How to use Format method of metrics Package

Best K6 code snippet using metrics.Format


Source:metrics.go Github


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...40 Subsystem: "state",41 Name: "height",42 Help: "Current ledger height",43 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},44 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",45 }46 CommitDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{47 Namespace: "gossip",48 Subsystem: "state",49 Name: "commit_duration",50 Help: "Time it takes to commit a block in seconds",51 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},52 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",53 }54 PayloadBufferSizeOpts = metrics.GaugeOpts{55 Namespace: "gossip",56 Subsystem: "payload_buffer",57 Name: "size",58 Help: "Size of the payload buffer",59 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},60 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",61 }62)63// ElectionMetrics encapsulates gossip leader election related metrics64type ElectionMetrics struct {65 Declaration metrics.Gauge66}67func newElectionMetrics(p metrics.Provider) *ElectionMetrics {68 return &ElectionMetrics{69 Declaration: p.NewGauge(LeaderDeclerationOpts),70 }71}72var (73 LeaderDeclerationOpts = metrics.GaugeOpts{74 Namespace: "gossip",75 Subsystem: "leader_election",76 Name: "leader",77 Help: "Peer is leader (1) or follower (0)",78 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},79 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",80 }81)82// CommMetrics encapsulates gossip communication related metrics83type CommMetrics struct {84 SentMessages metrics.Counter85 BufferOverflow metrics.Counter86 ReceivedMessages metrics.Counter87}88func newCommMetrics(p metrics.Provider) *CommMetrics {89 return &CommMetrics{90 SentMessages: p.NewCounter(SentMessagesOpts),91 BufferOverflow: p.NewCounter(BufferOverflowOpts),92 ReceivedMessages: p.NewCounter(ReceivedMessagesOpts),93 }94}95var (96 SentMessagesOpts = metrics.CounterOpts{97 Namespace: "gossip",98 Subsystem: "comm",99 Name: "messages_sent",100 Help: "Number of messages sent",101 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}",102 }103 BufferOverflowOpts = metrics.CounterOpts{104 Namespace: "gossip",105 Subsystem: "comm",106 Name: "overflow_count",107 Help: "Number of outgoing queue buffer overflows",108 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}",109 }110 ReceivedMessagesOpts = metrics.CounterOpts{111 Namespace: "gossip",112 Subsystem: "comm",113 Name: "messages_received",114 Help: "Number of messages received",115 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}",116 }117)118// MembershipMetrics encapsulates gossip channel membership related metrics119type MembershipMetrics struct {120 Total metrics.Gauge121}122func newMembershipMetrics(p metrics.Provider) *MembershipMetrics {123 return &MembershipMetrics{124 Total: p.NewGauge(TotalOpts),125 }126}127var (128 TotalOpts = metrics.GaugeOpts{129 Namespace: "gossip",130 Subsystem: "membership",131 Name: "total_peers_known",132 Help: "Total known peers",133 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},134 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",135 }136)137// PrivdataMetrics encapsulates gossip private data related metrics138type PrivdataMetrics struct {139 ValidationDuration metrics.Histogram140 ListMissingPrivateDataDuration metrics.Histogram141 FetchDuration metrics.Histogram142 CommitPrivateDataDuration metrics.Histogram143 PurgeDuration metrics.Histogram144 SendDuration metrics.Histogram145 ReconciliationDuration metrics.Histogram146 PullDuration metrics.Histogram147 RetrieveDuration metrics.Histogram148}149func newPrivdataMetrics(p metrics.Provider) *PrivdataMetrics {150 return &PrivdataMetrics{151 ValidationDuration: p.NewHistogram(ValidationDurationOpts),152 ListMissingPrivateDataDuration: p.NewHistogram(ListMissingPrivateDataDurationOpts),153 FetchDuration: p.NewHistogram(FetchDurationOpts),154 CommitPrivateDataDuration: p.NewHistogram(CommitPrivateDataDurationOpts),155 PurgeDuration: p.NewHistogram(PurgeDurationOpts),156 SendDuration: p.NewHistogram(SendDurationOpts),157 ReconciliationDuration: p.NewHistogram(ReconciliationDurationOpts),158 PullDuration: p.NewHistogram(PullDurationOpts),159 RetrieveDuration: p.NewHistogram(RetrieveDurationOpts),160 }161}162var (163 ValidationDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{164 Namespace: "gossip",165 Subsystem: "privdata",166 Name: "validation_duration",167 Help: "Time it takes to validate a block (in seconds)",168 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},169 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",170 }171 ListMissingPrivateDataDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{172 Namespace: "gossip",173 Subsystem: "privdata",174 Name: "list_missing_duration",175 Help: "Time it takes to list the missing private data (in seconds)",176 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},177 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",178 }179 FetchDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{180 Namespace: "gossip",181 Subsystem: "privdata",182 Name: "fetch_duration",183 Help: "Time it takes to fetch missing private data from peers (in seconds)",184 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},185 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",186 }187 CommitPrivateDataDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{188 Namespace: "gossip",189 Subsystem: "privdata",190 Name: "commit_block_duration",191 Help: "Time it takes to commit private data and the corresponding block (in seconds)",192 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},193 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",194 }195 PurgeDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{196 Namespace: "gossip",197 Subsystem: "privdata",198 Name: "purge_duration",199 Help: "Time it takes to purge private data (in seconds)",200 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},201 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",202 }203 SendDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{204 Namespace: "gossip",205 Subsystem: "privdata",206 Name: "send_duration",207 Help: "Time it takes to send a missing private data element (in seconds)",208 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},209 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",210 }211 ReconciliationDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{212 Namespace: "gossip",213 Subsystem: "privdata",214 Name: "reconciliation_duration",215 Help: "Time it takes for reconciliation to complete (in seconds)",216 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},217 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",218 }219 PullDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{220 Namespace: "gossip",221 Subsystem: "privdata",222 Name: "pull_duration",223 Help: "Time it takes to pull a missing private data element (in seconds)",224 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},225 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",226 }227 RetrieveDurationOpts = metrics.HistogramOpts{228 Namespace: "gossip",229 Subsystem: "privdata",230 Name: "retrieve_duration",231 Help: "Time it takes to retrieve missing private data elements from the ledger (in seconds)",232 LabelNames: []string{"channel"},233 StatsdFormat: "%{#fqname}.%{channel}",234 }235)...

