How to use helpers.installApk method in Appium Android Driver

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Source:android-helper-specs.js Github


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...444 appPackage: 'pkg',445 androidInstallTimeout: 90000446 };447 it('should complain if appPackage is not passed', async function () {448 await helpers.installApk(adb, {})449​appPackage/​);450 });451 it('should install/​upgrade and reset app if fast reset is set to true', async function () {452 mocks.adb.expects('installOrUpgrade').once()453 .withArgs(, opts.appPackage)454 .returns({wasUninstalled: false, appState: 'sameVersionInstalled'});455 mocks.helpers.expects('resetApp').once().withArgs(adb);456 await helpers.installApk(adb, Object.assign({}, opts, {fastReset: true}));457 mocks.adb.verify();458 mocks.helpers.verify();459 });460 it('should reinstall app if full reset is set to true', async function () {461 mocks.adb.expects('installOrUpgrade').never();462 mocks.helpers.expects('resetApp').once().withArgs(adb);463 await helpers.installApk(adb, Object.assign({}, opts, {fastReset: true, fullReset: true}));464 mocks.adb.verify();465 mocks.helpers.verify();466 });467 it('should not run reset if the corresponding option is not set', async function () {468 mocks.adb.expects('installOrUpgrade').once()469 .withArgs(, opts.appPackage)470 .returns({wasUninstalled: true, appState: 'sameVersionInstalled'});471 mocks.helpers.expects('resetApp').never();472 await helpers.installApk(adb, opts);473 mocks.adb.verify();474 mocks.helpers.verify();475 });476 it('should install/​upgrade and skip fast resetting the app if this was the fresh install', async function () {477 mocks.adb.expects('installOrUpgrade').once()478 .withArgs(, opts.appPackage)479 .returns({wasUninstalled: false, appState: 'notInstalled'});480 mocks.helpers.expects('resetApp').never();481 await helpers.installApk(adb, Object.assign({}, opts, {fastReset: true}));482 mocks.adb.verify();483 mocks.helpers.verify();484 });485 }));486 describe('installOtherApks', withMocks({adb, fs, helpers}, function (mocks) {487 const opts = {488 app: 'local',489 appPackage: 'pkg',490 androidInstallTimeout: 90000491 };492 const fakeApk = '/​path/​to/​fake/​app.apk';493 const otherFakeApk = '/​path/​to/​other/​fake/​app.apk';494 const expectedADBInstallOpts = {495 allowTestPackages: undefined,...

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1import _ from 'lodash';2import path from 'path';3import { exec } from 'teen_process';4import { retry, retryInterval } from 'asyncbox';5import logger from './​logger';6import { fs } from 'appium-support';7import { path as unicodeIMEPath } from 'appium-android-ime';8import { path as settingsApkPath } from 'io.appium.settings';9import { path as unlockApkPath } from 'appium-unlock';10import Bootstrap from 'appium-android-bootstrap';11import B from 'bluebird';12import ADB from 'appium-adb';13import { default as unlocker, PIN_UNLOCK, PASSWORD_UNLOCK,14 PATTERN_UNLOCK, FINGERPRINT_UNLOCK } from './​unlock-helpers';15const PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT = 90000; /​/​ milliseconds16const CHROME_BROWSER_PACKAGE_ACTIVITY = {17 chrome: {18 pkg: '',19 activity: '',20 },21 chromium: {22 pkg: '',23 activity: '.ChromeShellActivity',24 },25 chromebeta: {26 pkg: '',27 activity: '',28 },29 browser: {30 pkg: '',31 activity: '',32 },33 'chromium-browser': {34 pkg: '',35 activity: '',36 },37 'chromium-webview': {38 pkg: 'org.chromium.webview_shell',39 activity: 'org.chromium.webview_shell.WebViewBrowserActivity',40 },41 default: {42 pkg: '',43 activity: '',44 },45};46const SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID = 'io.appium.settings';47const SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ACTIVITY = ".Settings";48const UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID = 'io.appium.unlock';49const UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ACTIVITY = ".Unlock";50const UNICODE_IME_PKG_ID = '';51let helpers = {};52helpers.createBaseADB = async function (opts = {}) {53 /​/​ filter out any unwanted options sent in54 /​/​ this list should be updated as ADB takes more arguments55 const {56 javaVersion,57 adbPort,58 suppressKillServer,59 remoteAdbHost,60 clearDeviceLogsOnStart,61 adbExecTimeout,62 } = opts;63 return await ADB.createADB({64 javaVersion,65 adbPort,66 suppressKillServer,67 remoteAdbHost,68 clearDeviceLogsOnStart,69 adbExecTimeout,70 });71};72helpers.parseJavaVersion = function (stderr) {73 let lines = stderr.split("\n");74 for (let line of lines) {75 if (new RegExp(/​(java|openjdk) version/​).test(line)) {76 return line.split(" ")[2].replace(/​"/​g, '');77 }78 }79 return null;80};81helpers.getJavaVersion = async function (logVersion = true) {82 let {stderr} = await exec('java', ['-version']);83 let javaVer = helpers.parseJavaVersion(stderr);84 if (javaVer === null) {85 throw new Error("Could not get the Java version. Is Java installed?");86 }87 if (logVersion) {88`Java version is: ${javaVer}`);89 }90 return javaVer;91};92helpers.prepareEmulator = async function (adb, opts) {93 let {avd, avdArgs, language, locale, avdLaunchTimeout,94 avdReadyTimeout} = opts;95 if (!avd) {96 throw new Error("Cannot launch AVD without AVD name");97 }98 let avdName = avd.replace('@', '');99 let runningAVD = await adb.getRunningAVD(avdName);100 if (runningAVD !== null) {101 if (avdArgs && avdArgs.toLowerCase().indexOf("-wipe-data") > -1) {102 logger.debug(`Killing '${avdName}' because it needs to be wiped at start.`);103 await adb.killEmulator(avdName);104 } else {105 logger.debug("Not launching AVD because it is already running.");106 return;107 }108 }109 avdArgs = this.prepareAVDArgs(opts, adb, avdArgs);110 await adb.launchAVD(avd, avdArgs, language, locale, avdLaunchTimeout,111 avdReadyTimeout);112};113helpers.prepareAVDArgs = function (opts, adb, avdArgs) {114 let args = avdArgs ? [avdArgs] : [];115 if (!_.isUndefined(opts.networkSpeed)) {116 let networkSpeed = this.ensureNetworkSpeed(adb, opts.networkSpeed);117 args.push('-netspeed', networkSpeed);118 }119 if (opts.isHeadless) {120 args.push('-no-window');121 }122 return args.join(' ');123};124helpers.ensureNetworkSpeed = function (adb, networkSpeed) {125 if (_.values(adb.NETWORK_SPEED).indexOf(networkSpeed) !