How to use SetSkipped method of result Package

Best Gauge code snippet using result.SetSkipped


Source:specExecutor.go Github


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...55}56func (e *specExecutor) execute(executeBefore, execute, executeAfter bool) *result.SpecResult {57 e.specResult = gauge.NewSpecResult(e.specification)58 if e.runner.Info().Killed {59 e.specResult.SetSkipped(true)60 return e.specResult61 }62 if errs, ok := e.errMap.SpecErrs[e.specification]; ok {63 if hasParseError(errs) {64 e.failSpec()65 return e.specResult66 }67 }68 lookup, err := e.dataTableLookup()69 if err != nil {70 logger.Fatalf(true, "Failed to resolve Specifications : %s", err.Error())71 }72 resolvedSpecItems, err := resolveItems(e.specification.GetSpecItems(), lookup, e.setSkipInfo)73 if err != nil {74 logger.Fatalf(true, "Failed to resolve Specifications : %s", err.Error())75 }76 e.specResult.AddSpecItems(resolvedSpecItems)77 if executeBefore {78 event.Notify(event.NewExecutionEvent(event.SpecStart, e.specification, e.specResult,, e.currentExecutionInfo))79 if _, ok := e.errMap.SpecErrs[e.specification]; !ok {80 if res := e.initSpecDataStore(); res.GetFailed() {81 e.skipSpecForError(fmt.Errorf("Failed to initialize spec datastore. Error: %s", res.GetErrorMessage()))82 } else {83 e.notifyBeforeSpecHook()84 }85 } else {86 e.specResult.SetSkipped(true)87 e.specResult.Errors = e.convertErrors(e.errMap.SpecErrs[e.specification])88 }89 }90 if execute && !e.specResult.GetFailed() {91 if e.specification.DataTable.Table.GetRowCount() == 0 {92 others, tableDriven := parser.FilterTableRelatedScenarios(e.specification.Scenarios, func(s *gauge.Scenario) bool {93 return s.ScenarioDataTableRow.IsInitialized()94 })95 results, err := e.executeScenarios(others)96 if err != nil {97 logger.Fatalf(true, "Failed to resolve Specifications : %s", err.Error())98 }99 e.specResult.AddScenarioResults(results)100 scnMap := make(map[int]bool)101 for _, s := range tableDriven {102 if _, ok := scnMap[s.Span.Start]; !ok {103 scnMap[s.Span.Start] = true104 }105 r, err := e.executeScenario(s)106 if err != nil {107 logger.Fatalf(true, "Failed to resolve Specifications : %s", err.Error())108 }109 e.specResult.AddTableDrivenScenarioResult(r, gauge.ConvertToProtoTable(s.DataTable.Table),110 s.ScenarioDataTableRowIndex, s.SpecDataTableRowIndex, s.SpecDataTableRow.IsInitialized())111 }112 e.specResult.ScenarioCount += len(scnMap)113 } else {114 err := e.executeSpec()115 if err != nil {116 logger.Fatalf(true, "Failed to execute Specification %s : %s", e.specification.Heading.Value, err.Error())117 }118 }119 }120 e.specResult.SetSkipped(e.specResult.Skipped || e.specResult.ScenarioSkippedCount == len(e.specification.Scenarios))121 if executeAfter {122 if _, ok := e.errMap.SpecErrs[e.specification]; !ok {123 e.notifyAfterSpecHook()124 }125 event.Notify(event.NewExecutionEvent(event.SpecEnd, e.specification, e.specResult,, e.currentExecutionInfo))126 }127 return e.specResult128}129func (e *specExecutor) executeTableRelatedScenarios(scenarios []*gauge.Scenario) error {130 if len(scenarios) > 0 {131 index := e.specification.Scenarios[0].SpecDataTableRowIndex132 sceRes, err := e.executeScenarios(scenarios)133 if err != nil {134 return err135 }136 specResult := [][]result.Result{sceRes}137 e.specResult.AddTableRelatedScenarioResult(specResult, index)138 }139 return nil140}141func (e *specExecutor) executeSpec() error {142 