 switch (keyCode) {497 case 13:498 dtm.param("text", "\r"); // important ! \n does NOT work for chrome499 break;500 case 9: // TAB501 if ("char".equals(type)) {502 return; // special case503 }504 dtm.param("text", "");505 break;506 case 46: // DOT507 if ("rawKeyDown".equals(type)) {508 dtm.param("type", "keyDown"); // special case509 }510 dtm.param("text", ".");511 break;512 default:513 dtm.param("text", c + "");514 }515 dtm.param("windowsVirtualKeyCode", keyCode);516 }517 dtm.send();518 }519 @Override520 public Element input(String locator, String value) {521 retryIfEnabled(locator);522 // focus523 eval(options.focusJs(locator));524 Input input = new Input(value);525 while (input.hasNext()) {526 char c =;527 int modifiers = input.getModifierFlags();528 Integer keyCode = Keys.code(c);529 if (keyCode != null) {530 sendKey(c, modifiers, "rawKeyDown", keyCode);531 sendKey(c, modifiers, "char", keyCode);532 sendKey(c, modifiers, "keyUp", keyCode);533 } else {534 logger.warn("unknown character / key code: {}", c);535 sendKey(c, modifiers, "char", null);536 }537 }538 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);539 }540 protected int currentMouseXpos;541 protected int currentMouseYpos;542 @Override543 public void actions(List<Map<String, Object>> sequence) {544 boolean submitRequested = submit;545 submit = false; // make sure only LAST action is handled as a submit()546 for (Map<String, Object> map : sequence) {547 List<Map<String, Object>> actions = (List) map.get("actions");548 if (actions == null) {549 logger.warn("no actions property found: {}", sequence);550 return;551 }552 Iterator<Map<String, Object>> iterator = actions.iterator();553 while (iterator.hasNext()) {554 Map<String, Object> action =;555 String type = (String) action.get("type");556 if (type == null) {557 logger.warn("no type property found: {}", action);558 continue;559 }560 String chromeType;561 switch (type) {562 case "pointerMove":563 chromeType = "mouseMoved";564 break;565 case "pointerDown":566 chromeType = "mousePressed";567 break;568 case "pointerUp":569 chromeType = "mouseReleased";570 break;571 default:572 logger.warn("unexpected action type: {}", action);573 continue;574 }575 Integer x = (Integer) action.get("x");576 Integer y = (Integer) action.get("y");577 if (x != null) {578 currentMouseXpos = x;579 }580 if (y != null) {581 currentMouseYpos = y;582 }583 Integer duration = (Integer) action.get("duration");584 DevToolsMessage toSend = method("Input.dispatchMouseEvent")585 .param("type", chromeType)586 .param("x", currentMouseXpos).param("y", currentMouseYpos);587 if ("mousePressed".equals(chromeType) || "mouseReleased".equals(chromeType)) {588 toSend.param("button", "left").param("clickCount", 1);589 }590 if (!iterator.hasNext() && submitRequested) {591 submit = true;592 }593 toSend.send();594 if (duration != null) {595 options.sleep(duration);596 }597 }598 }599 }600 @Override601 public String text(String id) {602 return property(id, "textContent");603 }604 @Override605 public String html(String id) {606 return property(id, "outerHTML");607 }608 @Override609 public String value(String locator) {610 return property(locator, "value");611 }612 @Override613 public Element value(String locator, String value) {614 retryIfEnabled(locator);615 eval(DriverOptions.selector(locator) + ".value = '" + value + "'");616 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);617 }618 @Override619 public String attribute(String id, String name) {620 retryIfEnabled(id);621 DevToolsMessage dtm = eval(DriverOptions.selector(id) + ".getAttribute('" + name + "')");622 return dtm.getResult().getAsString();623 }624 @Override625 public String property(String id, String name) {626 retryIfEnabled(id);627 DevToolsMessage dtm = eval(DriverOptions.selector(id) + "['" + name + "']");628 return dtm.getResult().getAsString();629 }630 @Override631 public boolean enabled(String id) {632 retryIfEnabled(id);633 DevToolsMessage dtm = eval(DriverOptions.selector(id) + ".disabled");634 return !dtm.getResult().isTrue();635 }636 @Override637 public boolean waitUntil(String expression) {638 return options.retry(() -> {639 try {640 return evalQuickly(expression).getResult().isTrue();641 } catch (Exception e) {642 logger.warn("waitUntil evaluate failed: {}", e.getMessage());643 return false;644 }645 }, b -> b, "waitUntil (js)", true);646 }647 @Override648 public Object script(String expression) {649 return eval(expression).getResult().getValue();650 }651 @Override652 public String getTitle() {653 return eval("document.title").getResult().getAsString();654 }655 @Override656 public String getUrl() {657 return eval("document.location.href").getResult().getAsString();658 }659 @Override660 public List<Map> getCookies() {661 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Network.getAllCookies").send();662 return dtm.getResult("cookies").getValue();663 }664 @Override665 public Map<String, Object> cookie(String name) {666 List<Map> list = getCookies();667 if (list == null) {668 return null;669 }670 for (Map<String, Object> map : list) {671 if (map != null && name.equals(map.get("name"))) {672 return map;673 }674 }675 return null;676 }677 @Override678 public void cookie(Map<String, Object> cookie) {679 if (cookie.get("url") == null && cookie.get("domain") == null) {680 cookie = new HashMap(cookie); // don't mutate test681 cookie.put("url", getUrl());682 }683 method("Network.setCookie").params(cookie).send();684 }685 @Override686 public void deleteCookie(String name) {687 method("Network.deleteCookies").param("name", name).param("url", getUrl()).send();688 }689 @Override690 public void clearCookies() {691 method("Network.clearBrowserCookies").send();692 }693 @Override694 public void dialog(boolean accept) {695 dialog(accept, null);696 }697 @Override698 public void dialog(boolean accept, String text) {699 DevToolsMessage temp = method("Page.handleJavaScriptDialog").param("accept", accept);700 if (text == null) {701 temp.send();702 } else {703 temp.param("promptText", text).send();704 }705 }706 @Override707 public String getDialogText() {708 return currentDialogText;709 }710 @Override711 public byte[] pdf(Map<String, Object> options) {712 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Page.printToPDF").params(options).send();713 String temp = dtm.getResult("data").getAsString();714 return Base64.getDecoder().decode(temp);715 }716 @Override717 public byte[] screenshot(boolean embed) {718 return screenshot(null, embed);719 }720 @Override721 public Map<String, Object> position(String locator) {722 return position(locator, false);723 }724 @Override725 public Map<String, Object> position(String locator, boolean relative) {726 boolean submitTemp = submit; // in case we are prepping for a submit().mouse(locator).click()727 submit = false;728 retryIfEnabled(locator);729 Map<String, Object> map = eval(relative ? DriverOptions.getRelativePositionJs(locator) : DriverOptions.getPositionJs(locator)).getResult().getValue();730 submit = submitTemp;731 return map;732 }733 @Override734 public byte[] screenshot(String id, boolean embed) {735 DevToolsMessage dtm;736 if (id == null) {737 dtm = method("Page.captureScreenshot").send();738 } else {739 Map<String, Object> map = position(id);740 map.put("scale", 1);741 dtm = method("Page.captureScreenshot").param("clip", map).send();742 }743 String temp = dtm.getResult("data").getAsString();744 byte[] bytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(temp);745 if (embed) {746 getRuntime().embed(bytes, ResourceType.PNG);747 }748 return bytes;749 }750 // chrome only751 public byte[] screenshotFull() {752 DevToolsMessage layout = method("Page.getLayoutMetrics").send();753 Map<String, Object> size = layout.getResult("contentSize").getValue();754 Map<String, Object> map = options.newMapWithSelectedKeys(size, "height", "width");755 map.put("x", 0);756 map.put("y", 0);757 map.put("scale", 1);758 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Page.captureScreenshot").param("clip", map).send();759 if (dtm.isResultError()) {760 logger.error("unable to capture screenshot: {}", dtm);761 return new byte[0];762 }763 String temp = dtm.getResult("data").getAsString();764 return Base64.getDecoder().decode(temp);765 }766 @Override767 public List<String> getPages() {768 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Target.getTargets").send();769 return dtm.getResult("targetInfos.targetId").getValue();770 }771 @Override772 public void switchPage(String titleOrUrl) {773 if (titleOrUrl == null) {774 return;775 }776 String targetId = options.retry(() -> {777 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Target.getTargets").send();778 List<Map> targets = dtm.getResult("targetInfos").getValue();779 for (Map map : targets) {780 String title = (String) map.get("title");781 String url = (String) map.get("url");782 if ((title != null && title.contains(titleOrUrl))783 || (url != null && url.contains(titleOrUrl))) {784 return (String) map.get("targetId");785 }786 }787 return null;788 }, returned -> returned != null, "waiting to switch to tab: " + titleOrUrl, true);789 attachAndActivate(targetId);790 }791 @Override792 public void switchPage(int index) {793 if (index == -1) {794 return;795 }796 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Target.getTargets").send();797 List<Map> targets = dtm.getResult("targetInfos").getValue();798 if (index < targets.size()) {799 Map target = targets.get(index);800 String targetId = (String) target.get("targetId");801 attachAndActivate(targetId);802 } else {803 logger.warn("failed to switch frame by index: {}", index);804 }805 }806 @Override807 public void switchFrame(int index) {808 if (index == -1) {809 frame = null;810 return;811 }812 List<String> objectIds = elementIds("iframe,frame");813 if (index < objectIds.size()) {814 String objectId = objectIds.get(index);815 if (!setExecutionContext(objectId)) {816 logger.warn("failed to switch frame by index: {}", index);817 }818 } else {819 logger.warn("unable to switch frame by index: {}", index);820 }821 }822 @Override823 public void switchFrame(String locator) {824 if (locator == null) {825 frame = null;826 return;827 }828 retryIfEnabled(locator);829 String objectId = evalForObjectId(DriverOptions.selector(locator));830 if (!setExecutionContext(objectId)) {831 logger.warn("failed to switch frame by locator: {}", locator);832 }833 }834 private Integer getFrameContext() {835 if (frame == null) {836 return null;837 }838 Integer result = frameContexts.get(;839 logger.trace("** get frame context: {} - {}", frame, result);840 return result;841 }842 private boolean setExecutionContext(String objectId) { // locator just for logging 843 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("DOM.describeNode")844 .param("objectId", objectId)845 .param("depth", 0)846 .send();847 String frameId = dtm.getResult("node.frameId", String.class);848 if (frameId == null) {849 return false;850 }851 dtm = method("Page.getFrameTree").send();852 frame = null;853 List<Map> frames = dtm.getResult("frameTree.childFrames[*].frame", List.class);854 for (Map<String, Object> map : frames) {855 String temp = (String) map.get("id");856 if (frameId.equals(temp)) {857 String frameUrl = (String) map.get("url");858 String frameName = (String) map.get("name");859 frame = new Frame(frameId, frameUrl, frameName);860 logger.trace("** switched to frame: {}", frame);861 break;862 }863 }864 if (frame == null) {865 return false;866 }867 Integer contextId = getFrameContext();868 if (contextId != null) {869 return true;870 }871 dtm = method("Page.createIsolatedWorld").param("frameId", frameId).send();872 contextId = dtm.getResult("executionContextId").getValue();873 frameContexts.put(frameId, contextId);874 return true;875 }876 public void enableNetworkEvents() {877 method("Network.enable").send();878 }879 public void enablePageEvents() {880 method("Page.enable").send();881 }882 public void enableRuntimeEvents() {883 method("Runtime.enable").send();884 }885 public void intercept(Value value) {886 Map<String, Object> config = (Map) JsValue.toJava(value);887 config = new Variable(config).getValue();888 intercept(config);889 }890 public void intercept(Map<String, Object> config) {891 List<String> patterns = (List) config.get("patterns");892 if (patterns == null) {893 throw new RuntimeException("missing array argument 'patterns': " + config);894 }895 if (mockHandler != null) {896 throw new RuntimeException("'intercept()' can be called only once");897 }898 String mock = (String) config.get("mock");899 if (mock == null) {900 throw new RuntimeException("missing argument 'mock': " + config);901 }902 Object o = getRuntime().engine.fileReader.readFile(mock);903 if (!(o instanceof Feature)) {904 throw new RuntimeException("'mock' is not a feature file: " + config + ", " + mock);905 }906 Feature feature = (Feature) o;907 mockHandler = new MockHandler(feature);908 method("Fetch.enable").param("patterns", patterns).send();909 }910 public void inputFile(String locator, String... relativePaths) {911 retryIfEnabled(locator);912 List<String> files = new ArrayList(relativePaths.length);913 ScenarioEngine engine = ScenarioEngine.get();914 for (String p : relativePaths) {915 files.add(engine.fileReader.toAbsolutePath(p));916 }917 String objectId = evalForObjectId(DriverOptions.selector(locator));918 method("DOM.setFileInputFiles").param("files", files).param("objectId", objectId).send();919 }920 public Object scriptAwait(String expression) {921 DevToolsMessage toSend = method("Runtime.evaluate")922 .param("expression", expression)923 .param("returnByValue", true)924 .param("awaitPromise", true);925 Integer contextId = getFrameContext();926 if (contextId != null) {927 toSend.param("contextId", contextId);928 }929 return toSend.send().getResult().getValue();930 }931}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import driverOptions = new DevToolsDriverOptionsBuilder()9 .setHeadless(true)10 .build()11def driverFactoryOptions = new DevToolsDriverFactoryOptionsBuilder()12 .setDevToolsDriverOptions(driverOptions)13 .build()14def driverFactory = new DevToolsDriverFactory(driverFactoryOptions)15def driver = driverFactory.getDriver()16def context = driver.getFrameContext()17def frameContext = context.getFrameContext()18def frameId = frameContext.getFrameId()19def frameName = frameContext.getFrameName()20def frameUrl = frameContext.getFrameUrl()21def frameParentId = frameContext.getFrameParentId()22def frameSecurityOrigin = frameContext.getFrameSecurityOrigin()23def frameMimeType = frameContext.getFrameMimeType()24def frameUnreachableUrl = frameContext.getFrameUnreachableUrl()25def frameLoaderId = frameContext.getFrameLoaderId()26def frameErrorText = frameContext.getFrameErrorText()27import driverOptions = new DevToolsDriverOptionsBuilder()36 .setHeadless(true)37 .build()38def driverFactoryOptions = new DevToolsDriverFactoryOptionsBuilder()39 .setDevToolsDriverOptions(driverOptions)40 .build()41def driverFactory = new DevToolsDriverFactory(driverFactoryOptions)42def driver = driverFactory.getDriver()

