How to use specs method of lang Package

Best Gauge code snippet using lang.specs


Source:xml.go Github


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2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.4package webdav5// The XML encoding is covered by Section 14.6// (8 "bytes"9 "encoding/xml"10 "fmt"11 "io"12 "net/http"13 "time"14 // As of which was submitted15 // in July 2015, this package uses an internal fork of the standard16 // library's encoding/xml package, due to changes in the way namespaces17 // were encoded. Such changes were introduced in the Go 1.5 cycle, but were18 // rolled back in response to //20 // However, this package's exported API, specifically the Property and21 // DeadPropsHolder types, need to refer to the standard library's version22 // of the xml.Name type, as code that imports this package cannot refer to23 // the internal version.24 //25 // This file therefore imports both the internal and external versions, as26 // ixml and xml, and converts between them.27 //28 // In the long term, this package should use the standard library's version29 // only, and the internal fork deleted, once30 // is resolved.31 ixml ""32)33// lockInfo struct {35 XMLName ixml.Name `xml:"lockinfo"`36 Exclusive *struct{} `xml:"lockscope>exclusive"`37 Shared *struct{} `xml:"lockscope>shared"`38 Write *struct{} `xml:"locktype>write"`39 Owner owner `xml:"owner"`40}41// owner struct {43 InnerXML string `xml:",innerxml"`44}45func readLockInfo(r io.Reader) (li lockInfo, status int, err error) {46 c := &countingReader{r: r}47 if err = ixml.NewDecoder(c).Decode(&li); err != nil {48 if err == io.EOF {49 if c.n == 0 {50 // An empty body means to refresh the lock.51 // return lockInfo{}, 0, nil53 }54 err = errInvalidLockInfo55 }56 return lockInfo{}, http.StatusBadRequest, err57 }58 // We only support exclusive (non-shared) write locks. In practice, these are59 // the only types of locks that seem to matter.60 if li.Exclusive == nil || li.Shared != nil || li.Write == nil {61 return lockInfo{}, http.StatusNotImplemented, errUnsupportedLockInfo62 }63 return li, 0, nil64}65type countingReader struct {66 n int67 r io.Reader68}69func (c *countingReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {70 n, err := c.r.Read(p)71 c.n += n72 return n, err73}74func writeLockInfo(w io.Writer, token string, ld LockDetails) (int, error) {75 depth := "infinity"76 if ld.ZeroDepth {77 depth = "0"78 }79 timeout := ld.Duration / time.Second80 return fmt.Fprintf(w, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"+81 "<D:prop xmlns:D=\"DAV:\"><D:lockdiscovery><D:activelock>\n"+82 " <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>\n"+83 " <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>\n"+84 " <D:depth>%s</D:depth>\n"+85 " <D:owner>%s</D:owner>\n"+86 " <D:timeout>Second-%d</D:timeout>\n"+87 " <D:locktoken><D:href>%s</D:href></D:locktoken>\n"+88 " <D:lockroot><D:href>%s</D:href></D:lockroot>\n"+89 "</D:activelock></D:lockdiscovery></D:prop>",90 depth, ld.OwnerXML, timeout, escape(token), escape(ld.Root),91 )92}93func escape(s string) string {94 for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {95 switch s[i] {96 case '"', '&', '\'', '<', '>':97 b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)98 ixml.EscapeText(b, []byte(s))99 return b.String()100 }101 }102 return s103}104// Next returns the next token, if any, in the XML stream of d.105// RFC 4918 requires to ignore comments, processing instructions106// and directives.107// next(d *ixml.Decoder) (ixml.Token, error) {110 for {111 t, err := d.Token()112 if err != nil {113 return t, err114 }115 switch t.(type) {116 case ixml.Comment, ixml.Directive, ixml.ProcInst:117 continue118 default:119 return t, nil120 }121 }122}123// (for propfind)124type propfindProps []xml.Name125// UnmarshalXML appends the property names enclosed within start to pn.126//127// It returns an error if start does not contain any properties or if128// properties contain values. Character data between properties is ignored.129func (pn *propfindProps) UnmarshalXML(d *ixml.Decoder, start ixml.StartElement) error {130 for {131 t, err := next(d)132 if err != nil {133 return err134 }135 switch t.(type) {136 case ixml.EndElement:137 if len(*pn) == 0 {138 return fmt.Errorf("%s must not be empty", start.Name.Local)139 }140 return nil141 case ixml.StartElement:142 name := t.