How to use mergeNewData method of class

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...70 return;71 }72 buffer.add(sql);73 if (isSelect(sql)) {74 mergeNewData(queriedData, ColumnTableAnalyzer.getSelectReadDataFields(sql));75 } else if(isDelete(sql)){76 deletedData.addAll(ColumnTableAnalyzer.getDeletedTables(sql));77 } else if(isInsert(sql)){78 mergeNewData(insertedData, ColumnTableAnalyzer.getInsertedDataFields(sql));79 } else if(isUpdate(sql)){80 mergeNewData(updatedData, ColumnTableAnalyzer.getUpdatedDataFields(sql));81 }82 numberOfSqlCommands++;83 }84 public ExecutionDto getExecutionDto() {85 if(!calculateHeuristics && !extractSqlExecution){86 return null;87 }88 ExecutionDto executionDto = new ExecutionDto();89 executionDto.queriedData.putAll(queriedData);90 executionDto.failedWhere.putAll(failedWhere);91 executionDto.insertedData.putAll(insertedData);92 executionDto.updatedData.putAll(updatedData);93 executionDto.deletedData.addAll(deletedData);94 executionDto.numberOfSqlCommands = this.numberOfSqlCommands;95 return executionDto;96 }97 public List<PairCommandDistance> getDistances() {98 if (connection == null || !calculateHeuristics) {99 return distances;100 }101 .forEach(sql -> {103 /*104 Note: even if the Connection we got to analyze105 the DB is using P6Spy, that would not be a problem,106 as output SQL would not end up on the buffer instance107 we are iterating on (copy on write), and we clear108 the buffer after this loop.109 */110 if (isSelect(sql) || isDelete(sql) || isUpdate(sql)) {111 double dist = computeDistance(sql);112 distances.add(new PairCommandDistance(sql, dist));113 }114 });115 //side effects on buffer is not important, as it is just a cache116 buffer.clear();117 return distances;118 }119 private Double computeDistance(String command) {120 if (connection == null) {121 throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to calculate SQL distance with no DB connection");122 }123 Statement statement;124 try {125 statement = CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(command);126 } catch (Exception e) {127 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Cannot handle command: " + command + "\n" + e.toString());128 return Double.MAX_VALUE;129 }130 Map<String, Set<String>> columns = extractColumnsInvolvedInWhere(statement);131 /*132 even if columns.isEmpty(), we need to check if any data was present133 */134 double dist;135 if(columns.isEmpty()){136 //TODO check if table(s) not empty, and give >0 otherwise137 dist = 0;138 } else {139 dist = getDistanceForWhere(command, columns);140 }141 if (dist > 0) {142 mergeNewData(failedWhere, columns);143 }144 return dist;145 }146 private double getDistanceForWhere(String command, Map<String, Set<String>> columns) {147 String select;148 /*149 TODO:150 this might be likely unnecessary... we are only interested in the variables used151 in the WHERE. Furthermore, this would not support DELETE/INSERT/UPDATE.152 So, we just need to create a new SELECT based on that.153 But SELECT could be complex with many JOINs... whereas DIP would be simple(r)?154 TODO: we need a general solution155 */156 if(isSelect(command)) {157 select = SelectTransformer.addFieldsToSelect(command);158 select = SelectTransformer.removeConstraints(select);159 select = SelectTransformer.removeOperations(select);160 } else {161 if(columns.size() > 1){162 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Cannot analyze: " + command);163 }164 Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> mapping = columns.entrySet().iterator().next();165 select = createSelectForSingleTable(mapping.getKey(), mapping.getValue());166 }167 QueryResult data;168 try {169 data = SqlScriptRunner.execCommand(connection, select);170 } catch (SQLException e) {171 throw new RuntimeException(e);172 }173 return HeuristicsCalculator.computeDistance(command, data);174 }175 private String createSelectForSingleTable(String tableName, Set<String> columns){176 StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();177 buffer.append("SELECT ");178 String variables =", "));179 buffer.append(variables);180 buffer.append(" FROM ");181 buffer.append(tableName);182 return buffer.toString();183 }184 /**185 * Check the fields involved in the WHERE clause (if any).186 * Return a map from table name to column names of the involved fields.187 */188 public static Map<String, Set<String>> extractColumnsInvolvedInWhere(Statement statement) {189 /*190 TODO191 following does not handle the case of sub-selects involving other192 tables... but likely that is not something we need to support right now193 */194 Map<String, Set<String>> data = new HashMap<>();195 SqlNameContext context = new SqlNameContext(statement);196 Expression where = ParserUtils.getWhere(statement);197 if (where == null) {198 return data;199 }200 ExpressionVisitor visitor = new ExpressionVisitorAdapter() {201 @Override202 public void visit(Column column) {203 String cn = column.getColumnName();204 if(cn.equals("false")){205 /*206 This is a bug in the JsqlParser library. Until we upgrade it, or fix it if not fixed yet,207 we use this workaround.208 TODO remove it once library upgraded/fixed209 */210 return;211 }212 String tn = context.getTableName(column);213 if(tn.equalsIgnoreCase(SqlNameContext.UNNAMED_TABLE)){214 // TODO handle it properly when ll have support for sub-selects215 return;216 }217 data.putIfAbsent(tn, new HashSet<>());218 Set<String> set = data.get(tn);219 set.add(cn);220 }221 };222 where.accept(visitor);223 return data;224 }225 private static void mergeNewData(226 Map<String, Set<String>> current,227 Map<String, Set<String>> toAdd228 ) {229 for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> e : toAdd.entrySet()) {230 String key = e.getKey();231 Set<String> values = e.getValue();232 Set<String> existing = current.get(key);233 if (existing != null && existing.contains("*")) {234 //nothing to do235 continue;236 }237 if (existing == null) {238 existing = new HashSet<>(values);239 current.put(key, existing);...

