Best Cerberus-source code snippet using org.cerberus.crud.entity.StatisticSummary.addNbRc2xx
...92 }93 public int getNbRc2xx() {94 return this.nbRc2xx;95 }96 public void addNbRc2xx() {97 this.nbRc2xx++;98 }99 public int getNbRc3xx() {100 return this.nbRc3xx;101 }102 public void addNbRc3xx() {103 this.nbRc3xx++;104 }105 public int getNbRc4xx() {106 return this.nbRc4xx;107 }108 public void addNbRc4xx() {109 this.nbRc4xx++;110 }...
...45 summary.addTotTps((int) detail.getTime());46 summary.addTotSize((int) detail.getBytes());47 switch (detail.getStatus() / 100) {48 case 2:49 summary.addNbRc2xx();50 break;51 case 3:52 summary.addNbRc3xx();53 break;54 case 4:55 summary.addNbRc4xx();56 break;57 case 5:58 summary.addNbRc5xx();59 break;60 }61 if (detail.isImage()) {62 this.treatImage(detail, summary);63 } else if (detail.isScript()) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2import org.cerberus.crud.entity.StatisticSummary;3public class StatisticSummaryTest {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 StatisticSummary statisticSummary = new StatisticSummary();6 statisticSummary.addNbRc2xx(1);7 statisticSummary.addNbRc2xx(2);8 System.out.println(statisticSummary.getNbRc2xx());9 }10}
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2import org.cerberus.crud.entity.StatisticSummary;3public class StatisticSummaryAddNbRc2xx {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 StatisticSummary ss = new StatisticSummary();6 ss.setNbRc2xx(10);7 ss.addNbRc2xx(10);8 System.out.println(ss.getNbRc2xx());9 }10}
Using AI Code Generation
1public class Test {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 StatisticSummary statisticSummary = new StatisticSummary();4 statisticSummary.addNbRc2xx(2);5 System.out.println(statisticSummary.getNbRc2xx());6 }7}
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2import org.cerberus.crud.entity.StatisticSummary;3public class Test {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 StatisticSummary ss = new StatisticSummary();6 ss.addNbRc2xx(10);7 }8}9Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.cerberus.crud.entity.StatisticSummary.addNbRc2xx(I)V10 at org.cerberus.crud.entity.Test.main(
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4public class StatisticSummary {5 private String country;6 private String application;7 private String build;8 private String revision;9 private String environment;10 private String browser;11 private String version;12 private String platform;13 private String active;14 private int total;15 private int nbOK;16 private int nbKO;17 private int nbFA;18 private int nbNA;19 private int nbNE;20 private int nbQE;21 private int nbCA;22 private int nbWE;23 private int nbPE;24 private int nbQU;25 private int nbQG;26 public String getCountry() {27 return country;28 }29 public void setCountry(String country) {30 = country;31 }32 public String getApplication() {33 return application;34 }35 public void setApplication(String application) {36 this.application = application;37 }38 public String getBuild() {39 return build;40 }41 public void setBuild(String build) {42 = build;43 }44 public String getRevision() {45 return revision;46 }47 public void setRevision(String revision) {48 this.revision = revision;49 }50 public String getEnvironment() {51 return environment;52 }53 public void setEnvironment(String environment) {54 this.environment = environment;55 }56 public String getBrowser() {57 return browser;58 }59 public void setBrowser(String browser) {60 this.browser = browser;61 }62 public String getVersion() {63 return version;64 }65 public void setVersion(String version) {66 this.version = version;67 }68 public String getPlatform() {69 return platform;70 }71 public void setPlatform(String platform) {72 this.platform = platform;73 }74 public String getActive() {75 return active;76 }77 public void setActive(String active) {78 = active;79 }80 public int getTotal() {81 return total;82 }83 public void setTotal(int total) {84 = total;85 }86 public int getNbOK() {87 return nbOK;88 }89 public void setNbOK(int nbOK) {90 this.nbOK = nbOK;91 }92 public int getNbKO() {93 return nbKO;94 }
Using AI Code Generation