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Source:metricshelper.go Github


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...22// PushMetricsData is a helper function that is similar to ConsumeMetricsData but also returns23// the number of dropped metrics.24type PushMetricsData func(ctx context.Context, td data.MetricsData) (droppedMetrics int, err error)25type metricsExporter struct {26 exporterFormat string27 pushMetricsData PushMetricsData28}29var _ (exporter.MetricsExporter) = (*metricsExporter)(nil)30func (me *metricsExporter) MetricsExportFormat() string {31 return me.exporterFormat32}33func (me *metricsExporter) ConsumeMetricsData(ctx context.Context, md data.MetricsData) error {34 exporterCtx := observability.ContextWithExporterName(ctx, me.exporterFormat)35 _, err := me.pushMetricsData(exporterCtx, md)36 return err37}38// NewMetricsExporter creates an MetricsExporter that can record metrics and can wrap every request with a Span.39// If no options are passed it just adds the exporter format as a tag in the Context.40// TODO: Add support for recordMetrics.41// TODO: Add support for retries.42func NewMetricsExporter(exporterFormat string, pushMetricsData PushMetricsData, options ...ExporterOption) (exporter.MetricsExporter, error) {43 if exporterFormat == "" {44 return nil, errEmptyExporterFormat45 }46 if pushMetricsData == nil {47 return nil, errNilPushMetricsData48 }49 opts := newExporterOptions(options...)50 if opts.spanName != "" {51 pushMetricsData = pushMetricsDataWithSpan(pushMetricsData, opts.spanName)52 }53 return &metricsExporter{54 exporterFormat: exporterFormat,55 pushMetricsData: pushMetricsData,56 }, nil57}58func pushMetricsDataWithSpan(next PushMetricsData, spanName string) PushMetricsData {59 return func(ctx context.Context, md data.MetricsData) (int, error) {60 ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, spanName)61 defer span.End()62 // Call next stage.63 droppedMetrics, err := next(ctx, md)64 if span.IsRecordingEvents() {65 span.AddAttributes(66 trace.Int64Attribute(numReceivedMetricsAttribute, int64(len(md.Metrics))),67 trace.Int64Attribute(numDroppedMetricsAttribute, int64(droppedMetrics)),68 )...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2var (3 counter = promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{4 })5 gauge = promauto.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{6 })7 histogram = promauto.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{8 })9func main() {10 log.Println("Starting server")11 http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())12 go func() {13 log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":2112", nil))14 }()15 c := cron.New()16 c.AddFunc("@every 5s", func() {17 counter.Add(1)18 gauge.Add(1)19 histogram.Observe(1)20 })21 c.Start()22 fmt.Println("Press Ctrl+C to stop...")23 select {}24}25net/http.(*conn).serve.func1(0xc0000a0a00)26panic(0x4c0e00, 0x6c4b90)*Registry).Gather(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 m := metrics.NewMeter()4 m.Mark(47)5 fmt.Println(metrics.DefaultRegistry)6 fmt.Println(metrics.DefaultRegistry.Get("meter"))7 fmt.Println(metrics.DefaultRegistry

