Category Archives: Selenium Java

Test Cases in Java

AutomationSelenium JavaTutorial

How To Write Test Cases in Java

Writing test cases is a fundamental skill for ensuring the reliability and robustness of your code. Test cases can help identify bugs and validate that the code works as intended.

July 8, 2024

view count136306 Views

Read time20 Min Read

AutomationSelenium JavaTutorial

How to Create TestNG.xml File in Eclipse

TestNG is a framework used for Java automation testing that makes creating and running automated tests much easier. One of its standout features is running tests in parallel using a TestNG.xml file, which expedites software release cycles.

June 21, 2024

view count246608 Views

Read time14 Min Read

How to Generate Extent Reports in Selenium feature image

Selenium JavaAutomationTutorial

How To Generate Extent Reports In Selenium

Selenium provides built-in reporting capabilities through frameworks like TestNG, JUnit, and more. While these built-in reports offer basic information, custom reporting is often necessary to provide detailed insights into test execution.

June 14, 2024

view count457837 Views

Read time26 Min Read

How To Handle Authentication Popups in Selenium WebDriver

Selenium JavaSelenium WebDriverTutorial

How To Handle Authentication PopUps in Selenium WebDriver

Handling authentication popups in Selenium is a crucial aspect of automated testing. Authentication popups often appear when accessing secure areas of a web application, requiring valid credentials to proceed.

June 13, 2024

view count217404 Views

Read time20 Min Read

Selenium JavaSelenium WebDriverTutorial

How to Handle Hidden Elements in Selenium WebDriver

When running automated tests with Selenium WebDriver, testers might encounter ElementNotInteractableException or ElementNotVisibleException if the web page elements are hidden or can’t be interacted with.

June 12, 2024

view count171134 Views

Read time9 Min Read

Selenium sendKeys(): A Complete Guide

AutomationSelenium JavaSelenium JavaScriptTutorial

Selenium sendKeys(): A Complete Guide

While performing automation testing with Selenium, developers and testers need to automate different scenarios, like typing text into form fields, entering passwords in boxes, and more. This is where the Selenium sendKeys() method helps achieve this.

May 21, 2024

view count487290 Views

Read time17 Min Read

How to Use ThreadLocal in Java

AutomationSelenium JavaTutorial

How to Use ThreadLocal in Java With Selenium WebDriver

ThreadLocal in Java is a powerful tool for managing thread-specific data, and its application in Selenium testing can significantly enhance test stability and efficiency.

May 7, 2024

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Read time19 Min Read

How to Use Thread.sleep() in Selenium

Selenium JavaAutomationTutorial

How to Use Thread.sleep() in Selenium

When performing Selenium automation testing, you might encounter a NoSuchElementException() when the element you’re trying to interact with isn’t found.

April 25, 2024

view count202249 Views

Read time20 Min Read

How to Handle Shadow Root in Selenium Java

AutomationSelenium JavaTutorial

How to Handle Shadow Root in Selenium Java

When automating tests using Selenium, there may be a scenario where you can’t find an element on a web page even though it seems to be in the Document Object Model (DOM).

April 22, 2024

view count133664 Views

Read time19 Min Read

Take Screenshot In Selenium Java

AutomationSelenium JavaSelenium Tutorial

How To Take Screenshot In Selenium Java?

Selenium is an open-source automation tool widely used for testing web applications. It enables developers to create scripts that automate browser activities, evaluate expected results, and ensure application functionality.

April 5, 2024

view count304475 Views

Read time11 Min Read