Category Archives: Cheat Sheet

The Most Idealistic Selenium Locators Cheat Sheet

Cheat SheetSelenium Tutorial

The Most Comprehensive Selenium Locators Cheat Sheet

During the development of a web-based application, there are so many test cases to be executed. For every test engineer, performing actions such as type, click, and so on is a must on the HTML elements.

June 10, 2022

view count236198 Views

Read time19 Min Read

Selenium Python cheat sheet

AutomationCheat SheetSelenium PythonTutorial

The Ultimate Selenium Python Cheat Sheet for Test Automation

This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Automation Testing and Selenium Python Tutorial. Python is one of the most popular programming languages for Selenium web automation since it provides a simplified syntax and lets you perform more with much less code! Thus, Python … Continue reading The Ultimate Selenium Python Cheat Sheet for Test Automation

August 16, 2021

view count86292 Views

Read time18 Min Read

XPath Locators

Cheat SheetSelenium TutorialTutorial

Most Exhaustive XPath Locators Cheat Sheet

The Selenium framework lets you interact with the WebElements in the DOM. For realizing the interaction(s), it is important to choose the appropriate locator from the available Selenium web locators.

July 19, 2021

view count101413 Views

Read time8 Min Read


Web DevelopmentCheat SheetTutorial

The Ultimate CSS Selectors Cheat Sheet You Must Know

As a front-end developer, there are many times when you say, “What’s that property that takes child elements and applies CSS?” or something on the same thoughts. CSS is endless when you start to learn it.

May 4, 2021

view count82562 Views

Read time30 Min Read