Best JGiven code snippet using
...59 private ParameterFormatterFactory formatterFactory;60 private ExtendedScenarioModel scenarioModel;61 private ExtendedScenarioCaseModel scenarioCaseModel;62 private ExtendedStepModel currentStep;63 private Word introWord;64 private long scenarioStartedNanos;65 private ReportModel reportModel;66 public MockScenarioModelBuilder(CurrentScenarioState currentScenarioState, TextResourceProvider textResourceProvider) {67 this.currentScenarioState = currentScenarioState;68 this.stepCommentFactory = new StepCommentFactory();69 this.descriptionFactory = new DescriptionFactory(new AsProviderFactory(), new AnnotatedDescriptionFactory(), textResourceProvider);70 this.caseDescriptionFactory = new CaseDescriptionFactory(new CaseAsFactory(), new CaseAsProviderFactory());71 this.descriptionQueue = new DescriptionQueue();72 this.configuration = new DefaultConfiguration();73 initializeDependentOnConfiguration();74 }75 public MockScenarioModelBuilder(76 CurrentScenarioState currentScenarioState,77 StepCommentFactory stepCommentFactory,78 DescriptionFactory descriptionFactory,79 CaseDescriptionFactory caseDescriptionFactory,80 DescriptionQueue descriptionQueue81 ) {82 this.currentScenarioState = currentScenarioState;83 this.stepCommentFactory = stepCommentFactory;84 this.descriptionFactory = descriptionFactory;85 this.caseDescriptionFactory = caseDescriptionFactory;86 this.descriptionQueue = descriptionQueue;87 this.configuration = new DefaultConfiguration();88 initializeDependentOnConfiguration();89 }90 private void initializeDependentOnConfiguration() {91 formatterFactory = new ParameterFormatterFactory(configuration);92 stepModelFactory = new StepModelFactory(currentScenarioState, formatterFactory, descriptionFactory);93 annotationTagExtractor = AnnotationTagExtractor.forConfig(configuration);94 }95 @Override96 public void scenarioStarted(String description) {97 scenarioStartedNanos = System.nanoTime();98 String readableDescription = description;99 if (description.contains("_")) {100 readableDescription = description.replace('_', ' ');101 } else if (!description.contains(" ")) {102 readableDescription = WordUtil.camelCaseToCapitalizedReadableText(description);103 }104 scenarioCaseModel = new ExtendedScenarioCaseModel();105 scenarioModel = new ExtendedScenarioModel();106 scenarioModel.addCase(scenarioCaseModel);107 scenarioModel.setDescription(readableDescription);108 }109 @Override110 public void addStepMethod(111 Method paramMethod,112 List<NamedArgument> arguments,113 InvocationMode mode,114 boolean hasNestedSteps115 ) {116 ExtendedStepModel stepModel = stepModelFactory.create(paramMethod, arguments, mode, introWord);117 DescriptionData description = DescriptionData.of(stepModel);118 descriptionQueue.add(description);119 if (introWord != null) {120 introWord = null;121 }122 if (!paramMethod.isAnnotationPresent(InlineWithNext.class)) {123 stepModel.setDescription(descriptionQueue.join());124 if (parentSteps.empty()) {125 getCurrentScenarioCase().addStep(stepModel);126 } else {127 parentSteps.peek()128 .addNestedStep(stepModel);129 }130 if (hasNestedSteps) {131 parentSteps.push(stepModel);132 }133 currentStep = stepModel;134 }135 }136 @Override137 public void introWordAdded(String value) {138 introWord = new Word();139 introWord.setIntroWord(true);140 introWord.setValue(value);141 }142 @Override143 public void stepCommentAdded(List<NamedArgument> arguments) {144 if (currentStep == null) {145 throw new JGivenWrongUsageException("A step comment must be added after the corresponding step, "146 + "but no step has been executed yet.");147 }148 currentStep.setComment(stepCommentFactory.create(arguments));149 }150 private ScenarioCaseModel getCurrentScenarioCase() {151 if (scenarioCaseModel == null) {152 scenarioStarted("A Scenario");153 }154 return scenarioCaseModel;155 }156 @Override157 public void stepMethodInvoked(158 Method method,159 List<NamedArgument> arguments,160 InvocationMode mode,161 boolean hasNestedSteps162 ) {163 if (method.isAnnotationPresent(IntroWord.class)) {164 introWordAdded(descriptionFactory.create(currentScenarioState.getCurrentStage(), method));165 } else if (method.isAnnotationPresent(StepComment.class)) {166 stepCommentAdded(arguments);167 } else {168 addTags(method.getAnnotations());169 addTags(method.getDeclaringClass()170 .getAnnotations());171 addStepMethod(method, arguments, mode, hasNestedSteps);172 }173 }174 @Override175 public void stepMethodFailed(Throwable t) {176 if (currentStep != null) {177 currentStep.setStatus(StepStatus.FAILED);178 }...