parser.GetResolvedDataTablerows(e.specification.DataTable.Table)143 nonTableRelatedScenarios, tableRelatedScenarios := parser.FilterTableRelatedScenarios(e.specification.Scenarios, func(s *gauge.Scenario) bool {144 return s.SpecDataTableRow.IsInitialized()145 })146 res, err := e.executeScenarios(nonTableRelatedScenarios)147 if err != nil {148 return err149 }150 e.specResult.AddScenarioResults(res)151 err = e.executeTableRelatedScenarios(tableRelatedScenarios)152 if err != nil {153 return err154 }155 return nil156}157func (e *specExecutor) initSpecDataStore() *gauge_messages.ProtoExecutionResult {158 initSpecDataStoreMessage := &gauge_messages.Message{MessageType: gauge_messages.Message_SpecDataStoreInit,159 SpecDataStoreInitRequest: &gauge_messages.SpecDataStoreInitRequest{Stream: int32(}}160 return e.runner.ExecuteAndGetStatus(initSpecDataStoreMessage)161}162func (e *specExecutor) notifyBeforeSpecHook() {163 m := &gauge_messages.Message{MessageType: gauge_messages.Message_SpecExecutionStarting,164 SpecExecutionStartingRequest: &gauge_messages.SpecExecutionStartingRequest{CurrentExecutionInfo: e.currentExecutionInfo, Stream: int32(}}165 e.pluginHandler.NotifyPlugins(m)166 res := executeHook(m, e.specResult, e.runner)167 e.specResult.ProtoSpec.PreHookMessages = res.Message168 e.specResult.ProtoSpec.PreHookScreenshotFiles = res.ScreenshotFiles169 if res.GetFailed() {170 setSpecFailure(e.currentExecutionInfo)171 handleHookFailure(e.specResult, res, result.AddPreHook)172 }173 m.SpecExecutionStartingRequest.SpecResult = gauge.ConvertToProtoSpecResult(e.specResult)174 e.pluginHandler.NotifyPlugins(m)175}176func (e *specExecutor) notifyAfterSpecHook() {177 e.currentExecutionInfo.CurrentScenario = nil178 m := &gauge_messages.Message{MessageType: gauge_messages.Message_SpecExecutionEnding,179 SpecExecutionEndingRequest: &gauge_messages.SpecExecutionEndingRequest{CurrentExecutionInfo: e.currentExecutionInfo, Stream: int32(}}180 res := executeHook(m, e.specResult, e.runner)181 e.specResult.ProtoSpec.PostHookMessages = res.Message182 e.specResult.ProtoSpec.PostHookScreenshotFiles = res.ScreenshotFiles183 if res.GetFailed() {184 setSpecFailure(e.currentExecutionInfo)185 handleHookFailure(e.specResult, res, result.AddPostHook)186 }187 m.SpecExecutionEndingRequest.SpecResult = gauge.ConvertToProtoSpecResult(e.specResult)188 e.pluginHandler.NotifyPlugins(m)189}190func (e *specExecutor) skipSpecForError(err error) {191 logger.Errorf(true, err.Error())192 validationError := validation.NewStepValidationError(&gauge.Step{LineNo: e.specification.Heading.LineNo, LineText: e.specification.Heading.Value},193 err.Error(), e.specification.FileName, nil, "")194 for _, scenario := range e.specification.Scenarios {195 e.errMap.ScenarioErrs[scenario] = []error{validationError}196 }197 e.errMap.SpecErrs[e.specification] = []error{validationError}198 e.specResult.Errors = e.convertErrors(e.errMap.SpecErrs[e.specification])199 e.specResult.SetSkipped(true)200}201func (e *specExecutor) failSpec() {202 e.specResult.Errors = e.convertErrors(e.errMap.SpecErrs[e.specification])203 e.specResult.SetFailure()204}205func (e *specExecutor) convertErrors(specErrors []error) []*gauge_messages.Error {206 var errors []*gauge_messages.Error207 for _, e := range specErrors {208 switch err := e.(type) {209 case parser.ParseError:210 errors = append(errors, &gauge_messages.Error{211 Message: err.Error(),212 LineNumber: int32(err.LineNo),213 Filename: err.FileName,...

