Best Cerberus-source code snippet using org.cerberus.engine.gwt.impl.PropertyService.getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty
...150 List<TestCaseCountryProperties> tcProperties = tCExecution.getTestCaseCountryPropertyList();151 List<TestCaseCountryProperties> linkedProperties = new ArrayList();152 for (String internalProperty : internalPropertiesFromStringToDecode) { // Looping on potential properties in string to decode.153 List<TestCaseCountryProperties> newLinkedProperties = new ArrayList();154 newLinkedProperties = this.getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty(country, internalProperty, new ArrayList(), tcProperties);155 linkedProperties.addAll(newLinkedProperties);156 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {157 LOG.debug("Property " + internalProperty + " need calculation of these (" + newLinkedProperties.size() + ") property(ies) " + newLinkedProperties);158 }159 }160 /**161 * For all linked properties, calculate it if needed.162 */163 for (TestCaseCountryProperties eachTccp : linkedProperties) {164 TestCaseExecutionData tcExeData;165 /**166 * First create testCaseExecutionData object167 */168 now = new Date().getTime();169 tcExeData = factoryTestCaseExecutionData.create(tCExecution.getId(), eachTccp.getProperty(), 1, eachTccp.getDescription(), null, eachTccp.getType(),170 eachTccp.getValue1(), eachTccp.getValue2(), null, null, now, now, now, now, new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.PROPERTY_PENDING),171 eachTccp.getRetryNb(), eachTccp.getRetryPeriod(), eachTccp.getDatabase(), eachTccp.getValue1(), eachTccp.getValue2(), eachTccp.getLength(),172 eachTccp.getLength(), eachTccp.getRowLimit(), eachTccp.getNature(), tCExecution.getApplicationObj().getSystem(), tCExecution.getEnvironment(), tCExecution.getCountry(), "", null, "N");173 tcExeData.setTestCaseCountryProperties(eachTccp);174 tcExeData.settCExecution(tCExecution);175 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {176 LOG.debug("Trying to calculate Property : '" + tcExeData.getProperty() + "' " + tcExeData);177 }178 /* First check if property has already been calculated 179 * if action is calculateProperty, then set isKnownData to false. 180 */181 tcExeData = getExecutionDataFromList(tCExecution.getTestCaseExecutionDataMap(), eachTccp, forceCalculation, tcExeData);182 /**183 * If testcasecountryproperty not defined, set ExecutionData with184 * the same resultMessage185 */186 if (eachTccp.getResult() != null) {187 tcExeData.setPropertyResultMessage(eachTccp.getResult());188 }189 /*190 * If not already calculated, or calculateProperty, then calculate it and insert or update it.191 */192 if (MessageEventEnum.PROPERTY_PENDING.equals(tcExeData.getPropertyResultMessage().getSource())) {193 calculateProperty(tcExeData, tCExecution, testCaseStepActionExecution, eachTccp, forceCalculation);194 msg = tcExeData.getPropertyResultMessage();195 //saves the result 196 try {197 testCaseExecutionDataService.convert(;198 /**199 * Add TestCaseExecutionData in TestCaseExecutionData List200 * of the TestCaseExecution201 */202 LOG.debug("Adding into Execution data list. Property : '" + tcExeData.getProperty() + "' Index : '" + String.valueOf(tcExeData.getIndex()) + "' Value : '" + tcExeData.getValue() + "'");203 tCExecution.getTestCaseExecutionDataMap().put(tcExeData.getProperty(), tcExeData);204 if (tcExeData.getDataLibRawData() != null) { // If the property is a TestDataLib, we same all rows retreived in order to support nature such as NOTINUSe or RANDOMNEW.205 for (int i = 1; i < (tcExeData.getDataLibRawData().size()); i++) {206 now = new Date().getTime();207 TestCaseExecutionData tcedS = factoryTestCaseExecutionData.create(tcExeData.getId(), tcExeData.getProperty(), (i + 1),208 tcExeData.getDescription(), tcExeData.getDataLibRawData().get(i).get(""), tcExeData.getType(), "", "",209 tcExeData.getRC(), "", now, now, now, now, null, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", 0, "", tcExeData.getSystem(), tcExeData.getEnvironment(), tcExeData.getCountry(), tcExeData.getDataLib(), null, "N");210 