== -1) {126 return networkSpeed;127 }128 logger.warn(`Wrong network speed param ${networkSpeed}, using default: full. Supported values: ${_.values(adb.NETWORK_SPEED)}`);129 return adb.NETWORK_SPEED.FULL;130};131helpers.ensureDeviceLocale = async function (adb, language, country) {132 if (!_.isString(language) && !_.isString(country)) {133 logger.warn(`setDeviceLanguageCountry requires language or country.`);134 logger.warn(`Got language: '${language}' and country: '${country}'`);135 return;136 }137 await adb.setDeviceLanguageCountry(language, country);138 if (!await adb.ensureCurrentLocale(language, country)) {139 throw new Error(`Failed to set language: ${language} and country: ${country}`);140 }141};142helpers.getDeviceInfoFromCaps = async function (opts = {}) {143 /​/​ we can create a throwaway ADB instance here, so there is no dependency144 /​/​ on instantiating on earlier (at this point, we have no udid)145 /​/​ we can only use this ADB object for commands that would not be confused146 /​/​ if multiple devices are connected147 const adb = await helpers.createBaseADB(opts);148 let udid = opts.udid;149 let emPort = null;150 /​/​ a specific avd name was given. try to initialize with that151 if (opts.avd) {152 await helpers.prepareEmulator(adb, opts);153 udid = adb.curDeviceId;154 emPort = adb.emulatorPort;155 } else {156 /​/​ no avd given. lets try whatever's plugged in devices/​emulators157"Retrieving device list");158 let devices = await adb.getDevicesWithRetry();159 /​/​ udid was given, lets try to init with that device160 if (udid) {161 if (!_.includes(, 'udid'), udid)) {162 logger.errorAndThrow(`Device ${udid} was not in the list ` +163 `of connected devices`);164 }165 emPort = adb.getPortFromEmulatorString(udid);166 } else if (opts.platformVersion) {167 opts.platformVersion = `${opts.platformVersion}`.trim();168 /​/​ a platform version was given. lets try to find a device with the same os169`Looking for a device with Android '${opts.platformVersion}'`);170 /​/​ in case we fail to find something, give the user a useful log that has171 /​/​ the device udids and os versions so they know what's available172 let availDevicesStr = [];173 /​/​ first try started devices/​emulators174 for (let device of devices) {175 /​/​ direct adb calls to the specific device176 await adb.setDeviceId(device.udid);177 let deviceOS = await adb.getPlatformVersion();178 /​/​ build up our info string of available devices as we iterate179 availDevicesStr.push(`${device.udid} (${deviceOS})`);180 /​/​ we do a begins with check for implied wildcard matching181 /​/​ eg: 4 matches 4.1, 4.0, 4.1.3-samsung, etc182 if (deviceOS.indexOf(opts.platformVersion) === 0) {183 udid = device.udid;184 break;185 }186 }187 /​/​ we couldn't find anything! quit188 if (!udid) {189 logger.errorAndThrow(`Unable to find an active device or emulator ` +190 `with OS ${opts.platformVersion}. The following ` +191 `are available: ` + availDevicesStr.join(', '));192 }193 emPort = adb.getPortFromEmulatorString(udid);194 } else {195 /​/​ a udid was not given, grab the first device we see196 udid = devices[0].udid;197 emPort = adb.getPortFromEmulatorString(udid);198 }199 }200`Using device: ${udid}`);201 return {udid, emPort};202};203/​/​ returns a new adb instance with deviceId set204helpers.createADB = async function (opts = {}) {205 const {udid, emPort} = opts;206 const adb = await helpers.createBaseADB(opts);207 adb.setDeviceId(udid);208 if (emPort) {209 adb.setEmulatorPort(emPort);210 }211 return adb;212};213helpers.validatePackageActivityNames = function (opts) {214 for (const key of ['appPackage', 'appActivity', 'appWaitPackage', 'appWaitActivity']) {215 const name = opts[key];216 if (!name) {217 continue;218 }219 const match = /​([^\w.*,])+/​.exec(name);220 if (!match) {221 continue;222 }223 logger.warn(`Capability '${key}' is expected to only include latin letters, digits, underscore, dot, comma and asterisk characters.`);224 logger.warn(`Current value '${name}' has non-matching character at index ${match.index}: '${name.substring(0, match.index + 1)}'`);225 }226};227helpers.getLaunchInfo = async function (adb, opts) {228 let {app, appPackage, appActivity, appWaitPackage, appWaitActivity} = opts;229 if (!app) {230 logger.warn("No app sent in, not parsing package/​activity");231 return;232 }233 this.validatePackageActivityNames(opts);234 if (appPackage && appActivity) {235 return;236 }237 logger.debug("Parsing package and activity from app manifest");238 let {apkPackage, apkActivity} =239 await adb.packageAndLaunchActivityFromManifest(app);240 if (apkPackage && !appPackage) {241 appPackage = apkPackage;242 }243 if (!appWaitPackage) {244 appWaitPackage = appPackage;245 }246 if (apkActivity && !appActivity) {247 appActivity = apkActivity;248 }249 if (!appWaitActivity) {250 appWaitActivity = appActivity;251 }252 logger.debug(`Parsed package and activity are: ${apkPackage}/​${apkActivity}`);253 return {appPackage, appWaitPackage, appActivity, appWaitActivity};254};255helpers.resetApp = async function (adb, opts = {}) {256 const {257 app,258 appPackage,259 fastReset,260 fullReset,261 androidInstallTimeout = PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT,262 autoGrantPermissions,263 allowTestPackages264 } = opts;265 if (!appPackage) {266 throw new Error("'appPackage' option is required");267 }268 const isInstalled = await adb.isAppInstalled(appPackage);269 if (isInstalled) {270 try {271 await adb.forceStop(appPackage);272 } catch (ign) {}273 /​/​ fullReset has priority over fastReset274 if (!fullReset && fastReset) {275 const output = await adb.clear(appPackage);276 if (_.isString(output) && output.toLowerCase().includes('failed')) {277 throw new Error(`Cannot clear the application data of '${appPackage}'. Original error: ${output}`);278 }279 /​/​ executing `shell pm clear` resets previously assigned application permissions as well280 if (autoGrantPermissions) {281 try {282 await adb.grantAllPermissions(appPackage);283 } catch (error) {284 logger.error(`Unable to grant permissions requested. Original error: ${error.message}`);285 }286 }287 logger.debug(`Performed fast reset on the installed '${appPackage}' application (stop and clear)`);288 return;289 }290 }291 if (!app) {292 throw new Error("'app' option is required for reinstall");293 }294 logger.debug(`Running full reset on '${appPackage}' (reinstall)`);295 if (isInstalled) {296 await adb.uninstallApk(appPackage);297 }298 await adb.install(app, {299 grantPermissions: autoGrantPermissions,300 timeout: androidInstallTimeout,301 