How to use retryInterval method in Appium Android Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-android-driver


Source:languageUnderstandingTest.js Github


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1const cognitive = require('../​../​src/​index.js');2const config = require('../​config.js');3const promiseDelay = require('sleep-promise');4const _ = require("underscore");5const fs = require("fs");6const path = require('path');7const Promise = require("bluebird");8const pLimit = require('p-limit'); /​/​ for dealing with promise.all - turns into series9const limit = pLimit(1);10/​*11You only need to set the apiKey for these tests. 12The tests create both the prebuilt domain Web and 13imports the ../​asserts/​LUIS/​TravelAgent-import-app.json.14The tests now generally use the TravelAgent-import-app.json15because it has more of the custom entities. TBD: add phrase16list feature to TravelAgent-import-app.json that makes17sense for the domain. 18Each time the app is created, its apiKey is displayed along19with the count of training status calls. Usually, it takes more 20than 1 call to return successfully trained status. This test will 21not try more than retryCount times and wait retryInterval between tries. 22*/​23describe('Language understanding (LUIS)', () => {24 const defaultVersionId = "0.1";25 const client = new cognitive.languageUnderstanding({26 apiKey: config.languageUnderstanding.apiKey,27 endpoint: config.languageUnderstanding.endpoint28 });29 var deleteTestApp = () =>{30 var body;31 return promiseDelay(client.retryInterval).then(() => {32 return client.deleteAppInfo(body,client.APPINFO.APP);33 }).then((response) => {34;35 response.should.have.only.keys('code', 'message');36 response.code.should.equal("Success");37 response.message.should.equal("Operation Successful");38 client.appId = undefined;39 return response;40 }).catch((err) => {41 throw(err);42 });43 }44 var importTrainPublishApp = (appName, appJSON) => {45 var parameters = {46 "appName":appName47 };48 return client.setLUIS(client.INFO.IMPORT, appJSON, parameters)49 .then(results =>{50 client.appId = results.substring(results.length - client.KeyLength, results.length);51 client.versionId = defaultVersionId;52 var parameters;53 var body;54 return client.setVersionInfo(parameters,body,client.VERSIONINFO.TRAIN);55 }).then(results => {56 return client.waitUntilTrained(client);57 }).then((response) => {58 return client.setAppInfo({59 "versionId": client.versionId,60 "isStaging": false,61 "region": "westus"62 },client.APPINFO.PUBLISH);63 }).catch(err => {64 throw(err);65 }); 66 }67 describe("Delete app after", () => {68 afterEach((done) => {69 deleteTestApp()70 .then((response) => {71;72 done();73 }).catch((err) => {74 done(err);75 });76 });77 it('should import app', (done) => {78 var parameters = {79 "appName":"Unit-" + new Date().toISOString()80 };81 var body = require("../​assets/​LUIS/​TravelAgent-import-app.json");82 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)83 .then(() => {84 return client.setLUIS(client.INFO.IMPORT,body, parameters);85 }).then((response) => {86;87;88 client.appId = response.substring(response.length - client.KeyLength, response.length);89 done();90 }).catch((err) => {91 done(err);92 });93 })94 it('should add prebuilt domain', (done) => {95 let body = {96 "domainName": "Web", 97 "culture": "en-us"98 }99 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)100 .then(() => {101 var parameters;102 return client.setLUIS(client.INFO.CUSTOMPREBUILTDOMAINS, body, parameters);103 }).then((response) => {104;105;106 /​/​ get appId to delete in After()107 client.appId = response.substring(response.length - client.KeyLength, response.length);108 done();109 }).catch((err) => {110 done(err);111 });112 })113 }) 114 describe("Create app before, delete app after", () => {115 before((done) => {116 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)117 .then(() => {118 119 var body = require("../​assets/​LUIS/​TravelAgent-import-app.json");120 var name = "describe-" + new Date().toISOString();121 return importTrainPublishApp(name,body)122 }).then(results => {123 done();124 }).catch(err => {125 done(err);126 });127 });128 after((done) => {129 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)130 .then(() => {131 return deleteTestApp();132 }).then((response) => {133;134 done();135 }).catch((err) => {136 done(err);137 });138 });139 it('should detect Intent from ENDPOINT', (done) => {140 /​/​ optional but recommended141 var parameters = {142 "log": true, /​/​ required to review suggested utterances143 "verbose": true /​/​ required to see all intents and scores144 };145 /​/​ query/​utterance146 var body = "forward to frank 30 dollars through HSBC";147 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)148 .then(() => {149 return client.detectIntent({parameters,body});150 }).then((response) => {151;152 _.keys(response).should.have.length(4);153 response.should.have.only.keys('query', 'intents', 'topScoringIntent', 'entities');154 done();155 }).catch((err) => {156 done(err);157 });158 })159 it('should get list of LUIS applications', (done) => {160 let culture;161 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)162 .then(() => {163 return client.getLUIS(client.INFO.APPS, culture);164 }).then((response) => {165;166;167 if (response.length > 0) {168 response[0]'id', 'name', 'description','culture','usageScenario','domain','versionsCount','createdDateTime','endpoints','endpointHitsCount','activeVersion');169 }170 done();171 }).catch((err) => {172 done(err);173 });174 })175 it('should get list of LUIS assistants', (done) => {176 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)177 .then(() => {178 return client.getLUIS(client.INFO.ASSISTANTS);179 }).then((response) => {180;181'endpointKeys', 'endpointUrls');182 done();183 }).catch((err) => {184 done(err);185 });186 })187 it('should get list of LUIS domains', (done) => {188 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)189 .then(() => {190 return client.getLUIS(client.INFO.DOMAINS);191 }).then((response) => {192;193;194 response.should.have.length(30);195 done();196 }).catch((err) => {197 done(err);198 });199 })200 it('should get list of LUIS usage scenarios', (done) => {201 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)202 .then(() => {203 return client.getLUIS(client.INFO.USAGESCENARIOS);204 }).then((response) => {205;206;207 response.should.have.length(4);208 done();209 }).catch((err) => {210 done(err);211 });212 })213 it('should get list of LUIS cultures', (done) => {214 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)215 .then(() => {216 return client.getLUIS(client.INFO.CULTURE);217 }).then((response) => {218;219;220 response.should.have.length(12);221 response[0].should.have.only.keys('name','code');222 done();223 }).catch((err) => {224 done(err);225 });226 })227 it('should get list of LUIS custom prebuilt domains', (done) => {228 229 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)230 .then(() => {231 return client.getLUIS(client.INFO.CUSTOMPREBUILTDOMAINS);232 }).then((response) => {233;234;235 response.should.have.length(client.PREBUILTDOMAINTOTALCOUNT);236 response[0].should.have.only.keys('name','culture','description','examples','intents','entities');237 response[0];238 response[0];239 response[0].intents[0].should.have.only.keys('name','description','examples');240 response[0].entities[0].should.have.only.keys('name','description','examples');241 done();242 }).catch((err) => {243 done(err);244 });245 })246 it('should get list of LUIS custom prebuilt domains for each supported culture', (done) => {247 248 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)249 .then(() => {250 return client.getLUIS(client.INFO.CULTURE);251 }).then(cultures => {252 let arrPromises = [];253 254 cultures.forEach(culture => {255 arrPromises.push(limit(() => client.getLUIS(client.INFO.CUSTOMPREBUILTDOMAINS, culture.code)));256 arrPromises.push(limit(() => promiseDelay(2000)));257 });258 arrPromises.should.have.length(client.CULTURECOUNT*2);259 return Promise.all(arrPromises);260 }).then(returnedPromises => {261 262 /​/​ prune out the promiseDelay responses263 let responses = returnedPromises.filter(x => x!