How to use raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered method of for class

Best Quick code snippet using for.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered


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...124 raiseIfSharedExampleAlreadyRegistered(name)125 sharedExamples[name] = closure126 }127 internal func sharedExample(name: String) -> SharedExampleClosure {128 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)129 return sharedExamples[name]!130 }131 internal var exampleCount: Int {132 return allExamples.count133 }134 private var allExamples: [Example] {135 var all: [Example] = []136 for (_, group) in specs {137 group.walkDownExamples { all.append($0) }138 }139 return all140 }141 private var includedExamples: [Example] {142 let all = allExamples143 let included = all.filter { example in144 return self.configuration.inclusionFilters.reduce(false) { $0 || $1(example: example) }145 }146 if included.isEmpty && configuration.runAllWhenEverythingFiltered {147 return all148 } else {149 return included150 }151 }152 private func raiseIfSharedExampleAlreadyRegistered(name: String) {153 if sharedExamples[name] != nil {154 NSException(name: NSInternalInconsistencyException,155 reason: "A shared example named '\(name)' has already been registered.",156 userInfo: nil).raise()157 }158 }159 private func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name: String) {160 if sharedExamples[name] == nil {161 NSException(name: NSInternalInconsistencyException,162 reason: "No shared example named '\(name)' has been registered. Registered shared examples: '\(Array(sharedExamples.keys))'",163 userInfo: nil).raise()164 }165 }166}...

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1import Quick2import Nimble3class TestClass {4 static var sharedExamples = [String: SharedExampleContext]()5 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name: String) {6 if sharedExamples[name] == nil {7 fatalError("Shared example '\(name)' was not registered.")8 }9 }10}11func sharedExamples(name: String, closure: SharedExampleContext -> Void) {12}13func itBehavesLike(name: String, closure: (SharedExampleContext) -> Void) {14 TestClass.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)15 closure(TestClass.sharedExamples[name]!)16}17class TestClassSpec: QuickSpec {18 override func spec() {19 sharedExamples("a shared example") { (context) in20 it("is shared") {21 expect(true).to(beTruthy())22 }23 }24 itBehavesLike("a shared example") { (context) in25 }26 }27}28import Quick29import Nimble30struct TestStruct {31 static var sharedExamples = [String: SharedExampleContext]()32 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name: String) {33 if sharedExamples[name] == nil {34 fatalError("Shared example '\(name)' was not registered.")35 }36 }37}38func sharedExamples(name: String, closure: SharedExampleContext -> Void) {39}40func itBehavesLike(name: String, closure: (SharedExampleContext) -> Void) {41 TestStruct.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)42 closure(TestStruct.sharedExamples[name]!)43}44class TestStructSpec: QuickSpec {45 override func spec() {46 sharedExamples("a shared example") { (context) in47 it("is shared") {48 expect(true).to(beTruthy())49 }50 }51 itBehavesLike("a shared example") { (context) in52 }53 }54}55import Quick56import Nimble57enum TestEnum {58 static var sharedExamples = [String: SharedExampleContext]()59 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name: String) {

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1import Foundation2import Quick3class QuickTests: QuickSpec {4 override func spec() {5 describe("QuickTests") {6 it("should register shared examples") {7 self.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered()8 }9 }10 }11}12import Foundation13import Quick14class QuickTests: QuickSpec {15 override func spec() {16 describe("QuickTests") {17 it("should register shared examples") {18 self.registerSharedExamples()19 }20 }21 }22}23import Foundation24import Quick25class QuickTests: QuickSpec {26 override func spec() {27 describe("QuickTests") {28 it("should register shared examples") {29 self.registerSharedExamples()30 }31 }32 }33}34import Foundation35import Quick36class QuickTests: QuickSpec {37 override func spec() {38 describe("QuickTests") {39 it("should register shared examples") {40 self.registerSharedExamples()41 }42 }43 }44}45import Foundation46import Quick47class QuickTests: QuickSpec {48 override func spec() {49 describe("QuickTests") {50 it("should register shared examples") {51 self.registerSharedExamples()52 }53 }54 }55}56import Foundation57import Quick58class QuickTests: QuickSpec {59 override func spec() {60 describe("QuickTests") {61 it("should register shared examples") {62 self.registerSharedExamples()63 }64 }65 }66}67import Foundation68import Quick69class QuickTests: QuickSpec {70 override func spec() {71 describe("QuickTests") {72 it("should register shared examples") {73 self.registerSharedExamples()74 }75 }76 }77}78import Foundation79import Quick80class QuickTests: QuickSpec {81 override func spec() {82 describe("QuickTests") {

