How to use consumeMessage method of amqp Package

Best Venom code snippet using amqp.consumeMessage


Source:subscriber.go Github


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...16func (p *Client) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, queue string) (<-chan *mq.Message, error) {17 output := make(chan *mq.Message)18 consumeClosed := make(chan struct{})19 var err error20 consumeClosed, err = p.consumeMessage(ctx, queue, output)21 if err != nil {22 p.logger.Warnf("consumeMessage err:%v", err)23 return nil, err24 }25 kgo.Go(func() {26 <-consumeClosed27 p.handleReconnects(ctx, queue, output, consumeClosed)28 close(output)29 })30 return output, nil31}32func (p *Client) consumeMessage(ctx context.Context, queue string, output chan *mq.Message) (chan struct{}, error) {33 closed := make(chan struct{})34 // get connect35 poolConn, aqConn, err := p.getConnect(ctx)36 if err != nil {37 close(closed)38 return closed, err39 }40 // get channel41 aqChannel, err := aqConn.Channel()42 if err != nil {43 close(closed)44 _ = p.getPool().Put(poolConn, true)45 return closed, nil46 }47 // createConsumer48 delivery, err := p.createConsumer(ctx, queue, aqChannel)49 if err != nil {50 return closed, err51 }52 // notify close error signal53 notifyClosing := make(chan struct{})54 p.processNotifyClose(ctx, aqConn, notifyClosing)55 kgo.Go(func() {56 for {57 select {58 case d, ok := <-delivery:59 if !ok {60 p.logger.Debug("rabbit mq delivery closing,prepare reconnecting")61 close(closed)62 return63 }64 msg := mq.NewMessage(d.Body)65 output <- msg66 select {67 case <-msg.Acked():68 _ = d.Ack(false)69 case <-msg.NAcked():70 _ = d.Nack(false, p.cfg.ConsumeConfig.IsNackRequeue)71 }72 case <-notifyClosing:73 p.logger.Debug("rabbit mq closing,prepare reconnecting")74 close(closed)75 return76 case <-p.closing:77 p.logger.Debug("consumeMessage stop")78 return79 }80 }81 })82 return closed, nil83}84func (p *Client) createConsumer(ctx context.Context, queue string, aqChannel *amqp.Channel) (<-chan amqp.Delivery, error) {85 return aqChannel.Consume(86 queue,87 p.cfg.ConsumeConfig.ConsumerTag,88 p.cfg.ConsumeConfig.AutoAck,89 p.cfg.ConsumeConfig.Exclusive,90 p.cfg.ConsumeConfig.NoLocal,91 p.cfg.ConsumeConfig.NoWait,92 p.cfg.ConsumeConfig.Args,93 )94}95func (p *Client) processNotifyClose(ctx context.Context, aqConn *amqp.Connection, closing chan struct{}) {96 kgo.Go(func() {97 notifyClosed := make(chan *amqp.Error)98 connClosed := aqConn.NotifyClose(notifyClosed)99 err := <-connClosed100 p.logger.Warnf("receiver close notification from rabbit, err %v", err)101 close(closing)102 p.logger.Debug("receiver close notification from rabbit--->")103 })104}105func (p *Client) handleReconnects(ctx context.Context, queue string, output chan *mq.Message, closed chan struct{}) {106 for {107 if closed != nil {108 <-closed109 p.logger.Debug("consumeMessage stopped")110 }111 select {112 case <-p.closing:113 p.logger.Debug("subscriber closed,no reconnect needed")114 return115 case <-ctx.Done():116 p.logger.Debug("ctx cancelled,no reconnect needed")117 return118 default:119 p.logger.Debug("not closing,reconnecting")120 }121 var err error122 closed, err = p.consumeMessage(ctx, queue, output)123 if err != nil {124 p.logger.Warnf("cannot reconnect err:%v", err)125 time.Sleep(time.Second)126 continue127 }128 }129}...

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Source:rabbitmqutils.go Github


