How to use Complete method of Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime.Operation class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime.Operation.Complete


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...210 }211 if (testMethodTask != null)212 {213 // If the test method is asynchronous, then wait until it completes.214 op.TryBlockUntilTaskCompletes(testMethodTask);215 if (testMethodTask.Exception != null)216 {217 // The test method failed with an unhandled exception.218 ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(testMethodTask.Exception).Throw();219 }220 else if (testMethodTask.IsCanceled)221 {222 throw new TaskCanceledException(testMethodTask);223 }224 }225 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<ScheduleDebug> Completed operation {0} on task '{1}'.", op.Name, Task.CurrentId);226 op.OnCompleted();227 // Task has completed, schedule the next enabled operation, which terminates exploration.228 this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Stop);229 }230 catch (Exception ex)231 {232 this.ProcessUnhandledExceptionInOperation(op, ex);233 }234 });235 task.Start();236 this.Scheduler.WaitOperationStart(op);237 }238 /// <summary>239 /// Creates a new task operation.240 /// </summary>241 internal TaskOperation CreateTaskOperation(bool isDelay = false)242 {243 ulong operationId = this.GetNextOperationId();244 TaskOperation op;245 if (isDelay)246 {247 op = new TaskDelayOperation(operationId, $"TaskDelay({operationId})", this.Configuration.TimeoutDelay,248 this.Scheduler);249 }250 else251 {252 op = new TaskOperation(operationId, $"Task({operationId})", this.Scheduler);253 }254 this.Scheduler.RegisterOperation(op);255 return op;256 }257 /// <summary>258 /// Schedules the specified action to be executed asynchronously.259 /// </summary>260#if !DEBUG261 [DebuggerStepThrough]262#endif263 internal Task ScheduleAction(Action action, Task predecessor, OperationExecutionOptions options,264 bool isDelay = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)265 {266 cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();267 TaskOperation op = this.CreateTaskOperation(isDelay);268 var context = new OperationContext<Action, object>(op, action, predecessor, options, cancellationToken);269 var task = new Task(this.ExecuteOperation, context, cancellationToken);270 return this.ScheduleTaskOperation(op, task, context.ResultSource);271 }272 /// <summary>273 /// Schedules the specified function to be executed asynchronously.274 /// </summary>275#if !DEBUG276 [DebuggerStepThrough]277#endif278 internal Task<Task> ScheduleFunction(Func<Task> function, Task predecessor, CancellationToken cancellationToken)279 {280 cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();281 Task<Task> task = null;282 TaskOperation op = this.CreateTaskOperation();283 var context = new AsyncOperationContext<Func<Task>, Task, Task>(op, function, task, predecessor,284 OperationExecutionOptions.None, cancellationToken);285 task = new Task<Task>(this.ExecuteOperation<Func<Task>, Task, Task>, context, cancellationToken);286 return this.ScheduleTaskOperation(op, task, context.ExecutorSource);287 }288 /// <summary>289 /// Schedules the specified function to be executed asynchronously.290 /// </summary>291#if !DEBUG292 [DebuggerStepThrough]293#endif294 internal Task<Task<TResult>> ScheduleFunction<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> function, Task predecessor, CancellationToken cancellationToken)295 {296 cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();297 Task<TResult> task = null;298 TaskOperation op = this.CreateTaskOperation();299 var context = new AsyncOperationContext<Func<Task<TResult>>, Task<TResult>, TResult>(op, function, task, predecessor,300 OperationExecutionOptions.None, cancellationToken);301 task = new Task<TResult>(this.ExecuteOperation<Func<Task<TResult>>, Task<TResult>, TResult>, context, cancellationToken);302 return this.ScheduleTaskOperation(op, task, context.ExecutorSource);303 }304 /// <summary>305 /// Schedules the specified function to be executed asynchronously.306 /// </summary>307#if !DEBUG308 [DebuggerStepThrough]309#endif310 internal CoyoteTasks.Task ScheduleAsyncFunction(Func<CoyoteTasks.Task> function, Task predecessor, CancellationToken cancellationToken)311 {312 cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();313 Task<Task> task = null;314 TaskOperation op = this.CreateTaskOperation();315 var context = new AsyncOperationContext<Func<CoyoteTasks.Task>, Task, Task>(op, function, task, predecessor,316 OperationExecutionOptions.None, cancellationToken);317 task = new Task<Task>(this.ExecuteOperation<Func<CoyoteTasks.Task>, Task, Task>, context, cancellationToken);318 return new CoyoteTasks.Task(this, this.ScheduleTaskOperation(op, task, context.ResultSource));319 }320 /// <summary>321 /// Schedules the specified function to be executed asynchronously.322 /// </summary>323#if !DEBUG324 [DebuggerStepThrough]325#endif326 internal CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult> ScheduleAsyncFunction<TResult>(Func<CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult>> function, Task predecessor,327 CancellationToken cancellationToken)328 {329 cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();330 Task<TResult> task = null;331 TaskOperation op = this.CreateTaskOperation();332 var context = new AsyncOperationContext<Func<CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult>>, Task<TResult>, TResult>(op, function, task, predecessor,333 OperationExecutionOptions.None, cancellationToken);334 task = new Task<TResult>(this.ExecuteOperation<Func<CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult>>, Task<TResult>, TResult>, context, cancellationToken);335 return new CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult>(this, this.ScheduleTaskOperation(op, task, context.ResultSource));336 }337 /// <summary>338 /// Schedules the specified function to be executed asynchronously.339 /// </summary>340#if !DEBUG341 [DebuggerStepThrough]342#endif343 internal Task<TResult> ScheduleFunction<TResult>(Func<TResult> function, Task predecessor, CancellationToken cancellationToken)344 {345 cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();346 TaskOperation op = this.CreateTaskOperation();347 var context = new OperationContext<Func<TResult>, TResult>(op, function, predecessor,348 OperationExecutionOptions.None, cancellationToken);349 var task = new Task<TResult>(this.ExecuteOperation<Func<TResult>, TResult, TResult>, context, cancellationToken);350 return this.ScheduleTaskOperation(op, task, context.ResultSource);351 }352 /// <summary>353 /// Schedules the specified task operation for execution.354 /// </summary>355 private Task<TResult> ScheduleTaskOperation<TResult>(TaskOperation op, Task task, TaskCompletionSource<TResult> tcs)356 {357 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<CreateLog> Operation '{0}' was created to execute task '{1}'.", op.Name, task.Id);358 task.Start();359 this.Scheduler.WaitOperationStart(op);360 this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Create);361 this.TaskMap.TryAdd(tcs.Task, op);362 return tcs.Task;363 }364 /// <summary>365 /// Execute the operation with the specified context.366 /// </summary>367 internal void ExecuteOperation(object state)368 {369 // Extract the expected operation context from the task state.370 var context = state as OperationContext<Action, object>;371 TaskOperation op = context.Operation;372 CancellationToken ct = context.CancellationToken;373 Exception exception = null;374 try375 {376 // Update the current asynchronous control flow with the current runtime instance,377 // allowing future retrieval in the same asynchronous call stack.378 AssignAsyncControlFlowRuntime(this);379 // Notify the