allowTestPackages,302 });303};304helpers.installApk = async function (adb, opts = {}) {305 const {306 app,307 appPackage,308 fastReset,309 fullReset,310 androidInstallTimeout = PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT,311 autoGrantPermissions,312 allowTestPackages313 } = opts;314 if (!app || !appPackage) {315 throw new Error("'app' and 'appPackage' options are required");316 }317 if (fullReset) {318 await this.resetApp(adb, opts);319 return;320 }321 /​/​ There is no need to reset the newly installed app322 const shouldPerformFastReset = fastReset && await adb.isAppInstalled(appPackage);323 await adb.installOrUpgrade(app, appPackage, {324 grantPermissions: autoGrantPermissions,325 timeout: androidInstallTimeout,326 allowTestPackages,327 });328 if (shouldPerformFastReset) {329`Performing fast reset on '${appPackage}'`);330 await this.resetApp(adb, opts);331 }332};333/​**334 * Installs an array of apks335 * @param {ADB} adb Instance of Appium ADB object336 * @param {Object} opts Opts defined in driver.js337 */​338helpers.installOtherApks = async function (otherApps, adb, opts) {339 let {340 androidInstallTimeout = PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT,341 autoGrantPermissions,342 allowTestPackages343 } = opts;344 /​/​ Install all of the APK's asynchronously345 await B.all( => {346 logger.debug(`Installing app: ${otherApp}`);347 return adb.installOrUpgrade(otherApp, null, {348 grantPermissions: autoGrantPermissions,349 timeout: androidInstallTimeout,350 allowTestPackages,351 });352 }));353};354helpers.initUnicodeKeyboard = async function (adb) {355 logger.debug('Enabling Unicode keyboard support');356 logger.debug("Pushing unicode ime to device...");357 try {358 await adb.install(unicodeIMEPath, {replace: false});359 } catch (err) {360`Performing full reinstall of ${UNICODE_IME_PKG_ID} as a possible fix for: ${err.message}`);361 await adb.uninstallApk(UNICODE_IME_PKG_ID);362 await adb.install(unicodeIMEPath, {replace: false});363 }364 /​/​ get the default IME so we can return back to it later if we want365 let defaultIME = await adb.defaultIME();366 logger.debug(`Unsetting previous IME ${defaultIME}`);367 const appiumIME = `${UNICODE_IME_PKG_ID}/​.UnicodeIME`;368 logger.debug(`Setting IME to '${appiumIME}'`);369 await adb.enableIME(appiumIME);370 await adb.setIME(appiumIME);371 return defaultIME;372};373helpers.setMockLocationApp = async function (adb, app) {374 try {375 if (await adb.getApiLevel() < 23) {376 await['settings', 'put', 'secure', 'mock_location', '1']);377 } else {378 await['appops', 'set', app, 'android:mock_location', 'allow']);379 }380 } catch (err) {381 logger.warn(`Unable to set mock location for app '${app}': ${err.message}`);382 }383};384helpers.installHelperApp = async function (adb, apkPath, packageId, appName) {385 try {386 await adb.installOrUpgrade(apkPath, packageId, {grantPermissions: true});387 } catch (err) {388 logger.warn(`Ignored error while installing Appium ${appName} helper: ` +389 `'${err.message}'. Manually uninstalling the application ` +390 `with package id '${packageId}' may help. Expect some Appium ` +391 `features may not work as expected unless this problem is ` +392 `fixed.`);393 }394};395helpers.pushSettingsApp = async function (adb, throwError = false) {396 logger.debug("Pushing settings apk to device...");397 await helpers.installHelperApp(adb, settingsApkPath, SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID, 'Settings');398 /​/​ Reinstall will stop the settings helper process anyway, so399 /​/​ there is no need to continue if the application is still running400 if (await adb.processExists(SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID)) {401 logger.debug(`${SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID} is already running. ` +402 `There is no need to reset its permissions.`);403 return;404 }405 /​/​ lauch io.appium.settings app due to settings failing to be set406 /​/​ if the app is not launched prior to start the session on android 7+407 /​/​ see https:/​/​​appium/​appium/​issues/​8957408 try {409 await adb.startApp({410 pkg: SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID,411 activity: SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ACTIVITY,412 action: "android.intent.action.MAIN",413 category: "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER",414 flags: "0x10200000",415 stopApp: false,416 });417 } catch (err) {418 logger.warn(`Failed to launch settings app: ${err.message}`);419 if (throwError) {420 throw err;421 }422 }423};424helpers.pushUnlock = async function (adb) {425 logger.debug("Pushing unlock helper app to device...");426 await helpers.installHelperApp(adb, unlockApkPath, UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID, 'Unlock');427};428/​**429 * Extracts string.xml and converts it to string.json and pushes430 * it to /​data/​local/​tmp/​string.json on for use of bootstrap431 * If app is not present to extract string.xml it deletes remote strings.json432 * If app does not have strings.xml we push an empty json object to remote433 *434 * @param {?string} language - Language abbreviation, for example 'fr'. The default language435 * is used if this argument is not defined.436 * @param {Object} adb - The adb mofdule instance.437 * @param {Object} opts - Driver options dictionary.438 * @returns {Object} The dictionary, where string resourtces identifiers are keys439 * along with their corresponding values for the given language or an empty object440 * if no matching resources were extracted.441 */​442helpers.pushStrings = async function (language, adb, opts) {443 const remoteDir = '/​data/​local/​tmp';444 const stringsJson = 'strings.json';445 const remoteFile = `${remoteDir}/​${stringsJson}`;446 /​/​ clean up remote string.json if present447 await adb.rimraf(remoteFile);448 if (_.isEmpty(opts.appPackage) || !