How to use UnmarshalText method of metrics Package

Best K6 code snippet using metrics.UnmarshalText


Source:config.go Github


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...70 return Key{}, err71 }72 return Key(key), nil73}74// UnmarshalText decodes a byte array of private key to the Key. If text is invalid WireGuard key, UnmarshalText returns an error.75func (k *Key) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {76 key, err := wgtypes.ParseKey(string(text))77 if err != nil {78 return err79 }80 copy(k[:], key[:])81 return nil82}83// MarshalText encodes Key to an array of bytes.84func (k *Key) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {85 return []byte(k.String()), nil86}87// AsWgKey converts Key back to wgtypes.Key.88func (k *Key) AsWgKey() *wgtypes.Key {89 key, _ := wgtypes.NewKey(k[:])90 return &key91}92// AsHexString returns hexadecimal encoding of Key.93func (k *Key) AsHexString() string {94 return hex.EncodeToString(k[:])95}96// String returns string representation of Key.97func (k Key) String() string {98 return k.AsWgKey().String()99}100// UnmarshalText converts a byte array into UDPAddr. UnmarshalText returns error if the format is invalid (not "ip" or "ip:port"), IP address specified is invalid, or the port is not a 16-bit unsigned integer.101func (a *UDPAddr) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {102 h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(string(text))103 if err != nil {104 h = string(text)105 p = arcServerEndpointDefaultPort106 }107 var ip net.IP108 ip = net.ParseIP(h)109 if ip == nil {110 ips, err := net.LookupIP(h)111 if err != nil || len(ips) < 1 {112 return fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint \"%s\": %s", h, err)113 }114 ip = ips[0]115 }116 port, err := strconv.Atoi(p)117 if err != nil || port < 0 || port > 65535 {118 return fmt.Errorf("invalid serverEndpoint port number: %s, it should be a 16-bit unsigned integer", p)119 }120 a.IP, a.Port = ip, port121 a.RawEndpoint = text122 return nil123}124// MarshalText converts struct to a string.125func (a *UDPAddr) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {126 if len(a.RawEndpoint) <= 0 {127 return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", a.IP, a.Port)), nil128 }129 return a.RawEndpoint, nil130}131// UnmarshalText converts a byte array into IPNet. UnmarshalText returns error if invalid CIDR is provided.132func (n *IPNet) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {133 _, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(string(text))134 if err != nil {135 return err136 }137 n.IP, n.Mask = ipnet.IP, ipnet.Mask138 return nil139}140// MarshalText converts struct to a string.141func (n *IPNet) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {142 prefix, _ := n.Mask.Size()143 return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", n.IP, prefix)), nil144}145// MarshalJSON converts struct to JSON, omitting ArcClientPeerPrivateKey field which is redundant for configuration file.146func (a *ArcSession) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {...

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Source:subgroupType_test.go Github


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...103 So(string(b), ShouldEqual, "Unknown")104 })105 })106}107func (r *subgroupTypeSuite) TestSubgroupType_UnmarshalText() {108 Convey("Given a Subgroup type", r.T(), func() {109 Convey("Went its function String() it's OK ", func() {110 code, err := r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("General"))111 So(err, ShouldBeNil)112 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupGeneral)113 code, err = r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("DiscoveryService"))114 So(err, ShouldBeNil)115 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupDiscoveryService)116 code, err = r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("BrokerService"))117 So(err, ShouldBeNil)118 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupBrokerService)119 code, err = r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("CircuitBreakerService"))120 So(err, ShouldBeNil)121 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupCircuitBreakerService)122 code, err = r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("MetricsService"))123 So(err, ShouldBeNil)124 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupMetricsService)125 code, err = r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("Client"))126 So(err, ShouldBeNil)127 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupClient)128 code, err = r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("Server"))129 So(err, ShouldBeNil)130 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupServer)131 code, err = r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("Selected"))132 So(err, ShouldBeNil)133 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupSelected)134 code, err = r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("Unknown"))135 So(err, ShouldBeNil)136 So(code, ShouldEqual, errorAVA.SubgroupUnknown)137 })138 Convey("Went its function String() it's failure ", func() {139 code, err := r.subgroup.UnmarshalText([]byte("Failure"))140 So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)141 So(err, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, errorAVA.SubgroupTypeUnknownSkip(nil, fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid Group", "Failure"), 4))142 So(code, ShouldEqual, "Unknown")143 })144 })145}...

