How to use fetch method of loader Package

Best K6 code snippet using loader.fetch


Source:dataloader.go Github


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...16 muPool sync.Pool17 waitGroupPool sync.Pool18 bufPairPool sync.Pool19 bufPairSlicePool sync.Pool20 fetcher *Fetcher21}22func (df *dataLoaderFactory) getWaitGroup() *sync.WaitGroup {23 return df.waitGroupPool.Get().(*sync.WaitGroup)24}25func (df *dataLoaderFactory) freeWaitGroup(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {26 df.waitGroupPool.Put(wg)27}28func (df *dataLoaderFactory) getBufPairSlicePool() *[]*BufPair {29 return df.bufPairSlicePool.Get().(*[]*BufPair)30}31func (df *dataLoaderFactory) freeBufPairSlice(slice *[]*BufPair) {32 for i := range *slice {33 df.freeBufPair((*slice)[i])34 }35 *slice = (*slice)[:0]36 df.bufPairSlicePool.Put(slice)37}38func (df *dataLoaderFactory) getBufPair() *BufPair {39 return df.bufPairPool.Get().(*BufPair)40}41func (df *dataLoaderFactory) freeBufPair(pair *BufPair) {42 pair.Data.Reset()43 pair.Errors.Reset()44 df.bufPairPool.Put(pair)45}46func (df *dataLoaderFactory) getMutex() *sync.Mutex {47 return df.muPool.Get().(*sync.Mutex)48}49func (df *dataLoaderFactory) freeMutex(mu *sync.Mutex) {50 df.muPool.Put(mu)51}52func newDataloaderFactory(fetcher *Fetcher) *dataLoaderFactory {53 return &dataLoaderFactory{54 muPool: sync.Pool{55 New: func() interface{} {56 return &sync.Mutex{}57 },58 },59 waitGroupPool: sync.Pool{60 New: func() interface{} {61 return &sync.WaitGroup{}62 },63 },64 bufPairPool: sync.Pool{65 New: func() interface{} {66 pair := BufPair{67 Data: fastbuffer.New(),68 Errors: fastbuffer.New(),69 }70 return &pair71 },72 },73 bufPairSlicePool: sync.Pool{74 New: func() interface{} {75 slice := make([]*BufPair, 0, 24)76 return &slice77 },78 },79 dataloaderPool: sync.Pool{80 New: func() interface{} {81 return &dataLoader{82 fetches: make(map[int]fetchState),83 inUseBufPair: make([]*BufPair, 0, 8),84 }85 },86 },87 fetcher: fetcher,88 }89}90// newDataLoader returns new instance of dataLoader.91// initialValue represents data from subscription, initialValue will be saved with initialValueID id and could be used92// for further fetches.93func (df *dataLoaderFactory) newDataLoader(initialValue []byte) *dataLoader {94 dataloader := df.dataloaderPool.Get().(*dataLoader)95 = df.getMutex()96 dataloader.resourceProvider = df97 dataloader.fetcher = df.fetcher98 if initialValue != nil {99 buf := dataloader.getResultBufPair()100 buf.Data.WriteBytes(initialValue)101 dataloader.fetches[initialValueID] = &batchFetchState{102 nextIdx: 0,103 fetchError: nil,104 results: []*BufPair{buf},105 }106 }107 return dataloader108}109func (df *dataLoaderFactory) freeDataLoader(d *dataLoader) {110 for _, pair := range d.inUseBufPair {111 d.resourceProvider.freeBufPair(pair)112 }113 d.resourceProvider.freeMutex( d.inUseBufPair = d.inUseBufPair[:0]115 d.fetches = nil116}117// dataLoader118type dataLoader struct {119 fetches map[int]fetchState120 mu *sync.Mutex121 fetcher *Fetcher122 