Best Testcontainers-java code snippet using org.testcontainers.utility.MountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath
...39 private final Integer forcedFileMode;40 @Getter(lazy = true)41 private final String resolvedPath = resolvePath();42 @Getter(lazy = true)43 private final String filesystemPath = resolveFilesystemPath();44 private String resourcePath;45 /**46 * Obtains a {@link MountableFile} corresponding to a resource on the classpath (including resources in JAR files)47 *48 * @param resourceName the classpath path to the resource49 * @return a {@link MountableFile} that may be used to obtain a mountable path50 */51 public static MountableFile forClasspathResource(@NotNull final String resourceName) {52 return forClasspathResource(resourceName, null);53 }54 /**55 * Obtains a {@link MountableFile} corresponding to a file on the docker host filesystem.56 *57 * @param path the path to the resource58 * @return a {@link MountableFile} that may be used to obtain a mountable path59 */60 public static MountableFile forHostPath(@NotNull final String path) {61 return forHostPath(path, null);62 }63 /**64 * Obtains a {@link MountableFile} corresponding to a file on the docker host filesystem.65 *66 * @param path the path to the resource67 * @return a {@link MountableFile} that may be used to obtain a mountable path68 */69 public static MountableFile forHostPath(final Path path) {70 return forHostPath(path, null);71 }72 /**73 * Obtains a {@link MountableFile} corresponding to a resource on the classpath (including resources in JAR files)74 *75 * @param resourceName the classpath path to the resource76 * @param mode octal value of posix file mode (000..777)77 * @return a {@link MountableFile} that may be used to obtain a mountable path78 */79 public static MountableFile forClasspathResource(@NotNull final String resourceName, Integer mode) {80 return new MountableFile(getClasspathResource(resourceName, new HashSet<>()).toString(), mode);81 }82 /**83 * Obtains a {@link MountableFile} corresponding to a file on the docker host filesystem.84 *85 * @param path the path to the resource86 * @param mode octal value of posix file mode (000..777)87 * @return a {@link MountableFile} that may be used to obtain a mountable path88 */89 public static MountableFile forHostPath(@NotNull final String path, Integer mode) {90 return forHostPath(Paths.get(path), mode);91 }92 /**93 * Obtains a {@link MountableFile} corresponding to a file on the docker host filesystem.94 *95 * @param path the path to the resource96 * @param mode octal value of posix file mode (000..777)97 * @return a {@link MountableFile} that may be used to obtain a mountable path98 */99 public static MountableFile forHostPath(final Path path, Integer mode) {100 return new MountableFile(path.toAbsolutePath().toString(), mode);101 }102 @NotNull103 private static URL getClasspathResource(@NotNull final String resourcePath, @NotNull final Set<ClassLoader> classLoaders) {104 final Set<ClassLoader> classLoadersToSearch = new HashSet<>(classLoaders);105 // try context and system classloaders as well106 classLoadersToSearch.add(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());107 classLoadersToSearch.add(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());108 classLoadersToSearch.add(MountableFile.class.getClassLoader());109 for (final ClassLoader classLoader : classLoadersToSearch) {110 if (classLoader == null) {111 continue;112 }113 URL resource = classLoader.getResource(resourcePath);114 if (resource != null) {115 return resource;116 }117 // Be lenient if an absolute path was given118 if (resourcePath.startsWith("/")) {119 resource = classLoader.getResource(resourcePath.replaceFirst("/", ""));120 if (resource != null) {121 return resource;122 }123 }124 }125 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource with path " + resourcePath + " could not be found on any of these classloaders: " + classLoadersToSearch);126 }127 private static String unencodeResourceURIToFilePath(@NotNull final String resource) {128 try {129 // Convert any url-encoded characters (e.g. spaces) back into unencoded form130 return URLDecoder.decode(resource.replaceAll("\\+", "%2B"), .replaceFirst("jar:", "")132 .replaceFirst("file:", "")133 .replaceAll("!.*", "");134 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {135 throw new IllegalStateException(e);136 }137 }138 /**139 * Obtain a path that the Docker daemon should be able to use to volume mount a file/resource140 * into a container. If this is a classpath resource residing in a JAR, it will be extracted to141 * a temporary location so that the Docker daemon is able to access it.142 *143 * @return a volume-mountable path.144 */145 private String resolvePath() {146 String result = getResourcePath();147 // Special case for Windows148 if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS && result.startsWith("/")) {149 // Remove leading /150 result = result.substring(1);151 }152 return result;153 }154 /**155 * Obtain a path in local filesystem that the Docker daemon should be able to use to volume mount a file/resource156 * into a container. If this is a classpath resource residing in a JAR, it will be extracted to157 * a temporary location so that the Docker daemon is able to access it.158 *159 * TODO: rename method accordingly and check if really needed like this160 *161 * @return162 */163 private String resolveFilesystemPath() {164 String result = getResourcePath();165 if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS && result.startsWith("/")) {166 result = PathUtils.createMinGWPath(result).substring(1);167 }168 return result;169 }170 private String getResourcePath() {171 if (path.contains(".jar!")) {172 resourcePath = extractClassPathResourceToTempLocation(this.path);173 } else {174 resourcePath = unencodeResourceURIToFilePath(path);175 }176 return resourcePath;177 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.txt");2String path = mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath();3System.out.println("path: " + path);4MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.txt");5String path = mountableFile.resolvePath();6System.out.println("path: " + path);7MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.txt");8String path = mountableFile.resolvePath();9System.out.println("path: " + path);10MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.txt");11String path = mountableFile.resolvePath();12System.out.println("path: " + path);13MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.txt");14String path = mountableFile.resolvePath();15System.out.println("path: " + path);16MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.txt");17String path = mountableFile.resolvePath();18System.out.println("path: " + path);19MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.txt");20String path = mountableFile.resolvePath();21System.out.println("path: " + path);
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.example.testcontainers;2import;3import;4import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;5import org.testcontainers.containers.output.Slf4jLogConsumer;6import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.Wait;7import org.testcontainers.utility.MountableFile;8import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;9public class TestContainerExample {10 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {11 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("ubuntu:18.04")12 .withExposedPorts(22)13 .waitingFor(Wait.forListeningPort())14 .withCommand("tail", "-f", "/dev/null")15 .withFileSystemBind("/Users/username/Downloads", "/tmp")16 .withLogConsumer(new Slf4jLogConsumer(log));17 container.start();18 String containerId = container.getContainerId();19"Container ID: {}", containerId);20 String absoluteFilePath = MountableFile.forHostPath("/Users/username/Downloads/").resolveFilesystemPath();21"absoluteFilePath: {}", absoluteFilePath);22 String absoluteFilePath2 = new File("/Users/username/Downloads/").getAbsolutePath();23"absoluteFilePath2: {}", absoluteFilePath2);24 container.stop();25 }26}
Using AI Code Generation
1def mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.sql")2def file = mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath()3def sqlFile = new File(file)4def mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.sql")5def file = mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath()6def sqlFile = new File(file)7def mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.sql")8def file = mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath()9def sqlFile = new File(file)10def mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.sql")11def file = mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath()12def sqlFile = new File(file)13def mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.sql")14def file = mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath()15def sqlFile = new File(file)16def mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.sql")17def file = mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath()18def sqlFile = new File(file)19def mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.sql")20def file = mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath()21def sqlFile = new File(file)22def mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource("test.sql")
Using AI Code Generation
1public class TestContainerDemo {2 public void testContainerDemo() throws Exception {3 String path = "/home/raj/Downloads/test.txt";4 MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource(path);5 mountableFile.resolveFilesystemPath();6 }7}
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