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1import Foundation2import Quick3import Nimble4class QuickSpecExample: QuickSpec {5 override func spec() {6 describe("QuickSpec") {7 it("should raise if a shared example is not registered") {8 expect {9 self.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered()10 }.to(raiseException())11 }12 }13 }14}15import Foundation16import Quick17import Nimble18struct QuickSpecExample: QuickSpec {19 func spec() {20 describe("QuickSpec") {21 it("should raise if a shared example is not registered") {22 expect {23 self.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered()24 }.to(raiseException())25 }26 }27 }28}29import Foundation30import Quick31import Nimble32enum QuickSpecExample: QuickSpec {33 func spec() {34 describe("QuickSpec") {35 it("should raise if a shared example is not registered") {36 expect {37 self.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered()38 }.to(raiseException())39 }40 }41 }42}43import Foundation44import Quick45import Nimble46protocol QuickSpecExample: QuickSpec {47 func spec()48}49import Foundation50import Quick51import Nimble52extension QuickSpecExample: QuickSpec {53 func spec() {54 describe("QuickSpec") {55 it("should raise if a shared example is not registered") {56 expect {57 self.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered()58 }.to(raiseException())59 }60 }61 }62}63import Foundation64import Quick65import Nimble66class QuickSpecExample: QuickSpec {67 override func spec() {68 describe("QuickSpec") {69 it("should raise if a shared example is not registered") {70 expect {71 self.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered()72 }.to(raiseException())73 }74 }75 }76}

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1import Quick2import Nimble3class 1: QuickSpec {4 override func spec() {5 describe("1") {6 it("1") {7 expect(1).to(equal(1))8 }9 }10 }11}12import Quick13import Nimble14class 2: QuickSpec {15 override func spec() {16 describe("2") {17 it("2") {18 expect(2).to(equal(2))19 }20 }21 }22}23import Quick24import Nimble25class 3: QuickSpec {26 override func spec() {27 describe("3") {28 it("3") {29 expect(3).to(equal(3))30 }31 }32 }33}34import Quick35import Nimble36class 4: QuickSpec {37 override func spec() {38 describe("4") {39 it("4") {40 expect(4).to(equal(4))41 }42 }43 }44}45import Quick46import Nimble47class 5: QuickSpec {48 override func spec() {49 describe("5") {50 it("5") {51 expect(5).to(equal(5))52 }53 }54 }55}56import Quick57import Nimble58class 6: QuickSpec {59 override func spec() {60 describe("6") {61 it("6") {62 expect(6).to(equal(6))63 }64 }65 }66}67import Quick68import Nimble69class 7: QuickSpec {70 override func spec() {71 describe("

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1import Quick2import Nimble3class SharedExamplesTests: QuickSpec {4 override func spec() {5 describe("SharedExamplesTests") {6 it("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered") {7 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)8 }9 }10 }11}12import Quick13import Nimble14class SharedExamplesTests2: QuickSpec {15 override func spec() {16 describe("SharedExamplesTests") {17 it("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered") {18 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)19 }20 }21 }22}23import Quick24import Nimble25class SharedExamplesTests3: QuickSpec {26 override func spec() {27 describe("SharedExamplesTests") {28 it("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered") {29 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)30 }31 }32 }33}34import Quick35import Nimble36class SharedExamplesTests4: QuickSpec {37 override func spec() {38 describe("SharedExamplesTests") {39 it("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered") {40 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)41 }42 }43 }44}45import Quick46import Nimble47class SharedExamplesTests5: QuickSpec {48 override func spec() {49 describe("SharedExamplesTests") {50 it("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered") {51 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)52 }53 }54 }55}56import Quick57import Nimble58class SharedExamplesTests6: QuickSpec {59 override func spec() {60 describe("SharedExamplesTests") {61 it("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered") {62 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(name)63 }64 }65 }66}