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Source:wrapper_example_test.go Github


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...24 // manually like in this example.25 BufferInMemoryForTesting: true,26 },27)28// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler.29//30// In addition to the implementations log.Wrapper.UnmarshalText supports, it31// added supports for:32//33// - "counter:metrics:logger": metricsbp.LogWrapper, with "metrics" being the34// name of the counter metrics and "logger" being the underlying logger.35func (e *ExtendedLogWrapper) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {36 const counterPrefix = "counter:"37 if s := string(text); strings.HasPrefix(s, counterPrefix) {38 parts := strings.SplitN(s, ":", 3)39 if len(parts) != 3 {40 return fmt.Errorf("unsupported log.Wrapper config: %q", text)41 }42 var w log.Wrapper43 if err := w.UnmarshalText([]byte(parts[2])); err != nil {44 return err45 }46 e.Wrapper = metricsbp.LogWrapper(metricsbp.LogWrapperArgs{47 Counter: parts[1],48 Wrapper: w,49 Statsd: st,50 })51 return nil52 }53 return e.Wrapper.UnmarshalText(text)54}55func (e ExtendedLogWrapper) ToLogWrapper() log.Wrapper {56 return e.Wrapper57}58var _ encoding.TextUnmarshaler = (*ExtendedLogWrapper)(nil)59// This example demonstrates how to write your own type to "extend"60// log.Wrapper.UnmarshalText to add other implementations.61func ExampleWrapper_UnmarshalText() {62 const (63 invalid = `logger: fancy`64 counterOnly = `logger: ""`65 )66 var data struct {67 Logger ExtendedLogWrapper `yaml:"logger"`68 }69 fmt.Printf(70 "This is an invalid config: %s, err: %v\n",71 invalid,72 yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(invalid), &data),73 )74 fmt.Printf(75 "This is an counter-only config: %s, err: %v\n",...

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1func main() {2 err := metrics.UnmarshalText([]byte("1,2,3"))3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 }6 fmt.Println(metrics)7}8func main() {9 err := metrics.UnmarshalJSON([]byte("[1,2,3]"))10 if err != nil {11 fmt.Println(err)12 }13 fmt.Println(metrics)14}15func main() {16 err := metrics.UnmarshalText([]byte("1,2,3"))17 if err != nil {18 fmt.Println(err)19 }20 fmt.Println(metrics)21}22func main() {23 err := metrics.UnmarshalText([]byte("1,2,3"))24 if err != nil {25 fmt.Println(err)26 }27 fmt.Println(metrics)28}29func main() {30 err := metrics.UnmarshalText([]byte("1,2,3"))31 if err != nil {32 fmt.Println(err)33 }34 fmt.Println(metrics)35}36func main() {37 err := metrics.UnmarshalText([]byte("1,2,3"))38 if err != nil {39 fmt.Println(err)40 }41 fmt.Println(metrics)42}43func main() {44 err := metrics.UnmarshalText([]byte("1,2,3"))45 if err != nil {46 fmt.Println(err)47 }48 fmt.Println(metrics)49}50func main() {51 err := metrics.UnmarshalText([]byte("1,2,3"))52 if err != nil {53 fmt.Println(err)54 }55 fmt.Println(metrics)56}