scheduler that the operation started. This will yield execution until380 // the operation is ready to get scheduled.381 this.Scheduler.StartOperation(op);382 if (context.Predecessor != null)383 {384 // If the predecessor task is asynchronous, then wait until it completes.385 ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();386 op.TryBlockUntilTaskCompletes(context.Predecessor);387 }388 if (context.Options.HasFlag(OperationExecutionOptions.YieldAtStart))389 {390 // Try yield execution to the next operation.391 this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Default, true);392 }393 if (op is TaskDelayOperation delayOp)394 {395 // Try delay scheduling this operation.396 delayOp.DelayUntilTimeout();397 }398 // Check if the operation must be canceled before starting the work.399 ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();400 // Start executing the work.401 context.Work();402 }403 catch (Exception ex)404 {405 if (context.Options.HasFlag(OperationExecutionOptions.FailOnException))406 {407 this.Assert(false, "Unhandled exception. {0}", ex);408 }409 else410 {411 // Unwrap and cache the exception to propagate it.412 exception = UnwrapException(ex);413 this.ReportThrownException(exception);414 }415 }416 finally417 {418 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<ScheduleDebug> Completed operation '{0}' on task '{1}'.", op.Name, Task.CurrentId);419 op.OnCompleted();420 // Set the result task completion source to notify to the awaiters that the operation421 // has been completed, and schedule the next enabled operation.422 SetTaskCompletionSource(context.ResultSource, null, exception, default);423 this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Join);424 }425 }426 /// <summary>427 /// Execute the (asynchronous) operation with the specified context.428 /// </summary>429 private TResult ExecuteOperation<TWork, TExecutor, TResult>(object state)430 {431 // Extract the expected operation context from the task state.432 var context = state as AsyncOperationContext<TWork, TExecutor, TResult> ?? state as OperationContext<TWork, TResult>;433 TaskOperation op = context.Operation;434 CancellationToken ct = context.CancellationToken;435 TResult result = default;436 Exception exception = null;437 // The operation execution logic uses two task completion sources: (1) an executor TCS and (2) a result TCS.438 // We do this to model the execution of tasks in the .NET runtime. For example, the `Task.Factory.StartNew`439 // method has different semantics from `Task.Run`, e.g. the returned task from `Task.Factory.StartNew(Func<T>)`440 // completes at the start of an asynchronous operation, so someone cannot await on it for the completion of441 // the operation. Instead, someone needs to first use `task.Unwrap()`, and then await on the unwrapped task.442 // To model this, the executor TCS completes at the start of the operation, and contains in its `task.AsyncState`443 // a reference to the result TCS. This approach allows us to implement `task.Unwrap` in a way that gives access444 // to the result TCS, which someone can then await for the asynchronous completion of the operation.445 try446 {447 // Update the current asynchronous control flow with the current runtime instance,448 // allowing future retrieval in the same asynchronous call stack.449 AssignAsyncControlFlowRuntime(this);450 // Notify the scheduler that the operation started. This will yield execution until451 // the operation is ready to get scheduled.452 this.Scheduler.StartOperation(op);453 if (context is AsyncOperationContext<TWork, TExecutor, TResult> asyncContext)454 {455 // If the operation is asynchronous, then set the executor task completion source, which456 // can be used by `UnwrapTask` to unwrap and return the task executing this operation.457 SetTaskCompletionSource(asyncContext.ExecutorSource, asyncContext.Executor, null, ct);458 }459 if (context.Predecessor != null)460 {461 // If the predecessor task is asynchronous, then wait until it completes.462 ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();463 op.TryBlockUntilTaskCompletes(context.Predecessor);464 }465 // Check if the operation must be canceled before starting the work.466 ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();467 // Start executing the (asynchronous) work.468 Task executor = null;469 if (context.Work is Func<Task<TResult>> funcWithTaskResult)470 {471 executor = funcWithTaskResult();472 }473 else if (context.Work is Func<Task> funcWithTask)474 {475 executor = funcWithTask();476 }477 else if (context.Work is Func<CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult>> funcWithCoyoteTaskResult)478 {479 // TODO: temporary until we remove the custom task type.480 executor = funcWithCoyoteTaskResult().UncontrolledTask;481 }482 else if (context.Work is Func<CoyoteTasks.Task> funcWithCoyoteTask)483 {484 // TODO: temporary until we remove the custom task type.485 executor = funcWithCoyoteTask().UncontrolledTask;486 }487 else if (context.Work is Func<TResult> func)488 {489 result = func();490 }491 else492 {493 throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to execute work with unsupported type {context.Work.GetType()}.");494 }495 if (executor != null)496 {497 // If the work task is asynchronous, then wait until it completes.498 op.TryBlockUntilTaskCompletes(executor);499 if (executor.IsFaulted)500 {501 // Propagate the failing exception by rethrowing it.502 ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(executor.Exception).Throw();503 }504 else if (executor.IsCanceled)505 {506 if (op.Exception != null)507 {508 // An exception has been already captured, so propagate it.509 ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(op.Exception).Throw();510 }511 else512 {513 // Wait the canceled executor (which is non-blocking as it has already completed)514 // to throw the generated `OperationCanceledException`.515 executor.Wait();516 }517 }518 // Safely get the result without blocking as the work has completed.519 result = executor is Task<TResult> resultTask ? resultTask.Result :520 executor is TResult r ? r : default;521 }522 }523 catch (Exception ex)524 {525 // Unwrap and cache the exception to propagate it.526 exception = UnwrapException(ex);527 this.ReportThrownException(exception);528 }529 finally530 {531 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<ScheduleDebug> Completed operation '{0}' on task '{1}'.", op.Name, Task.CurrentId);532 op.OnCompleted();533 // Set the result task completion source to notify to the awaiters that the operation534 // has been completed, and schedule the next enabled operation.535 SetTaskCompletionSource(context.ResultSource, result, exception, default);536 this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Join);537 }538 return result;539 }540 /// <summary>541 /// Sets the specified task completion source with a result, cancelation or exception.542 /// </summary>543 private static void SetTaskCompletionSource<TResult>(TaskCompletionSource<TResult> tcs, TResult result,544 Exception ex, CancellationToken cancellationToken)545 {546 if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)547 {548 tcs.SetCanceled();549 }550 else if (ex != null)551 {552 tcs.SetException(ex);553 }554 else555 {556 tcs.SetResult(result);557 }558 }559 /// <summary>560 /// Schedules the specified delay to be executed asynchronously.561 /// </summary>562#if !DEBUG563 [DebuggerStepThrough]564#endif565 internal Task ScheduleDelay(TimeSpan delay, CancellationToken cancellationToken)566 {567 // TODO: support cancellations during testing.568 if (delay.TotalMilliseconds is 0)569 {570 // If the delay is 0, then complete synchronously.571 return Task.CompletedTask;572 }573 // TODO: cache the dummy delay action to optimize memory.574 var options = OperationContext.CreateOperationExecutionOptions();575 return this.ScheduleAction(() => { }, null, options, true, cancellationToken);576 }577 /// <summary>578 /// Schedules the specified task awaiter continuation to be executed asynchronously.579 /// </summary>580#if !DEBUG581 [DebuggerStepThrough]582#endif583 internal void ScheduleTaskAwaiterContinuation(Task task, Action continuation)584 {585 try586 {587 var callerOp = this.Scheduler?.