Best EvoMaster code snippet using
...60 private static boolean handleNotEmpty(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue){61 namedTypedValue.setNullable(false);62 // if (namedTypedValue instanceof CollectionParam){64 ((CollectionParam) namedTypedValue).setMinSize(1);65 } else if (namedTypedValue instanceof MapParam){66 ((MapParam) namedTypedValue).setMinSize(1);67 } else if(namedTypedValue instanceof StringParam) {68 ((StringParam) namedTypedValue).setMinSize(1);69 }else {70 // TODO such schema error would send to core later71 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Do not solve class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName() + " with its NotEmpty");72 return false;73 }74 return true;75 }76 private static boolean handleNotBlank(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue){77 namedTypedValue.setNullable(false);78 /*79 based on NotBlank is applied to CharSequence81 */82 if (namedTypedValue instanceof StringParam){83 ((StringParam)namedTypedValue).setMinSize(1);84 } else {85 // TODO such schema error would send to core later86 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Do not solve class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName() + " with its NotBlank");87 return false;88 }89 return true;90 }91 private static boolean handleSize(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, Annotation annotation){92 /*93 based on null elements are considered valid.95 */96 Integer[] size = new Integer[2];97 try {98 size[0] = (Integer) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("min").invoke(annotation);99 size[1] = (Integer) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("max").invoke(annotation);100 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException |IllegalAccessException e) {101 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to process Size "+e.getMessage());102 }103 if (size[0] == null){104 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: Size min is null");105 return false;106 }107 if (size[1] == null){108 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: Size max is null");109 return false;110 }111 if (namedTypedValue instanceof CollectionParam){112 ((CollectionParam) namedTypedValue).setMinSize(size[0]);113 ((CollectionParam) namedTypedValue).setMaxSize(size[1]);114 } else if (namedTypedValue instanceof MapParam){115 ((MapParam) namedTypedValue).setMinSize(size[0]);116 ((MapParam) namedTypedValue).setMaxSize(size[1]);117 } else if(namedTypedValue instanceof StringParam) {118 ((StringParam)namedTypedValue).setMinSize(size[0]);119 ((StringParam)namedTypedValue).setMaxSize(size[1]);120 } else {121 // TODO such schema error would send to core later122 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Do not solve class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName() + " with its Size");123 return false;124 }125 return true;126 }127 private static boolean handlePattern(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, Annotation annotation) {128 /*129 based on null elements are considered valid.131 */132 String pattern = null;133 try {134 pattern = (String) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("regexp").invoke(annotation);135 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException |IllegalAccessException e) {136 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to process regexp "+e.getMessage());137 }138 if (pattern == null){139 // TODO such schema error would send to core later140 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Pattern regexp is null for the param:"+namedTypedValue.getName());141 return false;142 }143 if (namedTypedValue instanceof StringParam){144 ((StringParam)namedTypedValue).setPattern(pattern);145 } else {146 // TODO such schema error would send to core later147 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Do not solve class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName() + " with its Size");148 return false;149 }150 return true;151 }152 private static boolean handleMax(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, Annotation annotation, JavaXConstraintSupportType supportType){153 /*154 based on155 null elements are considered valid.158 */159 String maxStr = null;160 Boolean inclusive = true;161 try {162 // TODO might change long to BigDecimal163 if (supportType == JavaXConstraintSupportType.DECIMAL_MAX){164 maxStr = (String) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("value").invoke(annotation);165 inclusive = (Boolean) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("inclusive").invoke(annotation);166 }else167 maxStr = ((Long) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("value").invoke(annotation)).toString();168 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException |IllegalAccessException e) {169 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to process max "+e.getMessage());170 }171 if (maxStr == null){172 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: Max value is null");173 return false;174 }175 return setMax(namedTypedValue, maxStr, inclusive);176 }177 private static boolean handleMin(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, Annotation annotation, JavaXConstraintSupportType supportType){178 String minStr = null;179 Boolean inclusive = true;180 try {181 // TODO might change long to BigDecimal182 if (supportType == JavaXConstraintSupportType.DECIMAL_MIN){183 minStr = (String) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("value").invoke(annotation);184 inclusive = (Boolean) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("inclusive").invoke(annotation);185 }else186 minStr = ((Long) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("value").invoke(annotation)).toString();187 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException |IllegalAccessException e) {188 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to process min "+e.getMessage());189 }190 if (minStr == null){191 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: Min value is null");192 return false;193 }194 return setMin(namedTypedValue, minStr, inclusive);195 }196 private static boolean setMin(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, String min, boolean inclusive){197 if (!(namedTypedValue instanceof NumericConstraintBase))198 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: Can not set MinValue for the class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName());199 if (namedTypedValue instanceof PrimitiveOrWrapperParam){200 ((PrimitiveOrWrapperParam)namedTypedValue).setMin(Long.parseLong(min));201 ((PrimitiveOrWrapperParam<?>) namedTypedValue).setMinInclusive(inclusive);202 } else if (namedTypedValue instanceof StringParam){203 ((StringParam)namedTypedValue).setMin(new BigDecimal(min));204 ((StringParam) namedTypedValue).setMinInclusive(inclusive);205 } else if (namedTypedValue instanceof BigIntegerParam){206 ((BigIntegerParam) namedTypedValue).setMin(new BigInteger(min));207 ((BigIntegerParam) namedTypedValue).setMinInclusive(inclusive);208 } else if(namedTypedValue instanceof BigDecimalParam){209 ((BigDecimalParam) namedTypedValue).setMin(new BigDecimal(min));210 ((BigDecimalParam) namedTypedValue).setMinInclusive(inclusive);211 }else {212 // TODO such schema error would send to core later213 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Can not solve constraints by setting Min value for the class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName());214 return false;215 }216 return true;217 }218 private static boolean setMax(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, String max, boolean inclusive){219 if (!(namedTypedValue instanceof NumericConstraintBase))220 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: Can not set MaxValue for the class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName());221 if (namedTypedValue instanceof PrimitiveOrWrapperParam){222 ((PrimitiveOrWrapperParam)namedTypedValue).setMax(Long.parseLong(max));223 ((PrimitiveOrWrapperParam<?>) namedTypedValue).setMaxInclusive(inclusive);224 } else if (namedTypedValue instanceof StringParam){225 ((StringParam)namedTypedValue).setMax(new BigDecimal(max));226 ((StringParam) namedTypedValue).setMaxInclusive(inclusive);227 } else if (namedTypedValue instanceof BigIntegerParam){228 ((BigIntegerParam) namedTypedValue).setMax(new BigInteger(max));229 ((BigIntegerParam) namedTypedValue).setMaxInclusive(inclusive);230 } else if(namedTypedValue instanceof BigDecimalParam){231 ((BigDecimalParam) namedTypedValue).setMax(new BigDecimal(max));232 ((BigDecimalParam) namedTypedValue).setMaxInclusive(inclusive);233 }else {234 // TODO such schema error would send to core later235 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Can not solve constraints by setting Max value for the class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName());236 return false;237 }238 return true;239 }240 /**241 * from *243 * The annotated element must be a number within accepted range Supported types are:244 * BigDecimal245 * BigInteger246 * CharSequence247 * byte, short, int, long, and their respective wrapper types248 * null elements are considered valid.249 *250 * @return whether the constraint is handled251 */252 private static boolean handleDigits(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, Annotation annotation){253 if (namedTypedValue instanceof BigDecimalParam || namedTypedValue instanceof BigIntegerParam254 || namedTypedValue instanceof StringParam || (namedTypedValue instanceof PrimitiveOrWrapperParam && ((PrimitiveOrWrapperType)namedTypedValue.getType()).isIntegralNumber())){255 try {256 int dInteger = (int) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("integer").invoke(annotation);257 int dFraction = (int) annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("fraction").invoke(annotation);258 // check fraction for integral number259 if (namedTypedValue instanceof BigIntegerParam || namedTypedValue instanceof PrimitiveOrWrapperParam) {260 if (dFraction > 0){261 // TODO such schema error would send to core later262 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: fraction should be 0 for integral number, param name: "+namedTypedValue.getName());263 dFraction = 0;264 }265 }266 ((NumericConstraintBase) namedTypedValue).setPrecision(dInteger + dFraction);267 ((NumericConstraintBase) namedTypedValue).setScale(dFraction);268 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException |IllegalAccessException e) {269 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to process Digits ", e);270 }271 } else {272 // TODO such schema error would send to core later273 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Do not solve class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName() + " with Digits constraints");274 return false;275 }276 return true;277 }278 /**279 * eg, for Positive *281 * null is valid282 *283 * @param namedTypedValue is the param to handle284 * @param supportType the supported javax constraint285 * @return whether the [namedTypedValue] is handled286 */287 private static boolean handlePositiveOrNegative(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, JavaXConstraintSupportType supportType){288 if (namedTypedValue instanceof BigDecimalParam || namedTypedValue instanceof BigIntegerParam289 || (namedTypedValue instanceof PrimitiveOrWrapperParam && ((PrimitiveOrWrapperType)namedTypedValue.getType()).isNumber())){290 String zero = "0";291 switch (supportType){292 case POSITIVE: setMin(namedTypedValue, zero, false); break;293 case POSITIVEORZERO: setMin(namedTypedValue, zero, true); break;294 case NEGATIVE: setMax(namedTypedValue, zero, false); break;295 case NEGATIVEORZERO: setMax(namedTypedValue, zero, true); break;296 default: throw new IllegalStateException("ERROR: constraint is not handled "+ supportType);297 }298 } else {299 // TODO such schema error would send to core later300 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("ERROR: Do not solve class "+ namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName() + " with its Digits");301 return false;302 }303 return true;304 }305 /**306 * eg, *...
Using AI Code Generation
1 public void test_0() throws Throwable {2 final request = new;3 request.setMethod("setMin");4 request.setTarget("");5 request.setParameters(new Object[]{1});6 request.setReturnType("void");7 final result = new;8 result.setReturnValue(null);9 result.setException(null);10 final actualResult = new;11 assertEquals(result, actualResult);12 }13}
Using AI Code Generation
1 public void test() throws Throwable {2 final var handler = new JavaXConstraintHandler();3 final var constraint = new MinConstraint(0);4 final var value = 1;5 final var valueClass = int.class;6 final var valueName = "value";7 final var valueId = 1;8 final var valueIndex = 0;9 final var valueMeta = new RpcCallActionMeta(valueClass, valueName, valueId, valueIndex);10 final var valueMetaList = List.of(valueMeta);11 final var valueMetaMap = Map.of(valueId, valueMeta);12 final var action = new RpcCallAction(valueMetaList, valueMetaMap);13 final var actionIndex = 0;14 final var actionId = 1;15 final var actionList = List.of(action);16 final var actionMap = Map.of(actionId, action);17 final var actionMeta = new RpcCallActionMeta(action.getClass(), "action", actionId, actionIndex);18 final var actionMetaList = List.of(actionMeta);19 final var actionMetaMap = Map.of(actionId, actionMeta);20 final var actionName = "action";21 final var actionId2 = 2;22 final var actionIndex2 = 1;23 final var action2 = new RpcCallAction(valueMetaList, valueMetaMap);24 final var actionList2 = List.of(action2);25 final var actionMap2 = Map.of(actionId2, action2);26 final var actionMeta2 = new RpcCallActionMeta(action2.getClass(), "action2", actionId2, actionIndex2);27 final var actionMetaList2 = List.of(actionMeta2);28 final var actionMetaMap2 = Map.of(actionId2, actionMeta2);29 final var actionName2 = "action2";30 final var actionId3 = 3;31 final var actionIndex3 = 2;32 final var action3 = new RpcCallAction(valueMetaList, valueMetaMap);33 final var actionList3 = List.of(action3);34 final var actionMap3 = Map.of(actionId3, action3);35 final var actionMeta3 = new RpcCallActionMeta(action3.getClass(), "action3", actionId3, actionIndex3);36 final var actionMetaList3 = List.of(actionMeta3);
Using AI Code Generation
1setMin(0, "java.lang.Integer");2setMax(100, "java.lang.Integer");3setMin(0, "java.lang.Integer");4setMax(100, "java.lang.Integer");5setMin(0, "java.lang.Integer");6setMax(100, "java.lang.Integer");7setMin(0, "java.lang.Integer");8setMax(100, "java.lang.Integer");
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