resourceProvider *dataLoaderFactory123 inUseBufPair []*BufPair124}125// Load fetches concurrently data for all siblings.126func (d *dataLoader) Load(ctx *Context, fetch *SingleFetch, responsePair *BufPair) (err error) {127 var fetchResult fetchState128 var resultPair *BufPair129 fetchResult, ok := d.getFetchState(fetch.BufferId)130 if ok {131 resultPair, err = copyBufPair(responsePair, resultPair)133 return134 }135 fetchResult = &batchFetchState{}136 parentResult, ok := d.getFetchState(ctx.lastFetchID)137 if !ok { // it must be root query without subscription data138 buf := d.resourceProvider.getBufPair()139 defer d.resourceProvider.freeBufPair(buf)140 if err := fetch.InputTemplate.Render(ctx, nil, buf.Data); err != nil {141 return err142 }143 pair := d.getResultBufPair()144 err = d.fetcher.Fetch(ctx, fetch, buf.Data, pair)145 fetchResult = &singleFetchState{146 fetchErrors: []error{err},147 results: []*BufPair{pair},148 }149 d.setFetchState(fetchResult, fetch.BufferId)150 resultPair, err = copyBufPair(responsePair, resultPair)152 return153 }154 fetchParams, err := d.selectedDataForFetch(, ctx.responseElements...)155 if err != nil {156 return err157 }158 if fetchResult, err = d.resolveSingleFetch(ctx, fetch, fetchParams); err != nil {159 return err160 }161 d.setFetchState(fetchResult, fetch.BufferId)162 resultPair, err = copyBufPair(responsePair, resultPair)164 return165}166// LoadBatch builds and resolve batch request for all siblings.167func (d *dataLoader) LoadBatch(ctx *Context, batchFetch *BatchFetch, responsePair *BufPair) (err error) {168 var fetchResult fetchState169 var resultPair *BufPair170 fetchResult, ok := d.getFetchState(batchFetch.Fetch.BufferId)171 if ok {172 resultPair, err = copyBufPair(responsePair, resultPair)174 return175 }176 fetchResult = &batchFetchState{}177 parentResult, ok := d.getFetchState(ctx.lastFetchID)178 if !ok {179 return fmt.Errorf("has not got fetch for %d", ctx.lastFetchID)180 }181 fetchParams, err := d.selectedDataForFetch(, ctx.responseElements...)182 if err != nil {183 return err184 }185 if fetchResult, err = d.resolveBatchFetch(ctx, batchFetch, fetchParams); err != nil {186 return err187 }188 d.setFetchState(fetchResult, batchFetch.Fetch.BufferId)189 resultPair, err = copyBufPair(responsePair, resultPair)191 return192}193func (d *dataLoader) resolveBatchFetch(ctx *Context, batchFetch *BatchFetch, fetchParams [][]byte) (fetchState *batchFetchState, err error) {194 inputBufs := make([]*fastbuffer.FastBuffer, 0, len(fetchParams))195 bufSlice := d.resourceProvider.getBufPairSlicePool()196 defer d.resourceProvider.freeBufPairSlice(bufSlice)197 for i := range fetchParams {198 bufPair := d.resourceProvider.getBufPair()199 *bufSlice = append(*bufSlice, bufPair)200 if err := batchFetch.Fetch.InputTemplate.Render(ctx, fetchParams[i], bufPair.Data); err != nil {201 return nil, err202 }203 inputBufs = append(inputBufs, bufPair.Data)204 }205 outBuf := d.resourceProvider.getBufPair()206 *bufSlice = append(*bufSlice, outBuf)207 results := make([]*BufPair, len(inputBufs))208 for i := range inputBufs {209 results[i] = d.getResultBufPair()210 }211 fetchState = &batchFetchState{}212 if err = d.fetcher.FetchBatch(ctx, batchFetch, inputBufs, results); err != nil {213 fetchState.fetchError = err214 return fetchState, nil215 }216 fetchState.results = results217 return fetchState, nil218}219func (d *dataLoader) resolveSingleFetch(ctx *Context, fetch *SingleFetch, fetchParams [][]byte) (fetchState *singleFetchState, err error) {220 wg := d.resourceProvider.getWaitGroup()221 defer d.resourceProvider.freeWaitGroup(wg)222 wg.Add(len(fetchParams))223 type fetchResult struct {224 result *BufPair225 err error226 pos int227 }228 resultCh := make(chan fetchResult, len(fetchParams))229 bufSlice := d.resourceProvider.getBufPairSlicePool()230 defer d.resourceProvider.freeBufPairSlice(bufSlice)231 for i, val := range fetchParams {232 bufPair := d.resourceProvider.getBufPair()233 *bufSlice = append(*bufSlice, bufPair)234 if err := fetch.InputTemplate.Render(ctx, val, bufPair.Data); err != nil {235 return nil, err236 }237 pair := d.getResultBufPair()238 go func(pos int, pair *BufPair) {239 err := d.fetcher.Fetch(ctx, fetch, bufPair.Data, pair)240 resultCh <- fetchResult{result: pair, err: err, pos: pos}241 wg.Done()242 }(i, pair)243 }244 go func() {245 wg.Wait()246 close(resultCh)247 }()248 fetchState = &singleFetchState{249 fetchErrors: make([]error, len(fetchParams)),250 results: make([]*BufPair, len(fetchParams)),251 }252 for res := range resultCh {253 fetchState.fetchErrors[res.pos] = res.err254 fetchState.results[res.pos] = res.result255 }256 return fetchState, err257}258func (d *dataLoader) getFetchState(fetchID int) (batchState fetchState, ok bool) {259 defer batchState, ok = d.fetches[fetchID]262 return263}264func (d *dataLoader) setFetchState(batchState fetchState, fetchID int) {265 defer d.fetches[fetchID] = batchState268}269func (d *dataLoader) selectedDataForFetch(input [][]byte, path ...string) ([][]byte, error) {270 if len(path) == 0 {271 return input, nil272 }273 current, rest := path[0], path[1:]274 if current == arrayElementKey {275 return flatMap(input, func(val []byte) ([][]byte, error) {276 var vals [][]byte277 _, err := jsonparser.ArrayEach(val, func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {278 vals = append(vals, value)279 })280 if err != nil { // In case if array is null281 return nil, nil282 }283 return d.selectedDataForFetch(vals, rest...)284 })285 }286 temp := make([][]byte, 0, len(input))287 for i := range input {288 el, dataType, _, err := jsonparser.Get(input[i], current)289 if dataType == jsonparser.NotExist {290 // The input has an object that doesn't contain the path component.291 // This can happen in the following situation. Consider the292 // following query:293 //294 // {295 // someArrayWithInterfaceItem {296 // ... on A {297 // aField {298 // id299 // fieldFromAnotherService # <- this is federated300 // }301 // }302 // ... on B {303 // someOtherField304 // }305 // }306 // }307 //308 // The result after fetching someArrayWithInterfaceItem might be:309 // {310 // "data": {311 // "someArrayWithInterfaceItem": [312 // {"__typename": "A", "aField": {"id": 1}},313 // {"__typename": "B", "someOtherField": "hello"},314 // {"__typename": "A", "aField": {"id": 2}}315 // ]316 // }317 //318 // When resolving the fieldFromAnotherService field, we should319 // only look at the type "A" inputs, since those are the only320 // objects the someArrayWithInterfaceItem fetch applies to. In321 // other words, inputs without "aField" are skipped.322 continue323 }324 if err != nil {325 return nil, err326 }327 temp = append(temp, el)328 }329 return d.selectedDataForFetch(temp, rest...)330}331func (d *dataLoader) getResultBufPair() (pair *BufPair) {332 defer pair = d.resourceProvider.bufPairPool.Get().(*BufPair)335 d.inUseBufPair = append(d.inUseBufPair, pair)336 return337}338type fetchState interface {339 data() [][]byte340 next(ctx *Context) (*BufPair, error)341}342type batchFetchState struct {343 nextIdx int344 fetchError error345 results []*BufPair346}347func (b *batchFetchState) data() [][]byte {348 dataSlice := make([][]byte, len(b.results))349 for i := range b.results {350 if b.results[i] != nil && b.results[i].HasData() {351 dataSlice[i] = b.results[i].Data.Bytes()352 }353 }354 return dataSlice355}356// next works correctly only with synchronous resolve strategy357// In case of asynchronous resolve strategy it's required to compute response position based on values from ctx (current path)358// But there is no reason for asynchronous resolve strategy, it's not useful, as all IO operations (fetching data) is be done by dataloader359func (b *batchFetchState) next(ctx *Context) (*BufPair, error) {360 if b.fetchError != nil {361 return nil, b.fetchError362 }363 res := b.results[b.nextIdx]364 b.nextIdx++365 return res, nil366}367type singleFetchState struct {368 nextIdx int369 fetchErrors []error370 results []*BufPair371}372func (b *singleFetchState) data() [][]byte {373 dataSlice := make([][]byte, len(b.results))374 for i := range b.results {375 if b.results[i] != nil && b.results[i].HasData() {376 dataSlice[i] = b.results[i].Data.Bytes()377 }378 }379 return dataSlice380}381// next works correctly only with synchronous resolve strategy382// In case of asynchronous resolve strategy it's required to compute response position based on values from ctx (current path)383// But there is no reason for asynchronous resolve strategy, it's not useful, as all IO operations (fetching data) is be done by dataloader384func (b *singleFetchState) next(ctx *Context) (*BufPair, error) {385 if b.fetchErrors[b.nextIdx] != nil {386 return nil, b.fetchErrors[b.nextIdx]387 }388 res := b.results[b.nextIdx]389 b.nextIdx++390 return res, nil391}392func flatMap(input [][]byte, f func(val []byte) ([][]byte, error)) ([][]byte, error) {393 var result [][]byte394 for i := range input {395 mapRes, err := f(input[i])396 if err != nil {397 return nil, err398 }399 result = append(result, mapRes...)400 }...