(await fs.exists( {449 return {};450 }451 const stringsTmpDir = path.resolve(opts.tmpDir, opts.appPackage);452 try {453 logger.debug('Extracting strings from apk',, language, stringsTmpDir);454 const {apkStrings, localPath} = await adb.extractStringsFromApk(, language, stringsTmpDir);455 await adb.push(localPath, remoteDir);456 return apkStrings;457 } catch (err) {458 logger.warn(`Could not get strings, continuing anyway. Original error: ${err.message}`);459 await'echo', [`'{}' > ${remoteFile}`]);460 } finally {461 await fs.rimraf(stringsTmpDir);462 }463 return {};464};465helpers.unlockWithUIAutomation = async function (driver, adb, unlockCapabilities) {466 let unlockType = unlockCapabilities.unlockType;467 if (!unlocker.isValidUnlockType(unlockType)) {468 throw new Error(`Invalid unlock type ${unlockType}`);469 }470 let unlockKey = unlockCapabilities.unlockKey;471 if (!unlocker.isValidKey(unlockType, unlockKey)) {472 throw new Error(`Missing unlockKey ${unlockKey} capability for unlockType ${unlockType}`);473 }474 const unlockMethod = {475 [PIN_UNLOCK]: unlocker.pinUnlock,476 [PASSWORD_UNLOCK]: unlocker.passwordUnlock,477 [PATTERN_UNLOCK]: unlocker.patternUnlock,478 [FINGERPRINT_UNLOCK]: unlocker.fingerprintUnlock479 }[unlockType];480 await unlockMethod(adb, driver, unlockCapabilities);481};482helpers.unlockWithHelperApp = async function (adb) {483"Unlocking screen");484 try {485 await adb.forceStop(UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID);486 } catch (e) {487 /​/​ Sometimes we can see the below error, but we can ignore it.488 /​/​ [W3C] Encountered internal error running command: Error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command 'adb -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 shell am force-stop io.appium.unlock' timed out after 20000ms'; Stderr: ''; Code: 'null'489 logger.warn(`An error in unlockWithHelperApp: ${e.message}`);490 }491 let startOpts = {492 pkg: UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID,493 activity: UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ACTIVITY,494 action: "android.intent.action.MAIN",495 category: "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER",496 flags: "0x10200000",497 stopApp: false,498 retry: false,499 waitDuration: 1000500 };501 /​/​ Unlock succeed with a couple of retries.502 let firstRun = true;503 await retry(3, async function () {504 /​/​ To reduce a time to call adb.isScreenLocked() since `adb shell dumpsys window` is easy to hang adb commands505 if (firstRun) {506 firstRun = false;507 } else {508 try {509 if (!(await adb.isScreenLocked())) {510 return;511 }512 } catch (e) {513 logger.warn(`Error in isScreenLocked: ${e.message}`);514 logger.warn("\"adb shell dumpsys window\" command has timed out.");515 logger.warn("The reason of this timeout is the delayed adb response. Resetting adb server can improve it.");516 }517 }518`Launching ${UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID}`);519 /​/​ The command takes too much time so we should not call the command over twice continuously.520 await adb.startApp(startOpts);521 });522};523helpers.unlock = async function (driver, adb, capabilities) {524 if (!(await adb.isScreenLocked())) {525"Screen already unlocked, doing nothing");526 return;527 }528 logger.debug("Screen is locked, trying to unlock");529 if (_.isUndefined(capabilities.unlockType)) {530 logger.warn("Using app unlock, this is going to be deprecated!");531 await helpers.unlockWithHelperApp(adb);532 } else {533 await helpers.unlockWithUIAutomation(driver, adb, {unlockType: capabilities.unlockType, unlockKey: capabilities.unlockKey});534 await helpers.verifyUnlock(adb);535 }536};537helpers.verifyUnlock = async function (adb) {538 await retryInterval(2, 1000, async () => {539 if (await adb.isScreenLocked()) {540 throw new Error("Screen did not unlock successfully, retrying");541 }542 logger.debug("Screen unlocked successfully");543 });544};545helpers.initDevice = async function (adb, opts) {546 await adb.waitForDevice();547 /​/​ pushSettingsApp required before calling ensureDeviceLocale for API Level 24+548 await helpers.pushSettingsApp(adb);549 if (!opts.avd) {550 await helpers.setMockLocationApp(adb, SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID);551 }552 await helpers.ensureDeviceLocale(adb, opts.language, opts.locale);553 await adb.startLogcat();554 let defaultIME;555 if (opts.unicodeKeyboard) {556 defaultIME = await helpers.initUnicodeKeyboard(adb);557 }558 if (_.isUndefined(opts.unlockType)) {559 await helpers.pushUnlock(adb);560 }561 return defaultIME;562};563helpers.removeNullProperties = function (obj) {564 for (let key of _.keys(obj)) {565 if (_.isNull(obj[key]) || _.isUndefined(obj[key])) {566 delete obj[key];567 }568 }569};570helpers.truncateDecimals = function (number, digits) {571 let multiplier = Math.pow(10, digits),572 adjustedNum = number * multiplier,573 truncatedNum = Math[adjustedNum < 0 ? 'ceil' : 'floor'](adjustedNum);574 return truncatedNum /​ multiplier;575};576helpers.isChromeBrowser = function (browser) {577 return _.includes(Object.keys(CHROME_BROWSER_PACKAGE_ACTIVITY), (browser || '').toLowerCase());578};579helpers.getChromePkg = function (browser) {580 return CHROME_BROWSER_PACKAGE_ACTIVITY[browser.toLowerCase()] ||581 CHROME_BROWSER_PACKAGE_ACTIVITY.default;582};583helpers.removeAllSessionWebSocketHandlers = async function (server, sessionId) {584 if (!server || !_.isFunction(server.getWebSocketHandlers)) {585 return;586 }587 const activeHandlers = await server.getWebSocketHandlers(sessionId);588 for (const pathname of _.keys(activeHandlers)) {589 await server.removeWebSocketHandler(pathname);590 }591};592/​**593 * Takes a desired capability and tries to JSON.parse it as an array,594 * and either returns the parsed array or a singleton array.595 *596 * @param {any} cap A desired capability597 */​598helpers.parseArray = function (cap) {599 let parsedCaps;600 try {601 parsedCaps = JSON.parse(cap);602 } catch (ign) { }603 if (_.isArray(parsedCaps)) {604 return parsedCaps;605 } else if (_.isString(cap)) {606 return [cap];607 }608 throw new Error(`must provide a string or JSON Array; received ${cap}`);609};610helpers.validateDesiredCaps = function (caps) {611 /​/​ make sure that the capabilities have one of `app`, `appPackage` or `browser`612 if ((!caps.browserName || !this.isChromeBrowser(caps.browserName)) && ! && !caps.appPackage) {613 logger.errorAndThrow('The desired capabilities must include either an app, appPackage or browserName');614 }615 if (caps.browserName) {616 if ( {617 /​/​ warn if the capabilities have both `app` and `browser, although this is common with selenium grid618 logger.warn('The desired capabilities should generally not include both an app and a browserName');619 }620 if (caps.appPackage) {621 logger.errorAndThrow(`The desired capabilities must include either 'appPackage' or 'browserName'`);622 }623 }624 return true;625};626helpers.bootstrap = Bootstrap;627helpers.unlocker = unlocker;...