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();588 if (callerOp is null)589 {590 OperationScheduler.ThrowUncontrolledTaskException();591 }592 if (IsCurrentOperationExecutingAsynchronously())593 {594 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<Task> '{0}' is dispatching continuation of task '{1}'.", callerOp.Name, task.Id);595 var options = OperationContext.CreateOperationExecutionOptions();596 this.ScheduleAction(continuation, task, options);597 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<Task> '{0}' dispatched continuation of task '{1}'.", callerOp.Name, task.Id);598 }599 else600 {601 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<Task> '{0}' is executing continuation of task '{1}' on task '{2}'.",602 callerOp.Name, task.Id, Task.CurrentId);603 continuation();604 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<Task> '{0}' resumed after continuation of task '{1}' on task '{2}'.",605 callerOp.Name, task.Id, Task.CurrentId);606 }607 }608 catch (ExecutionCanceledException)609 {610 IO.Debug.WriteLine($"<Exception> ExecutionCanceledException was thrown from task '{Task.CurrentId}'.");611 }612 }613 /// <summary>614 /// Schedules the specified yield awaiter continuation to be executed asynchronously.615 /// </summary>616#if !DEBUG617 [DebuggerStepThrough]618#endif619 internal void ScheduleYieldAwaiterContinuation(Action continuation)620 {621 try622 {623 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();624 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<Task> '{0}' is executing a yield operation.", callerOp.Id);625 var options = OperationContext.CreateOperationExecutionOptions(yieldAtStart: true);626 this.ScheduleAction(continuation, null, options);627 }628 catch (ExecutionCanceledException)629 {630 IO.Debug.WriteLine($"<Exception> ExecutionCanceledException was thrown from task '{Task.CurrentId}'.");631 }632 }633 /// <summary>634 /// Creates a controlled task that will complete when all tasks635 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.636 /// </summary>637#if !DEBUG638 [DebuggerStepThrough]639#endif640 internal Task WhenAllTasksCompleteAsync(Task[] tasks)641 {642 if (tasks is null)643 {644 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));645 }646 else if (tasks.Length is 0)647 {648 return Task.CompletedTask;649 }650 return this.ScheduleAction(() =>651 {652 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();653 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: true);654 List<Exception> exceptions = null;655 foreach (var task in tasks)656 {657 if (task.IsFaulted)658 {659 exceptions ??= new List<Exception>();660 exceptions.Add(task.Exception is AggregateException aex ? aex.InnerException : task.Exception);661 }662 }663 if (exceptions != null)664 {665 throw new AggregateException(exceptions);666 }667 }, null, OperationContext.CreateOperationExecutionOptions());668 }669 /// <summary>670 /// Creates a controlled task that will complete when all tasks671 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.672 /// </summary>673#if !DEBUG674 [DebuggerStepThrough]675#endif676 internal Task WhenAllTasksCompleteAsync(CoyoteTasks.Task[] tasks)677 {678 if (tasks is null)679 {680 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));681 }682 else if (tasks.Length is 0)683 {684 return Task.CompletedTask;685 }686 return this.ScheduleAction(() =>687 {688 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();689 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: true);690 List<Exception> exceptions = null;691 foreach (var task in tasks)692 {693 if (task.IsFaulted)694 {695 exceptions ??= new List<Exception>();696 exceptions.Add(task.Exception is AggregateException aex ? aex.InnerException : task.Exception);697 }698 }699 if (exceptions != null)700 {701 throw new AggregateException(exceptions);702 }703 }, null, OperationContext.CreateOperationExecutionOptions());704 }705 /// <summary>706 /// Creates a controlled task that will complete when all tasks707 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.708 /// </summary>709#if !DEBUG710 [DebuggerStepThrough]711#endif712 internal Task<TResult[]> WhenAllTasksCompleteAsync<TResult>(Task<TResult>[] tasks)713 {714 if (tasks is null)715 {716 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));717 }718 else if (tasks.Length is 0)719 {720 return Task.FromResult(Array.Empty<TResult>());721 }722 return this.ScheduleFunction(() =>723 {724 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();725 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: true);726 List<Exception> exceptions = null;727 foreach (var task in tasks)728 {729 if (task.IsFaulted)730 {731 exceptions ??= new List<Exception>();732 exceptions.Add(task.Exception is AggregateException aex ? aex.InnerException : task.Exception);733 }734 }735 if (exceptions != null)736 {737 throw new AggregateException(exceptions);738 }739 int idx = 0;740 TResult[] result = new TResult[tasks.Length];741 foreach (var task in tasks)742 {743 result[idx] = task.Result;744 idx++;745 }746 return result;747 }, null, default);748 }749 /// <summary>750 /// Creates a controlled task that will complete when all tasks751 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.752 /// </summary>753#if !DEBUG754 [DebuggerStepThrough]755#endif756 internal Task<TResult[]> WhenAllTasksCompleteAsync<TResult>(CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult>[] tasks)757 {758 if (tasks is null)759 {760 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));761 }762 else if (tasks.Length is 0)763 {764 return Task.FromResult(Array.Empty<TResult>());765 }766 return this.ScheduleFunction(() =>767 {768 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();769 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: true);770 List<Exception> exceptions = null;771 foreach (var task in tasks)772 {773 if (task.IsFaulted)774 {775 exceptions ??= new List<Exception>();776 exceptions.Add(task.Exception is AggregateException aex ? aex.InnerException : task.Exception);777 }778 }779 if (exceptions != null)780 {781 throw new AggregateException(exceptions);782 }783 int idx = 0;784 TResult[] result = new TResult[tasks.Length];785 foreach (var task in tasks)786 {787 result[idx] = task.Result;788 idx++;789 }790 return result;791 }, null, default);792 }793 /// <summary>794 /// Creates a controlled task that will complete when any task795 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.796 /// </summary>797#if !DEBUG798 [DebuggerStepThrough]799#endif800 internal Task<Task> WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync(Task[] tasks)801 {802 if (tasks is null)803 {804 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));805 }806 else if (tasks.Length is 0)807 {808 throw new ArgumentException("The tasks argument contains no tasks.");809 }810 var task = this.ScheduleFunction(() =>811 {812 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();813 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: false);814 Task result = null;815 foreach (var task in tasks)816 {817 if (task.IsCompleted)818 {819 result = task;820 break;821 }822 }823 return Task.FromResult(result);824 }, null, default);825 return this.UnwrapTask(task);826 }827 /// <summary>828 /// Creates a controlled task that will complete when any task829 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.830 /// </summary>831#if !DEBUG832 [DebuggerStepThrough]833#endif834 internal CoyoteTasks.Task<CoyoteTasks.Task> WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync(CoyoteTasks.Task[] tasks)835 {836 if (tasks is null)837 {838 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));839 }840 else if (tasks.Length is 0)841 {842 throw new ArgumentException("The tasks argument contains no tasks.");843 }844 return this.ScheduleAsyncFunction(() =>845 {846 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();847 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: false);848 CoyoteTasks.Task result = null;849 foreach (var task in tasks)850 {851 if (task.IsCompleted)852 {853 result = task;854 break;855 }856 }857 return CoyoteTasks.Task.FromResult(result);858 }, null, default);859 }860 /// <summary>861 /// Creates a controlled task that will complete when any task862 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.863 /// </summary>864#if !DEBUG865 [DebuggerStepThrough]866#endif867 internal Task<Task<TResult>> WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync<TResult>(Task<TResult>[] tasks)868 {869 if (tasks is null)870 {871 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));872 }873 else if (tasks.Length is 0)874 {875 throw new ArgumentException("The tasks argument contains no tasks.");876 }877 var task = this.ScheduleFunction(() =>878 {879 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();880 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: false);881 Task<TResult> result = null;882 foreach (var task in tasks)883 {884 if (task.IsCompleted)885 {886 result = task;887 break;888 }889 }890 return Task.FromResult(result);891 }, null, default);892 return this.UnwrapTask(task);893 }894 /// <summary>895 /// Creates a controlled task that will complete when any task896 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.897 /// </summary>898#if !DEBUG899 [DebuggerStepThrough]900#endif901 internal CoyoteTasks.Task<CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult>> WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync<TResult>(CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult>[] tasks)902 {903 if (tasks is null)904 {905 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));906 }907 else if (tasks.Length is 0)908 {909 throw new ArgumentException("The tasks argument contains no tasks.");910 }911 return this.ScheduleAsyncFunction(() =>912 {913 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();914 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: false);915 CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult> result = null;916 foreach (var task in tasks)917 {918 if (task.IsCompleted)919 {920 result = task;921 break;922 }923 }924 return CoyoteTasks.Task.FromResult(result);925 }, null, default);926 }927 /// <summary>928 /// Waits for all of the provided controlled task objects to complete execution within929 /// a specified number of milliseconds or until a cancellation token is cancelled.930 /// </summary>931 internal bool WaitAllTasksComplete(Task[] tasks)932 {933 // TODO: support cancellations during testing.934 if (tasks is null)935 {936 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));937 }938 else if (tasks.Length is 0)939 {940 return true;941 }942 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();943 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: true);944 // TODO: support timeouts during testing, this would become false if there is a timeout.945 return true;946 }947 /// <summary>948 /// Waits for all of the provided controlled task objects to complete execution within949 /// a specified number of milliseconds or until a cancellation token is cancelled.950 /// </summary>951 internal bool WaitAllTasksComplete(CoyoteTasks.Task[] tasks)952 {953 // TODO: support cancellations during testing.954 if (tasks is null)955 {956 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));957 }958 else if (tasks.Length is 0)959 {960 return true;961 }962 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();963 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: true);964 // TODO: support timeouts during testing, this would become false if there is a timeout.965 return true;966 }967 /// <summary>968 /// Waits for any of the provided controlled task objects to complete execution within969 /// a specified number of milliseconds or until a cancellation token is cancelled.970 /// </summary>971#if !DEBUG972 [DebuggerStepThrough]973#endif974 internal int WaitAnyTaskCompletes(Task[] tasks)975 {976 // TODO: support cancellations during testing.977 if (tasks is null)978 {979 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));980 }981 else if (tasks.Length is 0)982 {983 throw new ArgumentException("The tasks argument contains no tasks.");984 }985 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();986 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: false);987 int result = -1;988 for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++)989 {990 if (tasks[i].IsCompleted)991 {992 result = i;993 break;994 }995 }996 // TODO: support timeouts during testing, this would become false if there is a timeout.997 return result;998 }999 /// <summary>1000 /// Waits for any of the provided controlled task objects to complete execution within1001 /// a specified number of milliseconds or until a cancellation token is cancelled.1002 /// </summary>1003#if !DEBUG1004 [DebuggerStepThrough]1005#endif1006 internal int WaitAnyTaskCompletes(CoyoteTasks.Task[] tasks)1007 {1008 // TODO: support cancellations during testing.1009 if (tasks is null)1010 {1011 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));1012 }1013 else if (tasks.Length is 0)1014 {1015 throw new ArgumentException("The tasks argument contains no tasks.");1016 }1017 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();1018 callerOp.BlockUntilTasksComplete(tasks, waitAll: false);1019 int result = -1;1020 for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++)1021 {1022 if (tasks[i].IsCompleted)1023 {1024 result = i;1025 break;1026 }1027 }1028 // TODO: support timeouts during testing, this would become false if there is a timeout.1029 return result;1030 }1031 /// <summary>1032 /// Waits for the task to complete execution. The wait terminates if a timeout interval1033 /// elapses or a cancellation token is canceled before the task completes.1034 /// </summary>1035 internal bool WaitTaskCompletes(Task task)1036 {1037 this.AssertIsAwaitedTaskControlled(task);1038 // TODO: support timeouts and cancellation tokens.1039 if (!task.IsCompleted)1040 {1041 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();1042 callerOp.BlockUntilTaskCompletes(task);1043 }1044 if (task.IsFaulted)1045 {1046 // Propagate the failing exception by rethrowing it.1047 ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(task.Exception).Throw();1048 }1049 return true;1050 }1051 /// <summary>1052 /// Waits for the task to complete execution and returns the result.1053 /// </summary>1054 internal TResult WaitTaskCompletes<TResult>(Task<TResult> task)1055 {1056 this.AssertIsAwaitedTaskControlled(task);1057 // TODO: support timeouts and cancellation tokens.1058 if (!task.IsCompleted)1059 {1060 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();1061 callerOp.BlockUntilTaskCompletes(task);1062 }1063 if (task.IsFaulted)1064 {1065 // Propagate the failing exception by rethrowing it.1066 ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(task.Exception).Throw();1067 }1068 return task.Result;1069 }1070 /// <summary>1071 /// Unwraps the specified task.1072 /// </summary>1073 internal Task UnwrapTask(Task<Task> task)1074 {1075 var unwrappedTask = task.AsyncState is TaskCompletionSource<Task> tcs ? tcs.Task : task.Unwrap();1076 this.TaskMap.TryGetValue(task, out TaskOperation op);1077 