How to use adb.forceStop method in Appium Android Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-android-driver


Source:driver-specs.js Github


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1import chai from 'chai';2import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';3import log from '../../lib/logger';4import sinon from 'sinon';5import helpers from '../../lib/android-helpers';6import { withMocks } from 'appium-test-support';7import AndroidDriver from '../..';8import ADB from 'appium-adb';9import { errors } from 'appium-base-driver';10import { fs } from 'appium-support';11import { SharedPrefsBuilder } from 'shared-preferences-builder';12let driver;13let sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();14let expect = chai.expect;15chai.should();16chai.use(chaiAsPromised);17describe('driver', () => {18 describe('constructor', () => {19 it('should call BaseDriver constructor with opts', () => {20 let driver = new AndroidDriver({foo: 'bar'});21 driver.should.exist;22'bar');23 });24 it('should have this.findElOrEls', () => {25 let driver = new AndroidDriver({foo: 'bar'});26 driver.findElOrEls.should.exist;27'function');28 });29 });30 describe('emulator methods', () => {31 describe('fingerprint', () => {32 it('should be rejected if isEmulator is false', () => {33 let driver = new AndroidDriver();34 sandbox.stub(driver, 'isEmulator').returns(false);35 driver.fingerprint(1111)"fingerprint method is only available for emulators");36;37 });38 });39 describe('sendSMS', () => {40 it('sendSMS should be rejected if isEmulator is false', () => {41 let driver = new AndroidDriver();42 sandbox.stub(driver, 'isEmulator').returns(false);43 driver.sendSMS(4509, "Hello Appium")"sendSMS method is only available for emulators");44;45 });46 });47 });48 describe('sharedPreferences', () => {49 driver = new AndroidDriver();50 let adb = new ADB();51 driver.adb = adb;52 let builder = new SharedPrefsBuilder();53 describe('should skip setting sharedPreferences', withMocks({driver}, (mocks) => {54 it('on undefined name', async () => {55 driver.opts.sharedPreferences = {};56 (await driver.setSharedPreferences());57 mocks.driver.verify();58 });59 }));60 describe('should set sharedPreferences', withMocks({driver, adb, builder, fs}, (mocks) => {61 it('on defined sharedPreferences object', async () => {62 driver.opts.appPackage = 'io.appium.test';63 driver.opts.sharedPreferences = {64 name: 'com.appium.prefs',65 prefs: [{type: 'string', name: 'mystr', value:'appium rocks!'}]66 };67 mocks.driver.expects('getPrefsBuilder').once().returns(builder);68 mocks.builder.expects('build').once();69 mocks.builder.expects('toFile').once();70 mocks.adb.expects('shell').once()71 .withExactArgs(['mkdir', '-p', '/data/data/io.appium.test/shared_prefs']);72 mocks.adb.expects('push').once()73 .withExactArgs('/tmp/com.appium.prefs.xml', '/data/data/io.appium.test/shared_prefs/com.appium.prefs.xml');74 mocks.fs.expects('exists').once()75 .withExactArgs('/tmp/com.appium.prefs.xml')76 .returns(true);77 mocks.fs.expects('unlink').once()78 .withExactArgs('/tmp/com.appium.prefs.xml');79 await driver.setSharedPreferences();80 mocks.driver.verify();81 mocks.adb.verify();82 mocks.builder.verify();83 mocks.fs.verify();84 });85 }));86 });87 describe('createSession', () => {88 beforeEach(() => {89 driver = new AndroidDriver();90 sandbox.stub(driver, 'checkAppPresent');91 sandbox.stub(driver, 'checkPackagePresent');92 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startAndroidSession');93 sandbox.stub(ADB, 'createADB', async (opts) => {94 return {95 getDevicesWithRetry: async () => {96 return [97 {udid: 'emulator-1234'},98 {udid: 'rotalume-1337'}99 ];100 },101 getPortFromEmulatorString: () => {102 return 1234;103 },104 setDeviceId: () => {},105 setEmulatorPort: () => {},106 adbPort: opts.adbPort,107 networkSpeed: () => {}108 };109 });110 });111 afterEach(() => {112 sandbox.restore();113 });114 it('should verify device is an emulator', async () => {115 driver.opts.avd = "Nexus_5X_Api_23";116 driver.isEmulator().should.equal(true);117 driver.opts.avd = undefined;118 driver.opts.udid = "emulator-5554";119 driver.isEmulator().should.equal(true);120 driver.opts.udid = "01234567889";121 driver.isEmulator().should.equal(false);122 });123 it('should get java version if none is provided', async () => {124 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', app: '/path/to/some.apk'});125 driver.opts.javaVersion.should.exist;126 });127 it('should get browser package details if browserName is provided', async () => {128 sandbox.spy(helpers, 'getChromePkg');129 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', browserName: 'Chrome'});130;131 });132 it('should check an app is present', async () => {133 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', app: '/path/to/some.apk'});134;135 });136 it('should check a package is present', async () => {137 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', appPackage: ''});138;139 });140 it('should accept a package via the app capability', async () => {141 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', app: ''});142;143 });144 it('should add server details to caps', async () => {145 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', appPackage: ''});146 driver.caps.webStorageEnabled.should.exist;147 });148 it('should delete a session on failure', async () => {149 // Force an error to make sure deleteSession gets called150 sandbox.stub(helpers, 'getJavaVersion').throws();151 