How to use FileManagerMoveDelegate class

Best Mockingbird code snippet using FileManagerMoveDelegate


Source:Path+WriteUtf8Strings.swift Github


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...18 case .streamWritingFailure(let error): return "Failed to write to output stream, error: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "(nil)")"19 }20 }21}22private class FileManagerMoveDelegate: NSObject, FileManagerDelegate {23 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager, shouldMoveItemAt srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL)24 -> Bool { return true }25 26 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager,27 shouldProceedAfterError error: Error,28 movingItemAt srcURL: URL,29 to dstURL: URL)30 -> Bool { return true }31 32 static let shared = FileManagerMoveDelegate()33}34struct PartialFileContent {35 let contents: String?36 let substructure: [PartialFileContent]37 let delimiter: String?38 let footer: String?39 40 var isEmpty: Bool {41 return contents?.isEmpty != false && substructure.isEmpty42 }43 44 static let empty = PartialFileContent()45 46 init(contents: String? = nil,47 substructure: [PartialFileContent] = [],48 delimiter: String? = nil,49 footer: String? = nil) {50 self.contents = contents51 self.substructure = substructure52 self.delimiter = delimiter53 self.footer = footer54 }55}56extension Path {57 /​/​/​ Writes a set of UTF-8 strings to disk without validating the encoding.58 /​/​/​59 /​/​/​ - Note: This is ~15-20% faster compared to String.write(toFile:atomically:encoding:)60 /​/​/​61 /​/​/​ - Parameters:62 /​/​/​ - fileContents: An array of partial content objects containing strings to write to disk.63 /​/​/​ - atomically: Whether to write to a temporary file first, then atomically move it to the64 /​/​/​ current path, replacing any existing file.65 /​/​/​ - creatingIntermediaries: Whether to create intermediary directories that don't exist.66 /​/​/​ - Throws: A `WriteUtf8StringFailure` if an error occurs.67 func writeUtf8Strings(_ fileContents: PartialFileContent,68 atomically: Bool = true,69 creatingIntermediaries: Bool = true) throws {70 if creatingIntermediaries { try parent().mkpath() }71 72 let tmpFilePath = (atomically ? try Path.uniqueTemporary() + lastComponent : self)73 guard let outputStream = OutputStream(toFileAtPath: "\(tmpFilePath.absolute())", append: true)74 else { throw WriteUtf8StringFailure.streamCreationFailure(path: tmpFilePath) }75 defer {77 if outputStream.streamStatus != .closed {78 outputStream.close()79 }80 }81 82 let write: (String) throws -> Void = { contents in83 let rawData = contents.utf8CString84 let count = rawData.count-1 /​/​ Last character is a `Nul` character in a C string.85 guard count > 0, let data = rawData.withUnsafeBytes({86 $0.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self).baseAddress87 }) else { throw WriteUtf8StringFailure.dataEncodingFailure }88 89 let written = outputStream.write(data, maxLength: count)90 guard written == count else {91 throw WriteUtf8StringFailure.streamWritingFailure(error: outputStream.streamError)92 }93 }94 95 var writePartial: ((PartialFileContent) throws -> Void)!96 writePartial = { partial in97 if let contents = partial.contents { try write(contents) }98 var isFirstElement = true99 for structure in partial.substructure {100 if !isFirstElement, let delimiter = partial.delimiter {101 if let contents = structure.contents, structure.substructure.isEmpty {102 /​/​ Optimization for writing both the delimiter and any substructure contents at once.103 if let footer = structure.footer {104 try write(delimiter + contents + footer)105 } else {106 try write(delimiter + contents)107 }108 continue109 } else {110 try write(delimiter)111 }112 }113 isFirstElement = false114 try writePartial(structure)115 }116 if let footer = partial.footer { try write(footer) }117 }118 try writePartial(fileContents)119 outputStream.close()120 121 guard atomically else { return }122 let tmpFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(tmpFilePath.absolute())", isDirectory: false)123 let outputFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(absolute())", isDirectory: false)124 125 FileManager.default.delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate.shared126 _ = try FileManager.default.moveItem(at: tmpFileURL, to: outputFileURL)127 }128}...