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1package utils2import (3 "fmt"4 ""5)6type RabbitMqServer struct {7 dialHost string8 queueName string9 conn *amqp.Connection10 channel *amqp.Channel11}12func NewRabbitMqServer(host,queue string) (mq *RabbitMqServer,err error) {13 conn,err:=amqp.Dial(host)14 if err!=nil{15 return nil,err16 }17 channel,err:=conn.Channel()18 if err!=nil{19 return nil,err20 }21 return &RabbitMqServer{dialHost: host, queueName:queue,conn:conn,channel:channel},nil22}23func (l *RabbitMqServer) CloseRabbitmqConn() {24 err := l.conn.Close()25 if err != nil {26 fmt.Println("CloseRabbitmqConn Conn Error ", err.Error())27 }28 if != nil {29 err = if err != nil {31 fmt.Println("CloseRabbitmqConn Channel Error ", err.Error())32 }33 }34}35func (l *RabbitMqServer) PushMessage(message string) error {36 que,,true,false,false,false,nil)37 if err!=nil{38 return err39 }40 err ="",que.Name,false,false,amqp.Publishing{Body:[]byte(message)})41 if err!=nil{42 return err43 }44 return nil45}46//func 传参,业务处理各自逻辑,底层统一处理消费47//string 传参,底层需区分各自的业务逻辑48func (l *RabbitMqServer) ConsumeMessage(consumeFunc func(msg string) error) {49 que, err :=, true, false, false, false, nil)50 if err!=nil{51 fmt.Println("ConsumeMessage QueueDeclare Error",err.Error())52 }53 deliveryList,, "",true,false,false,false,nil)54 go func() {55 for d:=range deliveryList{56 msgDeli:=string(d.Body)57 fmt.Println("ConsumeMessage Msg -->> ",msgDeli)58 err = consumeFunc(msgDeli)59 if err != nil {60 fmt.Println("ConsumeMessage Error -->> ",err.Error())61 err = l.PushMessage(msgDeli)62 if err!=nil{63 fmt.Println("ConsumeMessage Publish Error -->> ",err.Error())64 }65 } else {66 fmt.Println("ConsumeMessage Success")67 }68 }69 }()70}...

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Source:consume.go Github


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1package amqp2import(3 ""4)5type ConsumeMessage struct {6 Delivery amqp.Delivery7 Error error8}9type ConsumeConfig struct { 10 QueueConfig QueueConfig11 consumer string12 exclusive bool13 autoAck bool14 noLocal bool15 noWait bool16 args map[string]interface{}17}18func (s *Queue) Consume(queueName string, opts ...ConsumeOption) <-chan *ConsumeMessage {19 message := make(chan *ConsumeMessage, 1)20 c := &ConsumeConfig{21 QueueConfig: QueueConfig {22 durable: false,23 // delete when unused24 delete: false,25 exclusive: false,26 noWait: false,27 args: nil,28 },29 consumer: "",30 exclusive: false,31 autoAck: true,32 noLocal: false,33 noWait: false,34 args: nil,35 }36 for _, opt := range opts {37 if err := opt(c); err != nil {38 message <- &ConsumeMessage{39 Delivery: amqp.Delivery{},40 Error: err,41 }42 }43 }44 q, err := s.declare(queueName, c.QueueConfig)45 if err != nil {46 message <- &ConsumeMessage{47 Delivery: amqp.Delivery{},48 Error: err,49 }50 return message51 }52 msgs, err := q.Name, // queue54 c.consumer, // consumer55 c.autoAck, // auto-ack56 c.exclusive, // exclusive57 c.noLocal, // no-local58 c.noWait, // no-wait59 c.args, // args60 )61 if err != nil {62 message <- &ConsumeMessage{63 Delivery: amqp.Delivery{},64 Error: err,65 }66 return message67 }68 69 go func() {70 for msg := range msgs {71 message <- &ConsumeMessage{ 72 Delivery: msg,73 Error: nil,74 }75 }76 }()77 78 return message79}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 log.Fatalf("%s: %s", "Failed to connect to RabbitMQ", err)5 }6 defer conn.Close()7 ch, err := conn.Channel()8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatalf("%s: %s", "Failed to open a channel", err)10 }11 defer ch.Close()12 q, err := ch.QueueDeclare(13 if err != nil {14 log.Fatalf("%s: %s", "Failed to declare a queue", err)15 }16 msgs, err := ch.Consume(17 if err != nil {18 log.Fatalf("%s: %s", "Failed to register a consumer", err)19 }20 forever := make(chan bool)21 go func() {22 for d := range msgs {23 log.Printf("Received a message: %s", d.Body)24 }25 }()26 log.Printf(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C")27}28import (29func main() {30 if err != nil {31 log.Fatalf("%s: %s", "Failed to connect to RabbitMQ", err)32 }33 defer conn.Close()34 ch, err := conn.Channel()35 if err != nil {36 log.Fatalf("%s: %s", "Failed to open a channel", err)37 }38 defer ch.Close()

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1func main() {2 amqp := amqp.NewAMQP()3 amqp.ConsumeMessage()4}5func main() {6 amqp := amqp.NewAMQP()7 amqp.ConsumeMessage()8}9func main() {10 wg.Add(1)11 go func() {12 defer wg.Done()13 fmt.Println("Hello")14 }()15 wg.Wait()16 fmt.Println("World")17}18func main() {19 wg.Add(1)20 go func() {21 defer wg.Done()22 fmt.Println("Hello")23 }()24 wg.Wait()25 fmt.Println("World")26}27func main() {28 r := mux.NewRouter()29 r.HandleFunc("/api/v1/{id}", GetHandler).Methods("GET")30 r.HandleFunc("/api/v1/{id}", PostHandler).Methods("POST")31 r.HandleFunc("/api/v1/{id}", PutHandler).Methods("PUT")32 r.HandleFunc("/api/v1/{id}", DeleteHandler).Methods("DELETE")33 http.ListenAndServe(":808