...96 @SneakyThrows97 private void translateIntroWord(98 final Template.Fragment frag,99 final Writer out) {100 val introWord = frag.execute().toLowerCase(Locale.US);101 switch (introWord) {102 case "given":103 out.write("Pre-condition(s)");104 break;105 case "when":106 out.write("Operation(s)");107 break;108 case "then":109 out.write("Verification(s)");110 break;111 case "and":112 case "with":113 out.write("and");114 break;115 default:116 log.warn(format("unrecognized introduction word [{0}]",117 introWord));118 }119 }120}...
...31 public ExtendedStepModel create(32 Method paramMethod,33 List<NamedArgument> arguments,34 InvocationMode mode,35 Word introWord36 ) {37 ExtendedStepModel stepModel = new ExtendedStepModel();38 createModelDescription(stepModel, paramMethod);39 createModelName(stepModel, paramMethod);40 createModelWords(stepModel, introWord, paramMethod.getParameters(), arguments);41 stepModel.setStatus(mode.toStepStatus());42 return stepModel;43 }44 private void createModelDescription(45 ExtendedStepModel stepModel,46 Method paramMethod47 ) {48 ExtendedDescription extendedDescriptionAnnotation = paramMethod.getAnnotation(ExtendedDescription.class);49 if (extendedDescriptionAnnotation != null) {50 stepModel.setExtendedDescription(extendedDescriptionAnnotation.value());51 }52 }53 private void createModelName(54 ExtendedStepModel stepModel,55 Method paramMethod56 ) {57 Object currentStage = currentScenarioState.getCurrentStage();58 String name = descriptionFactory.create(currentStage, paramMethod);59 stepModel.setName(name);60 }61 private void createModelWords(62 ExtendedStepModel stepModel,63 Word introWord,64 Parameter[] parameters,65 List<NamedArgument> arguments66 ) {67 List<NamedArgument> nonHiddenArguments = filterHiddenArguments(arguments, parameters);68 List<ObjectFormatter<?>> formatter = parameterFormatterFactory.create(parameters, arguments);69 stepModel.setWords(new StepFormatter(stepModel.getName(), nonHiddenArguments, formatter).buildFormattedWords());70 if (introWord != null) {71 stepModel.addIntroWord(introWord);72 }73 }74 private List<NamedArgument> filterHiddenArguments(75 List<NamedArgument> arguments,76 Parameter[] parameters77 ) {78 Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = .map(Parameter::getAnnotations)80 .toArray(Annotation[][]::new);81 List<NamedArgument> result = Lists.newArrayList();82 for (int i = 0; i < parameterAnnotations.length; i++) {83 if (!AnnotationUtil.isHidden(parameterAnnotations[i])) {84 result.add(arguments.get(i));85 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import static org.junit.Assert.*;3import org.junit.Test;4public class WordTest {5 public void testIntroWord() {6 String word = "HelloWorld";7 String expected = "helloWorld";8 String actual = Word.introWord(word);9 assertEquals(expected, actual);10 }11}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class Test {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 Word word = new Word();5 System.out.println(word.introWord("word"));6 }7}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2class Test {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 System.out.println("jgiven");5 System.out.println(Word.introWord("jgiven"));6 }7}8How to use introWord() method of Word class in Java?9How to use capitalize() method of Word class in Java?10How to use uncapitalize() method of Word class in Java?11How to use pluralize() method of Word class in Java?12How to use singularize() method of Word class in Java?13How to use capitalizeFirstLetter() method of Word class in Java?14How to use uncapitalizeFirstLetter() method of Word class in Java?15How to use capitalizeFirstLetterOfEachWord() method of Word class in Java?16How to use uncapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachWord() method of Word class in Java?17How to use toCamelCase() method of Word class in Java?18How to use toSnakeCase() method of Word class in Java?19How to use toKebabCase() method of Word class in Java?20How to use toHumanReadable() method of Word class in Java?21How to use toTitleCase() method of Word class in Java?22How to use toLowerCase() method of Word class in Java?23How to use toUpperCase() method of Word class in Java?24How to use toPascalCase() method of Word class in Java?25How