How to use Map method of td Package

Best Go-testdeep code snippet using td.Map


Source:graphviz.go Github


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...96 dg := dot.NewGraph()97 depsSubgraph := dg.Subgraph("deps", dot.ClusterOption{})98 targetsSubgraph := depsSubgraph.Subgraph("targets", dot.ClusterOption{})99 targetNodes := make(map[*scpb.Target]dot.Node, len(p.Initial))100 targetIdxMap := make(map[*scpb.Target]int)101 for idx, n := range p.Initial {102 t := n.Target103 tn := targetsSubgraph.Node(strconv.Itoa(idx))104 tn.Attr("label", htmlLabel(t.Element()))105 tn.Attr("fontsize", "9")106 tn.Attr("shape", "none")107 targetNodes[t] = tn108 targetIdxMap[t] = idx109 }110 nodeNodes := make(map[*scpb.Node]dot.Node)111 _ = p.Graph.ForEachNode(func(n *scpb.Node) error {112 nodeNodes[n] = depsSubgraph.Node(targetStatusID(targetIdxMap[n.Target], n.Status))113 return nil114 })115 for _, n := range p.Initial {116 nn := nodeNodes[n]117 tn := targetNodes[n.Target]118 e := tn.Edge(nn)119 e.Label(n.Target.Direction.String())120 e.Dashed()121 }122 _ = p.Graph.ForEachEdge(func(e scgraph.Edge) error {123 from := nodeNodes[e.From()]124 to := nodeNodes[e.To()]125 ge := from.Edge(to)126 switch e := e.(type) {127 case *scgraph.OpEdge:128 ge.Attr("label", htmlLabel(e.Op()))129 ge.Attr("fontsize", "9")130 case *scgraph.DepEdge:131 ge.Attr("color", "red")132 }133 return nil134 })135 return dg, nil136}137func targetStatusID(targetID int, status scpb.Status) string {138 return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%s", targetID, status)139}140func htmlLabel(o interface{}) dot.HTML {141 var buf strings.Builder142 if err := objectTemplate.Execute(&buf, o); err != nil {143 panic(err)144 }145 return dot.HTML(buf.String())146}147// ToMap converts a struct to a map, field by field. If at any point a protobuf148// message is encountered, it is converted to a map using jsonpb to marshal it149// to json and then marshaling it back to a map. This approach allows zero150// values to be effectively omitted.151func ToMap(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {152 if v == nil {153 return nil, nil154 }155 if msg, ok := v.(protoutil.Message); ok {156 var buf bytes.Buffer157 jsonEncoder := jsonpb.Marshaler{EmitDefaults: false}158 if err := jsonEncoder.Marshal(&buf, msg); err != nil {159 return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "%T %v", v, v)160 }161 var m map[string]interface{}162 if err := json.NewDecoder(&buf).Decode(&m); err != nil {163 return nil, err164 }165 return m, nil166 }167 vv := reflect.ValueOf(v)168 vt := vv.Type()169 switch vt.Kind() {170 case reflect.Struct:171 case reflect.Ptr:172 if vt.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {173 return v, nil174 }175 vv = vv.Elem()176 vt = vt.Elem()177 default:178 return v, nil179 }180 m := make(map[string]interface{}, vt.NumField())181 for i := 0; i < vt.NumField(); i++ {182 vvf := vv.Field(i)183 if !vvf.CanInterface() || vvf.IsZero() {184 continue185 }186 var err error187 if m[vt.Field(i).Name], err = ToMap(vvf.Interface()); err != nil {188 return nil, err189 }190 }191 return m, nil192}193var objectTemplate = template.Must(template.New("obj").Funcs(template.FuncMap{194 "typeOf": func(v interface{}) string {195 return fmt.Sprintf("%T", v)196 },197 "isMap": func(v interface{}) bool {198 _, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})199 return ok200 },201 "isSlice": func(v interface{}) bool {202 vv := reflect.ValueOf(v)203 if !vv.IsValid() {204 return false205 }206 return vv.Kind() == reflect.Slice207 },208 "emptyMap": func(v interface{}) bool {209 m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})210 return ok && len(m) == 0211 },212 "emptySlice": func(v interface{}) bool {213 m, ok := v.([]interface{})214 return ok && len(m) == 0215 },216 "isStruct": func(v interface{}) bool {217 return reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v)).Kind() == reflect.Struct218 },219 "toMap": ToMap,220}).Parse(`221{{- define "key" -}}222<td>223{{- . -}}224</td>225{{- end -}}226{{- define "val" -}}227<td>228{{- if (isMap .) -}}229{{- template "mapVal" . -}}230{{- else if (isSlice .) -}}231{{- template "sliceVal" . -}}232{{- else if (isStruct .) -}}233<td>234{{- typeOf . -}}235</td>236<td>237{{- template "mapVal" (toMap .) -}}238</td>239{{- else -}}240{{- . -}}241{{- end -}}242</td>243{{- end -}}244{{- define "sliceVal" -}}245{{- if not (emptySlice .) -}}246<table class="val"><tr>247{{- range . -}}248{{- template "val" . -}}249{{- end -}}250</tr></table>251{{- end -}}252{{- end -}}253{{- define "mapVal" -}}254<table class="table">255{{- range $k, $v := . -}}256{{- if not (emptyMap $v) -}}257<tr>258{{- template "key" $k -}}259{{- if (isStruct $v) -}}260<td>261{{- typeOf . -}}262</td>263<td>264{{- template "mapVal" (toMap $v) -}}265</td>266{{- else -}}267{{- template "val" $v -}}268{{- end -}}269</tr>270{{- end -}}271{{- end -}}272</table>273{{- end -}}274{{- define "header" -}}275<tr><td class="header">276{{- typeOf . -}}277</td></tr>278{{- end -}}279<table class="outer">280{{- template "header" . -}}281<tr><td>282{{- template "mapVal" (toMap .) -}}283</td></tr>284</table>285`))...