sandbox.stub(driver, 'deleteSession');152 try {153 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', appPackage: ''});154 } catch (ign) {}155;156 });157 it('should pass along adbPort capability to ADB', async () => {158 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', appPackage: '', adbPort: 1111});159 driver.adb.adbPort.should.equal(1111);160 });161 it('should proxy screenshot if nativeWebScreenshot is off', async () => {162 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', browserName: 'chrome', nativeWebScreenshot: false});163 driver.getProxyAvoidList().should.have.length(8);164 });165 it('should not proxy screenshot if nativeWebScreenshot is on', async () => {166 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', browserName: 'chrome', nativeWebScreenshot: true});167 driver.getProxyAvoidList().should.have.length(9);168 });169 it('should set networkSpeed before launching app', async () => {170 sandbox.stub(driver, 'isEmulator').returns(true);171 sandbox.stub(helpers, 'ensureNetworkSpeed').returns('full');172 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', appPackage: '', networkSpeed: 'edge'});173;174;175 });176 });177 describe('deleteSession', () => {178 beforeEach(async () => {179 driver = new AndroidDriver();180 driver.adb = new ADB();181 driver.bootstrap = new helpers.bootstrap(driver.adb);182 sandbox.stub(driver, 'stopChromedriverProxies');183 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'setIME');184 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'forceStop');185 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'goToHome');186 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'uninstallApk');187 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'stopLogcat');188 sandbox.stub(driver.bootstrap, 'shutdown');189 sandbox.spy(log, 'debug');190 });191 afterEach(() => {192 sandbox.restore();193 });194 it('should not do anything if Android Driver has already shut down', async () => {195 driver.bootstrap = null;196 await driver.deleteSession();197 log.debug.callCount.should.eql(3);198;199;200 });201 it('should reset keyboard to default IME', async () => {202 driver.opts.unicodeKeyboard = true;203 driver.opts.resetKeyboard = true;204 driver.defaultIME = 'someDefaultIME';205 await driver.deleteSession();206;207 });208 it('should force stop non-Chrome sessions', async () => {209 await driver.deleteSession();210;211 });212 it('should uninstall APK if required', async () => {213 driver.opts.fullReset = true;214 await driver.deleteSession();215;216 });217 });218 describe('dismissChromeWelcome', () => {219 before(async () => {220 driver = new AndroidDriver();221 });222 it('should verify chromeOptions args', () => {223 driver.opts = {};224 driver.shouldDismissChromeWelcome();225 driver.opts = {chromeOptions: {}};226 driver.shouldDismissChromeWelcome();227 driver.opts = {chromeOptions: {args: []}};228 driver.shouldDismissChromeWelcome();229 driver.opts = {chromeOptions: {args: "--no-first-run"}};230 driver.shouldDismissChromeWelcome();231 driver.opts = {chromeOptions: {args: ["--disable-dinosaur-easter-egg"]}};232 driver.shouldDismissChromeWelcome();233 driver.opts = {chromeOptions: {args: ["--no-first-run"]}};234 driver.shouldDismissChromeWelcome();235 });236 });237 describe('initAUT', withMocks({helpers}, (mocks) => {238 beforeEach(async () => {239 driver = new AndroidDriver();240 driver.caps = {};241 });242 it('should throw error if run with full reset', async () => {243 driver.opts = {appPackage: "app.package", appActivity: "act", fullReset: true};244 await driver.initAUT() reset requires an app capability/);245 });246 it('should reset if run with fast reset', async () => {247 driver.opts = {appPackage: "app.package", appActivity: "act", fullReset: false, fastReset: true};248 driver.adb = "mock_adb";249 mocks.helpers.expects("resetApp").withExactArgs("mock_adb", undefined, "app.package", true);250 await driver.initAUT();251 mocks.helpers.verify();252 });253 it('should keep data if run without reset', async () => {254 driver.opts = {appPackage: "app.package", appActivity: "act", fullReset: false, fastReset: false};255 mocks.helpers.expects("resetApp").never();256 await driver.initAUT();257 mocks.helpers.verify();258 });259 }));260 describe('startAndroidSession', () => {261 beforeEach(async () => {262 driver = new AndroidDriver();263 driver.adb = new ADB();264 driver.bootstrap = new helpers.bootstrap(driver.adb);265 driver.settings = { update () {} };266 driver.caps = {};267 // create a fake bootstrap because we can't mock268 // driver.bootstrap.<whatever> in advance269 let fakeBootstrap = {start () {},270 onUnexpectedShutdown: {catch () {}}271 };272 sandbox.stub(helpers, 'initDevice');273 sandbox.stub(helpers, 'unlock');274 sandbox.stub(helpers, 'bootstrap').returns(fakeBootstrap);275 sandbox.stub(driver, 'initAUT');276 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startAUT');277 sandbox.stub(driver, 'defaultWebviewName');278 sandbox.stub(driver, 'setContext');279 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startChromeSession');280 sandbox.stub(driver, 'dismissChromeWelcome');281 sandbox.stub(driver.settings, 'update');282 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'getPlatformVersion');283 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'getScreenSize');284 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'getModel');285 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'getManufacturer');286 });287 afterEach(() => {288 