(ixml.StartElement).Name143 t, err = next(d)144 if err != nil {145 return err146 }147 if _, ok := t.(ixml.EndElement); !ok {148 return fmt.Errorf("unexpected token %T", t)149 }150 *pn = append(*pn, xml.Name(name))151 }152 }153}154// propfind struct {156 XMLName ixml.Name `xml:"DAV: propfind"`157 Allprop *struct{} `xml:"DAV: allprop"`158 Propname *struct{} `xml:"DAV: propname"`159 Prop propfindProps `xml:"DAV: prop"`160 Include propfindProps `xml:"DAV: include"`161}162func readPropfind(r io.Reader) (pf propfind, status int, err error) {163 c := countingReader{r: r}164 if err = ixml.NewDecoder(&c).Decode(&pf); err != nil {165 if err == io.EOF {166 if c.n == 0 {167 // An empty body means to propfind allprop.168 // return propfind{Allprop: new(struct{})}, 0, nil170 }171 err = errInvalidPropfind172 }173 return propfind{}, http.StatusBadRequest, err174 }175 if pf.Allprop == nil && pf.Include != nil {176 return propfind{}, http.StatusBadRequest, errInvalidPropfind177 }178 if pf.Allprop != nil && (pf.Prop != nil || pf.Propname != nil) {179 return propfind{}, http.StatusBadRequest, errInvalidPropfind180 }181 if pf.Prop != nil && pf.Propname != nil {182 return propfind{}, http.StatusBadRequest, errInvalidPropfind183 }184 if pf.Propname == nil && pf.Allprop == nil && pf.Prop == nil {185 return propfind{}, http.StatusBadRequest, errInvalidPropfind186 }187 return pf, 0, nil188}189// Property represents a single DAV resource property as defined in RFC 4918.190// See Property struct {192 // XMLName is the fully qualified name that identifies this property.193 XMLName xml.Name194 // Lang is an optional xml:lang attribute.195 Lang string `xml:"xml:lang,attr,omitempty"`196 // InnerXML contains the XML representation of the property value.197 // See //199 // Property values of complex type or mixed-content must have fully200 // expanded XML namespaces or be self-contained with according201 // XML namespace declarations. They must not rely on any XML202 // namespace declarations within the scope of the XML document,203 // even including the DAV: namespace.204 InnerXML []byte `xml:",innerxml"`205}206// ixmlProperty is the same as the Property type except it holds an ixml.Name207// instead of an xml.Name.208type ixmlProperty struct {209 XMLName ixml.Name210 Lang string `xml:"xml:lang,attr,omitempty"`211 InnerXML []byte `xml:",innerxml"`212}213// See multistatusWriter for the "D:" namespace prefix.215type xmlError struct {216 XMLName ixml.Name `xml:"D:error"`217 InnerXML []byte `xml:",innerxml"`218}219// See multistatusWriter for the "D:" namespace prefix.221type propstat struct {222 Prop []Property `xml:"D:prop>_ignored_"`223 Status string `xml:"D:status"`224 Error *xmlError `xml:"D:error"`225 ResponseDescription string `xml:"D:responsedescription,omitempty"`226}227// ixmlPropstat is the same as the propstat type except it holds an ixml.Name228// instead of an xml.Name.229type ixmlPropstat struct {230 Prop []ixmlProperty `xml:"D:prop>_ignored_"`231 Status string `xml:"D:status"`232 Error *xmlError `xml:"D:error"`233 ResponseDescription string `xml:"D:responsedescription,omitempty"`234}235// MarshalXML prepends the "D:" namespace prefix on properties in the DAV: namespace236// before encoding. See multistatusWriter.237func (ps propstat) MarshalXML(e *ixml.Encoder, start ixml.StartElement) error {238 // Convert from a propstat to an ixmlPropstat.239 ixmlPs := ixmlPropstat{240 Prop: make([]ixmlProperty, len(ps.Prop)),241 Status: ps.Status,242 Error: ps.Error,243 ResponseDescription: ps.ResponseDescription,244 }245 for k, prop := range ps.Prop {246 ixmlPs.Prop[k] = ixmlProperty{247 XMLName: ixml.Name(prop.XMLName),248 Lang: prop.Lang,249 InnerXML: prop.InnerXML,250 }251 }252 for k, prop := range ixmlPs.Prop {253 if prop.XMLName.Space == "DAV:" {254 prop.XMLName = ixml.Name{Space: "", Local: "D:" + prop.XMLName.Local}255 ixmlPs.Prop[k] = prop256 }257 }258 // Distinct type to avoid infinite recursion of MarshalXML.259 type newpropstat ixmlPropstat260 return e.EncodeElement(newpropstat(ixmlPs), start)261}262// See multistatusWriter for the "D:" namespace prefix.264type response struct {265 XMLName ixml.Name `xml:"D:response"`266 Href []string `xml:"D:href"`267 Propstat []propstat `xml:"D:propstat"`268 Status string `xml:"D:status,omitempty"`269 Error *xmlError `xml:"D:error"`270 ResponseDescription string `xml:"D:responsedescription,omitempty"`271}272// MultistatusWriter marshals one or more Responses into a XML273// multistatus response.274// See TODO(rsto, mpl): As a workaround, the "D:" namespace prefix, defined as276// "DAV:" on this element, is prepended on the nested response, as well as on all277// its nested elements. All property names in the DAV: namespace are prefixed as278// well. This is because some versions of Mini-Redirector (on windows 7) ignore279// elements with a default namespace (no prefixed namespace). A less intrusive fix280// should be possible after See multistatusWriter struct {282 // ResponseDescription contains the optional responsedescription283 // of the multistatus XML element. Only the latest content before284 // close will be emitted. Empty response descriptions are not285 // written.286 responseDescription string287 w http.ResponseWriter288 enc *ixml.Encoder289}290// Write validates and emits a DAV response as part of a multistatus response291// element.292//293// It sets the HTTP status code of its underlying http.ResponseWriter to 207294// (Multi-Status) and populates the Content-Type header. If r is the295// first, valid response to be written, Write prepends the XML representation296// of r with a multistatus tag. Callers must call close after the last response297// has been written.298func (w *multistatusWriter) write(r *response) error {299 switch len(r.Href) {300 case 0:301 return errInvalidResponse302 case 1:303 if len(r.Propstat) > 0 != (r.Status == "") {304 return errInvalidResponse305 }306 default:307 if len(r.Propstat) > 0 || r.Status == "" {308 return errInvalidResponse309 }310 }311 err := w.writeHeader()312 if err != nil {313 return err314 }315 return w.enc.Encode(r)316}317// writeHeader writes a XML multistatus start element on w's underlying318// http.ResponseWriter and returns the result of the write operation.319// After the first write attempt, writeHeader becomes a no-op.320func (w *multistatusWriter) writeHeader() error {321 if w.enc != nil {322 return nil323 }324 w.w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8")325 w.w.WriteHeader(StatusMulti)326 _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w.w, `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>`)327 if err != nil {328 return err329 }330 w.enc = ixml.NewEncoder(w.w)331 return w.enc.EncodeToken(ixml.StartElement{332 Name: ixml.Name{333 Space: "DAV:",334 Local: "multistatus",335 },336 Attr: []ixml.Attr{{337 Name: ixml.Name{Space: "xmlns", Local: "D"},338 Value: "DAV:",339 }},340 })341}342// Close completes the marshalling of the multistatus response. It returns343// an error if the multistatus response could not be completed. If both the344// return value and field enc of w are nil, then no multistatus response has345// been written.346func (w *multistatusWriter) close() error {347 if w.enc == nil {348 return nil349 }350 var end []ixml.Token351 if w.responseDescription != "" {352 name := ixml.Name{Space: "DAV:", Local: "responsedescription"}353 end = append(end,354 ixml.StartElement{Name: name},355 ixml.CharData(w.responseDescription),356 ixml.EndElement{Name: name},357 )358 }359 end = append(end, ixml.EndElement{360 Name: ixml.Name{Space: "DAV:", Local: "multistatus"},361 })362 for _, t := range end {363 err := w.enc.EncodeToken(t)364 if err != nil {365 return err366 }367 }368 return w.enc.Flush()369}370var xmlLangName = ixml.Name{Space: "", Local: "lang"}371func xmlLang(s ixml.StartElement, d string) string {372 for _, attr := range s.Attr {373 if attr.Name == xmlLangName {374 return attr.Value375 }376 }377 return d378}379type xmlValue []byte380func (v *xmlValue) UnmarshalXML(d *ixml.Decoder, start ixml.StartElement) error {381 // The XML value of a property can be arbitrary, mixed-content XML.382 // To make sure that the unmarshalled value contains all required383 // namespaces, we encode all the property value XML tokens into a384 // buffer. This forces the encoder to redeclare any used namespaces.385 var b bytes.Buffer386 e := ixml.NewEncoder(&b)387 for {388 t, err := next(d)389 if err != nil {390 return err391 }392 if e, ok := t.