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Source:android-helpers.js Github


Full Screen

1import _ from 'lodash';2import path from 'path';3import { exec } from 'teen_process';4import { retry, retryInterval } from 'asyncbox';5import logger from './​logger';6import { fs } from 'appium-support';7import { path as unicodeIMEPath } from 'appium-android-ime';8import { path as settingsApkPath } from 'io.appium.settings';9import { path as unlockApkPath } from 'appium-unlock';10import Bootstrap from 'appium-android-bootstrap';11import B from 'bluebird';12import ADB from 'appium-adb';13import { default as unlocker, PIN_UNLOCK, PASSWORD_UNLOCK, PATTERN_UNLOCK, FINGERPRINT_UNLOCK } from './​unlock-helpers';14const PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT = 90000; /​/​ milliseconds15const CHROME_BROWSER_PACKAGE_ACTIVITY = {16 chrome: {17 pkg: '',18 activity: '',19 },20 chromium: {21 pkg: '',22 activity: '.ChromeShellActivity',23 },24 chromebeta: {25 pkg: '',26 activity: '',27 },28 browser: {29 pkg: '',30 activity: '',31 },32 'chromium-browser': {33 pkg: '',34 activity: '',35 },36 'chromium-webview': {37 pkg: 'org.chromium.webview_shell',38 activity: 'org.chromium.webview_shell.WebViewBrowserActivity',39 },40 default: {41 pkg: '',42 activity: '',43 },44};45const SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID = 'io.appium.settings';46const SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ACTIVITY = ".Settings";47const UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID = 'io.appium.unlock';48const UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ACTIVITY = ".Unlock";49let helpers = {};50helpers.parseJavaVersion = function (stderr) {51 let lines = stderr.split("\n");52 for (let line of lines) {53 if (new RegExp(/​(java|openjdk) version/​).test(line)) {54 return line.split(" ")[2].replace(/​"/​g, '');55 }56 }57 return null;58};59helpers.getJavaVersion = async function () {60 logger.debug("Getting Java version");61 let {stderr} = await exec('java', ['-version']);62 let javaVer = helpers.parseJavaVersion(stderr);63 if (javaVer === null) {64 throw new Error("Could not get the Java version. Is Java installed?");65 }66`Java version is: ${javaVer}`);67 return javaVer;68};69helpers.prepareEmulator = async function (adb, opts) {70 let {avd, avdArgs, language, locale, avdLaunchTimeout,71 avdReadyTimeout} = opts;72 if (!avd) {73 throw new Error("Cannot launch AVD without AVD name");74 }75 let avdName = avd.replace('@', '');76 let runningAVD = await adb.getRunningAVD(avdName);77 if (runningAVD !== null) {78 if (avdArgs && avdArgs.toLowerCase().indexOf("-wipe-data") > -1) {79 logger.debug(`Killing '${avdName}' because it needs to be wiped at start.`);80 await adb.killEmulator(avdName);81 } else {82 logger.debug("Not launching AVD because it is already running.");83 return;84 }85 }86 avdArgs = this.prepareAVDArgs(opts, adb, avdArgs);87 await adb.launchAVD(avd, avdArgs, language, locale, avdLaunchTimeout,88 avdReadyTimeout);89};90helpers.prepareAVDArgs = function (opts, adb, avdArgs) {91 let args = avdArgs ? [avdArgs] : [];92 if (!_.isUndefined(opts.networkSpeed)) {93 let networkSpeed = this.ensureNetworkSpeed(adb, opts.networkSpeed);94 args.push('-netspeed', networkSpeed);95 }96 if (opts.isHeadless) {97 args.push('-no-window');98 }99 return args.join(' ');100};101helpers.ensureNetworkSpeed = function (adb, networkSpeed) {102 if (_.values(adb.NETWORK_SPEED).indexOf(networkSpeed) !== -1) {103 return networkSpeed;104 }105 logger.warn(`Wrong network speed param ${networkSpeed}, using default: full. Supported values: ${_.values(adb.NETWORK_SPEED)}`);106 return adb.NETWORK_SPEED.FULL;107};108helpers.ensureDeviceLocale = async function (adb, language, country) {109 if (!_.isString(language) && !_.isString(country)) {110 logger.warn(`setDeviceLanguageCountry requires language or country.`);111 logger.warn(`Got language: '${language}' and country: '${country}'`);112 return;113 }114 await adb.setDeviceLanguageCountry(language, country);115 if (!await adb.ensureCurrentLocale(language, country)) {116 throw new Error(`Failed to set language: ${language} and country: ${country}`);117 }118};119helpers.getDeviceInfoFromCaps = async function (opts = {}) {120 /​/​ we can create a throwaway ADB instance here, so there is no dependency121 /​/​ on instantiating on earlier (at this point, we have no udid)122 /​/​ we can only use this ADB object for commands that would not be confused123 /​/​ if multiple devices are connected124 let adb = await ADB.createADB({125 javaVersion: opts.javaVersion,126 adbPort: opts.adbPort,127 remoteAdbHost: opts.remoteAdbHost,128 suppressKillServer: opts.suppressKillServer,129 clearDeviceLogsOnStart: opts.clearDeviceLogsOnStart,130 });131 let udid = opts.udid;132 let emPort = null;133 /​/​ a specific avd name was given. try to initialize with that134 if (opts.avd) {135 await helpers.prepareEmulator(adb, opts);136 udid = adb.curDeviceId;137 emPort = adb.emulatorPort;138 } else {139 /​/​ no avd given. lets try whatever's plugged in devices/​emulators140"Retrieving device list");141 let devices = await adb.getDevicesWithRetry();142 /​/​ udid was given, lets try to init with that device143 if (udid) {144 if (!_.includes(, 'udid'), udid)) {145 logger.errorAndThrow(`Device ${udid} was not in the list ` +146 `of connected devices`);147 }148 emPort = adb.getPortFromEmulatorString(udid);149 } else if (opts.platformVersion) {150 opts.platformVersion = `${opts.platformVersion}`.trim();151 /​/​ a platform version was given. lets try to find a device with the same os152`Looking for a device with Android '${opts.platformVersion}'`);153 /​/​ in case we fail to find something, give the user a useful log that has154 /​/​ the device udids and os versions so they know what's available155 let availDevicesStr = [];156 /​/​ first try started devices/​emulators157 for (let device of devices) {158 /​/​ direct adb calls to the specific device159 await adb.setDeviceId(device.udid);160 let deviceOS = await adb.getPlatformVersion();161 /​/​ build up our info string of available devices as we iterate162 availDevicesStr.push(`${device.udid} (${deviceOS})`);163 /​/​ we do a begins with check for implied wildcard matching164 /​/​ eg: 4 matches 4.1, 4.0, 4.1.3-samsung, etc165 if (deviceOS.indexOf(opts.platformVersion) === 0) {166 udid = device.udid;167 break;168 }169 }170 /​/​ we couldn't find anything! quit171 if (!udid) {172 logger.errorAndThrow(`Unable to find an active device or emulator ` +173 `with OS ${opts.platformVersion}. The following ` +174 `are available: ` + availDevicesStr.join(', '));175 }176 emPort = adb.getPortFromEmulatorString(udid);177 } else {178 /​/​ a udid was not given, grab the first device we see179 udid = devices[0].udid;180 emPort = adb.getPortFromEmulatorString(udid);181 }182 }183`Using device: ${udid}`);184 return {udid, emPort};185};186/​/​ returns a new adb instance with deviceId set187helpers.createADB = async function (javaVersion, udid, emPort, adbPort, suppressKillServer, remoteAdbHost, clearDeviceLogsOnStart) {188 let adb = await ADB.createADB({189 javaVersion,190 