How to use extractProtocol method in Appium Base Driver

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...90 <ProgressBar orientation="horizontal" percentProgress={40} />91 </React.Fragment>92 ),93 }));94 return extractProtocol(tempLocation);95 }, catchError)96 .then((protocolLocation) => {97 if (cancelled) return cancelledImport();98 protocolUid = protocolLocation;99 dispatch(toastActions.updateToast(toastUUID, {100 title: 'Validating protocol...',101 content: (102 <React.Fragment>103 <ProgressBar orientation="horizontal" percentProgress={80} />104 </React.Fragment>105 ),106 }));107 return parseProtocol(protocolLocation, protocolName);108 }, catchError)109 .then((protocolContent) => {110 if (cancelled) return cancelledImport();111 if (previousUid) {112 return moveToExistingProtocol(previousUid, protocolContent);113 }114 return protocolContent;115 })116 .then((protocolContent) => {117 if (cancelled) return cancelledImport();118 // Send the payload to installedProtocols119 dispatch(installedProtocolActions.importProtocolCompleteAction(protocolContent));120 // Remove the status toast121 dispatch(toastActions.removeToast(toastUUID));122 dispatch(toastActions.addToast({123 type: 'success',124 title: 'Finished!',125 autoDismiss: true,126 content: (127 <React.Fragment>128 <p>Protocol installed successfully.</p>129 </React.Fragment>130 ),131 }));132 return resolve();133 }, catchError)134 .catch(135 (error) => {136 // Remove the status toast137 dispatch(toastActions.removeToast(toastUUID));138 // attempt to clean up files139 if (protocolUid) cleanUpProtocol(protocolUid);140 // If this wasn't user cancellation, dispatch an error141 if (!(error instanceof CancellationError)) {142 dispatch(installedProtocolActions.importProtocolFailedAction(error));143 }144 },145 );146 });147 importPromise.abort = () => {148 cancelled = true;149 if (protocolUid) cleanUpProtocol(protocolUid); // attempt to clean up files150 };151 return importPromise;152};153export const beginLocalProtocolImport = () => {154 if (isElectron()) {155 const ipcRenderer = window.require('electron').ipcRenderer;156 ipcRenderer.send('OPEN_DIALOG');157 }158 if (isCordova()) {159 window.chooser.getFile()160 .then((file) => {161 if (file && file.uri) {162 importProtocolFromFile(file.uri,;163 }164 });165 }166 return Error('Environment not supported');167};168export const importProtocolFromFile = (filePath, name) => {169 let cancelled = false; // Top-level cancelled property used to abort promise chain170 let protocolUid;171 let previousUid;172 const filename = filenameFromPath(filePath);173 const protocolName = protocolNameFromFilename(name || filename);174 const toastUUID = uuid();175 // Create a toast to show the status as it updates176 dispatch(toastActions.addToast({177 id: toastUUID,178 type: 'info',179 title: 'Importing Protocol...',180 CustomIcon: (<Spinner small />),181 autoDismiss: false,182 dismissHandler: () => {183 showCancellationToast();184 cancelled = true;185 },186 content: (187 <React.Fragment>188 <ProgressBar orientation="horizontal" percentProgress={10} />189 </React.Fragment>190 ),191 }));192 return checkExistingProtocol(protocolName)193 .then((existingUid) => {194 previousUid = existingUid;195 dispatch(toastActions.updateToast(toastUUID, {196 title: 'Extracting to temporary storage...',197 content: (198 <React.Fragment>199 <ProgressBar orientation="horizontal" percentProgress={40} />200 </React.Fragment>201 ),202 }));203 return extractProtocol(filePath);204 })205 .then((protocolLocation) => {206 protocolUid = protocolLocation;207 if (cancelled) return cancelledImport(protocolLocation);208 dispatch(toastActions.updateToast(toastUUID, {209 title: 'Validating protocol...',210 content: (211 <React.Fragment>212 <ProgressBar orientation="horizontal" percentProgress={80} />213 </React.Fragment>214 ),215 }));216 return parseProtocol(protocolLocation, protocolName);217 }, catchError)...

