Best SeLion code snippet using com.paypal.selion.internal.reports.model.BaseLog.BaseLog
...21import org.testng.Reporter;22import org.testng.annotations.Test;23import com.paypal.selion.annotations.MobileTest;24import com.paypal.selion.annotations.WebTest;25import com.paypal.selion.internal.reports.model.BaseLog;26import com.paypal.selion.internal.reports.model.PageContents;27import com.paypal.selion.logger.SeLionLogger;28import com.paypal.selion.platform.grid.Grid;29import;30import com.paypal.test.utilities.logging.SimpleLogger;31/**32 * A TestNG compatible message logger. Use this class to log messages to the report output and associate them with a33 * {@link Test}, {@link WebTest} and/or {@link MobileTest}34 */35public final class SeLionReporter {36 private static final SimpleLogger logger = SeLionLogger.getLogger();37 private volatile static List<LogAction> actionList = new ArrayList<LogAction>();38 private static String output;39 private static DataSaver saver;40 private final String baseFileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();41 private BaseLog currentLog;42 private String getBaseFileName() {43 return baseFileName;44 }45 private BaseLog getCurrentLog() {46 return currentLog;47 }48 private void setCurrentLog(BaseLog currentLog) {49 this.currentLog = currentLog;50 }51 /**52 * Sets string path to the output53 * 54 * @param rootFolder55 * path to the output folder56 */57 public static void setTestNGOutputFolder(String rootFolder) {58 output = rootFolder;59 }60 /**61 * <ol>62 * <li>Provides saver with path to output information.63 * <li>Initializes saver.<br>64 * <li>Creates if missing output directories.<br>65 * </ol>66 */67 public static void init() {68 logger.entering();69 saver = new SaverFileSystem(output);70 saver.init();71 logger.exiting();72 }73 /**74 * Creates an instance of {@link BaseLog}. Calls any {@link LogAction}s which are hooked in.75 * 76 * @param saveSrc77 * Save the current page source <code>true/false</code>. Requires an active {@link Grid} session.78 * @return A {@link BaseLog} subclass that represents the actual log that was generated.79 */80 protected BaseLog createLog(boolean saveSrc) {81 String href = null;82 /**83 * Changed html file extension to txt84 */85 if (!(saver instanceof SaverFileSystem)) { // NOSONAR86 throw new RuntimeException("Internal error. SeLionReporter expects an instance of SaverFileSystem."); // NOSONAR87 }88 if (saveSrc) {89 PageContents source = new PageContents(Grid.driver().getPageSource(), getBaseFileName());90 saver.saveSources(source);91 href = "sources" + File.separator + getBaseFileName() + ".source.txt";92 getCurrentLog().setHref(href);93 }94 for (LogAction eachAction : actionList) {95 eachAction.perform();96 }97 return getCurrentLog();98 }99 /**100 * Generate a log message and send it to the TestNG {@link Reporter}101 * 102 * @param takeScreenshot103 * Take a screenshot <code>true/false</code>. Requires an active {@link Grid} session.104 * @param saveSrc105 * Save the current page source <code>true/false</code>. Requires an active {@link Grid} session.106 */107 protected void generateLog(boolean takeScreenshot, boolean saveSrc) {108 logger.entering(new Object[] { takeScreenshot, saveSrc });109 try {110 BaseLog log = createLog(saveSrc);111 String screenshotPath = null;112 log.setScreen(null);113 if (takeScreenshot) {114 // screenshot115 PageContents screen = new PageContents(Gatherer.takeScreenshot(Grid.driver()), getBaseFileName());116 screenshotPath = saver.saveScreenshot(screen);117 log.setScreen(screenshotPath);118 }119 // creating a string from all the info for the report to deserialize120 Reporter.log(log.toString());121 } catch (Exception e) {122 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "error in the logging feature of SeLion " + e.getMessage(), e);123 }124 logger.exiting();125 }126 /**127 * @param action128 * A {@link LogAction} object that represents the custom log action to be invoked when129 * {@link SeLionReporter#log(String, boolean, boolean)} gets called.130 * 131 */132 public static void addLogAction(LogAction action) {133 if (!actionList.contains(action)) {134 actionList.add(action);135 }136 }137 /**138 * Generates log entry with message provided139 * 140 * @param message141 * Entry description142 * @param takeScreenshot143 * Take a screenshot <code>true/false</code>. Requires an active {@link Grid} session.144 */145 public static void log(String message, boolean takeScreenshot) {146 log(message, takeScreenshot, false);147 }148 /**149 * Generates log entry with message provided150 * 151 * @param message152 * Entry description153 * @param takeScreenshot154 * Take a screenshot <code>true/false</code>. Requires an active {@link Grid} session.155 * @param saveSrc156 * Save the current page source <code>true/false</code>. Requires an active {@link Grid} session.157 */158 public static void log(String message, boolean takeScreenshot, boolean saveSrc) {159 SeLionReporter reporter = new SeLionReporter();160 BaseLog currentLog = new BaseLog();161 currentLog.setMsg(message);162 currentLog.setLocation(Gatherer.saveGetLocation(Grid.driver()));163 reporter.setCurrentLog(currentLog);164 reporter.generateLog(takeScreenshot, saveSrc);165 logger.exiting();166 }167}...