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Source:trace.go Github


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...66 Offset time.Duration67 Tags string68}69func StdTrace(exporter event.Exporter) event.Exporter {70 return func(ctx context.Context, ev core.Event, lm label.Map) context.Context {71 span := export.GetSpan(ctx)72 if span == nil {73 return exporter(ctx, ev, lm)74 }75 switch {76 case event.IsStart(ev):77 if span.ParentID.IsValid() {78 region := trace.StartRegion(ctx, span.Name)79 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, traceKey, region)80 } else {81 var task *trace.Task82 ctx, task = trace.NewTask(ctx, span.Name)83 ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, traceKey, task)84 }85 // Log the start event as it may contain useful labels.86 msg := formatEvent(ctx, ev, lm)87 trace.Log(ctx, "start", msg)88 case event.IsLog(ev):89 category := ""90 if event.IsError(ev) {91 category = "error"92 }93 msg := formatEvent(ctx, ev, lm)94 trace.Log(ctx, category, msg)95 case event.IsEnd(ev):96 if v := ctx.Value(traceKey); v != nil {97 v.(interface{ End() }).End()98 }99 }100 return exporter(ctx, ev, lm)101 }102}103func formatEvent(ctx context.Context, ev core.Event, lm label.Map) string {104 buf := &bytes.Buffer{}105 p := export.Printer{}106 p.WriteEvent(buf, ev, lm)107 return buf.String()108}109func (t *traces) ProcessEvent(ctx context.Context, ev core.Event, lm label.Map) context.Context {110 defer span := export.GetSpan(ctx)113 if span == nil {114 return ctx115 }116 switch {117 case event.IsStart(ev):118 if t.sets == nil {119 t.sets = make(map[string]*traceSet)120 t.unfinished = make(map[export.SpanContext]*traceData)121 }122 // just starting, add it to the unfinished map123 td := &traceData{...