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Source:content_fetcher_test.go Github


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...13 loader := NewMockContentLoader(ctrl)14 barFd := getFetchDefinitionMock(ctrl, loader, "/bar", nil, time.Millisecond*2, map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"})15 fooFd := getFetchDefinitionMock(ctrl, loader, "/foo", []*FetchDefinition{barFd}, time.Millisecond*2, map[string]interface{}{"bli": "bla"})16 bazzFd := getFetchDefinitionMock(ctrl, loader, "/bazz", []*FetchDefinition{barFd}, time.Millisecond, map[string]interface{}{})17 fetcher := NewContentFetcher(nil)18 fetcher.Loader = loader19 fetcher.AddFetchJob(fooFd)20 fetcher.AddFetchJob(bazzFd)21 results := fetcher.WaitForResults()22 a.Equal(3, len(results))23 a.Equal("/foo", results[0].Def.URL)24 a.Equal("/bazz", results[1].Def.URL)25 a.Equal("/bar", results[2].Def.URL)26 meta := fetcher.MetaJSON()27 a.Equal("bar", meta["foo"])28 a.Equal("bla", meta["bli"])29 a.False(fetcher.Empty())30}31func Test_ContentFetcher_Empty(t *testing.T) {32 ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)33 defer ctrl.Finish()34 a := assert.New(t)35 loader := NewMockContentLoader(ctrl)36 fetcher := NewContentFetcher(nil)37 fetcher.Loader = loader38 a.True(fetcher.Empty())39}40func Test_ContentFetcher_LazyDependencies(t *testing.T) {41 ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)42 defer ctrl.Finish()43 a := assert.New(t)44 loader := NewMockContentLoader(ctrl)45 parent := NewFetchDefinition("/parent")46 content := NewMockContent(ctrl)47 loader.EXPECT().48 Load(parent).49 Return(content, nil)50 content.EXPECT().51 RequiredContent().52 Return([]*FetchDefinition{})53 content.EXPECT().54 Meta().55 Return(nil)56 content.EXPECT().57 Dependencies().58 Return(map[string]Params{"child": Params{"foo": "bar"}})59 child := getFetchDefinitionMock(ctrl, loader, "/child", nil, time.Millisecond*2, nil)60 fetcher := NewContentFetcher(nil)61 fetcher.Loader = loader62 fetcher.SetFetchDefinitionFactory(func(name string, params Params) (fd *FetchDefinition, exist bool, err error) {63 a.Equal("child", name)64 a.Equal("bar", params["foo"])65 return child, true, nil66 })67 fetcher.AddFetchJob(parent)68 results := fetcher.WaitForResults()69 a.Equal(2, len(results))70 a.False(fetcher.Empty())71 a.Equal("/parent", results[0].Def.URL)72 a.Equal("/child", results[1].Def.URL)73}74func getFetchDefinitionMock(ctrl *gomock.Controller, loaderMock *MockContentLoader, url string, requiredContent []*FetchDefinition, loaderBlocking time.Duration, metaJSON map[string]interface{}) *FetchDefinition {75 fd := NewFetchDefinition(url)76 fd.Timeout = time.Second * 4277 content := NewMockContent(ctrl)78 content.EXPECT().79 RequiredContent().80 Return(requiredContent)81 content.EXPECT().82 Meta().83 Return(metaJSON)84 content.EXPECT().85 Dependencies().86 Return(map[string]Params{})87 loaderMock.EXPECT().88 Load(fd).89 Do(90 func(fetchDefinition *FetchDefinition) {91 time.Sleep(loaderBlocking)92 }).93 Return(content, nil)94 return fd95}96func Test_ContentFetchResultPrioritySort(t *testing.T) {97 a := assert.New(t)98 barFd := NewFetchDefinition("/bar").WithPriority(30)99 fooFd := NewFetchDefinition("/foo").WithPriority(10)100 bazzFd := NewFetchDefinition("/bazz").WithPriority(5)101 results := []*FetchResult{{Def: barFd}, {Def: fooFd}, {Def: bazzFd}}102 a.Equal(30, results[0].Def.Priority)103 a.Equal(10, results[1].Def.Priority)104 a.Equal(5, results[2].Def.Priority)105 sort.Sort(FetchResults(results))106 a.Equal(5, results[0].Def.Priority)107 a.Equal(10, results[1].Def.Priority)108 a.Equal(30, results[2].Def.Priority)109}110func Test_ContentFetcher_PriorityOrderAfterFetchCompletion(t *testing.T) {111 ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)112 defer ctrl.Finish()113 a := assert.New(t)114 loader := NewMockContentLoader(ctrl)115 barFd := getFetchDefinitionMock(ctrl, loader, "/bar", nil, time.Millisecond*2, map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"})116 barFd.Priority = 1024117 fooFd := getFetchDefinitionMock(ctrl, loader, "/foo", nil, time.Millisecond*2, map[string]interface{}{"bli": "bla"})118 fooFd.Priority = 211119 bazzFd := getFetchDefinitionMock(ctrl, loader, "/bazz", nil, time.Millisecond, map[string]interface{}{})120 bazzFd.Priority = 412121 fetcher := NewContentFetcher(nil)122 fetcher.Loader = loader123 fetcher.AddFetchJob(barFd)124 fetcher.AddFetchJob(fooFd)125 fetcher.AddFetchJob(bazzFd)126 results := fetcher.WaitForResults()127 a.Equal(211, results[0].Def.Priority)128 a.Equal(412, results[1].Def.Priority)129 a.Equal(1024, results[2].Def.Priority)130}...