this.TaskMap.TryAdd(unwrappedTask, op);1078 return unwrappedTask;1079 }1080 /// <summary>1081 /// Unwraps the specified task.1082 /// </summary>1083 internal Task<TResult> UnwrapTask<TResult>(Task<Task<TResult>> task)1084 {1085 var unwrappedTask = task.AsyncState is TaskCompletionSource<TResult> tcs ? tcs.Task : task.Unwrap();1086 this.TaskMap.TryGetValue(task, out TaskOperation op);1087 this.TaskMap.TryAdd(unwrappedTask, op);1088 return unwrappedTask;1089 }1090 /// <summary>1091 /// Callback invoked when the task of a task completion source is accessed.1092 /// </summary>1093 internal void OnTaskCompletionSourceGetTask(Task task)1094 {1095 this.TaskMap.TryAdd(task, null);1096 }1097 /// <summary>1098 /// Callback invoked when the <see cref="AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException"/> is accessed.1099 /// </summary>1100 internal void OnAsyncTaskMethodBuilderSetException(Exception exception)1101 {1102 var op = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();1103 op?.SetException(exception);1104 }1105 /// <summary>1106 /// Checks if the currently executing operation is controlled by the runtime.1107 /// </summary>1108#if !DEBUG1109 [DebuggerHidden]1110#endif1111 internal void CheckExecutingOperationIsControlled() =>1112 this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<AsyncOperation>();1113 /// <summary>1114 /// Callback invoked when the <see cref="CoyoteTasks.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.GetResult"/> is called.1115 /// </summary>1116#if !DEBUG1117 [DebuggerStepThrough]1118#endif1119 internal void OnYieldAwaiterGetResult() => this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Yield);1120 /// <summary>1121 /// Callback invoked when the executing operation is waiting for the specified task to complete.1122 /// </summary>1123#if !DEBUG1124 [DebuggerStepThrough]1125#endif1126 internal void OnWaitTask(Task task)1127 {1128 if (!task.IsCompleted)1129 {1130 var callerOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<TaskOperation>();1131 callerOp.BlockUntilTaskCompletes(task);1132 }1133 }1134 /// <summary>1135 /// Returns true if the current operation is executing an asynchronous state machine, else false.1136 /// </summary>1137 private static bool IsCurrentOperationExecutingAsynchronously()1138 {1139 StackTrace st = new StackTrace(false);1140 bool result = false;1141 for (int i = 0; i < st.FrameCount; i++)1142 {1143 // Traverse the stack trace to find if the current operation is executing an asynchronous state machine.1144 MethodBase method = st.GetFrame(i).GetMethod();1145 if (method.DeclaringType == typeof(AsyncVoidMethodBuilder) &&1146 (method.Name is "AwaitOnCompleted" || method.Name is "AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted"))1147 {1148 // The operation is executing the root of an async void method, so we need to inline.1149 break;1150 }1151 else if (method.Name is "MoveNext" &&1152 method.DeclaringType.Namespace != typeof(OperationScheduler).Namespace &&1153 typeof(IAsyncStateMachine).IsAssignableFrom(method.DeclaringType))1154 {1155 // The operation is executing the `MoveNext` of an asynchronous state machine.1156 result = true;1157 break;1158 }1159 }1160 return result;1161 }1162 /// <summary>1163 /// Processes an unhandled exception in the specified asynchronous operation.1164 /// </summary>1165 private void ProcessUnhandledExceptionInOperation(AsyncOperation op, Exception ex)1166 {1167 string message = null;1168 Exception exception = UnwrapException(ex);1169 if (exception is ExecutionCanceledException ece)1170 {1171 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<Exception> {0} was thrown from operation '{1}'.",1172 ece.GetType().Name, op.Name);1173 if (this.Scheduler.IsAttached)1174 {1175 // TODO: add some tests for this, so that we check that a task (or lock) that1176 // was cached and reused from prior iteration indeed cannot cause the runtime1177 // to hang anymore.1178 message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"Unhandled exception. {ece}");1179 }1180 }1181 else if (exception is TaskSchedulerException)1182 {1183 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<Exception> {0} was thrown from operation '{1}'.",1184 exception.GetType().Name, op.Name);1185 }1186 else if (exception is ObjectDisposedException)1187 {1188 IO.Debug.WriteLine("<Exception> {0} was thrown from operation '{1}' with reason '{2}'.",1189 exception.GetType().Name, op.Name, ex.Message);1190 }1191 else1192 {1193 message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"Unhandled exception. {exception}");1194 }1195 if (message != null)1196 {1197 // Report the unhandled exception.1198 this.Scheduler.NotifyUnhandledException(exception, message);1199 }1200 }1201 /// <summary>1202 /// Unwraps the specified exception.1203 /// </summary>1204 private static Exception UnwrapException(Exception ex)1205 {1206 Exception exception = ex;1207 while (exception is TargetInvocationException)1208 {1209 exception = exception.InnerException;1210 }1211 if (exception is AggregateException)1212 {1213 exception = exception.InnerException;1214 }1215 return exception;1216 }1217 /// <summary>1218 /// Registers a new specification monitor of the specified <see cref="Type"/>.1219 /// </summary>1220 internal void RegisterMonitor<T>()1221 where T : Monitor => this.DefaultActorExecutionContext.RegisterMonitor<T>();1222 /// <summary>1223 /// Invokes the specified monitor with the specified <see cref="Event"/>.1224 /// </summary>1225 internal void Monitor<T>(Event e)1226 where T : Monitor => this.DefaultActorExecutionContext.Monitor<T>(e);1227 /// <summary>1228 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.1229 /// </summary>1230 internal void Assert(bool predicate) => this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate);1231 /// <summary>1232 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.1233 /// </summary>1234 internal void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0) => this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate, s, arg0);1235 /// <summary>1236 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.1237 /// </summary>1238 internal void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0, object arg1) =>1239 this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate, s, arg0, arg1);1240 /// <summary>1241 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.1242 /// </summary>1243 internal void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2) =>1244 this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate, s, arg0, arg1, arg2);1245 /// <summary>1246 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.1247 /// </summary>1248 internal void Assert(bool predicate, string s, params object[] args) => this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate, s, args);1249 /// <summary>1250 /// Creates a liveness monitor that checks if the specified task eventually completes execution successfully.1251 /// </summary>1252#if !DEBUG1253 [DebuggerStepThrough]1254#endif1255 internal void MonitorTaskCompletion(Task task) => this.SpecificationEngine.MonitorTaskCompletion(task);1256#if !DEBUG1257 [DebuggerStepThrough]1258#endif1259 internal void AssertIsAwaitedTaskControlled(Task task)1260 {1261 if (!task.IsCompleted && !this.TaskMap.ContainsKey(task) &&1262 !this.Configuration.IsPartiallyControlledTestingEnabled)1263 {1264 this.Assert(false, $"Awaiting uncontrolled task with id '{task.Id}' is not allowed: " +1265 "either mock the method that created the task, or rewrite the method's assembly.");1266 }1267 }1268#if !DEBUG1269 [DebuggerStepThrough]1270#endif1271 internal void AssertIsReturnedTaskControlled(Task task, string methodName)1272 {1273 if (!task.IsCompleted && !this.TaskMap.ContainsKey(task) &&1274 !this.Configuration.IsPartiallyControlledTestingEnabled)1275 {1276 this.Assert(false, $"Method '{methodName}' returned an uncontrolled task with id '{task.Id}', " +1277 "which is not allowed: either mock the method, or rewrite the method's assembly.");1278 }1279 }1280 /// <summary>1281 /// Returns a controlled nondeterministic boolean choice.1282 /// </summary>1283 internal bool GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(int maxValue, string callerName, string callerType) =>1284 this.DefaultActorExecutionContext.GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(maxValue, callerName, callerType);1285 /// <summary>1286 /// Returns a controlled nondeterministic integer choice.1287 /// </summary>...