Using AI Code Generation
1BaseLog log = new BaseLog();"This is a info message");3log.error("This is a error message");4log.debug("This is a debug message");5log.warn("This is a warn message");6log.fatal("This is a fatal message");7log.trace("This is a trace message");"This is a info message with custom message", "Custom message");9log.error("This is a error message with custom message", "Custom message");10log.debug("This is a debug message with custom message", "Custom message");11log.warn("This is a warn message with custom message", "Custom message");12log.fatal("This is a fatal message with custom message", "Custom message");13log.trace("This is a trace message with custom message", "Custom message");"This is a info message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());15log.error("This is a error message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());16log.debug("This is a debug message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());17log.warn("This is a warn message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());18log.fatal("This is a fatal message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());19log.trace("This is a trace message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());"This is a info message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());21log.error("This is a error message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());22log.debug("This is a debug message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());23log.warn("This is a warn message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());24log.fatal("This is a fatal message with custom message and throwable", "Custom message", new Throwable());25log.trace("This is a trace message with custom message and throwable",
Using AI Code Generation
1public void log(String message) {2 BaseLog.log(message);3}4public void log(String message, LogLevel level) {5 BaseLog.log(message, level);6}7public void log(String message, LogLevel level, String source) {8 BaseLog.log(message, level, source);9}10public void log(String message, LogLevel level, String source, Date timeStamp) {11 BaseLog.log(message, level, source, timeStamp);12}13public void log(String message, LogLevel level, String source, Date timeStamp, String category) {14 BaseLog.log(message, level, source, timeStamp, category);15}16public void log(String message, LogLevel level, String source, Date timeStamp, String category, String threadName) {17 BaseLog.log(message, level, source, timeStamp, category, threadName);18}19public void log(String message, LogLevel level, String source, Date timeStamp, String category, String threadName, int sequenceNumber) {20 BaseLog.log(message, level, source, timeStamp, category, threadName,
Using AI Code Generation
1BaseLog log = new BaseLog();2log.setClassname("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");3log.setMethodName("clickButton");4log.setTimestamp("2014-12-12 12:12:12");5log.setLogType(LogType.INFO);6log.setMessage("This is a test message");7log.setLogDetails("This is a test log details");8log.setLogId("1");9log.setLogSource("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");10log.setLogType(LogType.INFO);11log.setMethodName("clickButton");12log.setTimestamp("2014-12-12 12:12:12");13log.setClassname("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");14log.setLogSource("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");15log.setLogId("1");16log.setLogDetails("This is a test log details");17log.setMessage("This is a test message");18log.setMethodName("clickButton");19log.setTimestamp("2014-12-12 12:12:12");20log.setClassname("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");21log.setLogSource("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");22log.setLogId("1");23log.setLogDetails("This is a test log details");24log.setMessage("This is a test message");25log.setMethodName("clickButton");26log.setTimestamp("2014-12-12 12:12:12");27log.setClassname("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");28log.setLogSource("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");29log.setLogId("1");30log.setLogDetails("This is a test log details");31log.setMessage("This is a test message");32log.setMethodName("clickButton");33log.setTimestamp("2014-12-12 12:12:12");34log.setClassname("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");35log.setLogSource("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");36log.setLogId("1");37log.setLogDetails("This is a test log details");38log.setMessage("This is a test message");39log.setMethodName("clickButton");40log.setTimestamp("2014-12-12 12:12:12");41log.setClassname("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPageImpl");42log.setLogSource("com.paypal.selion.testcomponents.BasicPage
Using AI Code Generation
1public class TestClass {2 public void testMethod() {3 BaseLog baseLog = new BaseLog();4 baseLog.log("This is a sample log message");5 }6}7public class TestClass {8 public void testMethod() {9 BaseLog baseLog = new BaseLog();10 baseLog.log("This is a sample log message", LogLevel.INFO);11 }12}13public class TestClass {14 public void testMethod() {15 BaseLog baseLog = new BaseLog();16 baseLog.log("This is a sample log message", LogLevel.INFO, "custom log level");17 }18}19public class TestClass {20 public void testMethod() {21 BaseLog baseLog = new BaseLog();22 baseLog.log("This is a sample log message", LogLevel.INFO, "custom log level");23 }24}25public class TestClass {26 public void testMethod() {27 BaseLog baseLog = new BaseLog();28 baseLog.log("This is a sample log message", LogLevel.INFO, "custom log level");29 }30}31public class TestClass {32 public void testMethod() {33 BaseLog baseLog = new BaseLog();34 baseLog.log("This is a sample log message", LogLevel.INFO, "custom log level");35 }36}37public class TestClass {38 public void testMethod() {
