Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.Input.Touchscreen.Touchscreen
...51 Client = client;52 Target = target;53 Keyboard = new Keyboard(client);54 Mouse = new Mouse(client, Keyboard);55 Touchscreen = new Touchscreen(client, Keyboard);56 Tracing = new Tracing(client);57 Coverage = new Coverage(client);58 _frameManager = new FrameManager(client, frameTree, this);59 _networkManager = new NetworkManager(client, _frameManager);60 _emulationManager = new EmulationManager(client);61 _pageBindings = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>();62 _logger = Client.Connection.LoggerFactory.CreateLogger<Page>();63 _ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors;64 _screenshotTaskQueue = screenshotTaskQueue;65 _frameManager.FrameAttached += (sender, e) => FrameAttached?.Invoke(this, e);66 _frameManager.FrameDetached += (sender, e) => FrameDetached?.Invoke(this, e);67 _frameManager.FrameNavigated += (sender, e) => FrameNavigated?.Invoke(this, e);68 _networkManager.Request += (sender, e) => Request?.Invoke(this, e);69 _networkManager.RequestFailed += (sender, e) => RequestFailed?.Invoke(this, e);70 _networkManager.Response += (sender, e) => Response?.Invoke(this, e);71 _networkManager.RequestFinished += (sender, e) => RequestFinished?.Invoke(this, e);72 Client.MessageReceived += client_MessageReceived;73 }74 internal CDPSession Client { get; }75 #region Public Properties76 /// <summary>77 /// Raised when the JavaScript <c>load</c> <see href=""/> event is dispatched.78 /// </summary>79 public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Load;80 /// <summary>81 /// Raised when the page crashes82 /// </summary>83 public event EventHandler<ErrorEventArgs> Error;84 /// <summary>85 /// Raised when the JavaScript code makes a call to <c>console.timeStamp</c>. For the list of metrics see <see cref="Page.MetricsAsync"/>.86 /// </summary>87 public event EventHandler<MetricEventArgs> Metrics;88 /// <summary>89 /// Raised when a JavaScript dialog appears, such as <c>alert</c>, <c>prompt</c>, <c>confirm</c> or <c>beforeunload</c>. Puppeteer can respond to the dialog via <see cref="Dialog"/>'s <see cref="Dialog.Accept(string)"/> or <see cref="Dialog.Dismiss"/> methods.90 /// </summary>91 public event EventHandler<DialogEventArgs> Dialog;92 /// <summary>93 /// Raised when JavaScript within the page calls one of console API methods, e.g. <c>console.log</c> or <c>console.dir</c>. Also emitted if the page throws an error or a warning.94 /// The arguments passed into <c>console.log</c> appear as arguments on the event handler.95 /// </summary>96 /// <example>97 /// An example of handling <see cref="Console"/> event:98 /// <code>99 /// <![CDATA[100 /// page.Console += (sender, e) => 101 /// {102 /// for (var i = 0; i < e.Message.Args.Count; ++i)103 /// {104 /// System.Console.WriteLine($"{i}: {e.Message.Args[i]}");105 /// }106 /// }107 /// ]]>108 /// </code>109 /// </example>110 public event EventHandler<ConsoleEventArgs> Console;111 /// <summary>112 /// Raised when a frame is attached.113 /// </summary>114 public event EventHandler<FrameEventArgs> FrameAttached;115 /// <summary>116 /// Raised when a frame is detached.117 /// </summary>118 public event EventHandler<FrameEventArgs> FrameDetached;119 /// <summary>120 /// Raised when a frame is navigated to a new url.121 /// </summary>122 public event EventHandler<FrameEventArgs> FrameNavigated;123 /// <summary>124 /// Raised when a <see cref="Response"/> is received.125 /// </summary>126 public event EventHandler<ResponseCreatedEventArgs> Response;127 /// <summary>128 /// Raised when a page issues a request. The <see cref="Request"/> object is read-only.129 /// In order to intercept and mutate requests, see <see cref="SetRequestInterceptionAsync(bool)"/>130 /// </summary>131 public event EventHandler<RequestEventArgs> Request;132 /// <summary>133 /// Raised when a request finishes successfully.134 /// </summary>135 public event EventHandler<RequestEventArgs> RequestFinished;136 /// <summary>137 /// Raised when a request fails, for example by timing out.138 /// </summary>139 public event EventHandler<RequestEventArgs> RequestFailed;140 /// <summary>141 /// Raised when an uncaught exception happens within the page.142 /// </summary>143 public event EventHandler<PageErrorEventArgs> PageError;144 /// <summary>145 /// This setting will change the default maximum navigation time of 30 seconds for the following methods:146 /// - <see cref="GoToAsync(string, NavigationOptions)"/>147 /// - <see cref="GoBackAsync(NavigationOptions)"/>148 /// - <see cref="GoForwardAsync(NavigationOptions)"/>149 /// - <see cref="ReloadAsync(NavigationOptions)"/>150 /// - <see cref="WaitForNavigationAsync(NavigationOptions)"/>151 /// </summary>152 public int DefaultNavigationTimeout { get; set; } = 30000;153 /// <summary>154 /// Gets page's main frame155 /// </summary>156 /// <remarks>157 /// Page is guaranteed to have a main frame which persists during navigations.158 /// </remarks>159 public Frame MainFrame => _frameManager.MainFrame;160 /// <summary>161 /// Gets all frames attached to the page.162 /// </summary>163 /// <value>An array of all frames attached to the page.</value>164 public Frame[] Frames => _frameManager.Frames.Values.ToArray();165 /// <summary>166 /// Shortcut for <c>page.MainFrame.Url</c>167 /// </summary>168 public string Url => MainFrame.Url;169 /// <summary>170 /// Gets that target this page was created from.171 /// </summary>172 public Target Target { get; }173 /// <summary>174 /// Gets this page's keyboard175 /// </summary>176 public Keyboard Keyboard { get; }177 /// <summary>178 /// Gets this page's touchscreen179 /// </summary>180 public Touchscreen Touchscreen { get; }181 /// <summary>182 /// Gets this page's coverage183 /// </summary>184 public Coverage Coverage { get; }185 /// <summary>186 /// Gets this page's tracing187 /// </summary>188 public Tracing Tracing { get; }189 /// <summary>190 /// Gets this page's mouse191 /// </summary>192 public Mouse Mouse { get; }193 /// <summary>194 /// Gets this page's viewport195 /// </summary>196 public ViewPortOptions Viewport { get; private set; }197 /// <summary>198 /// List of suported metrics provided by the <see cref="Metrics"/> event.199 /// </summary>200 public static readonly IEnumerable<string> SupportedMetrics = new List<string>201 {202 "Timestamp",203 "Documents",204 "Frames",205 "JSEventListeners",206 "Nodes",207 "LayoutCount",208 "RecalcStyleCount",209 "LayoutDuration",210 "RecalcStyleDuration",211 "ScriptDuration",212 "TaskDuration",213 "JSHeapUsedSize",214 "JSHeapTotalSize"215 };216 #endregion217 #region Public Methods218 /// <summary>219 /// Returns metrics220 /// </summary>221 /// <returns>Task which resolves into a list of metrics</returns>222 /// <remarks>223 /// All timestamps are in monotonic time: monotonically increasing time in seconds since an arbitrary point in the past.224 /// </remarks>225 public async Task<Dictionary<string, decimal>> MetricsAsync()226 {227 var response = await Client.SendAsync<PerformanceGetMetricsResponse>("Performance.getMetrics");228 return BuildMetricsObject(response.Metrics);229 }230 /// <summary>231 /// Fetches an element with <paramref name="selector"/>, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses <see cref="Touchscreen"/> to tap in the center of the element.232 /// </summary>233 /// <param name="selector">A selector to search for element to tap. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be clicked.</param>234 /// <exception cref="SelectorException">If there's no element matching <paramref name="selector"/></exception>235 /// <returns>Task which resolves when the element matching <paramref name="selector"/> is successfully tapped</returns>236 public async Task TapAsync(string selector)237 {238 var handle = await QuerySelectorAsync(selector);239 if (handle == null)240 {241 throw new SelectorException($"No node found for selector: {selector}", selector);242 }243 await handle.TapAsync();244 await handle.DisposeAsync();245 }...