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...128 /// in the specified array have completed.129 /// </summary>130 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]131 public static Task WhenAll(params Task[] tasks) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?132 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAllTasksCompleteAsync(tasks) : Task.WhenAll(tasks);133 /// <summary>134 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when all tasks135 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.136 /// </summary>137 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]138 public static Task WhenAll(IEnumerable<Task> tasks) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?139 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAllTasksCompleteAsync(tasks.ToArray()) : Task.WhenAll(tasks);140 /// <summary>141 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when all tasks142 /// in the specified array have completed.143 /// </summary>144 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]145 public static Task<TResult[]> WhenAll<TResult>(params Task<TResult>[] tasks) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?146 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAllTasksCompleteAsync(tasks) : Task.WhenAll(tasks);147 /// <summary>148 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when all tasks149 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.150 /// </summary>151 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]152 public static Task<TResult[]> WhenAll<TResult>(IEnumerable<Task<TResult>> tasks) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?153 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAllTasksCompleteAsync(tasks.ToArray()) : Task.WhenAll(tasks);154 /// <summary>155 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when any task156 /// in the specified array have completed.157 /// </summary>158 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]159 public static Task<Task> WhenAny(params Task[] tasks) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?160 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync(tasks) : Task.WhenAny(tasks);161 /// <summary>162 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when any task163 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.164 /// </summary>165 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]166 public static Task<Task> WhenAny(IEnumerable<Task> tasks) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?167 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync(tasks.ToArray()) : Task.WhenAny(tasks);168#if NET5_0169 /// <summary>170 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when either of the171 /// two tasks have completed.172 /// </summary>173 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]174 public static Task<Task> WhenAny(Task t1, Task t2) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?175 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync(new Task[] { t1, t2 }) : Task.WhenAny(t1, t2);176 /// <summary>177 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when either of the178 /// two tasks have completed.179 /// </summary>180 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]181 public static Task<Task<TResult>> WhenAny<TResult>(Task<TResult> t1, Task<TResult> t2) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?182 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync(new Task<TResult>[] { t1, t2 }) : Task.WhenAny(t1, t2);183#endif184 /// <summary>185 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when any task186 /// in the specified array have completed.187 /// </summary>188 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]189 public static Task<Task<TResult>> WhenAny<TResult>(params Task<TResult>[] tasks) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?190 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync(tasks) : Task.WhenAny(tasks);191 /// <summary>192 /// Creates a <see cref="Task"/> that will complete when any task193 /// in the specified enumerable collection have completed.194 /// </summary>195 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]196 public static Task<Task<TResult>> WhenAny<TResult>(IEnumerable<Task<TResult>> tasks) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?197 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WhenAnyTaskCompletesAsync(tasks.ToArray()) : Task.WhenAny(tasks);198 /// <summary>199 /// Waits for all of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete execution.200 /// </summary>201 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]202 public static void WaitAll(params Task[] tasks) => WaitAll(tasks, Timeout.Infinite, default);203 /// <summary>204 /// Waits for all of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete205 /// execution within a specified time interval.206 /// </summary>207 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]208 public static bool WaitAll(Task[] tasks, TimeSpan timeout)209 {210 long totalMilliseconds = (long)timeout.TotalMilliseconds;211 if (totalMilliseconds < -1 || totalMilliseconds > int.MaxValue)212 {213 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(timeout));214 }215 return WaitAll(tasks, (int)totalMilliseconds, default);216 }217 /// <summary>218 /// Waits for all of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete219 /// execution within a specified number of milliseconds.220 /// </summary>221 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]222 public static bool WaitAll(Task[] tasks, int millisecondsTimeout) => WaitAll(tasks, millisecondsTimeout, default);223 /// <summary>224 /// Waits for all of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete225 /// execution unless the wait is cancelled.226 /// </summary>227 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]228 public static void WaitAll(Task[] tasks, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>229 WaitAll(tasks, Timeout.Infinite, cancellationToken);230 /// <summary>231 /// Waits for any of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete232 /// execution within a specified number of milliseconds or until a cancellation233 /// token is cancelled.234 /// </summary>235 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]236 public static bool WaitAll(Task[] tasks, int millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>237 CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?238 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WaitAllTasksComplete(tasks) :239 Task.WaitAll(tasks, millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken);240 /// <summary>241 /// Waits for any of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete execution.242 /// </summary>243 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]244 public static int WaitAny(params Task[] tasks) => WaitAny(tasks, Timeout.Infinite, default);245 /// <summary>246 /// Waits for any of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete247 /// execution within a specified time interval.248 /// </summary>249 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]250 