==undefined);264 responses.should.have.length(client.CULTURECOUNT);265 responses.forEach(prebuiltDomainByCulture => {266;267;268 if(prebuiltDomainByCulture.length>0){269 var foundCulture = client.PREBUILTDOMAINCULTURES.find((obj) => {270 return (Object.keys(obj)[0]===prebuiltDomainByCulture[0].culture);271 });272;273 var foundCount = foundCulture[prebuiltDomainByCulture[0].culture];274 foundCount.should.not.equal(0);275 prebuiltDomainByCulture.should.have.length(foundCount);276 }277 278 });279 done();280 }).catch((err) => {281 done(err);282 });283 });284 it('should return array with endpoint queries for this APP', (done) => {285 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)286 .then(() => {287 return client.getAppInfo(client.APPINFO.QUERYLOGS);288 }).then((response) => {289;290;291 if (response.length > 0) {292 response[0].should.have.only.keys('Query', 'Response', 'UTC DateTime');293 }294 done();295 }).catch((err) => {296 done(err);297 });298 })299 it('should get APP', (done) => {300 var info = client.APPINFO.APP;301 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)302 .then(() => {303 return client.getAppInfo(info);304 }).then((response) => {305;306 response.should.have.only.keys('id', 'name','description','culture','usageScenario','domain','versionsCount','createdDateTime','endpoints','endpointHitsCount','activeVersion','ownerEmail');307 done();308 }).catch((err) => {309 done(err);310 });311 })312 it('should update APP name', (done) => {313 var body = {314 "name": "mocha-" + new Date().getTime(),315 "description": "This is my first modified dummy description"316 };317 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)318 .then(() => {319 return client.updateAppInfo(body, client.APPINFO.APP);320 }).then((response) => {321;322;323 response.should.have.only.keys('code', 'message');324 response.code.should.equal("Success");325 response.message.should.equal("Operation Successful");326 done();327 }).catch((err) => {328 done(err);329 });330 })331 it('should update APP settings', (done) => {332 var body = {333 "public": true334 };335 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)336 .then(() => {337 return client.updateAppInfo(body,client.APPINFO.SETTINGS);338 }).then((response) => {339;340;341 response.should.have.only.keys('code', 'message');342 response.code.should.equal("Success");343 response.message.should.equal("Operation Successful");344 done();345 }).catch((err) => {346 done(err);347 });348 })349 it('should get APP endpoints', (done) => {350 var info = client.APPINFO.ENDPOINTS;351 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)352 .then(() => {353 return client.getAppInfo(info);354 }).then((response) => {355;356 let filePath = path.join(__dirname,"../​assets/​LUIS/​api_endpoints.json");357 let testData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8"));358 /​/​ compare key count - not data since app id changes 359 _.difference(_.keys(response),_.keys(testData)).should.have.length(0);360 done();361 }).catch((err) => {362 done(err);363 });364 })365 it('should get APP querylogs', (done) => {366 var info = client.APPINFO.QUERYLOGS;367 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)368 .then(() => {369 return client.getAppInfo(info);370 }).then((response) => {371;372 /​/​ TBD: response validation373 done();374 }).catch((err) => {375 done(err);376 });377 })378 it('should get APP settings', (done) => {379 var info = client.APPINFO.SETTINGS;380 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)381 .then(() => {382 return client.getAppInfo(info);383 }).then((response) => {384;385 response.should.have.only.keys('id', 'public');386;387,false);388 done();389 }).catch((err) => {390 done(err);391 });392 })393 it('should get APP permissions', (done) => {394 var info = client.APPINFO.PERMISSIONS;395 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)396 .then(() => {397 return client.getAppInfo(info);398 }).then((response) => {399;400 response.should.have.only.keys('owner', 'emails');401;402 done();403 }).catch((err) => {404 done(err);405 });406 })407 it('should add email to permissions to APP', (done) => {408 var body = {409 "email":""410 };411 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)412 .then(() => {413 return client.setAppInfo(body,client.APPINFO.PERMISSIONS);414 }).then((response) => {415;416 response.should.have.only.keys('code', 'message');417 response.code.should.equal("Success");418 response.message.should.equal("Operation Successful");419 done();420 }).catch((err) => {421 done(err);422 });423 })424 it('should update APP permissions', (done) => {425 var body = {426 "emails": [427 "",428 ""429 ]430 };431 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)432 .then(() => {433 return client.updateAppInfo(body,client.APPINFO.PERMISSIONS);434 }).then((response) => {435;436;437 response.should.have.only.keys('code', 'message');438 response.code.should.equal("Success");439 response.message.should.equal("Operation Successful");440 done();441 }).catch((err) => {442 done(err);443 });444 })445 it('should delete APP permissions', (done) => {446 var info = client.APPINFO.PERMISSIONS;447 var updateBody = {448 "emails": [449 "",450 ""451 ]452 };453 var deleteBody = {454 "email":""455 };456 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)457 .then(() => {458 return client.updateAppInfo(updateBody,client.APPINFO.PERMISSIONS);459 }).then(() => { 460 return promiseDelay(client.retryInterval);461 }).then(() => {462 return client.deleteAppInfo(deleteBody,info);463 }).then((response) => {464;465 response.should.have.only.keys('code', 'message');466 response.code.should.equal("Success");467 response.message.should.equal("Operation Successful");468 }).then(() => { 469 return promiseDelay(client.retryInterval);470 }).then((response) => {471 return client.getAppInfo(info);472 }).then(response => {473;474 response.emails.should.have.length(1);475 response.emails[0].should.equal(updateBody.emails[1]);476 done();477 }).catch((err) => {478 done(err);479 });480 })481 it('should return application version in JSON for this VERSION', (done) => {482 /​/​ todo - if using a different app, might return:483 /​/​ bing_entities (prebuilt entities)484 /​/​ regex_features (deprecated but can still exist in older apps)485 /​/​ actions - not sure 486 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)487 .then(() => {488 return client.getVersionInfo(client.VERSIONINFO.EXPORT);489 }).then((response) => {490;491 response.should.have.only.keys(492 'luis_schema_version', 493 'versionId',494 'name', 495 'desc', 496 'culture', 497 'intents', 498 'entities', 499 'composites', 500 'closedLists', 501 'bing_entities',502 'model_features', 503 'regex_features',504 'utterances');505 done();506 }).catch((err) => {507 done(err);508 });509 })510 /​/​ TBD - need to provide example utterances that are questionable so this list has examples511 it('should get list of example labeled utterances for this VERSION', (done) => {512 let parameters = {513 skip:0,514 take:100515 };516 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)517 .then(() => {518 return client.getVersionInfo(client.VERSIONINFO.EXAMPLES,parameters);519 }).then((response) => {520;521;522 if (response.length > 0) {523 response[0].should.have.only.keys('id', 'text', 'tokenizedText','intentLabel','entityLabels','intentPredictions','entityPredictions');524 }525 done();526 }).catch((err) => {527 done(err);528 });529 })530 it('should get list of entities in this VERSION', (done) => {531 /​*532 can return 533 "customPrebuiltDomainName": "Camera",534 "customPrebuiltModelName": "AppName"535 */​536 let parameters = {537 skip:0,538 take:100539 };540 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)541 .then(() => {542 return client.getVersionInfo(client.VERSIONINFO.ENTITIES,parameters);543 }).then((response) => {544;545;546 if (response.length > 0) {547 response[0].should.have.only.keys('id', 'name','typeId','readableType');548 }549 done();550 }).catch((err) => {551 done(err);552 });553 })554 it('should get list of intents in VERSION', (done) => {555 /​*556 can return 557 "customPrebuiltDomainName": "Camera",558 "customPrebuiltModelName": "AppName"559 */​560 let parameters = {561 skip:0,562 take:100563 };564 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)565 .then(() => {566 return client.getVersionInfo(client.VERSIONINFO.INTENTS,parameters);567 }).then((response) => {568;569;570 if (response.length > 0) {571 response[0].should.have.only.keys('id', 'name','typeId','readableType');572 }573 done();574 }).catch((err) => {575 done(err);576 });577 })578 it('should get APP versions', (done) => {579 var info = client.APPINFO.VERSIONS;580 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)581 .then(() => {582 return client.getAppInfo(info);583 }).then((response) => {584;585;586 if(response.length>0){587 _.keys(response[0]).should.have.length(12);588 response[0].should.have.only.keys('version', 'createdDateTime',"lastModifiedDateTime","lastTrainedDateTime","lastPublishedDateTime","endpointUrl","assignedEndpointKey","externalApiKeys","intentsCount","entitiesCount","endpointHitsCount","trainingStatus");589 _.keys(response[0].assignedEndpointKey).should.have.length(3);590 if(response[0].assignedEndpointKey) response[0].assignedEndpointKey.should.have.only.keys("SubscriptionKey","SubscriptionName","SubscriptionRegion");591 }592 done();593 }).catch((err) => {594 done(err);595 });596 })597 598 it('should clone VERSION', (done) => {599 var body = {"version":"0.2"};600 var params = {appId:client.appId,versionId:client.versionId};601 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)602 .then(() => {603 return client.setVersionInfo(params, body, client.VERSIONINFO.CLONE);604 }).then((response) => {605;606 response.should.equal(0.2);607 done();608 }).catch((err) => {609 done(err);610 });611 })612 it('should get app VERSION info', (done) => {613 var info = client.VERSIONINFO.VERSION;614 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)615 .then(() => {616 return client.getVersionInfo(info);617 }).then((response) => {618;619;620 _.keys(response).should.have.length(12);621 response.should.have.only.keys(622 'version', 623 'createdDateTime',624 "lastModifiedDateTime",625 "lastTrainedDateTime",626 "lastPublishedDateTime",627 "endpointUrl",628 "assignedEndpointKey",629 "externalApiKeys",630 "intentsCount",631 "entitiesCount",632 "endpointHitsCount","trainingStatus");633 _.keys(response.assignedEndpointKey).should.have.length(3);634 response.assignedEndpointKey.should.have.only.keys("SubscriptionKey","SubscriptionName","SubscriptionRegion");635 done();636 }).catch((err) => {637 done(err);638 });639 })640 it(' should get VERSION features', function(done) {641 642 let parameters = {643 skip:0,644 take:100645 };646 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)647 .then(() => {648 return client.getVersionInfo(client.VERSIONINFO.FEATURES, parameters);649 }).then((response) => {650;651 response.should.have.only.keys('phraselistFeatures', 'patternFeatures');652;653;654 done();655 }).catch((err) => {656 done(err);657 });658 });659 it(' should get VERSION HIERARCHICALENTITIES', function(done) {660 661 let parameters = {662 skip:0,663 take:100664 };665 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)666 .then(() => {667 return client.getVersionInfo(client.VERSIONINFO.HIERARCHICALENTITIES, parameters);668 }).then((response) => {669;670;671 done();672 }).catch((err) => {673 done(err);674 });675 });676 it(' should get VERSION LISTPREBUILTS', function(done) {677 678 let parameters = {679 skip:0,680 take:100681 };682 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)683 .then(() => {684 return client.getVersionInfo(client.VERSIONINFO.LISTPREBUILTS, parameters);685 }).then((response) => {686;687;688 response[0].should.have.only.keys('name', 'description','examples');689 let myNameArray = [];690 response.forEach((obj)=>{691 myNameArray.push(;692 });693 const listprebuiltsArray = [694 "number",695 "ordinal",696 "temperature",697 "dimension",698 "money",699 "age",700 "geography",701 "encyclopedia",702 "percentage",703 "datetime",704 "email",705 "url",706 "phonenumber",707 "datetimeV2"708 ];709 let diff = _.difference(listprebuiltsArray, myNameArray);710 diff.length.should.eql(0);711 done();712 }).catch((err) => {713 done(err);714 });715 });716 it(' should get VERSION models', function(done) {717 718 let parameters = {719 skip:0,720 take:100721 };722 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)723 .then(() => {724 return client.getVersionInfo(client.VERSIONINFO.MODELS, parameters);725 }).then((response) => {726;727;728 729 /​/​ not validating customPrebuiltModel Properties730 response[0].should.have.only.keys('id', 'name','typeId','readableType');731 done();732 }).catch((err) => {733 done(err);734 });735 });736 it(' should post VERSION closedlists', function(done) {737 738 let body = {739 "name": "States",740 "sublists": 741 [742 {743 "canonicalForm": "New York",744 "list": [ "NY", "New York" ]745 },746 {747 "canonicalForm": "Washington",748 "list": [ "Washington", "WA" ]749 },750 {751 "canonicalForm": "California",752 "list": [ "California", "CA", "Calif.", "Cal." ]753 }754 ]755 };756 let parameters;757 758 promiseDelay(client.retryInterval)759 .then(() => {760 return client.setVersionInfo(parameters, body, client.VERSIONINFO.CLOSEDLISTS);761 }).then((response) => {762;763 /​/​TBD: not sure how I want to test the response764 /​/​since the url is getting stuck on the front of it by765 /​/​commonService.js usage of "operation-location"766 767 done();768 }).catch((err) => {769 done(err);770 });771 });772 });...

