Best Toxiproxy code snippet using main.printWidth
...14const (15 // printSamples is the number of points on the X axis to16 // sample a function at for printing.17 printSamples = 50018 // printWidth is the width of the plot area in dots.19 printWidth = 70 * 220 // printHeight is the height of the plot area in dots.21 printHeight = 3 * 422 printXMargin = 123 printYMargin = 124)25// FprintPDF prints a Unicode representation of the PDF of each26// distribution in dists to w. Multiple distributions are printed27// stacked vertically and on the same X axis (but possibly different Y28// axes).29func FprintPDF(w io.Writer, dists ...stats.Dist) error {30 xscale, xs := commonScale(dists...)31 for _, d := range dists {32 if err := fprintFn(w, d.PDF, xscale, xs); err != nil {33 return err34 }35 }36 return fprintScale(w, xscale)37}38// FprintCDF is equivalent to FprintPDF, but prints the CDF of each39// distribution.40func FprintCDF(w io.Writer, dists ...stats.Dist) error {41 xscale, xs := commonScale(dists...)42 for _, d := range dists {43 if err := fprintFn(w, d.CDF, xscale, xs); err != nil {44 return err45 }46 }47 return fprintScale(w, xscale)48}49// makeScale creates a linear scale from [x1, x2) to [y1, y2).50func makeScale(x1, x2 float64, y1, y2 int) scale.QQ {51 return scale.QQ{52 Src: &scale.Linear{Min: x1, Max: x2, Clamp: true},53 Dest: &scale.Linear{Min: float64(y1), Max: float64(y2) - 1e-10},54 }55}56func commonScale(dist ...stats.Dist) (xscale scale.QQ, xs []float64) {57 var l, h float6458 if len(dist) == 0 {59 l, h = -1, 160 } else {61 l, h = dist[0].Bounds()62 for _, d := range dist[1:] {63 dl, dh := d.Bounds()64 l, h = math.Min(l, dl), math.Max(h, dh)65 }66 }67 xscale = makeScale(l, h, printXMargin, printWidth-printXMargin)68 //xscale.Src.Nice(10)69 src := xscale.Src.(*scale.Linear)70 xs = vec.Linspace(src.Min, src.Max, printSamples)71 return72}73func fprintScale(w io.Writer, sc scale.QQ) error {74 img := make([][]bool, printWidth)75 for i := range img {76 if i < printXMargin || i >= printWidth-printXMargin {77 img[i] = make([]bool, 2)78 } else {79 img[i] = []bool{true, false}80 }81 }82 major, _ := sc.Src.Ticks(scale.TickOptions{Max: 3})83 labels := make([]string, len(major))84 lpos := make([]int, len(major))85 for i, tick := range major {86 x := int(sc.Map(tick))87 img[x][1] = true88 // TODO: It would be nice if the scale could format89 // these ticks in a consistent way.90 labels[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%g", tick)91 width := len(labels[i])92 lpos[i] = minint(maxint(x/2-width/2, 0), (printWidth+1)/2-width)93 }94 if err := fprintImage(w, img, []string{""}); err != nil {95 return err96 }97 curpos := 098 for i, label := range labels {99 gap := lpos[i] - curpos100 if i > 0 {101 gap = maxint(gap, 1)102 }103 _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%*s%s", gap, "", label)104 if err != nil {105 return err106 }107 curpos += gap + len(label)108 }109 _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")110 return err111}112func fprintFn(w io.Writer, fn func(float64) float64, xscale scale.QQ, xs []float64) error {113 ys := vec.Map(fn, xs)114 yl, yh := stats.Bounds(ys)115 if yl > 0 && yl-(yh-yl)*0.1 <= 0 {116 yl = 0117 }118 yscale := makeScale(yh, yl, printYMargin, printHeight-printYMargin)119 // Render the function to an image.120 img := make([][]bool, printWidth+2)121 for i := range img {122 img[i] = make([]bool, printHeight)123 }124 for i, x := range xs {125 img[int(xscale.Map(x))][int(yscale.Map(ys[i]))] = true126 }127 // Render Y axis.128 ypos := printWidth129 for y := printYMargin; y < printHeight-printYMargin; y++ {130 img[ypos][y] = true131 }132 img[ypos+1][printYMargin] = true133 img[ypos+1][len(img[0])-1-printYMargin] = true134 trail := make([]string, (printHeight+3)/4)135 trail[0] = fmt.Sprintf(" %4.3f", yh)136 trail[len(trail)-1] = fmt.Sprintf(" %4.3f", yl)137 return fprintImage(w, img, trail)138}139func fprintImage(w io.Writer, img [][]bool, trail []string) error {140 var x, y int141 bit := func(ox, oy int) byte {142 if x+ox < len(img) && y+oy < len(img[x+ox]) && img[x+ox][y+oy] {...
