How to use driver.initAUT method in Appium Android Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-android-driver


Source:driver-specs.js Github


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...265 driver.caps = {};266 });267 it('should throw error if run with full reset', async function () {268 driver.opts = {appPackage: 'app.package', appActivity: 'act', fullReset: true};269 await driver.initAUT() reset requires an app capability/);270 });271 it('should reset if run with fast reset', async function () {272 driver.opts = {appPackage: 'app.package', appActivity: 'act', fullReset: false, fastReset: true};273 driver.adb = 'mock_adb';274 mocks.helpers.expects('resetApp').withArgs('mock_adb');275 await driver.initAUT();276 mocks.helpers.verify();277 });278 it('should keep data if run without reset', async function () {279 driver.opts = {appPackage: 'app.package', appActivity: 'act', fullReset: false, fastReset: false};280 mocks.helpers.expects('resetApp').never();281 await driver.initAUT();282 mocks.helpers.verify();283 });284 it('should install "otherApps" if set in capabilities', async function () {285 const otherApps = ['http://URL_FOR/fake/app.apk'];286 const tempApps = ['/path/to/fake/app.apk'];287 driver.opts = {288 appPackage: 'app.package',289 appActivity: 'act',290 fullReset: false,291 fastReset: false,292 otherApps: `["${otherApps[0]}"]`,293 };294 sandbox.stub(driver.helpers, 'configureApp')295 .withArgs(otherApps[0], '.apk')296 .returns(tempApps[0]);297 mocks.helpers.expects('installOtherApks').once().withArgs(tempApps, driver.adb, driver.opts);298 await driver.initAUT();299 mocks.helpers.verify();300 });301 it('should uninstall a package "uninstallOtherPackages" if set in capabilities', async function () {302 const uninstallOtherPackages = 'app.bundle.id1';303 driver.opts = {304 appPackage: 'app.package',305 appActivity: 'act',306 fullReset: false,307 fastReset: false,308 uninstallOtherPackages,309 };310 driver.adb = new ADB();311 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'uninstallApk')312 .withArgs('app.bundle.id1')313 .returns(true);314 mocks.helpers.expects('uninstallOtherPackages').once().withArgs(driver.adb, [uninstallOtherPackages], [SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID]);315 await driver.initAUT();316 mocks.helpers.verify();317 });318 it('should uninstall multiple packages "uninstallOtherPackages" if set in capabilities', async function () {319 const uninstallOtherPackages = ['app.bundle.id1', 'app.bundle.id2'];320 driver.opts = {321 appPackage: 'app.package',322 appActivity: 'act',323 fullReset: false,324 fastReset: false,325 uninstallOtherPackages: `["${uninstallOtherPackages[0]}", "${uninstallOtherPackages[1]}"]`,326 };327 driver.adb = new ADB();328 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'uninstallApk')329 .returns(true);330 mocks.helpers.expects('uninstallOtherPackages').once().withArgs(driver.adb, uninstallOtherPackages, [SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID]);331 await driver.initAUT();332 mocks.helpers.verify();333 });334 it('get all 3rd party packages', async function () {335 driver.adb = new ADB();336 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'shell')337 .returns('package:app.bundle.id1\npackage:io.appium.settings\npackage:io.appium.uiautomator2.server\npackage:io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test\n');338 (await helpers.getThirdPartyPackages(driver.adb, [SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID]))339 .should.eql(['app.bundle.id1', 'io.appium.uiautomator2.server', 'io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test']);340 });341 it('get all 3rd party packages with multiple package filter', async function () {342 driver.adb = new ADB();343 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'shell')344 .returns('package:app.bundle.id1\npackage:io.appium.settings\npackage:io.appium.uiautomator2.server\npackage:io.appium.uiautomator2.server.test\n');345 (await helpers.getThirdPartyPackages(driver.adb, [SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID, 'io.appium.uiautomator2.server']))...

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Source:general-specs.js Github


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1import chai from 'chai';2import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';3import sinon from 'sinon';4import EspressoDriver from '../../../lib/driver';5chai.should();6chai.use(chaiAsPromised);7let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();8describe('commands', function () {9 describe('general', function () {10 let driver;11 describe('settings', function () {12 beforeEach(function () {13 driver = new EspressoDriver({}, false);14 driver.caps = { appPackage: 'io.appium.package', appActivity: '.MainActivity'};15 driver.opts = { autoLaunch: false, skipUnlock: true };16 sandbox.stub(driver, 'initEspressoServer');17 sandbox.stub(driver, 'initAUT');18 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startEspressoSession');19 });20 it('update settings', async function () {21 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', appPackage: driver.caps.appPackage});22 await driver.updateSettings()'Method has not yet been implemented');23 });24 it('get settings', async function () {25 await driver.createSession({platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'device', appPackage: driver.caps.appPackage});26 await driver.getSettings()'Method has not yet been implemented');27 });28 });29 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.initAUT(function(err, res) {2 if (err) throw err;3 console.log(res);4});5driver.getAUT(function(err, res) {6 if (err) throw err;7 console.log(res);8});9driver.getAUTSession(function(err, res) {10 if (err) throw err;11 console.log(res);12});13driver.getAUTPackage(function(err, res) {14 if (err) throw err;15 console.log(res);16});17driver.getAUTActivity(function(err, res) {18 if (err) throw err;19 console.log(res);20});21driver.getAUTProcess(function(err, res) {22 if (err) throw err;23 console.log(res);24});25driver.getAUTProcessPid(function(err, res) {26 if (err) throw err;27 console.log(res);28});29driver.getAUTProcessName(function(err, res) {30 if (err) throw err;31 console.log(res);32});33driver.getAUTProcessUser(function(err, res) {34 if (err) throw err;35 console.log(res);36});37driver.getAUTProcessMemoryInfo(function(err, res) {38 if (err) throw err;39 console.log(res);40});41driver.getAUTProcessCpuUsage(function(err, res) {42 if (err) throw err;43 console.log(res);44});