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Source:retryPolicyTests.js Github


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1/​/​ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.2/​/​ Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.3var assert = require('assert');4var ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter = require('../​lib/​filters/​exponentialRetryPolicyFilter');5var SystemErrorRetryPolicyFilter = require('../​lib/​filters/​systemErrorRetryPolicyFilter');6describe('exponentialretrypolicyfilter-unittests', function () {7 it('RetrySucceedsOnHttp408StatusCode', function (done) {8 var retryCount = 2;9 var retryInterval = 2;10 var minRetryInterval = 1;11 var maxRetryInterval = 10;12 var response = {'statusCode': 408};13 var mockNextGenerator = function() {14 var timesCalled = 0;15 return function(options, retryCallback) {16 if (timesCalled == 0) {17 timesCalled ++;18 retryCallback(true, response, null);19 } else {20 done();21 }22 };23 };24 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);25 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function(err, result, response, body) {26 throw "Fail to retry on HTTP 408";27 });28 });29 30 it('RetrySucceedsOnHttp502StatusCode', function (done) {31 var retryCount = 2;32 var retryInterval = 2;33 var minRetryInterval = 1;34 var maxRetryInterval = 10;35 var response = {'statusCode': 502};36 var mockNextGenerator = function() {37 var timesCalled = 0;38 return function(options, retryCallback) {39 if (timesCalled == 0) {40 timesCalled ++;41 retryCallback(true, response, null);42 } else {43 done();44 }45 };46 };47 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);48 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function(err, result, response, body) {49 throw "Fail to retry on HTTP 502";50 });51 });52 it('DoesNotRetryOnHttp404StatusCode', function (done) {53 var retryCount = 2;54 var retryInterval = 2;55 var minRetryInterval = 1;56 var maxRetryInterval = 10;57 var response = {'statusCode': 404};58 var mockNextGenerator = function() {59 var timesCalled = 0;60 return function(options, retryCallback) {61 if (timesCalled == 0) {62 timesCalled ++;63 retryCallback(true, response, null);64 } else {65 throw "Should not retry on HTTP 404";66 }67 };68 };69 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);70 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function(err, result, response, body) {71 done();72 });73 });74 it('DoesNotRetryOnHttp501StatusCode', function (done) {75 var retryCount = 2;76 var retryInterval = 2;77 var minRetryInterval = 1;78 var maxRetryInterval = 10;79 var response = {'statusCode': 501};80 var mockNextGenerator = function() {81 var timesCalled = 0;82 return function(options, retryCallback) {83 if (timesCalled == 0) {84 timesCalled ++;85 retryCallback(true, response, null);86 } else {87 throw "Should not retry on HTTP 501";88 }89 };90 };91 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);92 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function(err, result, response, body) {93 done();94 });95 });96 it('DoesNotRetryOnHttp505StatusCode', function (done) {97 var retryCount = 2;98 var retryInterval = 2;99 var minRetryInterval = 1;100 var maxRetryInterval = 10;101 var response = {'statusCode': 505};102 var mockNextGenerator = function() {103 var timesCalled = 0;104 return function(options, retryCallback) {105 if (timesCalled == 0) {106 timesCalled ++;107 retryCallback(true, response, null);108 } else {109 throw "Should not retry on HTTP 505";110 }111 };112 };113 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);114 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function(err, result, response, body) {115 done();116 });117 });118});119describe('systemErrorRetrypolicyfilter-unittests', function () {120 it('DoesNotRetryOn_ENOTFOUND_ErrorCode', function (done) {121 var retryCount = 2;122 var retryInterval = 2;123 var minRetryInterval = 1;124 var maxRetryInterval = 10;125 126 var response = { 'statusCode': 502 };127 var e = new Error('ENOTFOUND');128 e.code = 'ENOTFOUND';129 e.errno = 'ENOTFOUND';130 e.syscall = 'getaddrinfo';131 e.hostname = '';132 = '';133 e.port = 443;134 var mockNextGenerator = function () {135 var timesCalled = 0;136 return function (options, retryCallback) {137 if (timesCalled == 0) {138 timesCalled++;139 retryCallback(e, null, null);140 } else {141 throw 'Should not Retry on ENOTFOUND ErrorCode';142 143 }144 };145 };146 147 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new SystemErrorRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);148 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function (err, result, response, body) {149 done();150 });151 });152 153 it('RetrySucceedsOn_ECONNRESET_ErrorCode', function (done) {154 var retryCount = 2;155 var retryInterval = 2;156 var minRetryInterval = 1;157 var maxRetryInterval = 10;158 159 var response = { 'statusCode': 502 };160 var e = new Error('ECONNRESET');161 e.code = 'ECONNRESET';162 e.errno = 'ECONNRESET';163 e.syscall = 'getaddrinfo';164 e.hostname = '';165 = '';166 e.port = 443;167 var mockNextGenerator = function () {168 var timesCalled = 0;169 return function (options, retryCallback) {170 if (timesCalled == 0) {171 timesCalled++;172 retryCallback(e, null, null);173 } else {174 done();175 }176 };177 };178 179 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new SystemErrorRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);180 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function (err, result, response, body) {181 throw 'Retry does not succeed on ECONNRESET ErrorCode';182 });183 });184 185 it('RetrySucceedsOn_ECONNREFUSED_ErrorCode', function (done) {186 var retryCount = 2;187 var retryInterval = 2;188 var minRetryInterval = 1;189 var maxRetryInterval = 10;190 191 var response = { 'statusCode': 502 };192 var e = new Error('ECONNREFUSED');193 e.code = 'ECONNREFUSED';194 e.errno = 'ECONNREFUSED';195 e.syscall = 'getaddrinfo';196 e.hostname = '';197 = '';198 e.port = 443;199 var mockNextGenerator = function () {200 var timesCalled = 0;201 return function (options, retryCallback) {202 if (timesCalled == 0) {203 timesCalled++;204 retryCallback(e, null, null);205 } else {206 done();207 }208 };209 };210 211 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new SystemErrorRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);212 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function (err, result, response, body) {213 throw 'Retry does not succeed on ECONNREFUSED ErrorCode';214 });215 });216 217 it('RetrySucceedsOn_ETIMEDOUT_ErrorCode', function (done) {218 var retryCount = 2;219 var retryInterval = 2;220 var minRetryInterval = 1;221 var maxRetryInterval = 10;222 223 var response = { 'statusCode': 502 };224 var e = new Error('ETIMEDOUT');225 e.code = 'ETIMEDOUT';226 e.errno = 'ETIMEDOUT';227 e.syscall = 'getaddrinfo';228 e.hostname = '';229 = '';230 e.port = 443;231 var mockNextGenerator = function () {232 var timesCalled = 0;233 return function (options, retryCallback) {234 if (timesCalled == 0) {235 timesCalled++;236 retryCallback(e, null, null);237 } else {238 done();239 }240 };241 };242 243 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new SystemErrorRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);244 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function (err, result, response, body) {245 throw 'Retry does not succeed on ETIMEDOUT ErrorCode';246 });247 });248 249 it('RetrySucceedsOn_ESOCKETTIMEDOUT_ErrorCode', function (done) {250 var retryCount = 2;251 var retryInterval = 2;252 var minRetryInterval = 1;253 var maxRetryInterval = 10;254 255 var response = { 'statusCode': 502 };256 var e = new Error('ESOCKETTIMEDOUT');257 e.code = 'ESOCKETTIMEDOUT';258 e.errno = 'ESOCKETTIMEDOUT';259 e.syscall = 'getaddrinfo';260 e.hostname = '';261 = '';262 e.port = 443;263 var mockNextGenerator = function () {264 var timesCalled = 0;265 return function (options, retryCallback) {266 if (timesCalled == 0) {267 timesCalled++;268 retryCallback(e, null, null);269 } else {270 done();271 }272 };273 };274 275 var mockRetryPolicyFilter = new SystemErrorRetryPolicyFilter(retryCount, retryInterval, minRetryInterval, maxRetryInterval);276 mockRetryPolicyFilter(null, mockNextGenerator(), function (err, result, response, body) {277 throw 'Retry does not succeed on ESOCKETTIMEDOUT ErrorCode';278 });279 });...

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Source:elementWrapper.js Github