Using AI Code Generation
1BaseLog log = new BaseLog();2log.BaseLog("This is a message", Level.DEBUG);3BaseLog log = new BaseLog();4log.BaseLog("This is a message", Level.DEBUG, new Throwable("This is a throwable object"));5BaseLog log = new BaseLog();6log.BaseLog("This is a message", Level.DEBUG, new Throwable("This is a throwable object"));7BaseLog log = new BaseLog();8log.BaseLog("This is a message", Level.DEBUG, new Throwable("This is a throwable object"), true);9BaseLog log = new BaseLog();10log.BaseLog("This is a message", Level.DEBUG, new Throwable("This is a throwable object"), true);11BaseLog log = new BaseLog();12log.BaseLog("This is a message", Level.DEBUG, new Throwable("This is a throwable object"), true);13BaseLog log = new BaseLog();14log.BaseLog("This is a message", Level.DEBUG, new Throwable("This is a throwable object"), true);15BaseLog log = new BaseLog();16log.BaseLog("This
Using AI Code Generation
1BaseLog log = new BaseLog("Test case name", "Test case description");2log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO);3log.setLogMessage("Test case message");4log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot");5log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title", "Test case screenshot title");6log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title and description", "Test case screenshot title", "Test case screenshot description");7log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title, description and image type", "Test case screenshot title", "Test case screenshot description", ImageType.PNG);8log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title, description, image type and image encoding", "Test case screenshot title", "Test case screenshot description", ImageType.PNG, ImageEncoding.BASE64);9log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title, description, image type, image encoding and image data", "Test case screenshot title", "Test case screenshot description", ImageType.PNG, ImageEncoding.BASE64, "Test case screenshot data");10BaseLog log = new BaseLog("Test case name", "Test case description");11log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO);12log.setLogMessage("Test case message");13log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot");14log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title", "Test case screenshot title");15log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title and description", "Test case screenshot title", "Test case screenshot description");16log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title, description and image type", "Test case screenshot title", "Test case screenshot description", ImageType.PNG);17log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title, description, image type and image encoding", "Test case screenshot title", "Test case screenshot description", ImageType.PNG, ImageEncoding.BASE64);18log.setLogScreenShot("Test case screenshot with title, description, image type, image encoding and image data", "Test case screenshot title", "Test case screenshot description", ImageType.PNG, ImageEncoding.BASE64, "Test case screenshot data");19BaseLog log = new BaseLog("Test case name", "Test case description");20log.setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO);21log.setLogMessage("Test case message");
Using AI Code Generation
1BaseLog log = BaseLog.createLog("test1", "test1", "test1");2log.setTestDescription("test1");3log.setTestStatus("test1");4log.setTestStartTime("test1");5log.setTestEndTime("test1");6log.setTestDuration("test1");7log.setTestArgs("test1");8log.setTestException("test1");9log.setTestExceptionStackTrace("test1");10log.setTestScreenShot("test1");11log.setTestScreenShotBase64("test1");12log.setTestScreenShotImage("test1");13log.setTestLog("test1");14log.setTestLogBase64("test1");15log.setTestLogImage("test1");16log.setTestVideo("test1");17log.setTestVideoBase64("test1");18log.setTestVideoImage("test1");19log.setTestVideoImageBase64("test1");20log.setTestVideoImageImage("test1");21log.setTestVideoImageImageBase64("test1");22log.setTestVideoImageImageImage("test1");23log.setTestVideoImageImageImageBase64("test1");24log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImage("test1");25log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageBase64("test1");26log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImage("test1");27log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageBase64("test1");28log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageImage("test1");29log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageImageBase64("test1");30log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageImageImage("test1");31log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageImageImageBase64("test1");32log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage("test1");33log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageBase64("test1");34log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage("test1");35log.setTestVideoImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageBase64("test1");
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