How to use getValue method of class

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...31 *32 * @param co the configuration option to search for33 * @return returns a castable object34 */35 public Object getValue( ConfigOption co ) {36 return parsedOptions.get( co.getLongName() );37 }38 private boolean hasValue( ConfigOption co ) {39 return parsedOptions.containsKey( co.getLongName() );40 }41 /**42 *43 * Parses the configuration list and tries to create a mapping of the corresponding objects from the command line, properties44 * or environment variables45 *46 * As long as the {@link} are implemented with a null as fail47 * and a working conversion the mapped objects are always in a correct state and castable to their representation48 *49 * @param configList the configuration list by which to search for the objects50 * @param args command line arguments51 * @return returns the map of config.longName keys and corresponding castable objects52 */53 public Map<String, Object> generate( List<ConfigOption> configList, String... args ) {54 // default arguments55 configList.add( 0, format );56 configList.add( 1, help );57 for( ConfigOption co : configList ) {58 if( co.hasDefault() ) {59 parsedOptions.put( co.getLongName(), co.getValue() );60 }61 }62 // command line arguments63 for( String arg : args ) {64 boolean found = false;65 for( ConfigOption co : configList ) {66 found |= commandLineLookup( arg, co, configList );67 }68 if( !found ) {69 printSuggestion( arg, configList );70 }71 }72 // checking for non-optional flags73 for( ConfigOption co : configList ) {74 if( !co.isOptional() && !parsedOptions.containsKey( co.getLongName() ) ) {75 System.err.println( "Anticipating value for non-optional flag " + co.getCommandLineOption().showFlagInfo() );76 printUsageAndExit( configList );77 }78 }79 // TODO properties80 // TODO environment81 // help82 if( this.hasValue( help ) ) {83 printUsageAndExit( configList );84 }85 return parsedOptions;86 }87 /**88 * Compares the argument with the {@link CommandLineOption} flags and inserts an object into the parsedOptions map89 * Terminates with a sane help message if a parse is unsuccessful90 *91 * @param arg the current word from the command line argument list92 * @param co the config option to look for in the argument93 * @param configList the global config list, used to create a sane help message if the parse fails94 */95 private boolean commandLineLookup( String arg, ConfigOption co, List<ConfigOption> configList ) {96 if( arg.startsWith( co.getCommandLineOption().getLongFlag() ) || ( co.getCommandLineOption().hasShortFlag() && arg97 .startsWith( co.getCommandLineOption().getShortFlag() ) ) ) {98 if( co.getCommandLineOption().hasArgument() ) {99 String[] formatArgs = arg.split( co.getCommandLineOption().getDelimiter() );100 if( formatArgs.length < 2 ) {101 System.err.println( "Anticipated argument after " + co.getCommandLineOption().showFlagInfo() + ", terminating." );102 printUsageAndExit( configList );103 }104 Object value = co.toObject( formatArgs[1] );105 if( value == null ) {106 System.err107 .println( "Parse error for flag " + co.getCommandLineOption().showFlagInfo() + " got " + formatArgs[1] );108 printUsageAndExit( configList );109 }110 log.debug( "setting the argument value: " + co.getLongName() + " to " + value );111 parsedOptions.put( co.getLongName(), value );112 } else {113 log.debug( "setting the default value of " + co.getLongName() + " to " + co.getValue() );114 parsedOptions.put( co.getLongName(), co.getValue() );115 }116 return true;117 }118 return false;119 }120 /**121 * Prints a suggestion to stderr for the argument based on the levenshtein distance metric122 *123 * @param arg the argument which could not be assigned to a flag124 * @param co the {@link ConfigOption} List where every flag is stored125 */126 private void printSuggestion( String arg, List<ConfigOption> co ) {127 List<ConfigOption> sortedList = new ArrayList<ConfigOption>( co );128 Collections.sort( sortedList, new ConfigOptionLevenshteinDistance( arg ) );129 System.err.println( "Parse error for argument \"" + arg + "\", did you mean " + sortedList.get( 0 ).getCommandLineOption()130 .showFlagInfo() + "? Ignoring for now." );131 }132 /**133 * Levenshtein Distance is defined as the amount of steps to be done, until we can form a word into another word134 * A step is a substitution, addition and removal of a character135 */136 private class ConfigOptionLevenshteinDistance implements Comparator<ConfigOption> {137 private String arg;138 ConfigOptionLevenshteinDistance( String arg ) {139 this.arg = arg;140 }141 public int compare( ConfigOption a, ConfigOption b ) {142 String[] formatArgsA = arg.split( a.getCommandLineOption().getDelimiter() );143 String[] formatArgsB = arg.split( b.getCommandLineOption().getDelimiter() );144 double distLongA = distance( a.getCommandLineOption().getLongFlag(), formatArgsA[0] );145 double distLongB = distance( b.getCommandLineOption().getLongFlag(), formatArgsB[0] );146 return distLongA < distLongB ? -1 : 1;147 }148 // blatantly adapted from wikipedia ( private int distance( String a, String b ) {150 // degenerate cases151 if( a.equals( b ) )152 return 0;153 if( a.length() == 0 )154 return b.length();155 if( b.length() == 0 )156 return a.length();157 // create two work vectors of integer distances158 int[] v0 = new int[b.length() + 1];159 int[] v1 = new int[b.length() + 1];160 // initialize v0 (the previous row of distances)161 // this row is A[0][i]: edit distance for an empty s162 // the distance is just the number of characters to delete from t163 for( int i = 0; i < v0.length; i++ )164 v0[i] = i;165 for( int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++ ) {166 // calculate v1 (current row distances) from the previous row v0167 // first element of v1 is A[i+1][0]168 // edit distance is delete (i+1) chars from s to match empty t169 v1[0] = i + 1;170 // use formula to fill in the rest of the row171 for( int j = 0; j < b.length(); j++ ) {172 int cost = ( a.charAt( i ) == b.charAt( j ) ) ? 0 : 1;173 v1[j + 1] = Math.min( Math.min( v1[j] + 1, v0[j + 1] + 1 ), v0[j] + cost );174 }175 // copy v1 (current row) to v0 (previous row) for next iteration176 System.arraycopy( v1, 0, v0, 0, v0.length );177 }178 return v1[b.length()];179 }180 }181 /**182 * Terminates with a help message if the parse is not successful183 *184 * @param args command line arguments to185 * @return the format in a correct state186 */187 public static ReportGenerator.Format getFormat( String... args ) {188 ConfigOptionParser configParser = new ConfigOptionParser();189 List<ConfigOption> configOptions = Arrays.asList( format, help );190 for( ConfigOption co : configOptions ) {191 if( co.hasDefault() ) {192 configParser.parsedOptions.put( co.getLongName(), co.getValue() );193 }194 }195 for( String arg : args ) {196 configParser.commandLineLookup( arg, format, configOptions );197 }198 // TODO properties199 // TODO environment200 if( !configParser.hasValue( format ) ) {201 configParser.printUsageAndExit( configOptions );202 }203 return (ReportGenerator.Format) configParser.getValue( format );204 }205 /**206 *207 * Creates a help message based on the descriptions of the {@link ConfigOption} and terminates208 *209 * @param configOptions the configuration options of the report210 */211 public void printUsageAndExit( List<ConfigOption> configOptions ) {212 System.err.println( "Options: " );213 for( ConfigOption co : configOptions ) {214 System.err.printf( " %-40s %s\n", co.getCommandLineOption().showFlagInfo(), co.getEnhancedDescription() );215 }216 System.exit( 1 );217 }...