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1const { firstElement, desc, prepareParameters, elementTypeToSelectorName } = require('./​helper');2const { descEvent } = require('../​eventBus');3let { getIfExists } = require('../​elementSearch');4const runtimeHandler = require('../​handlers/​runtimeHandler');5/​**6 * Wrapper object of all found elements. This list mimics the behaviour of {@link Element}7 * by exposing similar methods. The call of these methods gets delegated to first element.8 * By default, the `ElementWrapper` acts as a proxy to the first matching element and hence9 * it forwards function calls that belong to {@link Element}10 */​11class ElementWrapper {12 constructor(elementType, query, attrValuePairs, _options, ...args) {13 if (attrValuePairs instanceof ElementWrapper) {14 const selectorName = elementTypeToSelectorName(elementType);15 throw new TypeError(16 'You are passing a `ElementWrapper` to a `' +17 selectorName +18 '` selector. Refer https:/​/​​api/​' +19 selectorName.toLowerCase() +20 '/​ for the correct parameters',21 );22 }23 const { selector, options } = prepareParameters(attrValuePairs, _options, ...args);24 this.selector = selector;25 this._options = options;26 this._description = desc(selector, query, elementType, options);27 }28 /​**29 * @deprecated Deprecated from version `1.0.3`. DOM element getter. Implicitly wait for the element to appears with timeout of 10 seconds.30 * @param {number} retryInterval Retry Interval in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).31 * @param {number} retryTimeout Retry Timeout in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).32 * @returns {Element[]} All elements mathing the selector.33 */​34 async get(retryInterval, retryTimeout) {35 console.warn('DEPRECATED use .elements()');36 return this.elements(retryInterval, retryTimeout);37 }38 /​**39 * @property40 * @description Describes the operation performed. The description is the same that is printed when performing the operation in REPL.41 * @returns {string} Description of the current command that fetched this element(wrapper).42 * @example43 * link('google').description /​/​ prints "'Link with text google'"44 */​45 get description() {46 return this._description;47 }48 /​**49 * @description Checks existence for element. `exists()` waits for `retryTimeout` before deciding that the page is loaded.50 * (NOTE: `exists()` returns boolean from version `0.4.0`)51 * @since 0.4.052 * @param {number} retryInterval Retry Interval in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).53 * @param {number} retryTimeout Retry Timeout in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).54 * @returns {boolean} true if exists, else false.55 * @example56 * /​/​ To 'short-circuit' non existence. However this should be done only if there is no network calls/​reloads.57 * element.exists(0,0)58 * @example59 * link('google').exists()60 * @example61 * link('google').exists(1000)62 */​63 async exists(retryInterval, retryTimeout) {64 try {65 await firstElement.apply(this, [retryInterval, retryTimeout]);66 } catch (e) {67 if (e.message === `${this._description} not found`) {68 descEvent.emit('success', 'Does not exist');69 return false;70 }71 throw e;72 }73 descEvent.emit('success', 'Exists');74 return true;75 }76 /​**77 * @description Gets the [`innerText`](https:/​/​​en-US/​docs/​Web/​API/​HTMLElement/​innerText) of the element78 * @returns {string} [`innerText`](https:/​/​​en-US/​docs/​Web/​API/​HTMLElement/​innerText) of the element79 */​80 async text() {81 const elem = await firstElement.apply(this);82 return await elem.text();83 }84 /​**85 * @description Checks if element is visually visible. `isVisible()` is false when the element is overshadowed by another element,86 * or if the element is outside the viewport.87 * @param {number} retryInterval Retry Interval in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).88 * @param {number} retryTimeout Retry Timeout in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).89 * @returns {boolean} true if visible, else false.90 */​91 async isVisible(retryInterval, retryTimeout) {92 const elem = await firstElement.apply(this, [retryInterval, retryTimeout]);93 async function isVisible() {94 const visibilityRatio = await new Promise((resolve) => {95 let elem = this;96 const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {97 resolve(entries[0].intersectionRatio);98 observer.disconnect();99 });100 observer.observe(elem);101 });102 return visibilityRatio === 1;103 }104 const objectId = elem.get();105 const { result } = await runtimeHandler.runtimeCallFunctionOn(isVisible, null, {106 objectId: objectId,107 awaitPromise: true,108 });109 if (result.value) {110 descEvent.emit('success', 'Element is Visible');111 return true;112 } else {113 descEvent.emit('success', 'Element is not Visible');114 return false;115 }116 }117 /​**118 * @description Checks if element is disabled119 * @param {number} retryInterval Retry Interval in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).120 * @param {number} retryTimeout Retry Timeout in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).121 * @returns {boolean} true if disabled, else false.122 */​123 async isDisabled(retryInterval, retryTimeout) {124 const elem = await firstElement.apply(this, [retryInterval, retryTimeout]);125 return await elem.isDisabled();126 }127 /​**128 * @description Checks if element is [draggable](https:/​/​​en-US/​docs/​Web/​HTML/​Global_attributes/​draggable).129 * @param {number} retryInterval Retry Interval in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).130 * @param {number} retryTimeout Retry Timeout in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).131 * @returns {boolean} true if disabled, else false.132 */​133 async isDraggable(retryInterval, retryTimeout) {134 const elem = await firstElement.apply(this, [retryInterval, retryTimeout]);135 return await elem.isDraggable();136 }137 /​**138 * @description Read attribute value of the element found.139 * @param {string} name140 * @returns {string} value of attribute141 * @example142 * link('google').attribute('alt')143 */​144 async attribute(name) {145 const elem = await firstElement.apply(this);146 return await elem.getAttribute(name);147 }148 /​**149 * @description DOM element getter. Implicitly wait for the element to appears with timeout of 10 seconds.150 * @param {number} retryInterval Retry Interval in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).151 * @param {number} retryTimeout Retry Timeout in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).152 * @returns {Element[]} Array of all elements matching the selector.153 * @example154 * /​/​ To loop over all the elements155 * let elements = await $('a').elements();156 * for (element of elements) {157 * console.log(await element.text());158 * }159 * @example160 * textBox('username').value()161 * (await textBox('username').elements())[0].value() # same as above162 * @example163 * $('.class').text()164 * (await $('.class').elements())[0].text() # same as above165 * @example166 * let element = await $('a').element(0);167 * console.log(await element.text());168 */​169 async elements(retryInterval, retryTimeout) {170 return await getIfExists(this._get, this._description)(null, retryInterval, retryTimeout);171 }172 /​**173 * @description DOM element getter. Implicitly wait for the element to appears with timeout of 10 seconds.174 * @alias elements()[0]175 * @param {number} index Zero-based index of element to return176 * @param {number} retryInterval Retry Interval in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).177 * @param {number} retryTimeout Retry Timeout in milliseconds (defaults to global settings).178 * @returns {Element} First element that matches the selector.179 */​180 async element(index, retryInterval, retryTimeout) {181 const results = await getIfExists(this._get, this._description)(182 null,183 retryInterval,184 retryTimeout,185 );186 if (index > results.length - 1) {187 throw new Error(`Element index is out of range. There are only ${results.length} element(s)`);188 }189 return results[index];190 }191}...

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Source:promise.js Github


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1/​**2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Neap Pty Ltd.3 * All rights reserved.4 * 5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the6 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.7*/​8const { obj: { merge }, math } = require('./​core')9const { arities } = require('./​functional')10const delay = timeout => new Promise(onSuccess => setTimeout(onSuccess, timeout))11const wait = (stopWaiting, options) => Promise.resolve(null).then(() => {12 const now = const { timeout=300000, start=now, interval=2000 } = options || {}14 15 if ((now - start) > timeout)16 throw new Error('timeout')17 18 return Promise.resolve(null).then(() => stopWaiting()).then(stop => {19 if (stop)20 return21 else22 return delay(interval).then(() => wait(stopWaiting, { timeout, start, interval }))23 })24})25const check = (request, verify, options={}) => request(options.nextState).then(resp => Promise.resolve(verify(resp)).then(result => {26 const { interval=4000, timeOut=300000 } = options27 if (result === true)28 return resp29 else if (timeOut < 0)30 throw new Error('timeout')31 else if (!result || result.nextState)32 return delay(interval).then(() => check(request, verify, { interval, timeOut: timeOut - interval, nextState: result.nextState }))33 else34 return resp35}))36/​**37 * [description]38 * @param {Function} fn [description]39 * @param {Function} successFn (res, options) => Returns a promise or a value. The value is a boolean or an object that determines 40 * whether a response is valid or not. If the value is an object, that object might contain41 * a 'retryInterval' which overrides the optional value. 42 * @param {Function} failureFn (Optional) (error, options) => Returns a promise or a value. The value is a boolean or an object that determines 43 * whether a response is valid or not. If the value is an object, that object might contain44 * a 'retryInterval' which overrides the optional value. 45 * @param {Number} options.retryAttempts default: 5. Number of retry46 * @param {Number} options.attemptsCount Current retry count. When that counter reaches the 'retryAttempts', the function stops.47 * @param {Number} options.timeOut If specified, 'retryAttempts' and 'attemptsCount' are ignored48 * @param {Number} options.retryInterval default: 5000. Time interval in milliseconds between each retry. It can also be a 2 items array.49 * In that case, the retryInterval is a random number between the 2 ranges (e.g., [10, 100] => 54).50 * The retry strategy increases the 'retryInterval' by a factor 1.5 after each failed attempt.51 * @param {Boolean} options.ignoreError In case of constant failure to pass the 'successFn' test, this function will either throw an error52 * or return the current result without throwing an error if this flag is set to true.53 * @param {String} options.errorMsg Customize the exception message in case of failure.54 * @param {String} options.ignoreFailure If set to true, then failure from fn will cause a retry55 * @return {[type]} [description]56 */​57const retry = arities(58 'function fn, function successFn, object options={}',59 'function fn, function successFn, function failureFn, object options={}',60 ({ fn, successFn, failureFn, options={} }) => { 61 const start = return Promise.resolve(null)63 .then(() => fn()).then(data => ({ error: null, data }))64 .catch(error => { 65 if (options.ignoreFailure && !failureFn)66 failureFn = () => true67 return { error, data: null }68 })69 .then(({ error, data }) => Promise.resolve(null)70 .then(() => {71 if (error && failureFn)72 return failureFn(error, options)73 else if (error)74 throw error 75 else76 return successFn(data, options)77 })78 .then(passed => {79 if (!error && passed)80 return data81 else if ((!error && !passed) || (error && passed)) {82 let { retryAttempts=5, retryInterval=5000, attemptsCount=0, timeOut=null, startTime=null } = options83 const delayFactor = (attemptsCount+1) <= 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(1.5, attemptsCount)84 if (timeOut > 0) {85 startTime = startTime || start86 if ( - startTime < timeOut) {87 const explicitRetryInterval = passed && passed.retryInterval > 0 ? passed.retryInterval : null88 const i = (!explicitRetryInterval && Array.isArray(retryInterval) && retryInterval.length > 1)89 ? (() => {90 if (typeof(retryInterval[0]) != 'number' || typeof(retryInterval[1]) != 'number')91 throw new Error(`Wrong argument exception. When 'options.retryInterval' is an array, all elements must be numbers. Current: [${retryInterval.join(', ')}].`)92 if (retryInterval[0] > retryInterval[1])93 throw new Error(`Wrong argument exception. When 'options.retryInterval' is an array, the first element must be strictly greater than the second. Current: [${retryInterval.join(', ')}].`)94 return math.randomNumber(retryInterval[0], retryInterval[1])95 })()96 : (explicitRetryInterval || retryInterval)97 const delayMs = Math.round(delayFactor*i)98 return delay(delayMs).then(() => failureFn 99 ? retry(fn, successFn, failureFn, merge(options, { startTime, attemptsCount:attemptsCount+1 }))100 : retry(fn, successFn, merge(options, { startTime, attemptsCount:attemptsCount+1 })))101 } else102 throw new Error('timeout')103 } else if (attemptsCount < retryAttempts) {104 const delayMs = Math.round(delayFactor*retryInterval)105 return delay(delayMs).then(() => failureFn106 ? retry(fn, successFn, failureFn, merge(options, { attemptsCount:attemptsCount+1 }))107 : retry(fn, successFn, merge(options, { attemptsCount:attemptsCount+1 })))108 } else if (options.ignoreError)109 return data110 else 111 throw new Error(options.errorMsg ? options.errorMsg : `${retryAttempts} attempts to retry the procedure failed to pass the test`)112 } else 113 throw error114 }))115 })116module.exports = {117 delay,118 wait,119 check,120 retry...