adbPort,191 suppressKillServer,192 remoteAdbHost,193 clearDeviceLogsOnStart,194 });195 adb.setDeviceId(udid);196 if (emPort) {197 adb.setEmulatorPort(emPort);198 }199 return adb;200};201helpers.getLaunchInfo = async function (adb, opts) {202 let {app, appPackage, appActivity, appWaitPackage, appWaitActivity} = opts;203 if (!app) {204 logger.warn("No app sent in, not parsing package/​activity");205 return;206 }207 if (appPackage && appActivity) {208 return;209 }210 logger.debug("Parsing package and activity from app manifest");211 let {apkPackage, apkActivity} =212 await adb.packageAndLaunchActivityFromManifest(app);213 if (apkPackage && !appPackage) {214 appPackage = apkPackage;215 }216 if (!appWaitPackage) {217 appWaitPackage = appPackage;218 }219 if (apkActivity && !appActivity) {220 appActivity = apkActivity;221 }222 if (!appWaitActivity) {223 appWaitActivity = appActivity;224 }225 logger.debug(`Parsed package and activity are: ${apkPackage}/​${apkActivity}`);226 return {appPackage, appWaitPackage, appActivity, appWaitActivity};227};228helpers.resetApp = async function (adb, opts = {}) {229 const {app, appPackage, fastReset, fullReset,230 androidInstallTimeout = PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT,231 autoGrantPermissions} = opts;232 if (!appPackage) {233 throw new Error("'appPackage' option is required");234 }235 const isInstalled = await adb.isAppInstalled(appPackage);236 if (isInstalled) {237 try {238 await adb.forceStop(appPackage);239 } catch (ign) {}240 /​/​ fullReset has priority over fastReset241 if (!fullReset && fastReset) {242 const output = await adb.clear(appPackage);243 if (_.isString(output) && output.toLowerCase().includes('failed')) {244 throw new Error(`Cannot clear the application data of '${appPackage}'. Original error: ${output}`);245 }246 /​/​ executing `shell pm clear` resets previously assigned application permissions as well247 if (autoGrantPermissions) {248 try {249 await adb.grantAllPermissions(appPackage);250 } catch (error) {251 logger.error(`Unable to grant permissions requested. Original error: ${error.message}`);252 }253 }254 logger.debug(`Performed fast reset on the installed '${appPackage}' application (stop and clear)`);255 return;256 }257 }258 if (!app) {259 throw new Error("'app' option is required for reinstall");260 }261 logger.debug(`Running full reset on '${appPackage}' (reinstall)`);262 if (isInstalled) {263 await adb.uninstallApk(appPackage);264 }265 await adb.install(app, {266 grantPermissions: autoGrantPermissions,267 timeout: androidInstallTimeout268 });269};270helpers.installApk = async function (adb, opts = {}) {271 const {app, appPackage, fastReset, fullReset,272 androidInstallTimeout = PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT,273 autoGrantPermissions} = opts;274 if (!app || !appPackage) {275 throw new Error("'app' and 'appPackage' options are required");276 }277 if (fullReset) {278 await this.resetApp(adb, opts);279 return;280 }281 /​/​ There is no need to reset the newly installed app282 const shouldPerformFastReset = fastReset && await adb.isAppInstalled(appPackage);283 await adb.installOrUpgrade(app, appPackage, {284 grantPermissions: autoGrantPermissions,285 timeout: androidInstallTimeout286 });287 if (shouldPerformFastReset) {288`Performing fast reset on '${appPackage}'`);289 await this.resetApp(adb, opts);290 }291};292/​**293 * Installs an array of apks294 * @param {ADB} adb Instance of Appium ADB object295 * @param {Object} opts Opts defined in driver.js296 */​297helpers.installOtherApks = async function (otherApps, adb, opts) {298 let {299 androidInstallTimeout = PACKAGE_INSTALL_TIMEOUT,300 autoGrantPermissions301 } = opts;302 /​/​ Install all of the APK's asynchronously303 await B.all( => {304 logger.debug(`Installing app: ${otherApp}`);305 return adb.installOrUpgrade(otherApp, null, {306 grantPermissions: autoGrantPermissions,307 timeout: androidInstallTimeout,308 });309 }));310};311helpers.initUnicodeKeyboard = async function (adb) {312 logger.debug('Enabling Unicode keyboard support');313 logger.debug("Pushing unicode ime to device...");314 /​/​ await adb.install(unicodeIMEPath, {replace: false});315 /​/​ get the default IME so we can return back to it later if we want316 let defaultIME = await adb.defaultIME();317 logger.debug(`Unsetting previous IME ${defaultIME}`);318 const appiumIME = '​.UnicodeIME';319 logger.debug(`Setting IME to '${appiumIME}'`);320 await adb.enableIME(appiumIME);321 await adb.setIME(appiumIME);322 return defaultIME;323};324helpers.setMockLocationApp = async function (adb, app) {325 try {326 if (await adb.getApiLevel() < 23) {327 await['settings', 'put', 'secure', 'mock_location', '1']);328 } else {329 await['appops', 'set', app, 'android:mock_location', 'allow']);330 }331 } catch (err) {332 logger.warn(`Unable to set mock location for app '${app}': ${err.message}`);333 }334};335helpers.installHelperApp = async function (adb, apkPath, packageId, appName) {336 try {337 await adb.installOrUpgrade(apkPath, packageId, {grantPermissions: true});338 } catch (err) {339 logger.warn(`Ignored error while installing Appium ${appName} helper: ` +340 `'${err.message}'. Manually uninstalling the application ` +341 `with package id '${packageId}' may help. Expect some Appium ` +342 `features may not work as expected unless this problem is ` +343 `fixed.`);344 }345};346helpers.pushSettingsApp = async function (adb, throwError = false) {347 logger.debug("Pushing settings apk to device...");348 await helpers.installHelperApp(adb, settingsApkPath, SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID, 'Settings');349 /​/​ Reinstall will stop the settings helper process anyway, so350 /​/​ there is no need to continue if the application is still running351 if (await adb.processExists(SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID)) {352 logger.debug(`${SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID} is already running. ` +353 `There is no need to reset its permissions.`);354 return;355 }356 /​/​ lauch io.appium.settings app due to settings failing to be set357 /​/​ if the app is not launched prior to start the session on android 7+358 /​/​ see https:/​/​​appium/​appium/​issues/​8957359 try {360 await adb.startApp({361 pkg: SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID,362 activity: SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ACTIVITY,363 action: "android.intent.action.MAIN",364 category: "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER",365 flags: "0x10200000",366 stopApp: false,367 });368 } catch (err) {369 logger.warn(`Failed to launch settings app: ${err.message}`);370 if (throwError) {371 throw err;372 }373 }374};375helpers.pushUnlock = async function (adb) {376 logger.debug("Pushing unlock helper app to device...");377 await helpers.installHelperApp(adb, unlockApkPath, UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID, 'Unlock');378};379/​**380 * Extracts string.xml and converts it to string.json and pushes381 * it to /​data/​local/​tmp/​string.json on for use of bootstrap382 * If app is not present to extract string.xml it deletes remote strings.json383 * If app does not have strings.xml we push an empty json object to remote384 *385 * @param {?string} language - Language abbreviation, for example 'fr'. The default language386 * is used if this argument is not defined.387 * @param {Object} adb - The adb mofdule instance.388 * @param {Object} opts - Driver options dictionary.389 * @returns {Object} The dictionary, where string resourtces identifiers are keys390 * along with their corresponding values for the given language or an empty object391 * if no matching resources were extracted.392 */​393helpers.pushStrings = async function (language, adb, opts) {394 const remoteDir = '/​data/​local/​tmp';395 const stringsJson = 'strings.json';396 const remoteFile = `${remoteDir}/​${stringsJson}`;397 /​/​ clean up remote string.json if present398 await adb.rimraf(remoteFile);399 if (_.isEmpty(opts.appPackage) || !