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1[1] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")2[2] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")3[3] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")4[4] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")5[5] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")6[6] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")7[7] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")8[8] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")9[9] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")10[10] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")11[11] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")12[12] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")13[13] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")14[14] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")15[15] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")16[16] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")17[17] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")18[18] ="reportDir", "target/jgiven-reports")

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1import;2public class ConfigOptionParserExample {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 String value = "true";5 boolean booleanValue = ConfigOptionParser.getValue(value, Boolean.class);6 int intValue = ConfigOptionParser.getValue(value, Integer.class);7 double doubleValue = ConfigOptionParser.getValue(value, Double.class);8 String stringValue = ConfigOptionParser.getValue(value, String.class);9 System.out.println("booleanValue = " + booleanValue);10 System.out.println("intValue = " + intValue);11 System.out.println("doubleValue = " + doubleValue);12 System.out.println("stringValue = " + stringValue);13 }14}, Class<T>), Class<T>, T), Class<T>, T, String), Class<T>, T, String, boolean), Class<T>, T, String, boolean, String), Class<T>, T, String, boolean, String, String), Class<T>, T, String, boolean, String, String, String), Class<T>, T, String, boolean, String, String, String, String), Class<T>, T, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String), Class<T>, T, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String), Class<T>, T, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String

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1 public static <T> T getValue(String value, Class<T> type) {2 if (type == Boolean.class) {3 return type.cast(Boolean.parseBoolean(value));4 } else if (type == Integer.class) {5 return type.cast(Integer.parseInt(value));6 } else if (type == String.class) {7 return type.cast(value);8 } else {9 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type " + type + " is not supported");10 }11 }12}13package;14import java.util.Map;15import;16public class JGivenReportConfig {17 private final Map<String, String> configOptions;18 public JGivenReportConfig(Map<String, String> configOptions) {19 this.configOptions = configOptions;20 }21 public String getReportName() {22 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_NAME, String.class);23 }24 public String getReportTitle() {25 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_TITLE, String.class);26 }27 public String getReportDescription() {28 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_DESCRIPTION, String.class);29 }30 public boolean isReportDescriptionAsHtml() {31 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_DESCRIPTION_AS_HTML, Boolean.class);32 }33 public String getReportFooter() {34 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_FOOTER, String.class);35 }36 public boolean isReportFooterAsHtml() {37 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_FOOTER_AS_HTML, Boolean.class);38 }39 public String getReportLogo() {40 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_LOGO, String.class);41 }42 public boolean isReportLogoAsHtml() {43 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_LOGO_AS_HTML, Boolean.class);44 }45 public boolean isReportIncludeScenarioCaseNumber() {46 return getValue(ConfigOptions.REPORT_INCLUDE_SCENARIO_CASE_NUMBER, Boolean.class);47 }

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1public class MyJGivenConfig extends JGivenConfiguration {2 public void configure() {3 String theme = ConfigOptionParser.getValue("");4 if(theme != null) {5 html().setTheme(theme);6 }7 }8}

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