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Source:customDomain.js Github


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1const AWS = require('aws-sdk');2const MAX_RETRIES_DEFAULT = 5;3const RETRIES_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 90000;4const MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE = 'Max retries attempts reached.';5const VALIDATE_DOMAIN_NAME_REQUIRED = 'DomainName parameter is required';6const VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE_ARN_REQUIRED = 'CertificateArn parameter is required';7const callCreateWithRetry = async (8 apigwClient, createParams, getParams, attempt, maxRetries, retryInterval) => {9 try {10 return await apigwClient.createDomainName(createParams).promise();11 } catch (e) {12 if (e.message && e.message === 'The domain name you provided already exists.') {13 return await apigwClient.getDomainName(getParams).promise();14 }15 console.log(e);16 if (attempt >= maxRetries) {17 console.log(MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE);18 throw new Error(MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE);19 }20 await new Promise(21 (resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, (1.5 ** attempt++) * retryInterval));22 return await callCreateWithRetry(23 apigwClient, createParams, getParams, attempt, maxRetries, retryInterval,24 );25 }26};27const callDeleteWithRetry = async (apigwClient, params, attempt, maxRetries, retryInterval) => {28 try {29 return await apigwClient.deleteDomainName(params).promise();30 } catch (e) {31 if (e.code && e.code === 'NotFoundException') {32 return;33 }34 console.log(e);35 if (attempt >= maxRetries) {36 console.log(MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE);37 throw new Error(MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE);38 }39 await new Promise(40 (resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, (1.5 ** attempt++) * retryInterval));41 return await callDeleteWithRetry(apigwClient, params, attempt, maxRetries, retryInterval);42 }43};44module.exports = {45 MAX_RETRIES_DEFAULT: MAX_RETRIES_DEFAULT,46 MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE: MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE,47 VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE_ARN_REQUIRED: VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE_ARN_REQUIRED,48 VALIDATE_DOMAIN_NAME_REQUIRED: VALIDATE_DOMAIN_NAME_REQUIRED,49 validate: (CfnRequestParams) => {50 if (!CfnRequestParams.DomainName) {51 return VALIDATE_DOMAIN_NAME_REQUIRED;52 }53 if (!CfnRequestParams.CertificateArn) {54 return VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE_ARN_REQUIRED;55 }56 },57 create: async (CfnRequestParams, RetryInterval) => {58 console.log('Params', CfnRequestParams);59 const ApiGateway = new AWS.APIGateway({apiVersion: '2015-07-09'});60 const customDomain = await callCreateWithRetry(ApiGateway,61 {62 domainName: CfnRequestParams.DomainName,63 certificateArn: CfnRequestParams.CertificateArn,64 endpointConfiguration: {65 types: CfnRequestParams.EndpointConfiguration.Types,66 },67 },68 {69 domainName: CfnRequestParams.DomainName,70 },71 0, MAX_RETRIES_DEFAULT, RetryInterval || RETRIES_INTERVAL_DEFAULT);72 console.log('Custom domain created/​updated', customDomain);73 return {74 DomainName: customDomain.domainName,75 DistributionDomainName: customDomain.distributionDomainName,76 DistributionHostedZoneId: customDomain.distributionHostedZoneId,77 };78 },79 delete: async (CfnRequestParams, RequestPhysicalID, RetryInterval) => {80 console.log('Params', CfnRequestParams);81 const ApiGateway = new AWS.APIGateway({apiVersion: '2015-07-09'});82 const customDomain = await callDeleteWithRetry(ApiGateway,83 {84 domainName: CfnRequestParams.DomainName,85 },86 0, MAX_RETRIES_DEFAULT, RetryInterval || RETRIES_INTERVAL_DEFAULT);87 console.log('Custom domain deleted', customDomain);88 return {89 PhysicalResourceId: RequestPhysicalID || CfnRequestParams.DomainName,90 };91 },92 createV2: async (CfnRequestParams, RetryInterval) => {93 console.log('Params V2', CfnRequestParams);94 const ApiGatewayV2 = new AWS.ApiGatewayV2({apiVersion: '2018-11-29'});95 const customDomain = await callCreateWithRetry(ApiGatewayV2,96 {97 DomainName: CfnRequestParams.DomainName,98 DomainNameConfigurations: CfnRequestParams.DomainNameConfigurations,99 },100 {101 DomainName: CfnRequestParams.DomainName,102 },103 0, MAX_RETRIES_DEFAULT, RetryInterval || RETRIES_INTERVAL_DEFAULT);104 console.log('Custom domain created/​updated', customDomain);105 return {106 DomainName: customDomain.DomainName,107 RegionalDomainName: customDomain.DomainNameConfigurations[0].ApiGatewayDomainName,108 };109 },110 deleteV2: async (CfnRequestParams, RequestPhysicalID, RetryInterval) => {111 console.log('Params V2', CfnRequestParams);112 const ApiGatewayV2 = new AWS.ApiGatewayV2({apiVersion: '2018-11-29'});113 const customDomain = await callDeleteWithRetry(ApiGatewayV2,114 {115 DomainName: CfnRequestParams.DomainName,116 },117 0, MAX_RETRIES_DEFAULT, RetryInterval || RETRIES_INTERVAL_DEFAULT);118 console.log('Custom domain deleted', customDomain);119 return {120 PhysicalResourceId: RequestPhysicalID || CfnRequestParams.DomainName,121 };122 },...