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Source:render.go Github


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...20 Session *scs.SessionManager21}22type TemplateData struct {23 IsAuthenticated bool24 IntMap map[string]int25 StringMap map[string]string26 FloatMap map[string]float3227 Data map[string]interface{}28 CSRFToken string29 Port string30 ServerName string31 Secure bool32 Error string33 Flash string34}35func (ren *Render) defaultData(td *TemplateData, r *http.Request) *TemplateData {36 td.Secure = ren.Secure37 td.ServerName = ren.ServerName38 td.CSRFToken = nosurf.Token(r)39 td.Port = ren.Port40 if ren.Session.Exists(r.Context(), "userID") {41 td.IsAuthenticated = true42 }43 td.Error = ren.Session.PopString(r.Context(), "error")44 td.Flash = ren.Session.PopString(r.Context(), "flash")45 return td46}47func (ren *Render) Page(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, view string, variables, data interface{}) error {48 switch strings.ToLower(ren.Renderer) {49 case "go":50 return ren.GoPage(rw, r, view, data)51 case "jet":52 return ren.JetPage(rw, r, view, variables, data)53 default:54 return errors.New("no rendering engine specify")55 }56}57// GoPage renders a standard Go template58func (ren *Render) GoPage(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, view string, data interface{}) error {59 tmpl, err := template.ParseFiles(fmt.Sprintf("%s/views/", ren.RootPath, view))60 if err != nil {61 return err62 }63 td := &TemplateData{}64 if data != nil {65 td = data.(*TemplateData)66 }67 err = tmpl.Execute(rw, &td)68 if err != nil {69 return err70 }71 return nil72}73// JetPage render the template using Jet templating engine74func (ren *Render) JetPage(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, templateName string, variables, data interface{}) error {75 var vars jet.VarMap76 if variables == nil {77 vars = make(jet.VarMap)78 } else {79 vars = variables.(jet.VarMap)80 }81 td := &TemplateData{}82 if data != nil {83 td = data.(*TemplateData)84 }85 td = ren.defaultData(td, r)86 t, err := ren.JetViews.GetTemplate(fmt.Sprintf("%s.jet", templateName))87 if err != nil {88 log.Println(err)89 return err90 }91 if err = t.Execute(rw, vars, td); err != nil {92 log.Println(err)93 return err...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type Vertex struct {3}4func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 {5 return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)6}7func (v *Vertex) Scale(f float64) {8}9func main() {10 v := Vertex{3, 4}11 v.Scale(10)12 fmt.Println(v.Abs())13}14import (15func (f MyFloat) Abs() float64 {16 if f < 0 {17 return float64(-f)18 }19 return float64(f)20}21func main() {22 f := MyFloat(-math.Sqrt2)23 fmt.Println(f.Abs())24}25import (26type Vertex struct {27}28func (v *Vertex) Abs() float64 {29 return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)30}31func AbsFunc(v Vertex) float64 {32 return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)33}34func main() {35 v := Vertex{3, 4}36 fmt.Println(v.Abs())37 fmt.Println(AbsFunc(v))38 p := &Vertex{4, 3}39 fmt.Println(p.Abs())40 fmt.Println(AbsFunc(*p))41}42import (43type I interface {44 M()45}46type T struct {47}48func (t *T) M() {49 fmt.Println(t.S)50}51func main() {52 var i I = &T{"Hello"}53 i.M()54}55import (56type I interface {57 M()58}59type T struct {60}61func (t *T) M() {62 fmt.Println(t.S)63}64func (f F) M() {65 fmt.Println(f)66}67func main() {68 i = &T{"Hello"}69 describe(i)70 i.M()71 i = F(math.Pi)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2type td struct {3}4func (t td) Map(f func(int) int) td {5 return td{f(t.x), f(t.y)}6}7func main() {8 t := td{3, 4}9 t2 := t.Map(func(i int) int {10 })11}12import "fmt"13type td struct {14}15func (t td) Map(f func(int) int) td {16 return td{f(t.x), f(t.y)}17}18func main() {19 t := td{3, 4}20 t2 := t.Map(func(i int) int {21 })22}23import "fmt"24type td struct {25}26func (t td) Map(f func(int) int) td {27 return td{f(t.x), f(t.y)}28}29func main() {30 t := td{3, 4}31 t2 := t.Map(func(i int) int {32 })33}34import "fmt"35type td struct {36}37func (t td) Map(f func(int) int) td {38 return td{f(t.x), f(t.y)}39}40func main() {41 t := td{3, 4}42 t2 := t.Map(func(i int) int {43 })44}45import "fmt"46type td struct {47}48func (t td) Map(f func(int) int) td {49 return td{f(t.x), f(t.y)}50}51func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2type td struct {3}4func (t td) Map(f func(int, int) int) int {5 return f(, t.two)6}7func main() {8 t := td{one: 1, two: 2}9 fmt.Println(t.Map(func(x, y int) int {10 }))11}12import "fmt"13type td struct {14}15func (t td) Map(f func(int, int) int) int {16 return f(, t.two)17}18func main() {19 t := td{one: 1, two: 2}20 fmt.Println(t.Map(func(x, y int) int {21 }))22}23import "fmt"24type td struct {25}26func (t td) Map(f func(int, int) int) int {27 return f(, t.two)28}29func main() {30 t := td{one: 1, two: 2}31 fmt.Println(t.Map(func(x, y int) int {32 }))33}34import "fmt"35type td struct {36}37func (t td) Map(f func(int, int) int) int {38 return f(, t.two)39}40func main() {41 t := td{one: 1, two: 2}42 fmt.Println(t.Map(func(x, y int) int {43 }))44}45import "fmt"46type td struct {47}48func (t td) Map(f func(int, int) int) int {49 return f(, t.two)50}51func main() {52 t := td{one: 1, two: 2}53 fmt.Println(t.Map(func(x, y int) int {54 }))55}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}4 m := make(map[int]int)5 m = td.Map(slice, func(i int) int {6 })7 fmt.Println(m)8}9import (10func main() {11 slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}12 s := make([]int, 0)13 s = td.Filter(slice, func(i int) bool {14 })15 fmt.Println(s)16}17import (18func main() {19 slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}20 s := td.Reduce(slice, func(a, b int) int {21 })22 fmt.Println(s)23}24import (25func main() {26 slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}27 s := td.Find(slice, func(i int) bool {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 s := []int{1, 2, 3}4 t := td.Map(s, func(x int) int {5 })6 fmt.Println(t)7}8import (9func main() {10 s := []int{1, 2, 3}11 t := td.Filter(s, func(x int) bool {12 })13 fmt.Println(t)14}15import (16func main() {17 s := []int{1, 2, 3}18 t := td.Reduce(s, func(x, y int) int {19 })20 fmt.Println(t)21}22import (23func main() {24 s := []int{1, 2, 3}25 t := td.Reduce(s, func(x, y int) int {26 })27 fmt.Println(t)28}29import (30func main() {31 s := []int{1, 2, 3}32 t := td.Reduce(s, func(x, y int) int {33 })34 fmt.Println(t)35}36import (37func main() {38 s := []int{1, 2, 3}39 t := td.Reduce(s, func(x, y int) int {40 })41 fmt.Println(t)42}43import (44func main() {45 s := []int{1, 2, 3}46 t := td.Reduce(s, func(x, y int) int {47 })

