Best Gauge code snippet using lang.createDiagnostic
...60func createValidationDiagnostics(errors []error, diagnostics map[lsp.DocumentURI][]lsp.Diagnostic) {61 for _, err := range errors {62 uri := util.ConvertPathToURI(err.(validation.StepValidationError).FileName())63 s := err.(validation.StepValidationError).Step()64 d := createDiagnostic(uri, err.(validation.StepValidationError).Message(), s.LineNo-1, s.LineSpanEnd-1, 1)65 if err.(validation.StepValidationError).ErrorType() == gm.StepValidateResponse_STEP_IMPLEMENTATION_NOT_FOUND {66 d.Code = err.(validation.StepValidationError).Suggestion()67 }68 diagnostics[uri] = append(diagnostics[uri], d)69 }70}71func validateSpecifications(specs []*gauge.Specification, conceptDictionary *gauge.ConceptDictionary) []error {72 if lRunner.runner == nil {73 return []error{}74 }75 vErrs := validation.NewValidator(specs, lRunner.runner, conceptDictionary).Validate()76 return validation.FilterDuplicates(vErrs)77}78func validateSpecs(conceptDictionary *gauge.ConceptDictionary, diagnostics map[lsp.DocumentURI][]lsp.Diagnostic) error {79 specFiles := util.GetSpecFiles(util.GetSpecDirs())80 specs := make([]*gauge.Specification, 0)81 for _, specFile := range specFiles {82 uri := util.ConvertPathToURI(specFile)83 if _, ok := diagnostics[uri]; !ok {84 diagnostics[uri] = make([]lsp.Diagnostic, 0)85 }86 content, err := getContentFromFileOrDisk(specFile)87 if err != nil {88 return fmt.Errorf("unable to read file %s", err)89 }90 spec, res, err := new(parser.SpecParser).Parse(content, conceptDictionary, specFile)91 if err != nil {92 return err93 }94 createDiagnostics(res, diagnostics)95 if res.Ok {96 specs = append(specs, spec)97 }98 }99 createValidationDiagnostics(validateSpecifications(specs, conceptDictionary), diagnostics)100 return nil101}102func validateConcepts(diagnostics map[lsp.DocumentURI][]lsp.Diagnostic) (*gauge.ConceptDictionary, error) {103 conceptFiles := util.GetConceptFiles()104 conceptDictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()105 for _, conceptFile := range conceptFiles {106 uri := util.ConvertPathToURI(conceptFile)107 if _, ok := diagnostics[uri]; !ok {108 diagnostics[uri] = make([]lsp.Diagnostic, 0)109 }110 content, err := getContentFromFileOrDisk(conceptFile)111 if err != nil {112 return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read file %s", err)113 }114 cpts, pRes := new(parser.ConceptParser).Parse(content, conceptFile)115 pErrs, err := parser.AddConcept(cpts, conceptFile, conceptDictionary) // nolint116 if err != nil {117 return nil, err118 }119 pRes.ParseErrors = append(pRes.ParseErrors, pErrs...)120 createDiagnostics(pRes, diagnostics)121 }122 createDiagnostics(parser.ValidateConcepts(conceptDictionary), diagnostics)123 return conceptDictionary, nil124}125func createDiagnostics(res *parser.ParseResult, diagnostics map[lsp.DocumentURI][]lsp.Diagnostic) {126 for _, err := range res.ParseErrors {127 uri := util.ConvertPathToURI(err.FileName)128 diagnostics[uri] = append(diagnostics[uri], createDiagnostic(uri, err.Message, err.LineNo-1, err.SpanEnd-1, 1))129 }130 for _, warning := range res.Warnings {131 uri := util.ConvertPathToURI(warning.FileName)132 diagnostics[uri] = append(diagnostics[uri], createDiagnostic(uri, warning.Message, warning.LineNo-1, warning.LineSpanEnd-1, 2))133 }134}135func createDiagnostic(uri lsp.DocumentURI, message string, line int, lineEnd int, severity lsp.DiagnosticSeverity) lsp.Diagnostic {136 endChar := 10000137 if isOpen(uri) {138 endChar = len(getLine(uri, line))139 }140 return lsp.Diagnostic{141 Range: lsp.Range{142 Start: lsp.Position{Line: line, Character: 0},143 End: lsp.Position{Line: lineEnd, Character: endChar},144 },145 Message: message,146 Severity: severity,147 }148}149func getContentFromFileOrDisk(fileName string) (string, error) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("hello world")4}5import "fmt"6func main() {7 fmt.Println("hello world")8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 fmt.Println("hello world")12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15 fmt.Println("hello world")16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 fmt.Println("hello world")20}21import "fmt"22func main() {23 fmt.Println("hello world")24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 fmt.Println("hello world")28}29import "fmt"30func main() {31 fmt.Println("hello world")32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 fmt.Println("hello world")36}37import "fmt"38func main() {39 fmt.Println("hello world")40}41import "fmt"42func main() {43 fmt.Println("hello world")44}45import "fmt"46func main() {47 fmt.Println("hello world")48}49import "fmt"50func main() {51 fmt.Println("hello world")52}53import "fmt"54func main() {55 fmt.Println("hello world
