Category Archives: LambdaTest Updates

LambdaTest Update Posts

LambdaTest Updates

December’23 Updates: Playwright Testing on Linux, Latest Features in Smart UI, HyperExecute, and More!

Hello developers and testers, Happy New Year! We are back to bring you the latest updates to the LambdaTest products introduced last month.

January 11, 2024

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LambdaTest Updates

Boost Your Espresso Testing With LambdaTest-Gradle Plugin

In our rapidly evolving digital era, the role of software testing in the development cycle is more critical than ever.

January 4, 2024

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November’23 Updates: The All-New UnderPass Desktop Application, Auto Muting With HyperExecute, and More!

LambdaTest Updates

November’23 Updates: The All-New UnderPass Desktop Application, Auto Muting With HyperExecute, and More!

It’s time for the product updates for November. The latest updates consist of some major and minor improvements. It includes an enhanced version of our UnderPass desktop application, support for configuring custom viewports for Storybook visual testing, an auto muting feature in HyperExecute, and others.

December 8, 2023

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New Relic Integration Feature Image

LambdaTest Updates

Gain Deeper Testing Insights Using LambdaTest and New Relic Integration

Delving into the landscape of application performance and monitoring is essential for any development endeavor, as it provides real-time insights, proactive monitoring, and a comprehensive approach to performance management.

December 7, 2023

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Live With the All-New LambdaTest UnderPass Desktop Application

LambdaTest Updates

Live With the All-New LambdaTest UnderPass Desktop Application

Setting up a Secure Shell (SSH) connection and preparing a local development environment for testing your website can be challenging. To simplify this process, we have revamped our LambdaTest UnderPass Tunnel desktop application with some out-of-box features for local testing.

November 23, 2023

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Cross Browser TestingLambdaTest Updates

Maximize Year-End Success with Exclusive Black Friday Deals on Top Tech Tools

As the seasons change and the chill of winter sets in, businesses everywhere are preparing to make the most of the year’s end.

November 20, 2023

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Read time21 Min Read

Smart Baseline Strategy and Overwrite Screenshot for Smart UI Feature Image

LambdaTest Updates

Smart Baseline Strategy and Overwrite Screenshot for Smart UI

In the dynamic world of user interface testing, testers must develop creative strategies to deal with the challenges of managing baselines and handling various screenshots effectively.

November 13, 2023

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October’23 Updates feature

LambdaTest Updates

October’23 Updates: Live With Intelligent UI Inspector, Major Upgrades to HyperExecute, Smart UI, and More

As thе autumn lеavеs shed and thе sеason shift, wе’rе back to sharе somе cool stuff wе’vе bееn working on here at LambdaTest.

November 8, 2023

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Read time13 Min Read

LambdaTest Updates

Introducing Intelligent UI Inspector for Real Device Cloud

Inspеcting app еlеmеnts is a standard method for debugging mobile issues across various dеvicеs and opеrating systеms, and you can typically do this using UI Inspеctors.

October 31, 2023

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LambdaTest And Zenkit Integration feature

LambdaTest Updates

Simplify Bug-Tracking With LambdaTest And Zenkit Integration

In the rapidly changing digital environment, businesses need to provide top-notch software applications to meet the growing demands of their customers.

October 27, 2023

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