sandbox.restore();289 });290 it('should set actual platform version', async () => {291 await driver.startAndroidSession();292;293 });294 it('should auto launch app if it is on the device', async () => {295 driver.opts.autoLaunch = true;296 await driver.startAndroidSession();297;298 });299 it('should handle chrome sessions', async () => {300 driver.opts.browserName = 'Chrome';301 await driver.startAndroidSession();302;303 });304 it('should unlock the device', async () => {305 await driver.startAndroidSession();306;307 });308 it('should start AUT if auto lauching', async () => {309 driver.opts.autoLaunch = true;310 await driver.startAndroidSession();311;312 });313 it('should not start AUT if not auto lauching', async () => {314 driver.opts.autoLaunch = false;315 await driver.startAndroidSession();316;317 });318 it('should set the context if autoWebview is requested', async () => {319 driver.opts.autoWebview = true;320 await driver.startAndroidSession();321;322;323 });324 it('should set the context if autoWebview is requested using timeout', async () => {325 driver.setContext.onCall(0).throws(errors.NoSuchContextError);326 driver.setContext.onCall(1).returns();327 driver.opts.autoWebview = true;328 driver.opts.autoWebviewTimeout = 5000;329 await driver.startAndroidSession();330;331;332 });333 it('should respect timeout if autoWebview is requested', async function () {334 this.timeout(10000);335 driver.setContext.throws(new errors.NoSuchContextError());336 let begin =;337 driver.opts.autoWebview = true;338 driver.opts.autoWebviewTimeout = 5000;339 await driver.startAndroidSession();340;341 // we have a timeout of 5000ms, retrying on 500ms, so expect 10 times342 driver.setContext.callCount.should.equal(10);343 let end =;344 (end - begin);345 });346 it('should not set the context if autoWebview is not requested', async () => {347 await driver.startAndroidSession();348;349;350 });351 it('should set ignoreUnimportantViews cap', async () => {352 driver.opts.ignoreUnimportantViews = true;353 await driver.startAndroidSession();354;355 driver.settings.update.firstCall.args[0];356 });357 it('should not call dismissChromeWelcome on missing chromeOptions', async () => {358 driver.opts.browserName = 'Chrome';359 await driver.startAndroidSession();360;361 });362 it('should call dismissChromeWelcome', async () => {363 driver.opts.browserName = 'Chrome';364 driver.opts.chromeOptions = {365 "args" : ["--no-first-run"]366 };367 await driver.startAndroidSession();368;369 });370 });371 describe('validateDesiredCaps', () => {372 before(() => {373 driver = new AndroidDriver();374 });375 it('should throw an error if caps do not contain an app, package or valid browser', () => {376 expect(() => {377 driver.validateDesiredCaps({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device'});378 }).to.throw(/must include/);379 expect(() => {380 driver.validateDesiredCaps({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', browserName: 'Netscape Navigator'});381 }).to.throw(/must include/);382 });383 it('should not throw an error if caps contain an app, package or valid browser', () => {384 expect(() => {385 driver.validateDesiredCaps({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', app: '/path/to/some.apk'});386 }).to.not.throw(Error);387 expect(() => {388 driver.validateDesiredCaps({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', browserName: 'Chrome'});389 }).to.not.throw(Error);390 expect(() => {391 driver.validateDesiredCaps({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', appPackage: ''});392 }).to.not.throw(/must include/);393 });394 it('should not be sensitive to platform name casing', () => {395 expect(() => {396 driver.validateDesiredCaps({platformName: 'AnDrOiD', deviceName: 'device', app: '/path/to/some.apk'});397 }).to.not.throw(Error);398 });399 it('should not throw an error if caps contain both an app and browser, for grid compatibility', () => {400 expect(() => {401 driver.validateDesiredCaps({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', app: '/path/to/some.apk', browserName: 'iPhone'});402 }).to.not.throw(Error);403 });404 it('should not throw an error if caps contain androidScreenshotPath capability', () => {405 expect(() => {406 driver.validateDesiredCaps({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', app: '/path/to/some.apk', androidScreenshotPath: '/path/to/screenshotdir'});407 }).to.not.throw(Error);408 });409 });410 describe('proxying', () => {411 before(() => {412 driver = new AndroidDriver();413 driver.sessionId = 'abc';414 });415 describe('#proxyActive', () => {416 it('should exist', () => {417;418 });419 it('should return false', () => {420 driver.proxyActive('abc');421 });422 it('should throw an error if session id is wrong', () => {423 (() => { driver.proxyActive('aaa'); }).should.throw;424 });425 });426 describe('#getProxyAvoidList', () => {427 it('should exist', () => {428;429 });430 it('should return jwpProxyAvoid array', () => {431 let avoidList = driver.getProxyAvoidList('abc');432;433 avoidList.should.eql(driver.jwpProxyAvoid);434 });435 it('should throw an error if session id is wrong', () => {436 (() => { driver.getProxyAvoidList('aaa'); }).should.throw;437 });438 });439 describe('#canProxy', () => {440 it('should exist', () => {441;442 });443 it('should return false', () => {444 driver.canProxy('abc');445 });446 it('should throw an error if session id is wrong', () => {447 (() => { driver.canProxy('aaa'); }).should.throw;448 });449 });450 });...