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1import Foundation2import Mockingbird3class FileManagerMoveDelegate: NSObject, FileManagerDelegate {4 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager, shouldMoveItemAt srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) -> Bool {5 }6}7class FileManagerMock: FileManager {8 var moveDelegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()9 override func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {10 if !moveDelegate.fileManager(self, shouldMoveItemAt: srcURL, to: dstURL) {11 throw NSError(domain: "com.test", code: 1, userInfo: nil)12 }13 }14}15func test() {16 let fileManager = FileManagerMock()17 try! fileManager.moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)18}19import Foundation20import Mockingbird21class FileManagerMoveDelegate: NSObject, FileManagerDelegate {22 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager, shouldMoveItemAt srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) -> Bool {23 }24}25class FileManagerMock: FileManager {26 var moveDelegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()27 override func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {28 if !moveDelegate.fileManager(self, shouldMoveItemAt: srcURL, to: dstURL) {29 throw NSError(domain: "com.test", code: 1, userInfo: nil)30 }31 }32}33func test() {34 let fileManager = FileManagerMock()35 try! fileManager.moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)36}37import Foundation38import Mockingbird39class FileManagerMoveDelegate: NSObject, FileManagerDelegate {40 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager, shouldMoveItemAt srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) -> Bool {41 }42}43class FileManagerMock: FileManager {44 var moveDelegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()45 override func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL)

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1import Mockingbird2import Foundation3class FileManagerMoveDelegate {4 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager, shouldMoveItemAt srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) -> Bool {5 }6 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager, shouldProceedAfterError error: Error, movingItemAt srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) -> Bool {7 }8}9import Mockingbird10import Foundation11class FileManagerMoveDelegate {12 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager, shouldMoveItemAt srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) -> Bool {13 }14 func fileManager(_ fileManager: FileManager, shouldProceedAfterError error: Error, movingItemAt srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) -> Bool {15 }16}

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1import Foundation2extension FileManager {3 public func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {4 try moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)5 }6}7import Foundation8extension FileManager {9 public func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {10 try moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)11 }12}13import Foundation14extension FileManager {15 public func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {16 try moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)17 }18}19import Foundation20extension FileManager {21 public func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {22 try moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)23 }24}25import Foundation26extension FileManager {27 public func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {28 try moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)29 }30}31import Foundation32extension FileManager {33 public func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {34 try moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)35 }36}37import Foundation38extension FileManager {39 public func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {40 try moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)41 }42}43import Foundation44extension FileManager {45 public func moveItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {46 try moveItem(at: srcURL, to: dstURL)47 }48}49import Foundation

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1import Foundation2func moveFile(fromPath: String, toPath: String) {3 let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()4 do {5 try fileManager.moveItem(atPath: fromPath, toPath: toPath)6 } catch {7 print("Error: \(error)")8 }9}10moveFile(fromPath: "/​tmp/​1.txt", toPath: "/​tmp/​2.txt")11import Foundation12func moveFile(fromPath: String, toPath: String) {13 let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()14 do {15 try fileManager.moveItem(atPath: fromPath, toPath: toPath)16 } catch {17 print("Error: \(error)")18 }19}20moveFile(fromPath: "/​tmp/​1.txt", toPath: "/​tmp/​2.txt")21import Foundation22func moveFile(fromPath: String, toPath: String) {23 let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()24 do {25 try fileManager.moveItem(atPath: fromPath, toPath: toPath)26 } catch {27 print("Error: \(error)")28 }29}30moveFile(fromPath: "/​tmp/​1.txt", toPath: "/​tmp/​2.txt")31import Foundation32func moveFile(fromPath: String, toPath: String) {33 let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()34 do {35 try fileManager.moveItem(atPath: fromPath, toPath: toPath)36 } catch {37 print("Error: \(error)")38 }39}40moveFile(fromPath: "/​tmp/​1.txt", toPath: "/​tmp/​2.txt")41import Foundation42func moveFile(fromPath: String, toPath: String) {43 let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()

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1let fm = FileManager()2let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()3fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")4let fm = FileManager()5let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()6fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")7let fm = FileManager()8let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()9fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")10let fm = FileManager()11let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()12fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")13let fm = FileManager()14let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()15fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")16let fm = FileManager()17let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()18fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")19let fm = FileManager()20let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()21fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")22let fm = FileManager()23let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()24fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")25let fm = FileManager()26let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()27fm.moveItem(atPath: "/​tmp/​foo", toPath: "/​tmp/​bar")28let fm = FileManager()29let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()

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1import Foundation2import Mockingbird3class FileManagerMoveDelegate {4 func fileManager(_: FileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: URL, to: URL) -> Bool {5 }6}7let fm = FileManager()8let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()9let source = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​source")10let destination = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​destination")11do {12 try fm.moveItem(at: source, to: destination)13} catch {14 print(error)15}16import Foundation17import Mockingbird18class FileManagerMoveDelegate {19 func fileManager(_: FileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: URL, to: URL) -> Bool {20 }21}22let fm = FileManager()23let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()24let source = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​source")25let destination = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​destination")26do {27 try fm.moveItem(at: source, to: destination)28} catch {29 print(error)30}31import Mockingbird32protocol SimpleProtocol {33 func doSomething()34}35let mock = mock(SimpleProtocol.self)