testCaseExecutionDataService.convert(;211 }212 }213 } catch (CerberusException cex) {214 LOG.error(cex.getMessage(), cex);215 }216 }217 /**218 * After calculation, replace properties by value calculated219 */220 stringToDecode = decodeStringWithAlreadyCalculatedProperties(stringToDecode, tCExecution);221 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {222 LOG.debug("Property " + eachTccp.getProperty() + " calculated with Value = " + tcExeData.getValue() + ", Value1 = " + tcExeData.getValue1() + ", Value2 = " + tcExeData.getValue2());223 }224 /**225 * Log TestCaseExecutionData226 */227 if (tCExecution.getVerbose() > 0) {228, true));229 }230 }231 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {232 LOG.debug("Finished to decode String (property) : '" + stringToDecodeInit + "' to :'" + stringToDecode + "'");233 }234 answer.setResultMessage(msg);235 answer.setItem(stringToDecode);236 return answer;237 }238 /**239 * Auxiliary method that returns the execution data for a property.240 *241 * @param dataList list of execution data242 * @param eachTccp property to be calculated243 * @param forceCalculation indicates whether a property must be244 * re-calculated if it was already computed in previous steps245 * @param tecd execution data for the property246 * @return the updated execution data for the property247 */248 private TestCaseExecutionData getExecutionDataFromList(TreeMap<String, TestCaseExecutionData> hashTemp1, TestCaseCountryProperties eachTccp, boolean forceCalculation, TestCaseExecutionData tecd) {249 LOG.debug("Searching " + eachTccp.getProperty() + " Into list of " + hashTemp1.size());250 try {251 if (hashTemp1.containsKey(eachTccp.getProperty())) {252 if (forceCalculation) {253 LOG.debug("Property has already been calculated but forcing new calculation by removing it : " + hashTemp1.get(eachTccp.getProperty()));254 hashTemp1.remove(eachTccp.getProperty());255 return tecd;256 } else {257 LOG.debug("Property has already been calculated : " + hashTemp1.get(eachTccp.getProperty()));258 return hashTemp1.get(eachTccp.getProperty());259 }260 } else {261 LOG.debug("Property was never calculated.");262 return tecd;263 }264 } catch (Exception ex) {265 LOG.error("Exception catched inside getExecutionDataFromList : " + ex);266 }267 return tecd;268 }269 /**270 * Method that takes the potencial @param property, finds it (or not if it271 * is not a existing property) inside the existing property list @param272 * propertiesOfTestcase and gets the list of all other properties required273 * (contained inside value1 or value2).274 *275 * @param country country used to filter property from propertiesOfTestcase276 * @param property property to be calculated277 * @param crossedProperties List of previously found properties.278 * @param propertiesOfTestcase List of properties defined from the testcase.279 * @return list of TestCaseCountryProperties that are included inside the280 * definition of the @param property281 */282 private List<TestCaseCountryProperties> getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty(String country, String property, List<String> crossedProperties,283 List<TestCaseCountryProperties> propertiesOfTestcase) {284 List<TestCaseCountryProperties> result = new ArrayList();285 TestCaseCountryProperties testCaseCountryProperty = null;286 /*287 * Check if property is not already known (recursive case).288 */289 if (crossedProperties.contains(property)) {290 return result;291 }292 crossedProperties.add(property);293 /*294 * Check if property is defined for this testcase295 */296 AnswerItem ansSearch = findMatchingTestCaseCountryProperty(property, country, propertiesOfTestcase);297 testCaseCountryProperty = (TestCaseCountryProperties) ansSearch.getItem();298 if (testCaseCountryProperty == null) {299 return result;300 }301 /* 302 * Check if property value1 and value2 contains internal properties303 */304 List<String> allProperties = new ArrayList();305 // Value1 treatment306 List<String> propertiesValue1 = new ArrayList();307 //check the properties specified in the test308 for (String propNameFromValue1 : this.getPropertiesListFromString(testCaseCountryProperty.getValue1())) {309 for (TestCaseCountryProperties pr : propertiesOfTestcase) {310 if (pr.getProperty().equals(propNameFromValue1)) {311 propertiesValue1.add(propNameFromValue1);312 break;313 }314 }315 }316 allProperties.addAll(propertiesValue1);317 // Value2 treatment :318 List<String> propertiesValue2 = new ArrayList();319 //check the properties specified in the test320 for (String propNameFromValue2 : this.getPropertiesListFromString(testCaseCountryProperty.getValue2())) {321 for (TestCaseCountryProperties pr : propertiesOfTestcase) {322 if (pr.getProperty().equals(propNameFromValue2)) {323 propertiesValue2.add(propNameFromValue2);324 break;325 }326 }327 }328 allProperties.addAll(propertiesValue2);329 for (String internalProperty : allProperties) {330 result.addAll(getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty(country, internalProperty, crossedProperties, propertiesOfTestcase));331 }332 result.add(testCaseCountryProperty);333 return result;334 }335 private String decodeStringWithAlreadyCalculatedProperties(String stringToReplace, TestCaseExecution tCExecution) {336 String variableValue = "";337 String variableString1 = "";338 String variableString2 = "";339 TestCaseExecutionData tced;340 for (String key1 : tCExecution.getTestCaseExecutionDataMap().keySet()) {341 tced = tCExecution.getTestCaseExecutionDataMap().get(key1);342 if ((tced.getType() != null) && (tced.getType().equals(TestCaseCountryProperties.TYPE_GETFROMDATALIB))) { // Type could be null in case property do not exist.343 /* Replacement in case of TestDataLib */344 // Key value of the DataLib....
Using AI Code Generation
1var propertyService = new org.cerberus.engine.gwt.impl.PropertyService();2var listOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty = propertyService.getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty("COUNTRY");3for (var i = 0; i < listOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty.length; i++) {4 var property = listOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty[i];5 console.log(property);6}7console.log(listOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty);8var table = document.createElement("table");9var tr = document.createElement("tr");10var th = document.createElement("th");11th.innerHTML = "Property";12tr.appendChild(th);13table.appendChild(tr);14for (var i = 0; i < listOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty.length; i++) {15 var property = listOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty[i];16 var tr = document.createElement("tr");17 var td = document.createElement("td");18 td.innerHTML = property;19 tr.appendChild(td);20 table.appendChild(tr);21}22document.body.appendChild(table);
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.crud.entity.Property;2import org.cerberus.crud.service.IPropertyService;3import org.cerberus.engine.gwt.impl.PropertyService;4import java.util.List;5PropertyService propertyService = new PropertyService();6IPropertyService propertyService2 = appContext.getBean(IPropertyService.class);7Property property = propertyService2.getPropertyByKey("cerberus_application_automaticbuild", "INFORMATION", "EN");8List<Property> list = propertyService.getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty(property);9for (Property p : list) {10 System.out.println(p.getProperty() + " - " + p.getValue());11}
Using AI Code Generation
1var property = getProperty("property");2var properties = org.cerberus.engine.gwt.impl.PropertyService.getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty(property);3setProperty("output", properties);4var property = getProperty("property");5var properties = org.cerberus.engine.gwt.impl.PropertyService.getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty(property);6setProperty("output", properties);7var property = getProperty("property");8var properties = org.cerberus.engine.gwt.impl.PropertyService.getListOfPropertiesLinkedToProperty(property);9setProperty("output", properties);
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