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Source:harness.go Github


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1package testdeck2import (3 "fmt"4 "testing"5 "time"6 ""7 ""8 ""9)10/*11harness.go: A wrapper around Golang's testing.T because it has a private method that prevents us from implementing it directly12This file is separated into the following sections:13TESTDECK CODE14 Test case + lifecycle15 Statistics16CODE FROM GOLANG TESTING LIBRARY17*/18// -----19// TESTDECK CODE - Test case + lifecycle20// -----21// TestConfig is for passing special configurations for the test case22type TestConfig struct {23 // tests run in parallel by default but you can force it to run in sequential by using ParallelOff = true24 ParallelOff bool25}26// TD contains a testdeck test case + statistics to save to the DB later27// It allows us to capture functionality from testing.T28type TD struct {29 T TestingT // wrapper on testing.T30 fatal bool31 currentLifecycle string32 statuses []constants.Status // stack of statuses; statuses are emitted by Error/Fatal operation or when the lifecycle completes successfully33 timings map[string]constants.Timing34 actualName string // name of testdeck test case (to pass to testing.T)35}36// An interface for testdeck test cases; it is implemented by the TestCase struct below37type TestCaseDelegate interface {38 ArrangeMethod(t *TD)39 ActMethod(t *TD)40 AssertMethod(t *TD)41 AfterMethod(t *TD)42}43// A struct that represents a testdeck test case44type TestCase struct {45 Arrange func(t *TD) // setup stage before the test46 Act func(t *TD) // the code you actually want to test47 Assert func(t *TD) // the outcomes you want to verify48 After func(t *TD) // clean-up steps49 deferrer.DefaultDeferrer // deferred steps that you want to run after clean-up50}51// Interface methods52func (tc *TestCase) ArrangeMethod(t *TD) {53 timedRun(tc.Arrange, t, constants.LifecycleArrange)54}55func (tc *TestCase) ActMethod(t *TD) {56 timedRun(tc.Act, t, constants.LifecycleAct)57}58func (tc *TestCase) AssertMethod(t *TD) {59 timedRun(tc.Assert, t, constants.LifecycleAssert)60}61func (tc *TestCase) AfterMethod(t *TD) {62 timedRun(tc.After, t, constants.LifecycleAfter)63}64// This method starts the test65// t is the interface for testing.T66// tc is the interface for testdeck test cases67// options is an optional parameter for passing in special test configurations68func Test(t TestingT, tc TestCaseDelegate, options ...TestConfig) *TD {69 // FIXME: currently tests cannot be run by matching name70 tagged, matched, actualName := runner.MatchTag(t.Name())71 // start timer72 start := time.Now()73 if runner.Initialized() {74 r := runner.Instance(nil)75 r.LogEvent(fmt.Sprintf("Instantiating: %s", actualName))76 }77 // initiate testdeck test case78 td := &TD{79 T: t,80 fatal: false,81 currentLifecycle: constants.LifecycleTestSetup, // start in the test setup step82 timings: make(map[string]constants.Timing),83 }84 // if test configurations struct was passed, config the settings85 if len(options) > 0 {86 if options[0].ParallelOff == false {87 td.T.Parallel()88 }89 } else {90 // if no configs were passed, turn on parallel by default91 td.T.Parallel()92 }93 // FIXME: currently tests cannot be run by matching name94 if tagged {95 if !matched {96 if runner.Initialized() {97 r := runner.Instance(nil)98 r.LogEvent("(match workaround) test not in tagged set; skipping")99 }100 return td101 }102 td.actualName = actualName103 }104 arrangeComplete := false105 // runs at the end of the test106 defer func() {107 end := time.Now()108 // clean up and set test to finished109 if !td.Skipped() || arrangeComplete {110 tc.AfterMethod(td)111 }112 td.currentLifecycle = constants.LifecycleTestFinished113 // add the final status so it is clear the test finished114 if len(td.statuses) == 0 {115 // no failure statuses, set passed116 td.setPassed()117 } else {118 // failure statuses, set failed119 td.setFailed(td.fatal)120 }121 // run deferred functions122 if d, ok := tc.(deferrer.Deferrer); ok {123 d.RunDeferred()124 }125 // save statistics to DB126 if runner.Initialized() {127 r := runner.Instance(nil)128 stats := td.makeStatistics(start, end)129 r.AddStatistics(stats)130 }131 }()132 tc.ArrangeMethod(td)133 arrangeComplete = true134 tc.ActMethod(td)135 tc.AssertMethod(td)136 return td137}138// -----139// Statistics140// -----141// Create a statistics struct for use in saving to DB later142func (c *TD) makeStatistics(start time.Time, end time.Time) *constants.Statistics {143 return &constants.Statistics{144 Name: c.Name(),145 Failed: c.Failed(),146 Fatal: c.fatal,147 Statuses: c.statuses,148 Timings: c.timings,149 Start: start,150 End: end,151 Duration: end.Sub(start),152 }153}154// Add result of PASSED lifecycle stage to stack155func (c *TD) setPassed() {156 status := constants.Status{157 Status: constants.StatusPass,158 Lifecycle: c.currentLifecycle,159 Fatal: false,160 }161 c.statuses = append(c.statuses, status)162}163// Add result of FAILED lifecycle stage to stack164func (c *TD) setFailed(fatal bool) {165 status := constants.Status{166 Status: constants.StatusFail,167 Lifecycle: c.currentLifecycle,168 Fatal: fatal,169 }170 c.statuses = append(c.statuses, status)171}172// Add result of SKIPPED lifecycle stage to stack173func (c *TD) setSkipped() {174 status := constants.Status{175 Status: constants.StatusSkip,176 Lifecycle: c.currentLifecycle,177 }178 c.statuses = append(c.statuses, status)179}180// timedRun executes fn and saves the lifecycle timing to the test case181// fn is the function to run182// t is the current test case183// lifecycle is the current test case step to save timing for184func timedRun(fn func(t *TD), t *TD, lifecycle string) {185 t.currentLifecycle = lifecycle186 timing := constants.Timing{187 Lifecycle: lifecycle,188 }189 timing.Start = time.Now()190 if fn != nil {191 timing.Started = true192 fn(t) // FIXME what if fn has a goexit (following code needs to be in defer)193 timing.Ended = true194 }195 timing.End = time.Now()196 timing.Duration = timing.End.Sub(timing.Start)197 t.timings[timing.Lifecycle] = timing198}199// -----200// CODE FROM THE GOLANG TESTING LIBRARY201// -----202// methods from testing.T203type TestingT interface {204 