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Source:driver.js Github


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...356 log.debug(`Resetting IME to ${this.defaultIME}`);357 await this.adb.setIME(this.defaultIME);358 }359 if (!this.isChromeSession && !this.opts.dontStopAppOnReset) {360 await this.adb.forceStop(this.opts.appPackage);361 }362 if (this.opts.autoLaunch) {363 await this.adb.goToHome();364 }365 if (this.opts.fullReset && !this.opts.skipUninstall && !this.appOnDevice) {366 await this.adb.uninstallApk(this.opts.appPackage);367 }368 await this.bootstrap.shutdown();369 this.bootstrap = null;370 } else {371 log.debug("Called deleteSession but bootstrap wasn't active");372 }373 // some cleanup we want to do regardless, in case we are shutting down374 // mid-startup375 await this.adb.stopLogcat();376 if (this.useUnlockHelperApp) {377 await this.adb.forceStop('io.appium.unlock');378 }379 if (this._wasWindowAnimationDisabled) {380'Restoring window animation state');381 await this.adb.setAnimationState(true);382 // This was necessary to change animation scale over Android P. We must reset the policy for the security.383 if (await this.adb.getApiLevel() >= 28) {384'Restoring hidden api policy to the device default configuration');385 await this.adb.setDefaultHiddenApiPolicy(!!this.opts.ignoreHiddenApiPolicyError);386 }387 }388 if (this.opts.reboot) {389 let avdName = this.opts.avd.replace('@', '');390 log.debug(`closing emulator '${avdName}'`);391 await this.adb.killEmulator(avdName);...

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Source:macaca-adb.test.js Github


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...219 var devices = yield ADB.getDevices();220 if (devices.length) {221 var device = devices[0];222 adb.setDeviceId(device.udid);223 adb.forceStop('xdf.android_unlock', (err, data) => {224 if (err) {225 console.log(err);226 done();227 return;228 }229 console.log(data);230 done();231 }).catch(function() {232 done();233 });234 } else {235 done();236 }237 });238 it('forceStop promise', function *(done) {239 var adb = new ADB();240 var devices = yield ADB.getDevices();241 if (devices.length) {242 var device = devices[0];243 adb.setDeviceId(device.udid);244 adb.forceStop('xdf.android_unlock').then(data => {245 if (data) {246 console.log(data);247 }248 done();249 }).catch(() => {250 done();251 });252 } else {253 done();254 }255 });256 it('clear callback', function *(done) {257 var adb = new ADB();258 var devices = yield ADB.getDevices();...