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Source:alertloader.go Github


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...17 p.alertLoader = newLoader(ctx, loaderConfig{18 Max: 100,19 Delay: time.Millisecond,20 IDFunc: func(v interface{}) string { return strconv.Itoa(v.(*alert.Alert).ID) },21 FetchFunc: p.fetchAlerts,22 })23 p.stateLoader = newLoader(ctx, loaderConfig{24 Max: 100,25 Delay: time.Millisecond,26 IDFunc: func(v interface{}) string { return strconv.Itoa(v.(*alert.State).AlertID) },27 FetchFunc: p.fetchAlertsState,28 })29 return p30}31func (l *AlertLoader) Close() error {32 l.alertLoader.Close()33 l.stateLoader.Close()34 return nil35}36func (l *AlertLoader) FetchOneAlert(ctx context.Context, id int) (*alert.Alert, error) {37 v, err := l.alertLoader.FetchOne(ctx, strconv.Itoa(id))38 if err != nil {39 return nil, err40 }41 if v == nil {42 return nil, err43 }44 return v.(*alert.Alert), nil45}46func (l *AlertLoader) FetchOneAlertState(ctx context.Context, alertID int) (*alert.State, error) {47 v, err := l.stateLoader.FetchOne(ctx, strconv.Itoa(alertID))48 if err != nil {49 return nil, err50 }51 if v == nil {52 return nil, err53 }54 return v.(*alert.State), nil55}56func (l *AlertLoader) fetchAlerts(ctx context.Context, ids []string) ([]interface{}, error) {57 intIDs := make([]int, len(ids))58 for i, id := range ids {59 intIDs[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(id)60 }61 many, err :=, intIDs)62 if err != nil {63 return nil, err64 }65 res := make([]interface{}, len(many))66 for i := range many {67 res[i] = &many[i]68 }69 return res, nil70}71func (l *AlertLoader) fetchAlertsState(ctx context.Context, ids []string) ([]interface{}, error) {72 intIDs := make([]int, len(ids))73 for i, id := range ids {74 intIDs[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(id)75 }76 many, err :=, intIDs)77 if err != nil {78 return nil, err79 }80 res := make([]interface{}, len(many))81 for i := range many {82 res[i] = &many[i]83 }84 return res, nil85}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 for _, url := range os.Args[1:] {4 resp, err := http.Get(url)5 if err != nil {6 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fetch: %v7 os.Exit(1)8 }9 b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)10 resp.Body.Close()11 if err != nil {12 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fetch: reading %s: %v13 os.Exit(1)14 }15 fmt.Printf("%s", b)16 }17}

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 panic(err)5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 fmt.Println("Response status:", resp.Status)8}9import (10func main() {11 var jsonStr = []byte(`{"title":"Buy cheese and bread for breakfast."}`)12 req.Header.Set("X-Custom-Header", "myvalue")13 req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")14 client := &http.Client{}15 resp, err := client.Do(req)16 if err != nil {17 panic(err)18 }19 defer resp.Body.Close()20 fmt.Println("response Status:", resp.Status)21 fmt.Println("response Headers:", resp.Header)22 body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)23 fmt.Println("response Body:", string(body))24}25response Headers: map[Content-Type:[application/json; charset=utf-8] Date:[Thu, 19 Apr 2018 09:13:45 GMT] Content-Length:[50]]26response Body: {"id":1,"title":"Buy cheese and bread for breakfast."}27import (28func main() {29 if err != nil {30 panic(err)31 }32 fmt.Println("Response Headers:", resp.Header)33}34Response Headers: map[Content-Type:[text/html; charset=utf-8] Date:[Thu, 19 Apr 2018 09:19:14 GMT] Content-Length:[0]]35import (

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println("Error in getting response")5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Println("Error in reading response")10 }11 fmt.Println(string(body))12}

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1import;2import;3import java.lang.reflect.Method;4import;5import;6import;7import;8import;9public class 1 {10 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {11 File jarFile = new File("loader.jar");12 if (!jarFile.exists()) {13 jarFile.createNewFile();14 InputStream in = 1.class.getResourceAsStream("/loader.jar");15 OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(jarFile);16 byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];17 int length;18 while ((length = > 0) {19 out.write(buffer, 0, length);20 }21 in.close();22 out.close();23 }24 URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { jarFile.toURI().toURL() });25 Class<?> c = loader.loadClass("loader");26 Method method = c.getMethod("fetch");27 method.invoke(c.newInstance());28 }29}30import;31import;32import;33import;34import;35public class loader {36 public static void fetch() throws IOException {37 URLConnection con = url.openConnection();38 BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(39 new InputStreamReader(40 con.getInputStream()));41 String inputLine;42 while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) 43 System.out.println(inputLine);44 in.close();45 }46}47I have a Java application that I want to distribute as a single jar file. I have a number of dependencies that I would like to include in the jar file. I have been looking at the Java Service Launcher (JSVC) that allows me to create a service out of a Java application. I have also looked at the Apache Commons Daemon project. It seems like both of these projects could be used to create a single jar file that would include all the dependencies. The problem is that I can't figure out how to invoke the main method of the Java application. I would like to be able to run it as a service or a stand-alone application. Is there a way to do this using JSVC or Apache Commons Daemon? If not, are there any other tools that would allow me to do this?

