How to use submit method of class

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...97 highlight(locator, options.highlightDuration);98 }99 String before = options.getPreSubmitHash();100 if (before != null) {101 logger.trace("submit requested, will wait for page load after next action on : {}", locator);102 options.setPreSubmitHash(null); // clear the submit flag103 T result = action.get();104 Integer retryInterval = options.getRetryInterval();105 options.setRetryInterval(500); // reduce retry interval for this special case106 options.retry(() -> getSubmitHash(), hash -> !before.equals(hash), "waiting for document to change", false);107 options.setRetryInterval(retryInterval); // restore108 return result;109 } else {110 return action.get();111 }112 }113 protected boolean isJavaScriptError(Response res) {114 return res.getStatus() != 200115 && !res.json().<String>get("value").contains("unexpected alert open");116 }117 protected boolean isLocatorError(Response res) {118 return res.getStatus() != 200;119 }120 protected boolean isCookieError(Response res) {121 return res.getStatus() != 200;122 }123 private Element evalLocator(String locator, String dotExpression) {124 eval(prefixReturn(DriverOptions.selector(locator) + "." + dotExpression));125 // if the js above did not throw an exception, the element exists126 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);127 }128 private Element evalFocus(String locator) {129 eval(options.focusJs(locator));130 // if the js above did not throw an exception, the element exists131 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);132 }133 protected Variable eval(String expression, List args) {134 Json json = Json.object().set("script", expression).set("args", (args == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : args);135 Response res = http.path("execute", "sync").post(json);136 if (isJavaScriptError(res)) {137 logger.warn("javascript failed, will retry once: {}", res.getBodyAsString());138 options.sleep();139 res = http.path("execute", "sync").post(json);140 if (isJavaScriptError(res)) {141 String message = "javascript failed twice: " + res.getBodyAsString();142 logger.error(message);143 throw new RuntimeException(message);144 }145 }146 return new Variable(res.json().get("value"));147 }148 protected Variable eval(String expression) {149 return eval(expression, null);150 }151 protected String getElementKey() {152 return "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf";153 }154 protected String getJsonForInput(String text) {155 return Json.object().set("text", text).toString();156 }157 protected String getJsonForHandle(String text) {158 return Json.object().set("handle", text).toString();159 }160 protected String getJsonForFrame(String text) {161 return Json.object().set("id", text).toString();162 }163 protected String selectorPayload(String locator) {164 if (locator.startsWith("{")) {165 locator = DriverOptions.preProcessWildCard(locator);166 }167 Json json = Json.object();168 if (locator.startsWith("/")) {169 json.set("using", "xpath").set("value", locator);170 } else {171 json.set("using", "css selector").set("value", locator);172 }173 return json.toString();174 }175 @Override176 public String elementId(String locator) {177 String json = selectorPayload(locator);178 Response res = http.path("element").postJson(json);179 if (isLocatorError(res)) {180 logger.warn("locator failed, will retry once: {}", res.getBodyAsString());181 options.sleep();182 res = http.path("element").postJson(json);183 if (isLocatorError(res)) {184 String message = "locator failed twice: " + res.getBodyAsString();185 logger.error(message);186 throw new RuntimeException(message);187 }188 }189 return res.json().<List<String>>get("$.." + getElementKey()).get(0);190 }191 @Override192 public List<String> elementIds(String locator) {193 return http.path("elements")194 .postJson(selectorPayload(locator)).json().get("$.." + getElementKey());195 }196 @Override197 public DriverOptions getOptions() {198 return options;199 }200 @Override201 public void setUrl(String url) {202 Json json = Json.object().set("url", url);203 http.path("url").post(json);204 }205 @Override206 public Map<String, Object> getDimensions() {207 return http.path("window", "rect").get().json().get("value");208 }209 @Override210 public void setDimensions(Map<String, Object> map) {211 http.path("window", "rect").post(map);212 }213 @Override214 public void refresh() {215 http.path("refresh").postJson("{}");216 }217 @Override218 public void reload() {219 // not supported by webdriver220 refresh();221 }222 @Override223 public void back() {224 http.path("back").postJson("{}");225 }226 @Override227 public void forward() {228 http.path("forward").postJson("{}");229 }230 @Override231 public void maximize() {232 http.path("window", "maximize").postJson("{}");233 }234 @Override235 public void minimize() {236 http.path("window", "minimize").postJson("{}");237 }238 @Override239 public void fullscreen() {240 http.path("window", "fullscreen").postJson("{}");241 }242 @Override243 public Element focus(String locator) {244 return retryIfEnabled(locator, () -> evalFocus(locator));245 }246 @Override247 public Element clear(String locator) {248 return retryIfEnabled(locator, () -> evalLocator(locator, "value = ''"));249 }250 @Override251 public Element input(String locator, String value) {252 return retryIfEnabled(locator, () -> {253 String elementId;254 if (locator.startsWith("(")) {255 evalFocus(locator);256 elementId = http.path("element", "active").get()257 .json().getFirst("$.." + getElementKey());258 } else {259 elementId = elementId(locator);260 }261 http.path("element", elementId, "value").postJson(getJsonForInput(value));262 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);263 });264 }265 @Override266 public Element click(String locator) {267 return retryIfEnabled(locator, () -> evalLocator(locator, "click()"));268 }269 @Override270 public Driver submit() {271 options.setPreSubmitHash(getSubmitHash());272 return this;273 }274 @Override275 public Element select(String locator, String text) {276 return retryIfEnabled(locator, () -> {277 eval(options.optionSelector(locator, text));278 // if the js above did not throw an exception, the element exists279 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);280 });281 }282 @Override283 public Element select(String locator, int index) {284 return retryIfEnabled(locator, () -> {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature').driver2* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature', { driver: '' }).driver3* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature', { driver: '', options: { args: ['--headless'] } }).driver4* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature', { driver: '', options: { args: ['--headless'], prefs: { 'download.default_directory': '/tmp' } } }).driver5* driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('karate')6* driver.submit('q'))7* driver.quit()8* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature').driver9* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature', { driver: '' }).driver10* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature', { driver: '', options: { args: ['--headless'] } }).driver11* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature', { driver: '', options: { args: ['--headless'], prefs: { 'download.default_directory': '/tmp' } } }).driver12* driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('karate')13* driver.findElement('q')).submit()14* driver.quit()15* def driver ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/driver/driver.feature').driver16* def driver ='classpath:

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1* def driver = { options = new options.setHeadless(true) return }2* def result = page.submit("karate")3* match result.html.contains("")4* def driver = { options = new options.setHeadless(true) return }5* def result = page.submit("karate", 20000)6* match result.html.contains("")7* def driver = { options = new options.setHeadless(true) return }8* def result = page.submit("karate", 20000, 500)9* match result.html.contains("")10* def driver = { options = new options.setHeadless(true) return }11* def result = page.submit("karate", 20000,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* driver.get('/form.html')2* def name = driver.find('#name')3* def submit = driver.find('#submit')4* name.type('John Doe')5* submit.submit()6* driver.get('/form.html')7* def name = driver.find('#name')8* def submit = driver.find('#submit')9* name.type('John Doe')10* submit.submit()11* driver.get('/form.html')12* def name = driver.find('#name')13* def submit = driver.find('#submit')14* name.type('John Doe')15* submit.submit()16* driver.get('/form.html')17* def name = driver.find('#name')18* def submit = driver.find('#submit')19* name.type('John Doe')20* submit.submit()21* driver.get('/form.html')22* def name = driver.find('#name')23* def submit = driver.find('#submit')24* name.type('John Doe')25* submit.submit()26* driver.get('/form.html')27* def name = driver.find('#name')28* def submit = driver.find('#submit')29* name.type('John Doe')30* submit.submit()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def driver = { driver: 'chrome' }2* driver = { driver: 'chrome' }3* def element = driver.findElement(elementName)4* element submit { timeout: 5000 }5* element submit { timeout: 5000, interval: 1000 }6* element submit { timeout: 5000, interval: 1000, ignoreExceptions: true }7* element submit { timeout: 5000, interval: 1000, ignoreExceptions: true, expectedExceptions: 'org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException' }8* element submit { timeout: 5000, interval: 1000, ignoreExceptions: true, expectedExceptions: 'org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException' }9* element submit { timeout: 5000, interval: 1000, ignoreExceptions: true, expectedExceptions: 'org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException' }10* element submit { timeout: 5000, interval: 1000, ignoreExceptions: true, expectedExceptions: 'org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException' }11* element submit { timeout: 5000, interval: 1000, ignoreExceptions: true, expectedExceptions: 'org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException' }12* element submit { timeout: 5000, interval: 1000, ignoreExceptions: true, expectedExceptions: 'org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException' }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def driver = createWebDriver()2* driver.findElement("name", "q").sendKeys("Karate")3* driver.findElement("name", "q").submit()4* driver.findElement("name", "q").getAttribute("value") == "Karate"5* def driver = createWebDriver()6* driver.findElement("name", "q").sendKeys("Karate")7* driver.findElement("name", "btnK").submit()8* driver.findElement("name", "q").getAttribute("value") == "Karate"9* def driver = createWebDriver()10* driver.findElement("name", "q").sendKeys("Karate")11* driver.findElement("name", "btnK").submit()12* driver.findElement("name", "q").getAttribute("value") == "Karate"13* def driver = createWebDriver()14* driver.findElement("name", "q").sendKeys("Karate")15* driver.findElement("name", "btnK").submit()16* driver.findElement("name", "q").getAttribute("value") == "Karate"17* def driver = createWebDriver()18* driver.findElement("name", "q").sendKeys("Karate")19* driver.findElement("name", "btnK").submit()20* driver.findElement("name", "q").getAttribute("value") == "Karate"

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Using AI Code Generation


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1And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }2And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }3And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }4And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }5And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }6And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }7And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }8And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }9And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }10And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }11And driver 'submit' { id: 'search' }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')2* form.submit()3* def result = driver.findElement('#result')4* result.getText() == 'login successful'5* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')6* form.submit()7* def result = driver.findElement('#result')8* result.getText() == 'login successful'9* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')10* form.submit()11* def result = driver.findElement('#result')12* result.getText() == 'login successful'13* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')14* form.submit()15* def result = driver.findElement('#result')16* result.getText() == 'login successful'17* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')18* form.submit()19* def result = driver.findElement('#result')20* result.getText() == 'login successful'21* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')22* form.submit()23* def result = driver.findElement('#result')24* result.getText() == 'login successful'25* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')26* form.submit()27* def result = driver.findElement('#result')28* result.getText() == 'login successful'29* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')30* form.submit()31* def result = driver.findElement('#result')32* result.getText() == 'login successful'33* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')34* form.submit()35* def result = driver.findElement('#result')36* result.getText() == 'login successful'37* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')38* form.submit()39* def result = driver.findElement('#result')40* result.getText() == 'login successful'41* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')42* form.submit()43* def result = driver.findElement('#result')44* result.getText() == 'login successful'45* def form = driver.findElement('#loginForm')46* form.submit()47* def result = driver.findElement('#result')48* result.getText() == 'login successful'

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1 * def iframe = driver.findElement('iframe')2 * driver.switchTo().frame(iframe)3 * def submitButton = driver.findElement('input[type="submit"]')4 * driver.submit(submitButton)5 * def title = driver.getTitle()6 * driver.quit()

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