(ixml.EndElement); ok && e.Name == start.Name {393 break394 }395 if err = e.EncodeToken(t); err != nil {396 return err397 }398 }399 err := e.Flush()400 if err != nil {401 return err402 }403 *v = b.Bytes()404 return nil405}406// (for proppatch)407type proppatchProps []Property408// UnmarshalXML appends the property names and values enclosed within start409// to ps.410//411// An xml:lang attribute that is defined either on the DAV:prop or property412// name XML element is propagated to the property's Lang field.413//414// UnmarshalXML returns an error if start does not contain any properties or if415// property values contain syntactically incorrect XML.416func (ps *proppatchProps) UnmarshalXML(d *ixml.Decoder, start ixml.StartElement) error {417 lang := xmlLang(start, "")418 for {419 t, err := next(d)420 if err != nil {421 return err422 }423 switch elem := t.(type) {424 case ixml.EndElement:425 if len(*ps) == 0 {426 return fmt.Errorf("%s must not be empty", start.Name.Local)427 }428 return nil429 case ixml.StartElement:430 p := Property{431 XMLName: xml.Name(t.(ixml.StartElement).Name),432 Lang: xmlLang(t.(ixml.StartElement), lang),433 }434 err = d.DecodeElement(((*xmlValue)(&p.InnerXML)), &elem)435 if err != nil {436 return err437 }438 *ps = append(*ps, p)439 }440 }441}442// setRemove struct {445 XMLName ixml.Name446 Lang string `xml:"xml:lang,attr,omitempty"`447 Prop proppatchProps `xml:"DAV: prop"`448}449// propertyupdate struct {451 XMLName ixml.Name `xml:"DAV: propertyupdate"`452 Lang string `xml:"xml:lang,attr,omitempty"`453 SetRemove []setRemove `xml:",any"`454}455func readProppatch(r io.Reader) (patches []Proppatch, status int, err error) {456 var pu propertyupdate457 if err = ixml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&pu); err != nil {458 return nil, http.StatusBadRequest, err459 }460 for _, op := range pu.SetRemove {461 remove := false462 switch op.XMLName {463 case ixml.Name{Space: "DAV:", Local: "set"}:...

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Source:language_test.go Github


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1package language2import (3 "reflect"4 "testing"5)6func TestParse(t *testing.T) {7 tests := []struct {8 src string9 lang []*Language10 }{11 {"en", []*Language{{"en", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},12 {"en-US", []*Language{{"en-us", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},13 {"en_US", []*Language{{"en-us", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},14 {"en-GB", []*Language{{"en-gb", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},15 {"zh-CN", []*Language{{"zh-cn", pluralSpecs["zh"]}}},16 {"zh-TW", []*Language{{"zh-tw", pluralSpecs["zh"]}}},17 {"pt-BR", []*Language{{"pt-br", pluralSpecs["pt"]}}},18 {"pt_BR", []*Language{{"pt-br", pluralSpecs["pt"]}}},19 {"pt-PT", []*Language{{"pt-pt", pluralSpecs["pt-pt"]}}},20 {"pt_PT", []*Language{{"pt-pt", pluralSpecs["pt-pt"]}}},21 {"zh-Hans-CN", []*Language{{"zh-hans-cn", pluralSpecs["zh"]}}},22 {"zh-Hant-TW", []*Language{{"zh-hant-tw", pluralSpecs["zh"]}}},23 {"en-US-en-US", []*Language{{"en-us-en-us", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},24 {".en-US..en-US.", []*Language{{"en-us", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},25 {26 "it, xx-zz, xx-ZZ, zh, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7, es-ES;q=0.6, de-xx",27 []*Language{28 {"it", pluralSpecs["it"]},29 {"zh", pluralSpecs["zh"]},30 {"en-gb", pluralSpecs["en"]},31 {"en", pluralSpecs["en"]},32 {"es-es", pluralSpecs["es"]},33 {"de-xx", pluralSpecs["de"]},34 },35 },36 {37 "it-qq,xx,xx-zz,xx-ZZ,zh,en-gb;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,es-ES;q=0.6,de-xx",38 []*Language{39 {"it-qq", pluralSpecs["it"]},40 {"zh", pluralSpecs["zh"]},41 {"en-gb", pluralSpecs["en"]},42 {"en", pluralSpecs["en"]},43 {"es-es", pluralSpecs["es"]},44 {"de-xx", pluralSpecs["de"]},45 },46 },47 {"en.json", []*Language{{"en", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},48 {"en-US.json", []*Language{{"en-us", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},49 {"en-us.json", []*Language{{"en-us", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},50 {"en-xx.json", []*Language{{"en-xx", pluralSpecs["en"]}}},51 {"xx-Yyen-US", nil},52 {"en US", nil},53 {"", nil},54 {"-", nil},55 {"_", nil},56 {"-en", nil},57 {"_en", nil},58 {"-en-", nil},59 {"_en_", nil},60 {"xx", nil},61 }62 for _, test := range tests {63 lang := Parse(test.src)64 if !reflect.DeepEqual(lang, test.lang) {65 t.Errorf("Parse(%q) = %s expected %s", test.src, lang, test.lang)66 }67 }68}69func TestMatchingTags(t *testing.T) {70 