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1let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()2let fileManager = FileManager()3let result = fileManager.moveItem(atPath: source, toPath: destination, delegate: delegate)4let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()5let fileManager = FileManager()6let result = fileManager.moveItem(atPath: source, toPath: destination, delegate: delegate)7let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()8let fileManager = FileManager()9let result = fileManager.moveItem(atPath: source, toPath: destination, delegate: delegate)10let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()11let fileManager = FileManager()12let result = fileManager.moveItem(atPath: source, toPath: destination, delegate: delegate)13let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()14let fileManager = FileManager()15let result = fileManager.moveItem(atPath: source, toPath: destination, delegate: delegate)16let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()17let fileManager = FileManager()18let result = fileManager.moveItem(atPath: source, toPath: destination, delegate: delegate)19let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()20let fileManager = FileManager()21let result = fileManager.moveItem(atPath: source, toPath: destination, delegate: delegate)22let delegate = FileManagerMoveDelegate()23let fileManager = FileManager()24let result = fileManager.moveItem(atPath: source

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1func testMoveItem() {2 let mock = mock(FileManagerMoveDelegate.self)3 let fileManager = FileManager()4 stub(mock) { mock in5 when(mock.fileManager(fileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: any(), to: any())).thenReturn(false)6 }7 let from = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​from")8 let to = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​to")9 let result = fileManager.moveItem(at: from, to: to)10 XCTAssertFalse(result)11 verify(mock).fileManager(fileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: from, to: to)12}13func testMoveItem() {14 let mock = mock(FileManagerMoveDelegate.self)15 let fileManager = FileManager()16 stub(mock) { mock in17 when(mock.fileManager(fileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: any(), to: any())).thenReturn(true)18 }19 let from = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​from")20 let to = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​to")21 let result = fileManager.moveItem(at: from, to: to)22 XCTAssertTrue(result)23 verify(mock).fileManager(fileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: from, to: to)24}25func testMoveItem() {26 let mock = mock(FileManagerMoveDelegate.self)27 let fileManager = FileManager()28 stub(mock) { mock in29 when(mock.fileManager(fileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: any(), to: any())).thenReturn(false)30 }31 let from = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​from")32 let to = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​to")33 let result = fileManager.moveItem(at: from, to: to)34 XCTAssertFalse(result)35 verify(mock).fileManager(fileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: from, to: to)36}37func testMoveItem() {38 let mock = mock(FileManagerMoveDelegate.self)39 let fileManager = FileManager()40 stub(mock) { mock in41 when(mock.fileManager(fileManager, shouldMoveItemAt: any(), to:

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1import Mockingbird2import Foundation3let delegate = MockFileManagerMoveDelegate()4let source = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​source")5let destination = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​destination")6try fileManager.moveItem(at: source, to: destination)7expect(delegate.fileManagerMoveItemCalled).to(beTrue())8expect(delegate.fileManagerMoveItemArgs?.fileManager).to(beIdenticalTo(fileManager))9expect(delegate.fileManagerMoveItemArgs?.source).to(beIdenticalTo(source))10expect(delegate.fileManagerMoveItemArgs?.destination).to(beIdenticalTo(destination))11import Mockingbird12import Foundation13let delegate = MockFileManagerCopyDelegate()14let source = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​source")15let destination = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​destination")16try fileManager.copyItem(at: source, to: destination)17expect(delegate.fileManagerCopyItemCalled).to(beTrue())18expect(delegate.fileManagerCopyItemArgs?.fileManager).to(beIdenticalTo(fileManager))19expect(delegate.fileManagerCopyItemArgs?.source).to(beIdenticalTo(source))20expect(delegate.fileManagerCopyItemArgs?.destination).to(beIdenticalTo(destination))21import Mockingbird22import Foundation23let delegate = MockFileManagerLinkDelegate()24let source = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​source")25let destination = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/​tmp/​destination")26try fileManager.linkItem(at: source, to: destination)27expect(delegate.fileManagerLinkItemCalled).to(beTrue())28expect(delegate.fileManagerLinkItemArgs?.fileManager).to(beIdenticalTo(fileManager))29expect(delegate.fileManagerLinkItemArgs?.source).to(beIdenticalTo(source))30expect(delegate.fileManagerLinkItemArgs?.destination).to(beIdenticalTo(destination))31import Mockingbird32import Foundation33let delegate = MockFileManagerRemoveDelegate()

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