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main(){3 lang.createDiagnostic()4 fmt.Println(lang)5}6import "fmt"7func main(){8 lang.createDiagnostic()9 fmt.Println(lang)10}11import "fmt"12func main(){13 lang.createDiagnostic()14 fmt.Println(lang)15}16import "fmt"17func main(){18 lang.createDiagnostic()19 fmt.Println(lang)20}21import "fmt"22func main(){23 lang.createDiagnostic()24 fmt.Println(lang)25}26import "fmt"27func main(){28 lang.createDiagnostic()29 fmt.Println(lang)30}31import "fmt"32func main(){33 lang.createDiagnostic()34 fmt.Println(lang)35}36import "fmt"37func main(){38 lang.createDiagnostic()39 fmt.Println(lang)40}41import "fmt"42func main(){43 lang.createDiagnostic()44 fmt.Println(lang)45}46import "fmt"47func main(){48 lang.createDiagnostic()49 fmt.Println(lang)50}51import "fmt"52func main(){53 lang.createDiagnostic()54 fmt.Println(lang)55}56import "fmt"57func main(){
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 lang := new(language)4 lang.createDiagnostic("Go")5 fmt.Println(}7import "fmt"8type language struct {9}10func (l *language) createDiagnostic(n string) {11}12func main() {13 lang := new(language)14 lang.createDiagnostic("Go")15 fmt.Println(}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 d = lang.Diagnostic{Message: "Error", Severity: 1}5 fmt.Println(d)6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")10 d = lang.Diagnostic{Message: "Error", Severity: 1}11 fmt.Println(d)12 d.createDiagnostic()13}14type Diagnostic struct {15}16func (d Diagnostic) createDiagnostic() {17 fmt.Println("Diagnostic Created")18}19./1.go:16: d.createDiagnostic undefined (type Diagnostic has no field or method createDiagnostic)20./2.go:16: d.createDiagnostic undefined (type Diagnostic has no field or method createDiagnostic)21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")24 d = lang.Diagnostic{Message: "Error", Severity: 1}25 fmt.Println(d)26 d.createDiagnostic()27}28import (29func main() {30 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")31 d = lang.Diagnostic{Message: "Error", Severity: 1}32 fmt.Println(d)33 d.createDiagnostic()34}35type Diagnostic struct {36}37func (d Diagnostic) createDiagnostic() {38 fmt.Println("Diagnostic Created")39}40I am getting the following error:# command-line-arguments./1.go:16: d.createDiagnostic undefined (type Diagnostic has no field or method createDiagnostic)./2.go:16: d.createDiagnostic undefined (type Diagnostic has no field or method createDiagnostic)I am not sure why the method is not available. Any help is appreciated.Thanks,Srinivas
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 file, err := xlsx.OpenFile("test.xlsx")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Printf(err.Error())6 }7 fmt.Printf("Value: %s8 fmt.Printf("Formula: %s9}10import (11func main() {12 file := xlsx.NewFile()13 sheet, err := file.AddSheet("Sheet1")14 if err != nil {15 fmt.Printf(err.Error())16 }17 row := sheet.AddRow()18 row.SetHeightCM(1)19 cell := row.AddCell()20 cell = row.AddCell()21 style := xlsx.NewStyle()22 style.Font = *xlsx.NewFont(12, "Verdana")23 style.Fill = *xlsx.NewFill("solid", "FFCCFFCC", "FFCCFFCC")24 cell.SetStyle(style)25 err = file.Save("test.xlsx")26 if err != nil {27 fmt.Printf(err.Error())28 }29}30import (31func main() {32 file, err := xlsx.OpenFile("test.xlsx")33 if err != nil {
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Enter the path of the file to be analysed")4 fmt.Scan(&path)5 lang := new(Language)6 lang.createDiagnostic(path)7}8type Language struct {
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 lang := lang.New()4 lang.CreateDiagnostic("Diagnostic message", "error")5}6import (7func main() {8 lang := lang.New()9 lang.CreateDiagnostic("Diagnostic message", "error")10}11import (12func main() {13 lang := lang.New()14 lang.CreateDiagnostic("Diagnostic message", "error")15}16import (17func main() {18 lang := lang.New()19 lang.CreateDiagnostic("Diagnostic message", "error")20}21import (22func main() {23 lang := lang.New()24 lang.CreateDiagnostic("Diagnostic message", "error")25}26import (27func main() {28 lang := lang.New()29 lang.CreateDiagnostic("Diagnostic message", "error")30}31import (32func main() {33 lang := lang.New()34 lang.CreateDiagnostic("Diagnostic message", "error
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