...177 var objectId = RemoteObject[MessageKeys.ObjectId].AsString();178 return Client.SendAsync("DOM.setFileInputFiles", new { objectId, files });179 }180 /// <summary>181 /// Scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses <see cref="Touchscreen.TapAsync(decimal, decimal)"/> to tap in the center of the element.182 /// </summary>183 /// <exception cref="PuppeteerException">if the element is detached from DOM</exception>184 /// <returns>Task which resolves when the element is successfully tapped</returns>185 public async Task TapAsync()186 {187 await ScrollIntoViewIfNeededAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);188 var (x, y) = await ClickablePointAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);189 await Page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(x, y).ConfigureAwait(false);190 }191 /// <summary>192 /// Calls <c>focus</c> <see href=""/> on the element.193 /// </summary>194 /// <returns>Task</returns>195 public Task FocusAsync() => ExecutionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync("element => element.focus()", this);196 /// <summary>197 /// Focuses the element, and sends a <c>keydown</c>, <c>keypress</c>/<c>input</c>, and <c>keyup</c> event for each character in the text.198 /// </summary>199 /// <param name="text">A text to type into a focused element</param>200 /// <param name="options">type options</param>201 /// <remarks>202 /// To press a special key, like <c>Control</c> or <c>ArrowDown</c> use <see cref="ElementHandle.PressAsync(string, PressOptions)"/>203 /// </remarks>...
...77 var left = rect.X + 10;78 var top = rect.Y + 10;79 var mouse = page.Mouse;80 await mouse.MoveAsync(left, top);81 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(left, top);82 await mouse.DownAsync();83 var startTime = DateTime.Now;84 await mouse.MoveAsync(left + 800, top, new PuppeteerSharp.Input.MoveOptions { Steps = 30 });85 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(left + 800, top);86 Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - startTime);87 await mouse.UpAsync();88 var success = await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(".yes", new WaitForSelectorOptions { Timeout = 3000 });89 string content = await page.GetContentAsync();90 91 var parser = new HtmlParser();92 var document = await parser.ParseDocumentAsync(content);93 aliToken = (document.GetElementById("aliToken") as IHtmlInputElement).GetAttribute("sms");94 aliSessionId = (document.GetElementById("aliSessionId") as IHtmlInputElement).GetAttribute("sms");95 aliSig = (document.GetElementById("aliSig") as IHtmlInputElement).GetAttribute("sms");96 }97 var response = await ""98 .WithHeaders(new { Referer = "" })99 .WithCookies(cookies)...
...53 var left = rect.X + 10;54 var top = rect.Y + 10;55 var mouse = page.Mouse;56 await mouse.MoveAsync(left, top);57 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(left, top);58 await mouse.DownAsync();59 var startTime = DateTime.Now;60 await mouse.MoveAsync(left + 800, top, new PuppeteerSharp.Input.MoveOptions { Steps = 30 });61 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(left + 800, top);62 Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - startTime);63 await mouse.UpAsync();64 }65 var channel = await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("[channelcode='alipaywap']");66 await channel.ClickAsync();67 var submit = await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("body > div.mask.confirmPay > section > div.btnPd > button");68 await submit.ClickAsync();69 }70 }71}...
...5{6 /// <summary>7 /// Provides methods to interact with the touch screen8 /// </summary>9 public class Touchscreen10 {11 private readonly CDPSession _client;12 private readonly Keyboard _keyboard;13 /// <summary>14 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Touchscreen"/> class.15 /// </summary>16 /// <param name="client">The client</param>17 /// <param name="keyboard">The keyboard</param>18 public Touchscreen(CDPSession client, Keyboard keyboard)19 {20 _client = client;21 _keyboard = keyboard;22 }23 /// <summary>24 /// Dispatches a <c>touchstart</c> and <c>touchend</c> event.25 /// </summary>26 /// <param name="x"></param>27 /// <param name="y"></param>28 /// <returns>Task</returns>29 /// <seealso cref="Page.TapAsync(string)"/>30 public async Task TapAsync(decimal x, decimal y)31 {32 // Touches appear to be lost during the first frame after navigation....