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1public class Test{2 public static void main(String[] args){3 try{4 Class c = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass("Hello");5 System.out.println(c);6 }catch(Exception e){7 System.out.println(e);8 }9 }10}11public class Test{12 public static void main(String[] args){13 try{14 Class c = Class.forName("Hello");15 System.out.println(c);16 }catch(Exception e){17 System.out.println(e);18 }19 }20}21public class Test{22 public static void main(String[] args){23 try{24 Class c = Class.forName("Hello", true, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());25 System.out.println(c);26 }catch(Exception e){27 System.out.println(e);28 }29 }30}31public class Test{32 public static void main(String[] args){33 try{34 Class c = Class.forName("Hello", true, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());35 System.out.println(c);36 }catch(Exception e){37 System.out.println(e);38 }39 }40}41public class Test{42 public static void main(String[] args){43 try{44 Class c = Class.forName("Hello", true, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());45 System.out.println(c);46 }catch(Exception e){47 System.out.println(e);48 }49 }50}51public class Test{52 public static void main(String[] args){53 try{54 Class c = Class.forName("Hello", true, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());55 System.out.println(c);56 }catch(Exception e){57 System.out.println(e);58 }59 }60}61public class Test{62 public static void main(String[] args){63 try{64 Class c = Class.forName("Hello", true, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());

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1import (2func main() {3 loader := new(Loader)4 loader.fetch()5}6import (7func main() {8 loader := new(Loader)9 loader.fetch()10}11import (12func main() {13 loader := new(Loader)14 loader.fetch()15}16import (17func main() {18 loader := new(Loader)19 loader.fetch()20}21import (22func main() {23 loader := new(Loader)24 loader.fetch()25}26import (27func main() {28 loader := new(Loader)29 loader.fetch()30}31import (32func main() {33 loader := new(Loader)34 loader.fetch()35}36import (37func main() {38 loader := new(Loader)39 loader.fetch()40}41import (42func main() {43 loader := new(Loader)44 loader.fetch()45}46import (47func main() {48 loader := new(Loader)49 loader.fetch()50}

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1import (2func main() {3 resp, err := http.Get(url)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 defer resp.Body.Close()9 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)10 if err != nil {11 fmt.Println(err)12 os.Exit(1)13 }14 fmt.Println(string(body))15}16import (17func main() {18 resp, err := http.Get(url)19 if err != nil {20 fmt.Println(err)21 os.Exit(1)22 }23 defer resp.Body.Close()24 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)25 if err != nil {26 fmt.Println(err)27 os.Exit(1)28 }29 fmt.Println(string(body))30}31import (32func main() {33 resp, err := http.Get(url)34 if err != nil {35 fmt.Println(err)36 os.Exit(1)37 }38 defer resp.Body.Close()39 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)40 if err != nil {41 fmt.Println(err)42 os.Exit(1)43 }44 fmt.Println(string(body))45}46import (47func main() {48 resp, err := http.Get(url)49 if err != nil {50 fmt.Println(err)51 os.Exit(1

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1import (2func main() {3 l := &loader{}4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 fmt.Println(string(content))8}9import (10func main() {11 l := &loader{}12 if err != nil {13 fmt.Println(err)14 }15 fmt.Println(string(content))16}17import (18func main() {19 l := &loader{}20 if err != nil {21 fmt.Println(err)22 }23 fmt.Println(string(content))24}25import (26func main() {27 l := &loader{}28 if err != nil {29 fmt.Println(err)30 }31 fmt.Println(string(content))32}33import (34func main() {

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1import (2func main() {3 content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("test.txt")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 fmt.Println("Content of the file:")8 fmt.Printf("%s", content)9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 }6 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)7 if err != nil {8 fmt.Println(err)9 }10 str := string(body)11 split := strings.Split(str, " ")12 fmt.Println(split[1])13}

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