(await fs.exists( {400 return {};401 }402 const stringsTmpDir = path.resolve(opts.tmpDir, opts.appPackage);403 try {404 logger.debug('Extracting strings from apk',, language, stringsTmpDir);405 const {apkStrings, localPath} = await adb.extractStringsFromApk(, language, stringsTmpDir);406 await adb.push(localPath, remoteDir);407 return apkStrings;408 } catch (err) {409 logger.warn(`Could not get strings, continuing anyway. Original error: ${err.message}`);410 await'echo', [`'{}' > ${remoteFile}`]);411 } finally {412 await fs.rimraf(stringsTmpDir);413 }414 return {};415};416helpers.unlockWithUIAutomation = async function (driver, adb, unlockCapabilities) {417 let unlockType = unlockCapabilities.unlockType;418 if (!unlocker.isValidUnlockType(unlockType)) {419 throw new Error(`Invalid unlock type ${unlockType}`);420 }421 let unlockKey = unlockCapabilities.unlockKey;422 if (!unlocker.isValidKey(unlockType, unlockKey)) {423 throw new Error(`Missing unlockKey ${unlockKey} capability for unlockType ${unlockType}`);424 }425 const unlockMethod = {426 [PIN_UNLOCK]: unlocker.pinUnlock,427 [PASSWORD_UNLOCK]: unlocker.passwordUnlock,428 [PATTERN_UNLOCK]: unlocker.patternUnlock,429 [FINGERPRINT_UNLOCK]: unlocker.fingerprintUnlock430 }[unlockType];431 await unlockMethod(adb, driver, unlockCapabilities);432};433helpers.unlockWithHelperApp = async function (adb) {434"Unlocking screen");435 try {436 await adb.forceStop(UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID);437 } catch (e) {438 /​/​ Sometimes we can see the below error, but we can ignore it.439 /​/​ [W3C] Encountered internal error running command: Error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command 'adb -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 shell am force-stop io.appium.unlock' timed out after 20000ms'; Stderr: ''; Code: 'null'440 logger.warn(`An error in unlockWithHelperApp: ${e.message}`);441 }442 let startOpts = {443 pkg: UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID,444 activity: UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ACTIVITY,445 action: "android.intent.action.MAIN",446 category: "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER",447 flags: "0x10200000",448 stopApp: false,449 retry: false,450 waitDuration: 1000451 };452 /​/​ Unlock succeed with a couple of retries.453 let firstRun = true;454 await retry(3, async function () {455 /​/​ To reduce a time to call adb.isScreenLocked() since `adb shell dumpsys window` is easy to hang adb commands456 if (firstRun) {457 firstRun = false;458 } else {459 try {460 if (!(await adb.isScreenLocked())) {461 return;462 }463 } catch (e) {464 logger.warn(`Error in isScreenLocked: ${e.message}`);465 logger.warn("\"adb shell dumpsys window\" command has timed out.");466 logger.warn("The reason of this timeout is the delayed adb response. Resetting adb server can improve it.");467 }468 }469`Launching ${UNLOCK_HELPER_PKG_ID}`);470 /​/​ The command takes too much time so we should not call the command over twice continuously.471 await adb.startApp(startOpts);472 });473};474helpers.unlock = async function (driver, adb, capabilities) {475 if (!(await adb.isScreenLocked())) {476"Screen already unlocked, doing nothing");477 return;478 }479 logger.debug("Screen is locked, trying to unlock");480 if (_.isUndefined(capabilities.unlockType)) {481 logger.warn("Using app unlock, this is going to be deprecated!");482 await helpers.unlockWithHelperApp(adb);483 } else {484 await helpers.unlockWithUIAutomation(driver, adb, {unlockType: capabilities.unlockType, unlockKey: capabilities.unlockKey});485 await helpers.verifyUnlock(adb);486 }487};488helpers.verifyUnlock = async function (adb) {489 await retryInterval(2, 1000, async () => {490 if (await adb.isScreenLocked()) {491 throw new Error("Screen did not unlock successfully, retrying");492 }493 logger.debug("Screen unlocked successfully");494 });495};496helpers.initDevice = async function (adb, opts) {497 await adb.waitForDevice();498 if (!opts.avd) {499 /​/​ pushSettingsApp required before calling ensureDeviceLocale for API Level 24+500 /​/​ await helpers.pushSettingsApp(adb);501 await helpers.setMockLocationApp(adb, SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID);502 }503 await helpers.ensureDeviceLocale(adb, opts.language, opts.locale);504 await adb.startLogcat();505 let defaultIME;506 if (opts.unicodeKeyboard) {507 defaultIME = await helpers.initUnicodeKeyboard(adb);508 }509 if (_.isUndefined(opts.unlockType)) {510 /​/​await helpers.pushUnlock(adb);511 }512 return defaultIME;513};514helpers.removeNullProperties = function (obj) {515 for (let key of _.keys(obj)) {516 if (_.isNull(obj[key]) || _.isUndefined(obj[key])) {517 delete obj[key];518 }519 }520};521helpers.truncateDecimals = function (number, digits) {522 let multiplier = Math.pow(10, digits),523 adjustedNum = number * multiplier,524 truncatedNum = Math[adjustedNum < 0 ? 'ceil' : 'floor'](adjustedNum);525 return truncatedNum /​ multiplier;526};527helpers.isChromeBrowser = function (browser) {528 return _.includes(Object.keys(CHROME_BROWSER_PACKAGE_ACTIVITY), (browser || '').toLowerCase());529};530helpers.getChromePkg = function (browser) {531 return CHROME_BROWSER_PACKAGE_ACTIVITY[browser.toLowerCase()] ||532 CHROME_BROWSER_PACKAGE_ACTIVITY.default;533};534helpers.removeAllSessionWebSocketHandlers = async function (server, sessionId) {535 if (!server || !_.isFunction(server.getWebSocketHandlers)) {536 return;537 }538 const activeHandlers = await server.getWebSocketHandlers(sessionId);539 for (const pathname of _.keys(activeHandlers)) {540 await server.removeWebSocketHandler(pathname);541 }542};543/​**544 * Takes a desired capability and tries to JSON.parse it as an array,545 * and either returns the parsed array or a singleton array.546 *547 * @param {any} cap A desired capability548 */​549helpers.parseArray = function (cap) {550 let parsedCaps;551 try {552 parsedCaps = JSON.parse(cap);553 } catch (ign) { }554 if (_.isArray(parsedCaps)) {555 return parsedCaps;556 } else if (_.isString(cap)) {557 return [cap];558 }559 throw new Error(`must provide a string or JSON Array; received ${cap}`);560};561helpers.bootstrap = Bootstrap;562helpers.unlocker = unlocker;...