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Source:index.js Github


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1var request = require('request').defaults({jar: true, strictSSL :false});2var EventEmitter = require('events');3module.exports = function(host, port, options, successCallback, progressCallback) {4 /​/​ Allow for missing options5 if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'function') {6 progressCallback = successCallback;7 successCallback = options;8 options = {};9 }10 if (progressCallback === undefined) {11 /​/​ only 1 function passed in.12 /​/​ in this case we use it as a progressCallback and return a promise13 progressCallback = successCallback;14 successCallback = undefined;15 }16 /​/​ Sensible defaults17 var numRetries = options.numRetries || 10;18 var retriesRemaining = numRetries;19 var retryInterval = options.retryInterval || 1000;20 var requestTimeout = options.requestTimeout || 2500;21 var monitorFrequency = parseInt(options.monitorFrequency,10) || 0;22 var schema = ? 'https': 'http';23 /​/​ Validate the supplied options24 if (!(retriesRemaining > 0)) throw new Error('Invalid value for option "numRetries"');25 if (!(retryInterval > 0)) throw new Error('Invalid value for option "retryInterval"');26 if (!(requestTimeout > 0)) throw new Error('Invalid value for option "requestTimeout"');27 /​/​ RealityServer JSON-RPC 2.0 request to obtain version number28 var command = {29 jsonrpc: 2.0,30 method: 'get_version',31 params: {},32 id: 133 };34 function setupResult(body) {35 if (monitorFrequency <= 0) {36 return { version: body.result }37 }38 var emitter = new EventEmitter()39 var connectable = true;40 function checkRealityServer() {41 /​/​ we just want to check connectability42 request({43 method: 'GET',44 uri: schema + ':/​/​' + host + ':' + port + '/​',45 timeout: requestTimeout46 }, function(error, response, body) {47 if (error) {48 if (connectable) {49 emitter.emit('disconnected')50 connectable = false;51 }52 } else if (!connectable) {53 emitter.emit('connected');54 connectable = true;55 }56 });57 }58 var timer = setInterval(checkRealityServer,monitorFrequency);59 emitter.version = body.result;60 emitter.stop = function() {61 clearInterval(timer);62 timer = undefined;63 }64 return emitter;65 }66 /​/​ Attempt to get the RealityServer version and retry on failure67 function tryToConnect() {68 request({ /​/​ Attempt to make UAC session first69 method: 'GET',70 uri: schema + ':/​/​' + host + ':' + port + '/​uac/​create/​',71 timeout: requestTimeout 72 }, function(error, response, body) {73 if (error) {74 typeof progressCallback === 'function' && progressCallback({numRetries: numRetries, retriesRemaining: retriesRemaining, retryInterval: retryInterval});75 if (--retriesRemaining <= 0)76 return successCallback(new Error('Retry limit reached, RealityServer not available'));77 setTimeout(tryToConnect, retryInterval);78 return; 79 }80 if (retriesRemaining > 0) {81 request({82 method: 'POST',83 uri: schema + ':/​/​' + host + ':' + port + '/​',84 json: command,85 timeout: requestTimeout 86 }, function(error, response, versionBody) {87 if (error || typeof versionBody.result !== 'string') {88 typeof progressCallback === 'function' && progressCallback({numRetries: numRetries, retriesRemaining: retriesRemaining, retryInterval: retryInterval});89 if (--retriesRemaining <= 0)90 return successCallback(new Error('Retry limit reached, RealityServer not available'));91 setTimeout(tryToConnect, retryInterval);92 return; 93 }94 if (retriesRemaining > 0) {95 request({96 method: 'GET',97 uri: schema + ':/​/​' + host + ':' + port + '/​uac/​destroy/​',98 timeout: requestTimeout 99 }, function(error, response, body) {100 if (error) {101 typeof progressCallback === 'function' && progressCallback({numRetries: numRetries, retriesRemaining: retriesRemaining, retryInterval: retryInterval});102 if (--retriesRemaining <= 0)103 return successCallback(new Error('Retry limit reached, RealityServer not available'));104 setTimeout(tryToConnect, retryInterval);105 return; 106 }107 if (retriesRemaining > 0) {108 successCallback(null, setupResult(versionBody));109 }110 });111 }112 });113 }114 });115 }116 /​/​ Kick off the process117 if (successCallback === undefined) {118 if (typeof Promise !== 'function') {119 throw 'No successCallback provided but Promises are not supported';120 }121 return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {122 successCallback = function(err,result) {123 if (err) {124 reject(err);125 } else {126 resolve(result);127 }128 }129 tryToConnect();130 });131 } else {132 tryToConnect();133 }...

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Source:exponentialretrypolicyfilter-tests.js Github


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1/​**2* Copyright 2011 Microsoft Corporation3*4* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6* You may obtain a copy of the License at7* http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.08*9* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13* limitations under the License.14*/​15var testCase = require('nodeunit').testCase;16var azure = require("../​../​lib/​azure");17var testutil = require('../​util/​util');18var tabletestutil = require('../​util/​table-test-utils');19var ServiceClient = require('../​../​lib/​services/​serviceclient');20var ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter = require('../​../​lib/​common/​exponentialretrypolicyfilter');21var Constants = require('../​../​lib/​util/​constants');22var tableService;23var exponentialRetryPolicyFilter;24var tableNames = [];25var tablePrefix = 'expretry';26var testPrefix = 'exponentialretrypolicyfilter-tests';27module.exports = testCase(28{29 setUp: function (callback) {30 tabletestutil.setUpTest(module.exports, testPrefix, function (err, newTableService) {31 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter = new ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter();32 tableService = newTableService.withFilter(exponentialRetryPolicyFilter);33 callback();34 });35 },36 tearDown: function (callback) {37 tabletestutil.tearDownTest(module.exports, tableService, testPrefix, callback);38 },39 testRetryFailSingle: function (test) {40 var tableName = testutil.generateId(tablePrefix, tableNames, tabletestutil.isMocked);41 var retryCount = 3;42 var retryInterval = 30;43 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter.retryCount = retryCount;44 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter.retryInterval = retryInterval;45 tableService.createTable(tableName, function (err) {46 test.equal(err, null);47 tableService.createTable(tableName, function (err2) {48 test.notEqual(err2, null);49 test.equal(err2.code, Constants.TableErrorCodeStrings.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS);50 test.equal(err2.innerError, null);51 test.done();52 });53 });54 },55 testRetryFailMultiple: function (test) {56 var tableName = testutil.generateId(tablePrefix, tableNames, tabletestutil.isMocked);57 var retryCount = 3;58 /​/​ 30 seconds as starting time between attempts should be enough to give enough time for the59 /​/​ table creation to succeed after a deletion.60 var retryInterval = 30000;61 if (tabletestutil.isMocked && !tabletestutil.isRecording) {62 /​/​ if a playback on the mockserver is running, retryinterval can be lower63 retryInterval = 30;64 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter.minRetryInterval = 30;65 }66 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter.retryCount = retryCount;67 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter.retryInterval = retryInterval;68 /​/​ replace shouldRetry to skip return codes verification and retry on 409 (deleting)69 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter.shouldRetry = function (statusCode, retryData) {70 var currentCount = (retryData && retryData.retryCount) ? retryData.retryCount : 0;71 return (currentCount < this.retryCount);72 };73 tableService.createTable(tableName, function (err) {74 test.equal(err, null);75 tableService.deleteTable(tableName, function (err2) {76 test.equal(err2, null);77 /​/​ trying to create a table right after a delete should force retry to kick in78 /​/​ table should be created nicely79 tableService.createTable(tableName, function (err3) {80 test.equal(err3, null);81 test.done();82 });83 });84 });85 },86 testGetTablePassOnGetTable: function (test) {87 var tableName = testutil.generateId(tablePrefix, tableNames, tabletestutil.isMocked);88 var retryCount = 3;89 var retryInterval = 30;90 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter.retryCount = retryCount;91 exponentialRetryPolicyFilter.retryInterval = retryInterval;92 tableService.getTable(tableName, function (err, table) {93 test.equal(err.code, Constants.StorageErrorCodeStrings.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND);94 test.equal(table, null);95 test.done();96 });97 }...