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1import;2import java.sql.Connection;3import java.sql.DriverManager;4import java.sql.SQLException;5import java.util.List;6public class SqlHandlerExample {7 public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {8 List<String> sqlLines = List.of("INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (1, 'foo')");9 try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:test")) {10 SqlHandler handler = new SqlHandler(con);11 handler.executeSqls(sqlLines);12 handler.mergeNewData();13 }14 }15}16import;17import java.sql.Connection;18import java.sql.DriverManager;19import java.sql.SQLException;20import java.util.List;21public class SqlHandlerExample {22 public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {23 List<String> sqlLines = List.of("INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (1, 'foo')");24 try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:test")) {25 SqlHandler handler = new SqlHandler(con);26 handler.executeSqls(sqlLines);27 handler.mergeNewData();28 }29 }30}31import;32import java.sql.Connection;33import java.sql.DriverManager;34import java.sql.SQLException;35import java.util.List;36public class SqlHandlerExample {37 public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {38 List<String> sqlLines = List.of("INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (1, 'foo')");39 try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:test")) {40 SqlHandler handler = new SqlHandler(con);41 handler.executeSqls(sqlLines);42 handler.mergeNewData();43 }44 }45}46import;47import java.sql.Connection;48import java.sql.DriverManager;49import java.sql.SQLException;50import java.util.List;51public class SqlHandlerExample {52 public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {53 List<String> sqlLines = List.of("INSERT INTO

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1 public void testMergeNewData() throws Exception {2 SqlScriptExecutor sqlScriptExecutor = new SqlScriptExecutor();3 sqlScriptExecutor.setDatabaseDriver(Driver.class.getCanonicalName());4 sqlScriptExecutor.setDatabaseUser("postgres");5 sqlScriptExecutor.setDatabasePassword("postgres");6 sqlScriptExecutor.setDatabaseSchema("public");7 sqlScriptExecutor.setSqlInitializationFile("sql/initialization.sql");8 sqlScriptExecutor.setSqlInsertionFile("sql/insertion.sql");9 sqlScriptExecutor.setSqlResetFile("sql/reset.sql");10 sqlScriptExecutor.setSqlDroppingFile("sql/dropping.sql");11 sqlScriptExecutor.setSqlScriptExecutorType(SqlScriptExecutorType.POSTGRES);12 sqlScriptExecutor.setSqlScriptExecutorMode(SqlScriptExecutorMode.CREATE_AND_INSERT);13 sqlScriptExecutor.init();14 String sql = "INSERT INTO public.\"User\" (username, password, email, firstname, lastname) VALUES ('user', 'password', '

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