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Source:driver.js Github


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...186 logger.debug('Application not signed. Signing.');187 await this.adb.sign(, this.opts.appPackage);188 }189 }190 await helpers.installApk(this.adb, this.opts);191 /​/​ get Selendroid on the device too192 await this.selendroid.installModifiedServer();193 }194 async ensureAppStarts () {195 /​/​ make sure we have an activity and package to wait for196 let appWaitPackage = this.opts.appWaitPackage || this.opts.appPackage;197 let appWaitActivity = this.opts.appWaitActivity || this.opts.appActivity;198 try {199 /​/​ wait for up to 5s for selendroid to have started the app after it is200 /​/​ online201 await this.adb.waitForActivity(appWaitPackage, appWaitActivity, 5000);202 } catch (e) {203`Selendroid did not start the activity we were waiting for, ` +204 `'${appWaitPackage}/​${appWaitActivity}'. ` +...

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Source:android-helper-e2e-specs.js Github


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...28 await adb.uninstallApk(opts.appPackage);29 }30 });31 await adb.isAppInstalled(opts.appPackage);32 await helpers.installApk(adb, opts);33 await adb.isAppInstalled(opts.appPackage);34 });35 });36 describe('ensureDeviceLocale @skip-ci', function () {37 after(async function () {38 await helpers.ensureDeviceLocale(adb, 'en', 'US');39 });40 it('should set device language and country', async function () {41 await helpers.ensureDeviceLocale(adb, 'fr', 'FR');42 if (await adb.getApiLevel() < 23) {43 await adb.getDeviceLanguage().should.eventually.equal('fr');44 await adb.getDeviceCountry().should.eventually.equal('FR');45 } else {46 await adb.getDeviceLocale().should.eventually.equal('fr-FR');...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var assert = require('assert');3var options = {4 desiredCapabilities: {5 }6};7var client = webdriverio.remote(options);8 .init()9 .end();10[Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.6.0-beta2 (REV 2d4b4e8b0a1d2a2c9e8f1a1d1c4d0e7b6d4a0a02)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1I think you need to use require(‘appium-android-driver/​lib/​android-helpers’)2I think you have to use require(‘appium-android-driver/​lib/​android-helpers’) in your helpers.js file3I think you have to use require(‘appium-android-driver/​lib/​android-helpers’) in your helpers.js file4I think you have to use require(‘appium-android-driver/​lib/​android-helpers’) in your helpers.js file5I think you have to use require(‘appium-android-driver/​lib/​android-helpers’) in your helpers.js file6I think you have to use require(‘appium-android-driver/​lib/​android-helpers’) in your helpers.js file

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;2helpers.installApk("test.apk", "appPackage", "appActivity");3var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;4helpers.uninstallApk("appPackage");5var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;6helpers.startApp("appPackage", "appActivity");7var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;8helpers.stopApp("appPackage");9var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;10helpers.isAppInstalled("appPackage");11var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;12helpers.isAppRunning("appPackage", "appActivity");13var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;14helpers.getApiLevel();15var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;16helpers.getDevicePixelRatio();17var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;18helpers.getDisplayDensity();19var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;20helpers.getDisplaySize();21var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;22helpers.getDeviceSysLanguage();23var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;24helpers.getDeviceSysCountry();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;2var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;3driver.installApk("path/​to/​apk");4var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;5var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;6driver.isAppInstalled("appPackage");7var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;8var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;9driver.removeApp("appPackage");10var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;11var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;12driver.isAppInstalled("appPackage");13var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;14var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;15driver.startApp("appPackage", "appActivity", "appWaitPackage", "appWaitActivity", "intentAction", "intentCategory", "intentFlags", "optionalIntentArguments", "dontStopAppOnReset");16var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;17var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;18driver.stopApp("appPackage");19var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;20var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;21driver.isAppRunning("appPackage");22var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;23var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;24driver.pushFile("path", "data");25var driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;26var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').helpers;27driver.pullFile("path");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;2helpers.installApk('path/​to/​apk', 'package-name', 'activity-name', 'appium-install-path', 'appium-uninstall-path', 'appium-kill-server-path', 'appium-start-server-path');3var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;4helpers.uninstallApk('package-name', 'appium-uninstall-path', 'appium-kill-server-path', 'appium-start-server-path');5var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;6helpers.startApp('package-name', 'activity-name', 'appium-start-server-path');7var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;8helpers.stopApp('package-name', 'appium-kill-server-path', 'appium-start-server-path');9var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;10helpers.isAppInstalled('package-name', 'appium-isinstalled-path', 'appium-kill-server-path', 'appium-start-server-path');11var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;12helpers.isAppRunning('package-name', 'appium-isrunning-path', 'appium-kill-server-path', 'appium-start-server-path');13var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;14helpers.back('appium-back-path', 'appium-kill-server-path', 'appium-start-server-path');15var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;16helpers.hideKeyboard('appium-hidekeyboard-path', 'appium-kill-server-path', 'appium-start-server-path');

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