Error(args ...interface{})205 Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})206 Fail()207 FailNow()208 Failed() bool209 Fatal(args ...interface{})210 Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})211 Log(args ...interface{})212 Logf(format string, args ...interface{})213 Name() string214 Skip(args ...interface{})215 SkipNow()216 Skipf(format string, args ...interface{})217 Skipped() bool218 Helper()219 Parallel()220}221// Failed passes through to testing.T.Failed222func (c *TD) Failed() bool {223 return c.T.Failed()224}225// Log passes through to testing.T.Log226func (c *TD) Log(args ...interface{}) {227 c.T.Log(args...)228}229// Logf passes through to testing.T.Logf230func (c *TD) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {231 c.T.Logf(format, args...)232}233// Name passes through to testing.T.Name234func (c *TD) Name() string {235 // temporary workaround236 if c.actualName != "" {237 return c.actualName238 }239 return c.T.Name()240}241// Helper passes through to testing.T.Helper242func (c *TD) Helper() {243 c.T.Helper()244}245// Skipped passes through to testing.T.Skipped246func (c *TD) Skipped() bool {247 return c.T.Skipped()248}249// Fail passes through to testing.T.Fail250func (c *TD) Fail() {251 c.setFailed(false)252 c.T.Fail()253}254// Error passes through to testing.T.Error255func (c *TD) Error(args ...interface{}) {256 c.T.Helper()257 c.setFailed(false)258 c.T.Error(args...)259}260// Errorf passes through to testing.T.Errorf261func (c *TD) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {262 c.T.Helper()263 c.setFailed(false)264 c.T.Errorf(format, args...)265}266// Fatal passes through to testing.T.Fatal267func (c *TD) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {268 c.T.Helper()269 c.setFailed(true)270 c.fatal = true271 c.T.Fatal(args...)272}273// Fatalf passes through to testing.T.Fatalf274func (c *TD) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {275 c.T.Helper()276 c.setFailed(true)277 c.fatal = true278 c.T.Fatalf(format, args...)279}280// Skip passes through to testing.T.Skip281func (c *TD) Skip(args ...interface{}) {282 c.setSkipped()283 c.T.Skip(args...)284}285// Skipf passes through to testing.T.Skipf286func (c *TD) Skipf(format string, args ...interface{}) {287 c.setSkipped()288 c.T.Skipf(format, args...)289}290// SkipNow passes through to testing.T.SkipNow291func (c *TD) SkipNow() {292 c.setSkipped()293 c.T.SkipNow()294}295// FailNow passes through to testing.T.FailNow296func (c *TD) FailNow() {297 c.setFailed(true)298 c.fatal = true299 c.T.FailNow()300}301// Parallel passes through to testing.T.Parallel302func (c *TD) Parallel() {303 c.T.Parallel()304}305// Run passes through to testing.T.Run306func (tc *TestCase) Run(t *testing.T, name string) {307 // this method is just a wrapper, some tests might run Test() directly so you should not do anything else here!308 // any extra actions you want to do should be added to Test() instead because that method is run every time309 t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {310 // Redirect to Test() to execute testdeck test case311 Test(t, tc)312 })313}...