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1def context = driver.getFrameContext()2def context = driver.getFrameContext()3def context = driver.getFrameContext()4def context = driver.getFrameContext()5def context = driver.getFrameContext()6def context = driver.getFrameContext()7def context = driver.getFrameContext()8def context = driver.getFrameContext()9def context = driver.getFrameContext()10def context = driver.getFrameContext()11def context = driver.getFrameContext()12def context = driver.getFrameContext()13def context = driver.getFrameContext()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1def frameContext = driver.getFrameContext()2driver.switchToFrame(frameContext)3driver.switchToParentFrame()4driver.switchToRootFrame()5def isFrame = driver.isFrame()6driver.switchToWindow('name')7driver.switchToWindow('title')8driver.switchToWindow('url')9driver.switchToWindow('titleOrUrl')10driver.switchToWindow('nameOrTitleOrUrl')11driver.switchToWindow('nameOrTitle')12driver.switchToWindow('nameOrUrl')13driver.switchToWindow('titleOrUrl')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def driver = { driver: 'chrome' }2* def devToolsDriver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/devtools.feature', driver).driver3* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()4* def driver = { driver: 'chrome' }5* def devToolsDriver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/devtools.feature', driver).driver6* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()7* def driver = { driver: 'chrome' }8* def devToolsDriver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/devtools.feature', driver).driver9* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()10* def driver = { driver: 'chrome' }11* def devToolsDriver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/devtools.feature', driver).driver12* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()13* def driver = { driver: 'chrome' }14* def devToolsDriver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/devtools.feature', driver).driver

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def driver ='chrome', { headless: false })2* def context = driver.getFrameContext()3* def driver ='chrome', { headless: false })4* driver.switchTo().frame(0)5* def context = driver.getFrameContext()6* def driver ='chrome', { headless: false })7* driver.switchTo().frame(0)8* driver.switchTo().frame(0)9* def context = driver.getFrameContext()10* def driver ='chrome', { headless: false })11* driver.switchTo().frame(0)12* driver.switchTo().frame(0)13* driver.switchTo().frame(0)14* def context = driver.getFrameContext()15* def driver ='chrome', { headless: false })16* driver.switchTo().frame(0)17* driver.switchTo().frame(0)18* driver.switchTo().frame(0)19* driver.switchTo().frame(0)20* def context = driver.getFrameContext()21* def driver ='chrome', { headless: false })22* driver.switchTo().frame(0)23* driver.switchTo().frame(0)24* driver.switchTo().frame(0)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def devToolsDriver = driver.getDevToolsDriver()2* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()3* def frameId = frameContext.getFrameId()4* def frame = driver.switchTo().frame(frameId)5* def frameTitle = driver.getTitle()6* def frameUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()7* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()8* def frameId = frameContext.getParentFrameId()9* def frame = driver.switchTo().frame(frameId)10* def frameTitle = driver.getTitle()11* def frameUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()12* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()13* def frameId = frameContext.getOpenerId()14* def frame = driver.switchTo().frame(frameId)15* def frameTitle = driver.getTitle()16* def frameUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()17* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()18* def frameId = frameContext.getProxyId()19* def frame = driver.switchTo().frame(frameId)20* def frameTitle = driver.getTitle()21* def frameUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()22* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()23* def frameId = frameContext.getTopFrameId()24* def frame = driver.switchTo().frame(frameId)25* def frameTitle = driver.getTitle()26* def frameUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()27* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()28* def frameId = frameContext.getFrameId()29* def frame = driver.switchTo().frame(frameId)30* def frameTitle = driver.getTitle()31* def frameUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()32* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()33* def frameId = frameContext.getFrameId()34* def frame = driver.switchTo().frame(frameId)35* def frameTitle = driver.getTitle()36* def frameUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()37* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()38* def frameId = frameContext.getFrameId()39* def frame = driver.switchTo().frame(frameId)40* def frameTitle = driver.getTitle()41* def frameUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl()42* def frameContext = devToolsDriver.getFrameContext()

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