...12 private readonly DeviceDescriptor _iPhone = Puppeteer.Devices[DeviceDescriptorName.IPhone6];13 public TouchScreenTests(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output)14 {15 }16 [PuppeteerTest("touchscreen.spec.ts", "Touchscreen", "should tap the button")]17 [SkipBrowserFact(skipFirefox: true)]18 public async Task ShouldTapTheButton()19 {20 await Page.EmulateAsync(_iPhone);21 await Page.GoToAsync(TestConstants.ServerUrl + "/input/button.html");22 await Page.TapAsync("button");23 Assert.Equal("Clicked", await Page.EvaluateExpressionAsync<string>("result"));24 }25 [PuppeteerTest("touchscreen.spec.ts", "Touchscreen", "should report touches")]26 [SkipBrowserFact(skipFirefox: true)]27 public async Task ShouldReportTouches()28 {29 await Page.EmulateAsync(_iPhone);30 await Page.GoToAsync(TestConstants.ServerUrl + "/input/touches.html");31 var button = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("button");32 await button.TapAsync();33 Assert.Equal(new string[] {34 "Touchstart: 0",35 "Touchend: 0"36 }, await Page.EvaluateExpressionAsync<string[]>("getResult()"));37 }38 }39}...
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);9 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions10 {11 });12 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();13 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("input[name='q']");14 var input = await page.QuerySelectorAsync("input[name='q']");15 await input.ClickAsync();16 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(200, 200);17 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(300, 300);18 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(400, 400);19 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(500, 500);20 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(600, 600);21 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(700, 700);22 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(800, 800);23 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(900, 900);24 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1000, 1000);25 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1100, 1100);26 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1200, 1200);27 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1300, 1300);28 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1400, 1400);29 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1500, 1500);30 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1600, 1600);31 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1700, 1700);32 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1800, 1800);33 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(1900, 1900);34 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(2000, 2000);35 await page.WaitForTimeoutAsync(3000);36 await browser.CloseAsync();37 }38 }39}40using System;41using System.Threading.Tasks;42using PuppeteerSharp;43{44 {45 static async Task Main(string[] args)
Using AI Code Generation
1using PuppeteerSharp;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 static async Task Main(string[] args)6 {7 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);8 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = false }))9 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())10 {11 await page.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions { Width = 1920, Height = 1080 });12 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(100, 100);13 await page.ScreenshotAsync("1.png");14 }15 }16}17using PuppeteerSharp;18using System;19using System.Threading.Tasks;20{21 static async Task Main(string[] args)22 {23 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);24 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = false }))25 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())26 {27 await page.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions { Width = 1920, Height = 1080 });28 await PuppeteerSharp.Input.Touchscreen.TapAsync(page, 100, 100);29 await page.ScreenshotAsync("2.png");30 }31 }32}33 at PuppeteerSharp.Input.Touchscreen.TapAsync(Page page, Double x, Double y, Int32 timeout) in C:\projects\puppeteer-sharp\lib\PuppeteerSharp\Input\Touchscreen.cs:line 6434 at PuppeteerSharp.Input.Touchscreen.TapAsync(Page page, Double x, Double y) in C:\projects\puppeteer-sharp\lib\PuppeteerSharp\Input\Touchscreen.cs:line 5435 at PuppeteerSharp.Input.Touchscreen.TapAsync(Page page, Double x, Double y) in C:\projects\puppeteer-sharp\lib\PuppeteerSharp\Input\Touchscreen.cs:line 5636 at PuppeteerSharp.Input.Touchscreen.TapAsync(Page page
Using AI Code Generation
1using System.Threading.Tasks;2using PuppeteerSharp;3{4 {5 static async Task Main(string[] args)6 {7 var options = new LaunchOptions { Headless = false };8 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options))9 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())10 {11 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("input[name=q]");12 await page.FocusAsync("input[name=q]");13 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync("puppeteer-sharp");14 await page.Touchscreen.TapAsync(500, 500);15 }16 }17 }18}
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4using PuppeteerSharp.Input;5using System.Collections.Generic;6{7 {8 static async Task Main(string[] args)9 {10 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);11 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = false });12 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();13 var viewport = page.Viewport;14 var size = await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync<Dictionary<string, int>>("document.body.getBoundingClientRect()");15 await page.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions16 {17 });18 var touchScreen = new Touchscreen(page);19 {20 };21 await touchScreen.TapAsync(touchPoint.X, touchPoint.Y);22 await Task.Delay(5000);23 await browser.CloseAsync();24 }25 }26}
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