tests := []struct {71 lang *Language72 matches []string73 }{74 {&Language{"zh-hans-cn", nil}, []string{"zh", "zh-hans", "zh-hans-cn"}},75 {&Language{"foo", nil}, []string{"foo"}},76 }77 for _, test := range tests {78 if actual := test.lang.MatchingTags(); !reflect.DeepEqual(test.matches, actual) {79 t.Errorf("matchingTags(%q) = %q expected %q", test.lang.Tag, actual, test.matches)80 }81 }82}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("type:", reflect.TypeOf(x))4 v := reflect.ValueOf(x)5 fmt.Println("value:", v)6 fmt.Println("type:", v.Type())7 fmt.Println("kind is float64:", v.Kind() == reflect.Float64)8 fmt.Println("value:", v.Float())9 y := v.Interface().(float64)10 fmt.Println(y)11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 vm := otto.New()4 vm.Run(`5 var lang = {6 specs: function() {7 return "ES5";8 }9 };10 value, _ := vm.Call("lang.specs", nil)11 fmt.Println(value)12}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main(){3 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")4}5import "fmt"6func main(){7 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")8}9import "fmt"10func main(){11 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")12}13import "fmt"14func main(){15 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")16}17import "fmt"18func main(){19 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")20}21import "fmt"22func main(){23 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")24}25import "fmt"26func main(){27 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")28}29import "fmt"30func main(){31 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")32}33import "fmt"34func main(){35 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")36}37import "fmt"38func main(){39 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")40}41import "fmt"42func main(){43 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")44}45import "fmt"46func main(){47 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")48}49import "fmt"50func main(){51 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")52}53import "fmt"54func main(){55 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")56}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type lang struct {3}4func (l lang) specs() {5 fmt.Println("Name:", fmt.Println("Year:", l.year)7}8func main() {9 lang1 := lang{name: "Golang", year: 2009}10 lang1.specs()11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))32}33import (34func main() {35 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println(strings.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))40}41import (42func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3vm := otto.New()4vm.Run(`5var lang = {6specs: function() {7console.log("Name: " +;8console.log("Year: " + this.year);9}10}11value, _ := vm.Get("lang")12object := value.Object()13object.Call("specs", nil)14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())32}33import (34func main() {35 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println(lang.Specs())40}41import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 vm := otto.New()4 if _, err := vm.Run("lang.js"); err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 if value, err := vm.Run("lang.specs()"); err != nil {8 panic(err)9 } else {10 fmt.Println(value)11 }12}13{ "name": "Go", "year": 2009, "creator": "Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson" }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)4}5import "fmt"6func main() {7 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)20}21import "fmt"22func main() {23 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)28}29import "fmt"30func main() {31 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 fmt.Println(lang, "is", specs)36}37import "fmt"38func main() {39 fmt.Println(lang, "

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 locale := language.Make("en")4 language := locale.Language()5 fmt.Println(language)6}7import (8func main() {9 locale := language.Make("en")10 language := locale.Tag().Language()11 fmt.Println(language)12}13import (14func main() {15 locale := language.Make("en")16 language := locale.String()17 fmt.Println(language)18}19import (20func main() {21 locale := language.Make("en")22 language := locale.ISO3()23 fmt.Println(language)24}

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