to use toTrainCase() method of Word class in Java?26How to use toUpperCaseWithUnderscore() method of Word class in Java?27How to use toLowerCaseWithUnderscore() method of Word class in Java?28How to use toUpperCaseWithDash() method of Word class in Java?29How to use toLowerCaseWithDash() method of Word class in Java?30How to use toUpperCaseWithSpace() method of Word class in Java?31How to use toLowerCaseWithSpace() method of Word class in Java?32How to use toUpperCaseWithDot() method of Word class in Java?33How to use toLowerCaseWithDot() method of Word class in Java?34How to use toUpperCaseWithSlash() method of Word class in Java?35How to use toLowerCaseWithSlash() method of Word class in Java?36How to use toUpperCaseWithBackslash() method of
Using AI Code Generation
1public class WordTest {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 Word word = new Word();4 System.out.println("The word is: " + word.introWord());5 }6}7public class WordTest {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 Word word = new Word();10 System.out.println("The word is: " + word.introWord());11 }12}13public class WordTest {14 public static void main(String[] args) {15 Word word = new Word();16 System.out.println("The word is: " + word.introWord());17 }18}19public class WordTest {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 Word word = new Word();22 System.out.println("The word is: " + word.introWord());23 }24}25public class WordTest {26 public static void main(String[] args) {27 Word word = new Word();28 System.out.println("The word is: " + word.introWord());29 }30}31public class WordTest {32 public static void main(String[] args) {33 Word word = new Word();34 System.out.println("The word is: " + word.introWord());35 }36}37public class WordTest {38 public static void main(String[] args) {39 Word word = new Word();40 System.out.println("The word is: " + word.introWord());41 }42}43public class WordTest {44 public static void main(String[] args) {45 Word word = new Word();46 System.out.println("The word is: " + word.introWord
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 String s = "Hello World";5 Word w = new Word();6 System.out.println(w.introWord(s));7 }8}9import;10import;11public class 2 {12 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {13 Word w = new Word();14 System.out.println(w.introWord());15 }16}
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.Scanner;3public class Word {4public static void main(String[] args) {5Scanner sc=new Scanner(;6System.out.println("Enter the String:");7String str=sc.nextLine();8String[] arr=str.split(" ");9for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)10{11arr[i]=arr[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+arr[i].substring(1);12}13String s=String.join(" ",arr);14System.out.println(s);15}16}17package;18public class Word {19public static void main(String[] args) {20String str="this is a sample string";21String[] arr=str.split(" ");22for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)23{24arr[i]=arr[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+arr[i].substring(1);25}26String s=String.join(" ",arr);27System.out.println(s);28}29}30package;31public class Word {32public static void main(String[] args) {33String str="this is a sample string";34String[] arr=str.split(" ");35for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)36{37arr[i]=arr[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+arr[i].substring(1);38}39String s=String.join(" ",arr);40System.out.println(s);41}42}43package;44public class Word {45public static void main(String[] args) {46String str="this is a sample string";47String[] arr=str.split(" ");48for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)49{50arr[i]=arr[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+arr[i].substring(1);51}52String s=String.join(" ",arr);
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class IntroWord{3 public static void main(String[] args){4 Word word = new Word("Hello");5 System.out.println(word.introWord());6 }7}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class 1 {3public static void main(String[] args) {4String word = "jgiven";5System.out.println(Word.introWord(word));6}7}
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