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type td struct {3}4func (t td) Map(f func(int) int) td {5 return td{f(, f(t.two)}6}7func main() {8 t := td{1, 2}9 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t))10 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).Kind())11 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).Kind() == reflect.Struct)12 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).Kind() == reflect.Struct)13 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).Name())14 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).PkgPath())15 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).String())16 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).Size())17 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).NumMethod())18 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).NumField())19 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).Field(0))20 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).Method(0))21 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map"))22 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Func)23 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type)24 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Index)25 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").PkgPath)26 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Name)27 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.NumIn())28 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.NumOut())29 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.In(0))30 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.Out(0))31 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.In(0).Kind())32 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.Out(0).Kind())33 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.In(0).String())34 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.Out(0).String())35 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.In(0).Size())36 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.Out(0).Size())37 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.In(0).NumMethod())38 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(t).MethodByName("Map").Type.Out(0).NumMethod())

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type td struct {3}4func (t td) Map() map[string]string {5}6func main() {7 t := td{M: map[string]string{"a": "b"}}8 v := reflect.ValueOf(t)9 m := v.MethodByName("Map").Call(nil)[0].Interface().(map[string]string)10 fmt.Println(m)11}12import (13type td struct {14}15func (t td) Map() map[string]string {16}17func main() {18 t := td{M: map[string]string{"a": "b"}}19 v := reflect.ValueOf(&t)20 m := v.MethodByName("Map").Call(nil)[0].Interface().(map[string]string)21 fmt.Println(m)22}23import (24type td struct {25}26func (t *td) Map() map[string]string {27}28func main() {29 t := &td{M: map[string]string{"a": "b"}}30 v := reflect.ValueOf(t)31 m := v.MethodByName("Map").Call(nil)[0].Interface().(map[string]string)32 fmt.Println(m)33}34import (35type td struct {36}37func (t *td) Map() map[string]string {38}39func main() {40 t := &td{M: map[string]string{"a": "b"}}41 v := reflect.ValueOf(&t)42 m := v.MethodByName("Map").Call(nil)[0].Interface().(map[string]string)43 fmt.Println(m)44}45import (46type td struct {47}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type td struct {3}4func (t *td) Map(f func(interface{}) interface{}) []interface{} {5}6func main() {7}8import (9type td struct {10}11func (t *td) Reduce(f func(interface{}, interface{}) interface{}, i interface{}) interface{} {12}13func main() {14}15import (16type td struct {17}18func (t *td) Filter(f func(interface{}) bool) []interface{} {19}20func main() {21}22import (23type td struct {24}25func (t *td) Append(f interface{}) {26}27func main() {28}29import (30type td struct {31}32func (t *td) Prepend(f interface{}) {33}34func main() {35}36import (

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