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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);4driver.initAUT({5}, function() {6 driver.sleep(1000);7 driver.quit();8});9var wd = require('wd');10var assert = require('assert');11var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);12driver.initAUT({13}, function() {14 driver.sleep(1000);15 driver.quit();16});17var wd = require('wd');18var assert = require('assert');19var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);20driver.initAUT({21}, function() {22 driver.sleep(1000);23 driver.quit();24});25var wd = require('wd');26var assert = require('assert');27var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);28driver.initAUT({29}, function() {30 driver.sleep(1000);31 driver.quit();32});33var wd = require('wd');34var assert = require('assert');35var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);36driver.initAUT({37}, function() {38 driver.sleep(1000);39 driver.quit();40});41var wd = require('wd');42var assert = require('assert');43var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);44driver.initAUT({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { AndroidDriver } = require('appium-android-driver');2const driver = new AndroidDriver();3driver.initAUT('', '');4const { IOSDriver } = require('appium-ios-driver');5const driver = new IOSDriver();6driver.initAUT('', '');7const { WindowsDriver } = require('appium-windows-driver');8const driver = new WindowsDriver();9driver.initAUT('Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App');10const { MacDriver } = require('appium-mac-driver');11const driver = new MacDriver();12driver.initAUT('');13const { WebDriver } = require('appium-webdriver');14const driver = new WebDriver();15const { EspressoDriver } = require('appium-espresso-driver');16const driver = new EspressoDriver();17driver.initAUT('', '');18const { YouiEngineDriver } = require('appium-youiengine-driver');19const driver = new YouiEngineDriver();20driver.initAUT('com.youiengine.sampleapp', 'com.youiengine.sampleapp.MainActivity');21const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');22const driver = new XCUITestDriver();23driver.initAUT('', '');24const { FakeDriver } = require('appium-fake-driver');25const driver = new FakeDriver();26driver.initAUT('', '');27const { FakeDriver } = require('appium-fake-driver');

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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6 .remote(options)7 .init()8 .initAUT()9 .end();10Method Description back() It is used to press the back button on the device. closeApp() It is used to close the app on the device. context() It is used to get the context of the current session. contexts() It is used to get the contexts of the current session. currentActivity() It is used to get the current activity on the device. currentPackage() It is used to get the current package on the device. deviceKeyEvent() It is used to send a key event to the device. endTestCoverage() It is used to end the test coverage on the device. findElementFromElement() It is used to find an element from another element. findElementsFromElement() It is used to find elements from another element. getDeviceTime() It is used to get the device time. getLog() It is used to get the log from the device. getLogTypes() It is used to get the log types from the device. getOrientation() It is used to get the orientation of the device. getPerformanceData() It is used to get the performance data from the device. getPerformanceDataTypes() It is used to get the performance data types from the device. getSettings() It is used to get the settings from the device. hideKeyboard() It is used to hide the keyboard on the device. isAppInstalled() It is used to check if the app is installed on the device. isLocked() It is used to check if the device is locked. isKeyboardShown() It is used to check if the keyboard is shown on the device. lock() It is used to lock the device. longTap

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var driver = require('AppiumAndroidDriver');2driver.initAUT('', '');3var driver = require('AppiumIOSDriver');4driver.initAUT('', '');5var driver = require('AppiumWindowsDriver');6driver.initAUT('', '');7var driver = require('AppiumMacDriver');8driver.initAUT('', '');9var driver = require('AppiumWebDriver');10driver.initAUT('', '');11var driver = require('AppiumTizenDriver');12driver.initAUT('', '');13var driver = require('AppiumYouiEngineDriver');14driver.initAUT('', '');15var driver = require('AppiumAndroidDriver');16driver.initAUT('', '', '', '');17var driver = require('AppiumIOSDriver');18driver.initAUT('', '', '', '');19var driver = require('AppiumWindowsDriver');20driver.initAUT('', '', '', '');21var driver = require('AppiumMacDriver');22driver.initAUT('', '', '', '');23var driver = require('AppiumWebDriver');24driver.initAUT('', '', '', 'com.example

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.initAUT("", "", "1.0", "", true, true, true, true, 120000);2driver.initAUT("", "", "1.0", "", true, true, true, true, 120000);3driver.initAUT("Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App", "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App", "1.0", "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App", true, true, true, true, 120000);4driver.initAUT("", "", "1.0", "", true, true, true, true, 120000);5driver.initAUT("", "", "1.0", "", true, true, true, true, 120000);6driver.initAUT("calculator", "calculator", "1.0", "calculator", true, true, true, true, 120000);7driver.initAUT("C:/Users/Downloads/Calculator.exe", "C:/Users/Downloads/Calculator.exe", "1.0", "C:/Users/Downloads/Calculator.exe", true, true, true, true, 120000);8driver.initAUT("C:/Users/Downloads/Fire

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