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1import (2func main() {3 amqp := amqp{}4 amqp.connect()5 amqp.createChannel()6 amqp.declareQueue()7 amqp.consumeMessage()8}9import (10type amqp struct {11}12func (amqp *amqp) connect() {13 if err != nil {14 log.Panic("Error connecting to RabbitMQ", err)15 }16}17func (amqp *amqp) createChannel() {18 channel, err := amqp.connection.Channel()19 if err != nil {20 log.Panic("Error creating channel", err)21 }22}23func (amqp *amqp) declareQueue() {24 _, err :="myqueue", true, false, false, false, nil)25 if err != nil {26 log.Panic("Error declaring queue", err)27 }28}29func (amqp *amqp) consumeMessage() {30 msgs, err :="myqueue", "", true, false, false, false, nil)31 if err != nil {32 log.Panic("Error consuming message", err)33 }34 go func() {35 for msg := range msgs {36 fmt.Println("Message: ", string(msg.Body))37 }38 }()39 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)40}41import (42func main() {43 amqp := amqp{}44 amqp.connect()45 amqp.createChannel()46 amqp.declareQueue()47 amqp.publishMessage()48}49import (50type amqp struct {51}52func (amqp *amqp) connect() {

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")4 amqp := &amqp.AMQP{}5 amqp.Connect()6 amqp.ConsumeMessage()7}8import (9func main() {10 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")11 amqp := &amqp.AMQP{}12 amqp.Connect()13 amqp.ConsumeMessage()14}*Connection).Close(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)16main.main()17runtime.goexit()*Connection).demux(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)*Connection).open(0x0, 0x0, 0x0), 0x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

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1import (2func main() {3 amqpObj := amqp.AMQP{}4 amqpObj.Connect()5 amqpObj.DeclareQueue("test")6 amqpObj.ConsumeMessage("test", func(d amqp.Delivery) {7 fmt.Println("Received a message: ", string(d.Body))8 d.Ack(false)9 })10 time.Sleep(10000 * time.Second)11}12import (13type AMQP struct {14}15func (amqpObj *AMQP) Connect() {16 if err != nil {17 log.Fatal(err)18 }19 ch, err := conn.Channel()20 if err != nil {21 log.Fatal(err)22 }23}24func (amqpObj *AMQP) DeclareQueue(queueName string) {25 _, err := amqpObj.Channel.QueueDeclare(26 if err != nil {27 log.Fatal(err)28 }29}30func (amqpObj *AMQP) ConsumeMessage(queueName string, callback func(delivery amqp.Delivery)) {31 msgs, err := amqpObj.Channel.Consume(

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1import (2func main() {3 amqp := amqp.NewAMQP()4 amqp.ConsumeMessage()5}6import (7func main() {8 amqp := amqp.NewAMQP()9 amqp.ConsumeMessage()10}11import (12func main() {13 amqp := amqp.NewAMQP()14 amqp.ConsumeMessage()15}16import (17func main() {18 amqp := amqp.NewAMQP()19 amqp.ConsumeMessage()20}*Channel).consume(0x0, 0x7b6e40, 0x5, 0x7b6e40, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)*Channel).Consume(0x0, 0x7b6e40, 0x5, 0x7b6e40, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)

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1import (2func main() {3 amqp := amqp.NewAMQP()4 amqp.ConsumeMessage()5}6import (7func main() {8 amqp := amqp.NewAMQP()9 amqp.PublishMessage("Hello World")10}

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1import (2func main() {3 amqp := amqp.Amqp{}4 amqp.Connect()5 amqp.ConsumeMessage()6}7import (8type Amqp struct {9}10func (a *Amqp) Connect() {11 if err != nil {12 panic(err)13 }14 a.Channel, err = a.Connection.Channel()15 if err != nil {16 panic(err)17 }18 a.Queue, err = a.Channel.QueueDeclare("hello", false, false, false, false, nil)19 if err != nil {20 panic(err)21 }22}23func (a *Amqp) ConsumeMessage() {24 messages, err := a.Channel.Consume(a.Queue.Name, "", true, false, false, false, nil)25 if err != nil {26 panic(err)27 }28 forever := make(chan bool)29 go func() {30 for d := range messages {31 fmt.Printf("Received a message: %s", d.Body)32 }33 }()34 fmt.Println(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C")35}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 amqp := amqp.New()4 amqp.ConsumeMessage()5}6import (7func main() {8 amqp := amqp.New()9 amqp.PublishMessage()10}

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