1public class Test {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 StatisticSummary stat = new StatisticSummary();4 stat.addNbRc2xx(1);5 System.out.println(stat.getNbRc2xx());6 }7}8public class Test {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 StatisticSummary stat = new StatisticSummary();11 stat.addNbRc3xx(1);12 System.out.println(stat.getNbRc3xx());13 }14}15public class Test {16 public static void main(String[] args) {17 StatisticSummary stat = new StatisticSummary();18 stat.addNbRc4xx(1);19 System.out.println(stat.getNbRc4xx());20 }21}22public class Test {23 public static void main(String[] args) {24 StatisticSummary stat = new StatisticSummary();25 stat.addNbRc5xx(1);26 System.out.println(stat.getNbRc5xx());27 }28}29public class Test {30 public static void main(String[] args) {31 StatisticSummary stat = new StatisticSummary();32 stat.addNbRcUnknown(1);33 System.out.println(stat.getNbRcUnknown());34 }35}36public class Test {37 public static void main(String[] args) {38 StatisticSummary stat = new StatisticSummary();39 stat.addNbTotal(1);40 System.out.println(stat.getNbTotal());41 }42}43public class Test {44 public static void main(String[] args) {
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2public class StatisticSummary {3 private String test;4 private String testCase;5 private String country;6 private String environment;7 private String browser;8 private String browserFullVersion;9 private String platform;10 private int nbOK;11 private int nbKO;12 private int nbFA;13 private int nbNA;14 private int nbNE;15 private int nbWE;16 private int nbPE;17 private int nbQU;18 private int nbCA;19 private int nbOKPercent;20 private int nbKOPercent;21 private int nbFAPercent;22 private int nbNAPercent;23 private int nbNEPercent;24 private int nbWEPercent;25 private int nbPEPercent;26 private int nbQUPercent;27 private int nbCAPercent;28 private int nbExe;29 private int nbExePercent;30 private int nbExeKo;31 private int nbExeKoPercent;32 private int nbExeOk;33 private int nbExeOkPercent;34 private int nbExeFa;35 private int nbExeFaPercent;36 private int nbExeNa;37 private int nbExeNaPercent;38 private int nbExeNe;39 private int nbExeNePercent;40 private int nbExeWe;41 private int nbExeWePercent;42 private int nbExePe;43 private int nbExePePercent;44 private int nbExeQu;45 private int nbExeQuPercent;46 private int nbExeCa;47 private int nbExeCaPercent;48 private int nbExeTotal;49 private int nbExeTotalPercent;50 private int nbExeKoTotal;51 private int nbExeKoTotalPercent;52 private int nbExeOkTotal;53 private int nbExeOkTotalPercent;54 private int nbExeFaTotal;55 private int nbExeFaTotalPercent;56 private int nbExeNaTotal;57 private int nbExeNaTotalPercent;58 private int nbExeNeTotal;59 private int nbExeNeTotalPercent;60 private int nbExeWeTotal;61 private int nbExeWeTotalPercent;62 private int nbExePeTotal;
Using AI Code Generation
1import java.util.*;2import org.cerberus.crud.entity.*;3public class 3 {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 List<StatisticSummary> list = new ArrayList<StatisticSummary>();6 StatisticSummary ss1 = new StatisticSummary();7 StatisticSummary ss2 = new StatisticSummary();8 ss1.setNbRc2xx(1);9 ss2.setNbRc2xx(2);10 list.add(ss1);11 list.add(ss2);12 StatisticPerTag spt = new StatisticPerTag();13 spt.setStatisticSummaryList(list);14 spt.addNbRc2xx();15 System.out.println(spt.getStatisticSummaryList().get(0).getNbRc2xx());16 System.out.println(spt.getStatisticSummaryList().get(1).getNbRc2xx());17 }18}19import java.util.*;20import org.cerberus.crud.entity.*;21public class 4 {22 public static void main(String[] args) {23 List<StatisticSummary> list = new ArrayList<StatisticSummary>();24 StatisticSummary ss1 = new StatisticSummary();25 StatisticSummary ss2 = new StatisticSummary();26 ss1.setNbRc3xx(1);27 ss2.setNbRc3xx(2);28 list.add(ss1);29 list.add(ss2);30 StatisticPerTag spt = new StatisticPerTag();31 spt.setStatisticSummaryList(list);32 spt.addNbRc3xx();33 System.out.println(spt.getStatisticSummaryList().get(0).getNbRc3xx());34 System.out.println(spt.getStatisticSummaryList().get(1).getNbRc3xx());35 }36}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.crud.entity.StatisticSummary;2import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;3import org.cerberus.crud.factory.IFactoryStatisticSummary;4import org.cerberus.crud.service.IStatisticSummaryService;5import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;6import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;7import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;8public class StatisticSummaryService implements IStatisticSummaryService {9 private IFactoryStatisticSummary factoryStatisticSummary;10 public StatisticSummary createFromTestCaseExecution(TestCaseExecution tCExecution) {11 StatisticSummary statisticSummary = factoryStatisticSummary.create(tCExecution.getTest(), tCExecution.getTestCase(), tCExecution.getCountry(), tCExecution.getEnvironment(), tCExecution.getBuild(), tCExecution.getRevision(), tCExecution.getControlStatus(), tCExecution.getControlMessage(), tCExecution.getStart(), tCExecution.getEnd(), tCExecu
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