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1import (2func main() {3 counter := metrics.NewCounter()4 metrics.Register("counter", counter)5 counter.Inc(5)6 fmt.Println("Counter: ", metrics.Get("counter"))7 gauge := metrics.NewGauge()8 metrics.Register("gauge", gauge)9 gauge.Update(10)10 fmt.Println("Gauge: ", metrics.Get("gauge"))11 histogram := metrics.NewHistogram(metrics.NewUniformSample(100))12 metrics.Register("histogram", histogram)13 histogram.Update(1)14 fmt.Println("Histogram: ", metrics.Get("histogram"))15 meter := metrics.NewMeter()16 metrics.Register("meter", meter)17 meter.Mark(1)18 fmt.Println("Meter: ", metrics.Get("meter"))19 timer := metrics.NewTimer()20 metrics.Register("timer", timer)21 timer.Update(1)22 fmt.Println("Timer: ", metrics.Get("timer"))23 fmt.Println(metrics.DefaultRegistry)24}25Histogram: {1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}26Meter: {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}27Timer: {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}28{counter: 5, gauge: 10, histogram: {1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}, meter: {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}, timer: {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 summary := prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{4 })5 prometheus.MustRegister(summary)6 summary.Observe(10)7 summary.Observe(20)8 summary.Observe(30)9 prometheus.Unregister(summary)10 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")11}12my_summary{quantile="0.5"} 2013my_summary{quantile="0.9"} 3014my_summary{quantile="0.99"} 3015import (16func main() {17 histogram := prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{18 Buckets: []float64{.25, .5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10},19 })

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(prometheus.BuildFQName("namespace","subsystem","metricname"))4}5import (6func main() {7 counterVec := prometheus.NewCounterVec(8 prometheus.CounterOpts{9 },10 []string{"code", "method"},11 prometheus.MustRegister(counterVec)12 counterVec.WithLabelValues("200", "GET").Inc()13 counterVec.WithLabelValues("500", "POST").Inc()14 counterVec.WithLabelValues("200", "GET").Inc()15 counterVec.WithLabelValues("200", "GET").Inc()16 fmt.Println("The values of the counters are:")17 for _, metric := range counterVec.MetricVec.Metrics {18 fmt.Println(metric)19 }20}21import (22func main() {23 gaugeVec := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(24 prometheus.GaugeOpts{25 },26 []string{"code", "method"},27 prometheus.MustRegister(gaugeVec)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 myGauge := prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{5 })6 myGauge.Set(42)7 fmt.Println(prometheus.DefaultGatherer.Format(myGauge))8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")12 myGauge := prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{13 })14 myGauge.Set(42)15 prometheus.MustRegister(myGauge)16 http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())17 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")22 myGauge := prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{23 })24 myGauge.Set(42)25 prometheus.MustRegister(myGauge)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("1.go")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 formatted, err := format.Source(file)8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatal(err)10 }11 if err := ioutil.WriteFile("1.go", formatted, 0644); err != nil {12 log.Fatal(err)13 }14}15import (16func main() {17 file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("2.go")18 if err != nil {19 log.Fatal(err)20 }21 formatted, err := format.Source(file)22 if err != nil {23 log.Fatal(err)24 }25 if err := ioutil.WriteFile("2.go", formatted, 0644); err != nil {26 log.Fatal(err)27 }28}29import (30func main() {31 file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("3.go")32 if err != nil {33 log.Fatal(err)34 }35 formatted, err := format.Source(file)36 if err != nil {37 log.Fatal(err)38 }39 if err := ioutil.WriteFile("3.go", formatted, 0644); err != nil {40 log.Fatal(err)41 }42}43import (44func main() {45 file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("4.go")46 if err != nil {47 log.Fatal(err)48 }49 formatted, err := format.Source(file)50 if err != nil {51 log.Fatal(err)52 }53 if err := ioutil.WriteFile("4.go", formatted, 0644); err != nil {

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1import ""2func main() {3 r := metrics.NewRegistry()4 c := metrics.NewCounter()5 r.Register("counter", c)6 c.Inc(1)7 metrics.WriteOnce(r, os.Stdout)8}9import (10func main() {11 r := metrics.NewRegistry()12 c := metrics.NewCounter()13 r.Register("counter", c)14 c.Inc(1)15 fmt.Println("Metrics:", metrics.Format(r))16}17import (18func main() {19 r := metrics.NewRegistry()20 c := metrics.NewCounter()21 r.Register("counter", c)22 c.Inc(1)23 fmt.Println("Metrics:", metrics.Format(r))24}25import (26func main() {27 r := metrics.NewRegistry()28 c := metrics.NewCounter()29 r.Register("counter", c)30 c.Inc(1)31 fmt.Println("Metrics:", metrics.Format(r))32}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 metrics := metrics.NewRegistry()4 counter := metrics.NewCounter()5 counter.Inc(1)6 fmt.Println(counter.Count())7}8import (9func main() {10 metrics := metrics.NewRegistry()11 counter := metrics.NewCounter()12 counter.Inc(1)13 fmt.Println(metrics.GetMetrics())14}15import (16func main() {17 metrics := metrics.NewRegistry()18 counter := metrics.NewCounter()19 counter.Inc(1)20 fmt.Println(metrics.GetMetricSet("Counter"))21}22import (23func main() {24 metrics := metrics.NewRegistry()25 counter := metrics.NewCounter()26 counter.Inc(1)27 fmt.Println(metrics.GetSnapshot())28}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 p, err := process.NewProcess(1)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 fmt.Println(p.Format("process.memory.rss"))8}

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