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1import (2type metrics struct {3}4func (m *metrics) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {5 fmt.Println("UnmarshalText method called")6}7func main() {8 m := &metrics{}9 err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"Total": 100}`), m)10 if err != nil {11 fmt.Println(err)12 }13 fmt.Println(m)14}15&{100}16import (17type metrics struct {18}19func (m *metrics) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {20 fmt.Println("UnmarshalJSON method called")21}22func main() {23 m := &metrics{}24 err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"Total": 100}`), m)25 if err != nil {26 fmt.Println(err)27 }28 fmt.Println(m)29}30&{100}31import (32type metrics struct {33}34func (m *metrics) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {35 fmt.Println("Unmarshal method called")36}37func main() {38 m := &metrics{}39 err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"Total": 100}`), m)40 if err != nil {41 fmt.Println(err)42 }43 fmt.Println(m)44}45&{100}46import (47type metrics struct {48}49func (m *metrics) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {50 fmt.Println("Unmarshal method called")51}52func main() {53 m := &metrics{}

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1err := m.UnmarshalText([]byte(""))2if err != nil {3 log.Fatal(err)4}5fmt.Println(m)6err := m.UnmarshalText([]byte(""))7if err != nil {8 log.Fatal(err)9}10data, err := m.MarshalText()11if err != nil {12 log.Fatal(err)13}14fmt.Println(string(data))15err := m.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(`""`))16if err != nil {17 log.Fatal(err)18}19fmt.Println(m)20err := m.UnmarshalText([]byte(""))21if err != nil {22 log.Fatal(err)23}24data, err := m.MarshalJSON()25if err != nil {26 log.Fatal(err)27}28fmt.Println(string(data))29err := m.UnmarshalBinary([]byte(""))30if err != nil {31 log.Fatal(err)32}33fmt.Println(m)34err := m.UnmarshalText([]byte(""))35if err != nil {36 log.Fatal(err)37}38data, err := m.MarshalBinary()39if err != nil {40 log.Fatal(err)41}42fmt.Println(string(data))43err := m.Unmarshal([]byte(""))44if err != nil {45 log.Fatal(err)46}47fmt.Println(m)48err := m.UnmarshalText([]byte(""))49if err != nil {50 log.Fatal(err)51}52data, err := m.Marshal()53if err != nil {54 log.Fatal(err)55}56fmt.Println(string(data))

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 err := metrics.UnmarshalText([]byte("cpu:0.5,memory:0.7"))3 if err != nil {4 log.Printf("Error parsing metrics: %v", err)5 }6 fmt.Printf("%+v7}

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1import (2type Metrics struct {3}4func (m *Metrics) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {5 s := string(b)6 split := strings.Split(s, " ")7 if len(split) != 3 {8 return fmt.Errorf("invalid format %q", s)9 }10 m.Value, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(split[1], 64)11}12func main() {13 m := &Metrics{}14 err := m.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))15 if err != nil {16 fmt.Println(err)17 }18 fmt.Printf("%v", m)19}20{cpu 10.5 %}21Golang | os.Exit() Function22Golang | os.Getpid() Function23Golang | os.Getppid() Function24Golang | os.Getuid() Function25Golang | os.Geteuid() Function26Golang | os.Getgid() Function27Golang | os.Getegid() Function28Golang | os.Getgroups() Function29Golang | os.Getwd() Function30Golang | os.TempDir() Function31Golang | os.Hostname() Function32Golang | os.Getenv() Function33Golang | os.Setenv() Function34Golang | os.Unsetenv() Function35Golang | os.Environ() Function36Golang | os.Open() Function

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1func (c *Client) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {2 c.Text = string(text)3 c.Metrics, err = ParseMetrics(text)4}5func (c *Client) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {6 c.Text = string(text)7 c.Metrics, err = ParseMetrics(text)8}9func (c *Client) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {10 c.Text = string(text)11 c.Metrics, err = ParseMetrics(text)12}13func (c *Client) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {14 c.Text = string(text)15 c.Metrics, err = ParseMetrics(text)16}17func (c *Client) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {18 c.Text = string(text)19 c.Metrics, err = ParseMetrics(text)20}21func (c *Client) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {22 c.Text = string(text)23 c.Metrics, err = ParseMetrics(text)24}25func (c *Client) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {26 c.Text = string(text)27 c.Metrics, err = ParseMetrics(text)28}29func (c *Client) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {30 c.Text = string(text)31 c.Metrics, err = ParseMetrics(text)32}33func (

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