...14 var (15 file string16 imgWidth int17 imgHeight int18 printWidth int19 isWebImg bool20 err error21 img io.ReadCloser22 imgData image.Image23 isPrintSaved bool24 printSaveTo string25 isPrintInverted bool26 printMode string27 asciiPattern string28 defaultAsciiPattern string = " .-+*#%@"29 )30 // process flags/args31 flag.IntVar(&printWidth, "width", 100, "the number of characters in each row of the printed image")32 flag.BoolVar(&isWebImg, "web", false, "whether the image is in the filesystem or fetched from the web")33 flag.BoolVar(&isPrintSaved, "save", false, "whether or not the the print will be written to a text file")34 flag.BoolVar(&isPrintInverted, "invert", false, "whether or not the the print will be inverted")35 flag.StringVar(&printMode, "mode", "ascii", "the mode the image will be printed in. (color, ascii, or box)")36 flag.StringVar(&asciiPattern, "ascii", defaultAsciiPattern, "the pattern of ascii characters from least to greatest visibility. pattern of over 8 characters is not recommended")37 flag.Parse()38 switch printMode {39 case "box":40 case "ascii":41 case "color":42 default:43 fmt.Println("please provide a valid print mode (color, ascii, or box)")44 os.Exit(1)45 }46 if asciiPattern != defaultAsciiPattern {47 printMode = "ascii"48 }49 if len(flag.Args()) == 0 {50 fmt.Println("please provide an image file or address(url) to print")51 os.Exit(1)52 }53 file = flag.Args()[0]54 if isPrintSaved {55 if printMode == "color" {56 fmt.Println("cannot save print in color mode.")57 os.Exit(1)58 } else {59 if len(flag.Args()) == 1 {60 printSaveTo = "./print.txt"61 } else {62 printSaveTo = flag.Args()[1]63 }64 }65 }66 if len(file) < 3 {67 fmt.Println("please provide an image file or address(url) to print")68 os.Exit(1)69 }70 // process image71 if isWebImg {72 img = util.GetImgByUrl(file)73 } else {74 img = util.GetImgByFilePath(file)75 }76 defer img.Close()77 imgData, _, err = image.Decode(img)78 if err != nil {79 fmt.Println(err)80 os.Exit(1)81 }82 imgData = transform.Resize(imgData, printWidth, printWidth*imgData.Bounds().Max.Y/imgData.Bounds().Max.X*9/20, transform.Linear)83 imgWidth = imgData.Bounds().Max.X84 imgHeight = imgData.Bounds().Max.Y85 // draw image86 util.DrawPixels(imgData, imgWidth, imgHeight, isPrintSaved, printSaveTo, isPrintInverted, printMode, asciiPattern)87}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Geometrical shape properties")4 fmt.Printf("area of rectangle %.2f5", rectangle.Area(rectLen, rectWidth))6 fmt.Printf("diagonal of the rectangle %.2f7", rectangle.Diagonal(rectLen, rectWidth))8}9import (10func Area(len, wid float64) float64 {11}12func Diagonal(len, wid float64) float64 {13 diagonal := math.Sqrt((len * len) + (wid * wid))14}15func init() {16 println("rectangle package initialized")17}18import (19func TestMain(m *testing.M) {20 println("TestMain")21 m.Run()22}23func TestArea(t *testing.T) {24 println("TestArea")25 area := rectangle.Area(rectLen, rectWidth)26 if area != 42.0 {27 t.Errorf("Expected area %f, got %f", 42.0, area)28 }29}30func TestDiagonal(t *testing.T) {31 println("TestDiagonal")32 diagonal := rectangle.Diagonal(rectLen, rectWidth)33 if diagonal != 9.219544457292887 {34 t.Errorf("Expected diagonal %f, got %f", 9.219544457292887, diagonal)35 }36}37--- PASS: TestMain (0.00s)
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Width of 5 is", printWidth(5))4 fmt.Println("Width of 44 is", printWidth(44))5 fmt.Println("Width of 444 is", printWidth(444))6}7import "fmt"8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Width of 5 is", printWidth(5))10 fmt.Println("Width of 44 is", printWidth(44))11 fmt.Println("Width of 444 is", printWidth(444))12}13width = floor(log10(number)) + 114import "math"15In the above program, we have imported the