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1import (2func TestGinkgo(t *testing.T) {3 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)4 ginkgo.RunSpecs(t, "Ginkgo Suite")5}6var _ = ginkgo.Describe("Ginkgo", func() {7 ginkgo.It("should be able to skip a test", func() {8 result := &types.SpecResult{9 }10 result.SetSkipped()11 gomega.Expect(result.State).To(gomega.Equal(types.SpecStatePending))12 })13})14import (15func TestGinkgo(t *testing.T) {16 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)17 ginkgo.RunSpecs(t, "Ginkgo Suite")18}19var _ = ginkgo.Describe("Ginkgo", func() {20 ginkgo.It("should be able to skip a test", func() {21 result := &types.SpecResult{22 }23 result.SetSkipped()24 gomega.Expect(result.State).To(gomega.Equal(types.SpecStatePending))25 })26})27import (

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1import (2func main() {3 xlFile, err := xlsx.OpenFile(excelFileName)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 for _, sheet := range xlFile.Sheets {8 for _, row := range sheet.Rows {9 for _, cell := range row.Cells {10 text := cell.String()11 fmt.Printf("%s12 }13 }14 }15}

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1import (2func TestMain(m *testing.M) {3 fmt.Println("TestMain")4 m.Run()5}6func TestA(t *testing.T) {7 fmt.Println("TestA")8 t.SkipNow()9}10func TestB(t *testing.T) {11 fmt.Println("TestB")12}13func TestC(t *testing.T) {14 fmt.Println("TestC")15}16import (17func TestMain(m *testing.M) {18 fmt.Println("TestMain")19 m.Run()20}21func TestA(t *testing.T) {22 fmt.Println("TestA")23 t.Skip("Skip TestA")24}25func TestB(t *testing.T) {26 fmt.Println("TestB")27}28func TestC(t *testing.T) {29 fmt.Println("TestC")30}31--- SKIP: TestA (0.00s)32import (33func TestMain(m *testing.M) {34 fmt.Println("TestMain")35 m.Run()36}37func TestA(t *testing.T) {38 fmt.Println("TestA")39 t.Skipf("Skip TestA: %s", "Not implemented yet")40}41func TestB(t *testing.T) {42 fmt.Println("TestB")43}44func TestC(t *testing.T) {45 fmt.Println("TestC")46}47--- SKIP: TestA (0.00s)

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1import (2type TestSuite1 struct {3}4func (suite *TestSuite1) Test1() {5 suite.T().Log("Test1")6}7func (suite *TestSuite1) Test2() {8 suite.T().Log("Test2")9}10func (suite *TestSuite1) Test3() {11 suite.T().Log("Test3")12 suite.T().Fail()13}14func (suite *TestSuite1) Test4() {15 suite.T().Log("Test4")16 suite.T().SkipNow()17}18func (suite *TestSuite1) Test5() {19 suite.T().Log("Test5")20}21func (suite *TestSuite1) Test6() {22 suite.T().Log("Test6")23}24func (suite *TestSuite1) Test7() {25 suite.T().Log("Test7")26}27func TestTestSuite1(t *testing.T) {28 suite.Run(t, new(TestSuite1))29}30import (31type TestSuite2 struct {32}33func (suite *TestSuite2) Test1() {34 suite.T().Log("Test1")35}36func (suite *TestSuite2) Test2() {37 suite.T().Log("Test2")38}39func (suite *TestSuite2) Test3() {40 suite.T().Log("Test3")41 suite.T().Fail()42}43func (suite *TestSuite2) Test4() {44 suite.T().Log("Test4")45 suite.T().SkipNow()46}47func (suite *TestSuite2) Test5() {48 suite.T().Log("Test5")49}50func (suite *TestSuite2) Test6() {51 suite.T().Log("Test6")52}53func (suite *TestSuite2) Test7() {54 suite.T().Log("Test7")55}56func TestTestSuite2(t *testing.T) {57 suite.Run(t, new(TestSuite2))58}59import (

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1import (2type TestSuite struct {3}4func (suite *TestSuite) Test1() {5 suite.T().Log("Test1")6}7func (suite *TestSuite) Test2() {8 suite.T().Log("Test2")9 suite.T().Skip("Skipping test2")10}11func TestTestSuite(t *testing.T) {12 suite.Run(t, new(TestSuite))13}14--- PASS: TestTestSuite (0.00s)15 --- PASS: TestTestSuite/Test1 (0.00s)16--- SKIP: TestTestSuite (0.00s)17 --- SKIP: TestTestSuite/Test2 (0.00s)

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1result.SetSkipped("Skip test")2result.Skip("Skip test")3result.FailNow("Skip test")4result.Fail("Skip test")5result.Fatal("Skip test")6result.Error("Skip test")7result.Log("Skip test")8result.Logf("Skip test")9result.FailNow()10result.Fail()11result.Fatal()12result.Error()13result.Log()14result.Logf()15result.SkipNow()16result.Skip()17result.SkipNow()18result.Skip()19result.FailNow()20result.Fail()21result.Fatal()22result.Error()23result.Log()

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1func TestSkip(t *testing.T) {2 t.Skip("Skipping this test as it is not ready yet")3}4func TestInfo(t *testing.T) {5 t.Log("This test is marked as info")6}7func TestWarning(t *testing.T) {8 t.Log("This test is marked as warning")9}10func TestError(t *testing.T) {11 t.Error("This test is marked as error")12}13func TestFatal(t *testing.T) {14 t.Fatal("This test is marked as fatal")15}16func TestFail(t *testing.T) {17 t.Fail()18}19func TestFailNow(t *testing.T) {

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