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Source:app-management.js Github


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...105 if (!(await this.adb.processExists(appId))) {106`The app '${appId}' is not running`);107 return false;108 }109 await this.adb.forceStop(appId);110 const timeout = util.hasValue(options.timeout) && !isNaN(options.timeout) ? parseInt(options.timeout, 10) : 500;111 try {112 await waitForCondition(async () => await this.queryAppState(appId) <= APP_STATE_NOT_RUNNING,113 {waitMs: timeout, intervalMs: 100});114 } catch (e) {115 log.errorAndThrow(`'${appId}' is still running after ${timeout}ms timeout`);116 }117`'${appId}' has been successfully terminated`);118 return true;119};120/**121 * @typedef {Object} InstallOptions122 * @property {number} timeout [60000] - The count of milliseconds to wait until the123 * app is installed....

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Source:uiautomator2.js Github


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...138 }139 }140 async killUiAutomatorOnDevice () {141 try {142 await this.adb.forceStop('io.appium.uiautomator2.server');143 } catch (ignore) {144"Unable to kill the io.appium.uiautomator2.server process, assuming it is already killed");145 }146 }147}...

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Source:chrome.js Github


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...96};97ChromeAndroid.prototype.stop = function (cb) {98 this.chromedriver.stop(function (err) {99 if (err) return cb(err);100 this.adb.forceStop(this.args.appPackage, cb);101 }.bind(this));102};103ChromeAndroid.prototype.onChromedriverExit = function () {104 async.series([105 this.adb.getConnectedDevices.bind(this.adb),106 _.partial(this.adb.forceStop.bind(this.adb), this.args.appPackage)107 ], function (err) {108 if (err) logger.error(err.message);109 this.onDie();110 }.bind(this));111};...

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Source:adb-emu-commands-e2e-specs.js Github


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...21 }22 });23 it('fingerprint should open the secret activity on emitted valid finger touch event', async () => {24 if (await adb.isAppInstalled(pkg)) {25 await adb.forceStop(pkg);26 await adb.uninstallApk(pkg);27 }28 await adb.install(fingerprintPath);29 await adb.startApp({pkg, activity});30 await sleep(500);31 let app = await adb.getFocusedPackageAndActivity();32 app.appActivity.should.equal(activity);33 await adb.fingerprint(1111);34 await sleep(2500);35 app = await adb.getFocusedPackageAndActivity();36 app.appActivity.should.equal(secretActivity);37 });...

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Source:session.js Github


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...6 if (process.env.TRAVIS) {7 let adb = await ADB.createADB({adbPort});8 try {9 // on Travis, sometimes we get the keyboard dying and the screen stuck10 await adb.forceStop('');11 await['pm', 'clear', '']);12 } catch (ign) {}13 }14 // Create a WD driver15 logger.debug(`Starting session on ${DEFAULT_HOST}:${DEFAULT_PORT}`);16 let driver = await wd.promiseChainRemote(DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT);17 await driver.init(caps);18 // In Travis, there is sometimes a popup19 if (process.env.CI) {20 try {21 const okBtn = await driver.elementById('android:id/button1');22 logger.warn('*******************************************************');23 logger.warn('*******************************************************');24 logger.warn('*******************************************************');...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2driver.init({3});4driver.forceStop('com.example.test').then(function(){5 console.log("Stopped the app");6});7driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);6 .init(desired)7 .then(function() {8 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');9 })10 .then(function(el) {11 return;12 })13 .then(function() {14 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');15 })16 .then(function(el) {17 return;18 })19 .then(function() {20 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');21 })22 .then(function(el) {23 return;24 })25 .then(function() {26 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');27 })28 .then(function(el) {29 return;30 })31 .then(function() {32 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');33 })34 .then(function(el) {35 return;36 })37 .then(function() {38 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');39 })40 .then(function(el) {41 return;42 })43 .then(function() {44 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');45 })46 .then(function(el) {47 return;48 })49 .then(function() {50 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');51 })52 .then(function(el) {53 return;54 })55 .then(function() {56 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');57 })58 .then(function(el) {59 return;60 })61 .then(function() {62 return driver.elementById('com.xxxx.xxxx:id/btnLogin');63 })64 .then(function(el) {65 return;66 })67 .then(function() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var caps = require('./caps');4var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);5driver.init(caps).then(function() {6 return driver.adb.forceStop('io.selendroid.testapp');7}).then(function() {8 return driver.quit();9}).done();10var caps = {

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