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("width is", width, "height is", height, "and area is", width*height)4}5In the above example, we have attached the printWidth method to the rect struct which is defined in the same package. We can also attach the method to a struct which is defined in a different package. To do this, we have to import the package in which the struct is defined. We have to then attach the method to the struct by specifying the package name in front of the struct name. For example, if the struct is defined in the package geometry, we have to attach the method to the struct like this:6func (r geometry.rect) printWidth() {7 fmt.Println(r.width)8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3}4import "fmt"5func main() {6}7import "fmt"8func main() {9}10import "fmt"11func main() {12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15}16import "fmt"17func main() {18}19import "fmt"20func main() {21}22import "fmt"23func main() {
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 w.printWidth()4}5import "fmt"6func main() {7 w.printWidth()8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 w.printWidth()12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15 w.printWidth()16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 w.printWidth()20}21import "fmt"22func main() {23 w.printWidth()24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 w.printWidth()28}29import "fmt"30func main() {31 w.printWidth()32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 w.printWidth()36}37import "fmt"38func main() {39 w.printWidth()40}41import "fmt"42func main() {43 w.printWidth()44}45import "fmt"46func main() {47 w.printWidth()48}49import "fmt"50func main() {
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 w.printWidth()4}5import "fmt"6func main() {7 w.printWidth()8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 w.printWidth()12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15 w.printWidth()16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 w.printWidth()20}21import "fmt"22func main() {23 w.printWidth()24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 w.printWidth()28}29import "fmt"30func main() {31 w.printWidth()32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 w.printWidth()36}37import "fmt"38func main() {39 w.printWidth()40}41import "fmt"42func main() {43 w.printWidth()44}45import "fmt"46func main() {47 w.printWidth()48}49import "fmt"50func main() {
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello World")4 fmt.Println("Width of Hello World is", printWidth("Hello World"))5}6import "fmt"7func printWidth(s string) int {8 return len(s)9}
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 fmt.Println("Width of the playground is", printWidth())5}6import "fmt"7func printWidth() int {8}9import "fmt"10func printWidth() int {11}12import "fmt"13func printWidth() int {14}15import "fmt"16func printWidth() int {17}18import "fmt"19func printWidth() int {20}21import "fmt"22func printWidth() int {23}24import "fmt"25func printWidth() int {26}27import "fmt"28func printWidth() int {29}30import "fmt"31func printWidth() int {32}33import "fmt"34func printWidth() int {35}36import "fmt"37func printWidth() int {38}39import "fmt"40func printWidth() int {41}42import "fmt"43func printWidth() int {44}45import "fmt"46func printWidth() int {47}48import "fmt"49func printWidth() int {50}51import "fmt"52func printWidth() int {53}54import "fmt"55func printWidth() int {56}57import "fmt"
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Width of rectangle 5: ",geometry.Width(5))4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println("Width of rectangle 5: ",geometry.Width(5))8}
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