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Source:linearretrypolicyfilter-tests.js Github


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1/​**2* Copyright 2011 Microsoft Corporation3*4* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6* You may obtain a copy of the License at7* http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.08*9* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13* limitations under the License.14*/​15var testCase = require('nodeunit').testCase;16var azure = require("../​../​lib/​azure");17var testutil = require('../​util/​util');18var tabletestutil = require('../​util/​table-test-utils');19var ServiceClient = require('../​../​lib/​services/​serviceclient');20var LinearRetryPolicyFilter = require('../​../​lib/​common/​linearretrypolicyfilter');21var Constants = require('../​../​lib/​util/​constants');22var tableService;23var linearRetryPolicyFilter;24var tableNames = [];25var tablePrefix = 'linearretry';26var testPrefix = 'linearretrypolicyfilter-tests';27module.exports = testCase(28{29 setUp: function (callback) {30 tabletestutil.setUpTest(module.exports, testPrefix, function (err, newTableService) {31 linearRetryPolicyFilter = new LinearRetryPolicyFilter();32 tableService = newTableService.withFilter(linearRetryPolicyFilter);33 callback();34 });35 },36 tearDown: function (callback) {37 tabletestutil.tearDownTest(module.exports, tableService, testPrefix, callback);38 },39 testRetryFailSingle: function (test) {40 var tableName = testutil.generateId(tablePrefix, tableNames, tabletestutil.isMocked);41 var retryCount = 3;42 var retryInterval = 30;43 linearRetryPolicyFilter.retryCount = retryCount;44 linearRetryPolicyFilter.retryInterval = retryInterval;45 tableService.createTable(tableName, function (err) {46 test.equal(err, null);47 tableService.createTable(tableName, function (err2) {48 test.notEqual(err2, null);49 test.equal(err2.code, Constants.TableErrorCodeStrings.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS);50 test.equal(err2.innerError, null);51 test.done();52 });53 });54 },55 testRetryFailMultiple: function (test) {56 var tableName = testutil.generateId(tablePrefix, tableNames, tabletestutil.isMocked);57 var retryCount = 3;58 /​/​ 30 seconds between attempts should be enough to give enough time for the59 /​/​ table creation to succeed after a deletion.60 var retryInterval = 30000;61 if (tabletestutil.isMocked && !tabletestutil.isRecording) {62 /​/​ if a playback on the mockserver is running, retryinterval can be lower63 retryInterval = 30;64 }65 linearRetryPolicyFilter.retryCount = retryCount;66 linearRetryPolicyFilter.retryInterval = retryInterval;67 /​/​ replace shouldRetry to skip return codes verification and retry on 409 (deleting)68 linearRetryPolicyFilter.shouldRetry = function (statusCode, retryData) {69 var currentCount = (retryData && retryData.retryCount) ? retryData.retryCount : 0;70 return (currentCount < this.retryCount);71 };72 tableService.createTable(tableName, function (err) {73 test.equal(err, null);74 tableService.deleteTable(tableName, function (err2) {75 test.equal(err2, null);76 /​/​ trying to create a table right after a delete should force retry to kick in77 /​/​ table should be created nicely78 tableService.createTable(tableName, function (err3) {79 test.equal(err3, null);80 test.done();81 });82 });83 });84 },85 testRetryPassOnGetTable: function (test) {86 var tableName = testutil.generateId(tablePrefix, tableNames, tabletestutil.isMocked);87 var retryCount = 3;88 var retryInterval = 30;89 linearRetryPolicyFilter.retryCount = retryCount;90 linearRetryPolicyFilter.retryInterval = retryInterval;91 tableService.getTable(tableName, function (err, table) {92 test.equal(err.code, Constants.StorageErrorCodeStrings.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND);93 test.equal(table, null);94 test.done();95 });96 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5const should = chai.should();6const assert = chai.assert;7const expect = chai.expect;8const retryInterval = require('asyncbox').retryInterval;9const _ = require('lodash');10const { exec } = require('teen_process');11const path = require('path');12const { fs, mkdirp } = require('appium-support');13const { withRetries } = require('asyncbox');14const { retry }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var androidDriver = require('appium-android-driver');4var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);5driver.init({6}).then(function() {7 return driver.setImplicitWaitTimeout(5000);8}).then(function() {9 return driver.retryInterval(5000, 500, function() {10 });11}).then(function() {12 return driver.quit();13});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote();3driver.init({4}).then(function() {5}).then(function() {6 return driver.title();7}).then(function(title) {8 console.log('Title is: ' + title);9}).fin(function() {10 return driver.quit();11}).done();12var wd = require('wd');13var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote();14driver.init({15}).then(function() {16}).then(function() {17 return driver.title();18}).then(function(title) {19 console.log('Title is: ' + title);20}).fin(function() {21 return driver.quit();22}).done();23var wd = require('wd');24var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote();25driver.init({26}).then(function() {27}).then(function() {28 return driver.title();29}).then(function(title) {30 console.log('Title is: ' + title);31}).fin(function() {32 return driver.quit();33}).done();34var wd = require('wd');35var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote();36driver.init({37}).then(function() {38}).then(function() {39 return driver.title();40}).then(function(title) {41 console.log('Title is: ' + title);42}).fin(function() {43 return driver.quit();44}).done();45var wd = require('wd');46var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote();47driver.init({48}).then(function() {49}).then(function() {50 return driver.title();51}).then(function(title) {52 console.log('Title is: ' + title);53}).fin(function() {54 return driver.quit();55}).done();56var wd = require('wd');57var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote();58driver.init({59}).then

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var retryInterval = 1000;3var retryTimes = 5;4var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);5driver.init({6}).then(function () {7 return driver.waitForElementById('myButton', retryInterval, retryTimes);8}).then(function (el) {9 return;10}).fin(function () {11 return driver.quit();12}).done();13waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval)14waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse)15waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements)16waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements, isGlobal)17waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements, isGlobal, shouldThrow)18waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements, isGlobal, shouldThrow, elementId)19waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements, isGlobal, shouldThrow, elementId, context)20waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements, isGlobal, shouldThrow, elementId, context, multiple)21waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements, isGlobal, shouldThrow, elementId, context, multiple, waitMs)22waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements, isGlobal, shouldThrow, elementId, context, multiple, waitMs, throwOnFailure)23waitForElement(locatorStrategy, locator, timeout, retryInterval, reverse, ignoreNonExistingElements, isGlobal, shouldThrow, elementId, context, multiple, waitMs, throwOnFailure, allowNoElement)24waitForElement(locator

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var retryInterval = require('wd/​lib/​helpers').retryInterval;3var desired = {4};5var browser = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);6 .init(desired)7 .elementByCssSelector("input[name='q']")8 .type("webdriver")9 .elementByCssSelector("button[name='btnG']")10 .click()11 .then(function() {12 return retryInterval(10, 1000, function() {13 .elementByCssSelector("#ires .g")14 .text()15 .should.become("webdriver - Google Search");16 });17 })18 .fin(function() { return browser.quit(); })19 .done();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2driver.init({3});4 .elementByAccessibilityId('buttonTest')5 .retryInterval(1000, 5, 1000)6 .click()7 .sleep(5000)8 .quit();9const wd = require('wd');10driver.init({11});12 .elementByAccessibilityId('buttonTest')13 .retryInterval(1000, 5, 1000)14 .click()15 .sleep(5000)16 .quit();17const wd = require('wd');18driver.init({19});20 .elementByAccessibilityId('buttonTest')21 .retryInterval(1000, 5, 1000)22 .click()23 .sleep(5000)24 .quit();

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