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1func testSharedExamples() {2 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()3 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")4}5func testSharedExamples() {6 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()7 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")8}9func testSharedExamples() {10 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()11 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")12}13func testSharedExamples() {14 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()15 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")16}17func testSharedExamples() {18 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()19 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")20}21func testSharedExamples() {22 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()23 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")24}25func testSharedExamples() {26 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()27 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")28}29func testSharedExamples() {30 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()31 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")32}33func testSharedExamples() {34 let sharedExampleContext = SharedExampleContext()35 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("sharedExampleName")36}

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1class TestClass {2 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {3 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")4 }5}6class TestClass {7 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {8 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")9 }10}11class TestClass {12 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {13 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")14 }15}16class TestClass {17 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {18 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")19 }20}21class TestClass {22 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {23 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")24 }25}26class TestClass {27 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {28 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")29 }30}31class TestClass {32 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {33 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")34 }35}36class TestClass {37 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {38 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")39 }40}41class TestClass {42 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {43 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")44 }45}46class TestClass {47 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {48 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")49 }50}51class TestClass {52 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {53 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")54 }55}56class TestClass {57 static func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered() {58 print("raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered")59 }60}61class TestClass {

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1import Quick2import Nimble3func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(_ name: String, _ closure: () -> Void) {4 let exampleGroup = ExampleGroup(description: "Shared example: \(name)", flags: [:], file: #file, line: #line, focused: false)5 let example = Example(name: "example", closure: closure, file: #file, line: #line)6 exampleGroup.addExample(example)7 QuickConfiguration.sharedConfiguration().registerSharedExample(name, exampleGroup: exampleGroup)8}9class MySharedExampleClass: QuickConfiguration {10 override class func configure(_ configuration: Configuration) {11 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("a shared example") {12 }13 }14}15import Quick16import Nimble17func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(_ name: String, _ closure: () -> Void) {18 let exampleGroup = ExampleGroup(description: "Shared example: \(name)", flags: [:], file: #file, line: #line, focused: false)19 let example = Example(name: "example", closure: closure, file: #file, line: #line)20 exampleGroup.addExample(example)21 QuickConfiguration.sharedConfiguration().registerSharedExample(name, exampleGroup: exampleGroup)22}23class MySharedExampleClass: QuickConfiguration {24 override class func configure(_ configuration: Configuration) {25 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("a shared example") {26 }27 }28}29import Quick30import Nimble31func raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered(_ name: String, _ closure: () -> Void) {32 let exampleGroup = ExampleGroup(description: "Shared example: \(name)", flags: [:], file: #file, line: #line, focused: false)33 let example = Example(name: "example", closure: closure, file: #file, line: #line)34 exampleGroup.addExample(example)35 QuickConfiguration.sharedConfiguration().registerSharedExample(name, exampleGroup: exampleGroup)36}37class MySharedExampleClass: QuickConfiguration {38 override class func configure(_ configuration: Configuration) {39 raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("a shared example") {

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1import Quick2import Nimble3class SharedExampleSpec: QuickSpec {4 override func spec() {5 describe("a shared example") {6 itBehavesLike("a shared example") { (sharedExampleContext: SharedExampleContext) in7 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("a shared example")8 }9 itBehavesLike("a shared example") { (sharedExampleContext: SharedExampleContext) in10 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("a non-existent shared example")11 }12 }13 }14}15import Quick16import Nimble17class SharedExampleSpec: QuickSpec {18 override func spec() {19 describe("a shared example") {20 itBehavesLike("a shared example") { (sharedExampleContext: SharedExampleContext) in21 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("a shared example")22 }23 itBehavesLike("a shared example") { (sharedExampleContext: SharedExampleContext) in24 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("a non-existent shared example")25 }26 }27 }28}29import Quick30import Nimble31class SharedExampleSpec: QuickSpec {32 override func spec() {33 describe("a shared example") {34 itBehavesLike("a shared example") { (sharedExampleContext: SharedExampleContext) in35 sharedExampleContext.raiseIfSharedExampleNotRegistered("a shared example")

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