public static int WaitAny(Task[] tasks, TimeSpan timeout)251 {252 long totalMilliseconds = (long)timeout.TotalMilliseconds;253 if (totalMilliseconds < -1 || totalMilliseconds > int.MaxValue)254 {255 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(timeout));256 }257 return WaitAny(tasks, (int)totalMilliseconds, default);258 }259 /// <summary>260 /// Waits for any of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete261 /// execution within a specified number of milliseconds.262 /// </summary>263 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]264 public static int WaitAny(Task[] tasks, int millisecondsTimeout) => WaitAny(tasks, millisecondsTimeout, default);265 /// <summary>266 /// Waits for any of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete267 /// execution unless the wait is cancelled.268 /// </summary>269 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]270 public static int WaitAny(Task[] tasks, CancellationToken cancellationToken) => WaitAny(tasks, Timeout.Infinite, cancellationToken);271 /// <summary>272 /// Waits for any of the provided <see cref="Task"/> objects to complete273 /// execution within a specified number of milliseconds or until a cancellation274 /// token is cancelled.275 /// </summary>276 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]277 public static int WaitAny(Task[] tasks, int millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>278 CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?279 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WaitAnyTaskCompletes(tasks) :280 Task.WaitAny(tasks, millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken);281 /// <summary>282 /// Waits for the specified <see cref="Task"/> to complete execution.283 /// </summary>284 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]285 public static void Wait(Task task) => Wait(task, Timeout.Infinite, default);286 /// <summary>287 /// Waits for the specified <see cref="Task"/> to complete execution within a specified time interval.288 /// </summary>289 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]290 public static bool Wait(Task task, TimeSpan timeout)291 {292 long totalMilliseconds = (long)timeout.TotalMilliseconds;293 if (totalMilliseconds < -1 || totalMilliseconds > int.MaxValue)294 {295 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(timeout));296 }297 return Wait(task, (int)totalMilliseconds, default);298 }299 /// <summary>300 /// Waits for the specified <see cref="Task"/> to complete execution within a specified number of milliseconds.301 /// </summary>302 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]303 public static bool Wait(Task task, int millisecondsTimeout) => Wait(task, millisecondsTimeout, default);304 /// <summary>305 /// Waits for the specified <see cref="Task"/> to complete execution. The wait terminates if a cancellation306 /// token is canceled before the task completes.307 /// </summary>308 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]309 public static void Wait(Task task, CancellationToken cancellationToken) => Wait(task, Timeout.Infinite, cancellationToken);310 /// <summary>311 /// Waits for the specified <see cref="Task"/> to complete execution. The wait terminates if a timeout interval312 /// elapses or a cancellation token is canceled before the task completes.313 /// </summary>314 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]315 public static bool Wait(Task task, int millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>316 CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?317 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WaitTaskCompletes(task) :318 task.Wait(millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken);319 /// <summary>320 /// Returns a <see cref="CoyoteTasks.TaskAwaiter"/> for the specified <see cref="Task"/>.321 /// </summary>322 public static CoyoteTasks.TaskAwaiter GetAwaiter(Task task)323 {324 if (CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled)325 {326 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;327 runtime.AssertIsAwaitedTaskControlled(task);328 return new CoyoteTasks.TaskAwaiter(runtime, task);329 }330 return new CoyoteTasks.TaskAwaiter(null, task);331 }332 /// <summary>333 /// Configures an awaiter used to await this task.334 /// </summary>335 public static CoyoteTasks.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable ConfigureAwait(Task task, bool continueOnCapturedContext)336 {337 if (CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled)338 {339 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;340 runtime.AssertIsAwaitedTaskControlled(task);341 return new CoyoteTasks.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable(runtime, task, continueOnCapturedContext);342 }343 return new CoyoteTasks.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable(null, task, continueOnCapturedContext);344 }345 /// <summary>346 /// Creates an awaitable that asynchronously yields back to the current context when awaited.347 /// </summary>348 /// <remarks>349 /// You can use `await Task.Yield()` in an asynchronous method to force the method to complete350 /// asynchronously. During systematic testing, the underlying scheduling strategy can use this351 /// as a hint on how to better prioritize this work relative to other work that may be pending.352 /// </remarks>353 public static CoyoteTasks.YieldAwaitable Yield() =>354 new CoyoteTasks.YieldAwaitable(CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ? CoyoteRuntime.Current : null);355 /// <summary>356 /// Injects a context switch point that can be systematically explored during testing.357 /// </summary>358 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]359 public static void ExploreContextSwitch() => CoyoteRuntime.Current.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Yield);360 }361 /// <summary>362 /// Provides methods for creating generic tasks that can be controlled during testing.363 /// </summary>364 /// <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the produced result.</typeparam>365 /// <remarks>This type is intended for compiler use rather than use directly in code.</remarks>366 [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)]367 public static class ControlledTask<TResult>368 {369#pragma warning disable CA1000 // Do not declare static members on generic types370 /// <summary>371 /// Provides access to factory methods for creating controlled <see cref="Task"/>372 /// and <see cref="Task{TResult}"/> instances.373 /// </summary>374 public static TaskFactory<TResult> Factory { get; } = new TaskFactory<TResult>();375 /// <summary>376 /// Gets the result value of the specified <see cref="Task{TResult}"/>.377 /// </summary>378#pragma warning disable CA1707 // Remove the underscores from member name379#pragma warning disable SA1300 // Element should begin with an uppercase letter380#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles381 public static TResult get_Result(Task<TResult> task) => CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled ?382 CoyoteRuntime.Current.WaitTaskCompletes(task) : task.Result;383#pragma warning restore CA1707 // Remove the underscores from member name384#pragma warning restore SA1300 // Element should begin with an uppercase letter385#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles386 /// <summary>387 /// Returns a <see cref="CoyoteTasks.TaskAwaiter{TResult}"/> for the specified <see cref="Task{TResult}"/>.388 /// </summary>389 public static CoyoteTasks.TaskAwaiter<TResult> GetAwaiter(Task<TResult> task)390 {391 if (CoyoteRuntime.IsExecutionControlled)392 {393 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;394 runtime.AssertIsAwaitedTaskControlled(task);395 return new CoyoteTasks.TaskAwaiter<TResult>(runtime, task);396 }...

