Category Archives: Selenium C#


Selenium C#AutomationTutorial

How to Generate NUnit Reports

This article is a part of our Learning Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Selenium NUnit Tutorial. Test reports help track how the activities related to automation testing have evolved over a period of time.

June 24, 2024

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Top 28 Selenium WebDriver Commands in NUnit For Test Automation

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28 Top Selenium WebDriver Commands in NUnit For 2024

This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Selenium NUnit Tutorial. Selenium Framework interacts with the web browser via the Selenium WebDriver commands. It does so with the help of certain Selenium WebDriver commands to automate browser actions such as open, close or maximise

March 7, 2024

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Best C# Testing Frameworks In 2023

Selenium C#Automation

Best C# Testing Frameworks In 2024

Test automation has become an essential element of the Software Development Life Cycle, helping developers and quality assurance teams to simplify their testing processes, accelerate delivery, and increase efficiency.

February 29, 2024

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Read time19 Min Read

Selenium C#AutomationTutorial

A Beginner’s Guide To SpecFlow ScenarioContext

SpecFlow is a great .NET testing framework for a BDD test-first approach. It uses plain and readable language to describe the behavior of the software, which both technical and non-technical staff can understand.

January 9, 2024

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Read time17 Min Read

Selenium C#AutomationTutorial

How to Find Element by Text in Selenium C#

Selenium is a robust open-source framework for automating web browsers and is used by many software testers and developers to ensure the functionality and performance of their web applications.

October 26, 2023

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How to Run Multiple NUnit Test Cases feature image

AutomationSelenium C#Tutorial

How to Run Multiple NUnit Test Cases

When it comes to automated testing in .NET, the NUnit framework is a go-to choice due to its simplicity and robust set of features. In this blog, I will show you how to run multiple test cases in NUnit and Selenium.

October 9, 2023

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IWebDriver Browser Commands feature

Selenium C#Tutorial

IWebDriver Browser Commands In Selenium C#: A Detailed Guide

Selenium WebDriver is a popular tool for automating web application testing, and it supports various programming languages, including C#.

April 25, 2023

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Read time15 Min Read


Selenium C#Tutorial

How To Scroll Down A Page In Selenium WebDriver Using C#

To scroll up or down means to move below or above a particular webpage navigating through text or graphic which it contains.Scrolling up or down, and even horizontally, is quite common when navigating a web page. In test automation, this becomes important when you want to check that all the expected elements are displayed on … Continue reading How To Scroll Down A Page In Selenium WebDriver Using C#

March 15, 2023

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Read time13 Min Read

How To Use WebDriverWait In Selenium C#

AutomationSelenium C#

How To Use WebDriverWait In Selenium C#

The more you work with Selenium automation, the more you will come across various exceptions, such as NoSuchElementException (when an element is not visible on the page) or StaleElementReferenceException.

February 10, 2023

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How To Refresh Page Using Selenium C#

Selenium C#AutomationTutorial

How To Refresh Page Using Selenium C# [Complete Tutorial]

When working on web automation with Selenium, I encountered scenarios where I needed to refresh pages from time to time.

January 6, 2023

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Read time8 Min Read