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...187 }188 /// <summary>189 /// Sets the action to perform when the yield operation completes.190 /// </summary>191 internal override void OnYieldCompleted(Action continuation, YieldAwaiter awaiter) =>192 this.DispatchYield(continuation);193 /// <summary>194 /// Schedules the continuation action that is invoked when the yield operation completes.195 /// </summary>196 internal override void UnsafeOnYieldCompleted(Action continuation, YieldAwaiter awaiter) =>197 this.DispatchYield(continuation);198 /// <summary>199 /// Dispatches the work.200 /// </summary>201 private void DispatchYield(Action continuation)202 {203 try204 {205 AsyncActor caller = this.Runtime.GetExecutingActor<AsyncActor>();206 this.Runtime.Assert(caller != null,207 "Task with id '{0}' that is not controlled by the Coyote runtime invoked yield operation.",208 Task.CurrentId.HasValue ? Task.CurrentId.Value.ToString() : "<unknown>");209 if (caller is Actor actor)210 {...

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;7{8 {9 static async Task Main(string[] args)10 {11 var task = Task.Run(() => {12 var op = Operation.Current;13 op.Complete();14 });15 await task;16 }17 }18}19using System;20using System.Threading.Tasks;21using Microsoft.Coyote;22using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;23using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;24using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;25{26 {27 static async Task Main(string[] args)28 {29 var task = Task.Run(() => {30 var op = Operation.Current;31 op.Complete();32 });33 await task;34 }35 }36}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");9 var op = new Operation();10 op.Complete();11 await op;12 }13 }14}15using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;16using System;17using System.Threading.Tasks;18{19 {20 static async Task Main(string[] args)21 {22 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");23 var op = new Operation();24 op.Complete();25 await op;26 }27 }28}29using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;30using System;31using System.Threading.Tasks;32{33 {34 static async Task Main(string[] args)35 {36 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");37 var op = new Operation();38 op.Complete();39 await op;40 }41 }42}43using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;44using System;45using System.Threading.Tasks;46{47 {48 static async Task Main(string[] args)49 {50 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");51 var op = new Operation();52 op.Complete();53 await op;54 }55 }56}57using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;58using System;59using System.Threading.Tasks;60{61 {62 static async Task Main(string[] args)63 {64 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");65 var op = new Operation();66 op.Complete();67 await op;68 }69 }70}71using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;72using System;73using System.Threading.Tasks;74{75 {76 static async Task Main(string[] args)77 {78 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");79 var op = new Operation();80 op.Complete();81 await op;82 }

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1using Microsoft.Coyote;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;4using System;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6{7 {8 public Actor1(ActorId id, ActorRuntime runtime) : base(id, runtime)9 {10 }11 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)12 {13 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E1());14 return Task.CompletedTask;15 }16 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E1), nameof(F1))]17 {18 }19 private void F1()20 {21 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E2());22 }23 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E2), nameof(F2))]24 {25 }26 private void F2()27 {28 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E3());29 }30 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E3), nameof(F3))]31 {32 }33 private void F3()34 {35 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E4());36 }37 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E4), nameof(F4))]38 {39 }40 private void F4()41 {42 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E5());43 }44 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E5), nameof(F5))]45 {46 }47 private void F5()48 {49 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E6());50 }51 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E6), nameof(F6))]52 {53 }54 private void F6()55 {56 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E7());57 }58 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E7), nameof(F7))]59 {60 }61 private void F7()62 {63 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E8());64 }65 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E8), nameof(F8))]66 {67 }68 private void F8()69 {70 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E9());71 }72 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E9), nameof(F9))]

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var op = new Operation();9 op.Start();10 await op.Complete();11 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");12 }13 }14}15using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;16using System;17using System.Threading.Tasks;18{19 {20 static void Main(string[] args)21 {22 var op = new Operation();23 op.Start();24 op.Complete().Wait();25 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");26 }27 }28}29using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;30using System;31using System.Threading.Tasks;32{33 {34 static void Main(string[] args)35 {36 var op = new Operation();37 op.Start();38 op.Complete().GetAwaiter().GetResult();39 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");40 }41 }42}43using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;44using System;45using System.Threading.Tasks;46{47 {48 static void Main(string[] args)49 {50 var op = new Operation();51 op.Start();52 op.Complete().ContinueWith(t => { }).Wait();53 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");54 }55 }56}57using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;58using System;59using System.Threading.Tasks;60{61 {62 static void Main(string[] args)63 {64 var op = new Operation();65 op.Start();66 op.Complete().ContinueWith(t => { }).GetAwaiter().GetResult();67 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");68 }69 }70}71using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;72using System;73using System.Threading.Tasks;74{75 {76 static void Main(string[] args)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");9 Console.ReadKey();10 var op = new Operation();11 op.Complete();12 }13 }14}15using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;16using System;17using System.Threading.Tasks;18{19 {20 static void Main(string[] args)21 {22 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");23 Console.ReadKey();24 var op = new Operation();25 op.Complete();26 }27 }28}29using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;30using System;31using System.Threading.Tasks;32{33 {34 static void Main(string[] args)35 {36 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");37 Console.ReadKey();38 var op = new Operation();39 op.Complete();40 }41 }42}43using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;44using System;45using System.Threading.Tasks;46{47 {48 static void Main(string[] args)49 {50 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");51 Console.ReadKey();52 var op = new Operation();53 op.Complete();54 }55 }56}57using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;58using System;59using System.Threading.Tasks;60{61 {62 static void Main(string[] args)63 {64 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");65 Console.ReadKey();66 var op = new Operation();67 op.Complete();68 }69 }70}71using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;72using System;73using System.Threading.Tasks;74{75 {76 static void Main(string[] args)77 {78 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");79 Console.ReadKey();80 var op = new Operation();81 op.Complete();82 }83 }84}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;2using System;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");8 var op = new Operation();9 op.Complete();10 }11 }12}13using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;14using System;15{16 {17 static void Main(string[] args)18 {19 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");20 var op = new Operation();21 op.Complete();22 }23 }24}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 Operation op = Operation.Create();8 op.Complete();9 op.Wait();10 }11 }12}13using System;14using Microsoft.Coyote;15{16 {17 static void Main(string[] args)18 {19 Operation op = Operation.Create();20 op.Complete();21 op.Wait();22 }23 }24}25using System;26using Microsoft.Coyote;27{28 {29 static void Main(string[] args)30 {31 Operation op = Operation.Create();32 op.Complete();33 op.Wait();34 }35 }36}37using System;38using Microsoft.Coyote;39{40 {41 static void Main(string[] args)42 {43 Operation op = Operation.Create();44 op.Complete();45 op.Wait();46 }47 }48}49using System;50using Microsoft.Coyote;51{52 {53 static void Main(string[] args)54 {55 Operation op = Operation.Create();56 op.Complete();57 op.Wait();58 }59 }60}61using System;62using Microsoft.Coyote;

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Automation Testing Tutorials

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