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Source:uri.js Github


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...16 if (! url) url = window.location.href.toString();17 // store url that needs to be parsed18 this.url = url;19 // and parse protocol string properly20 this.protocol = uri.extractProtocol(this.url);21 // and parse domain string properly22 this.domain = uri.extractDomain(this.url);23 // and parse port string properly24 this.port = uri.extractPort(this.url);25 // and parse path string properly26 this.path = uri.extractPath(this.url);27 // and parse query string properly28 this.query = uri.parseQuery(this.url);29 // and parse hash string properly30 this.hash = uri.extractHash(this.url);31 // and parse hostname properly32 = this.domain + (this.port.length > 0 ? ':' + this.port : '');33 }34 /**35 * gets a query value by key36 *37 * @method getQuery38 * @memberof URI39 * @instance40 * @param {String} key to get from query string41 **/42 URI.prototype.getQuery = function(key){43 if (! key) {44 var parts = [];45 for (var k in this.query) {46 parts.push(k + '=' + this.query[k]);47 }48 var str = parts.join('&');49 if (str.length > 0) str = '?' + str;50 return str;51 }52 return this.query[key];53 };54 /**55 * joins parsed uri parts to generate full path56 *57 * @method join58 * @memberof URI59 * @instance60 * @param {Array} options which parts should be included (includes all parts by default):61 * * "protocol"62 * * "domain"63 * * "port"64 * * "path"65 * * "query"66 * * "hash"67 **/68 URI.prototype.join = function(options){69 if (! options) options = ['protocol', 'domain', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'hash'];70 var str = '';71 if (options.indexOf('protocol') !== -1) str += this.protocol;72 if (options.indexOf('domain') !== -1) str += this.domain;73 if (options.indexOf('port') !== -1) str += (this.port.length > 0 ? ':' + this.port : '');74 if (options.indexOf('path') !== -1) str += this.path;75 if (options.indexOf('query') !== -1) str += this.getQuery();76 if (options.indexOf('hash') !== -1) str += this.hash;77 return str;78 };79 /**80 * shorthand function to call new URI(path)81 *82 * @method uri83 * @memberof URI84 * @instance85 **/86 var uri = function(url){87 return new URI(url);88 };89 /**90 * parses a url's individual parts (query, tld, path, etc)91 *92 * @method parse93 * @memberof uri94 * @param {String} url that should be parsed95 **/96 uri.parse = function(url){97 var instance = new URI(url);98 return instance;99 };100 /**101 * extracts the domain of a specific url102 *103 * @example104 *105 * uri.extractProtocol('') // http://106 * uri.extractProtocol('') // https://107 * uri.extractProtocol('file:///Users/username/path/file.png') // file://108 * uri.extractProtocol('') // ''109 *110 * @method extractProtocol111 * @memberof uri112 * @param {String} url that should be parsed113 **/114 uri.extractProtocol = function(url) {115 var index = url.indexOf('://');116 if (index === -1) return '';117 return url.substring(0, index + 3);118 };119 /**120 * extracts the domain of a specific url121 *122 * @example123 *124 * uri.extractDomain('') // * uri.extractDomain('') // youtube.com126 *127 * @method extractDomain128 * @memberof uri129 * @param {String} url that should be parsed130 **/131 uri.extractDomain = function(url) {132 var domain = null;133 //find & remove protocol (http, ftp, etc.) and get domain134 if (url.indexOf('://') > -1) {135 domain = url.split('/')[2];136 } else {137 domain = url.split('/')[0];138 }139 //find & remove port number140 return domain.split(':')[0];141 };142 /**143 * extracts the domain of a specific url144 *145 * @example146 *147 * uri.extractPort('') // 1337148 * uri.extractPort('') // ''149 *150 * @method extractPort151 * @memberof uri152 * @param {String} url that should be parsed153 **/154 uri.extractPort = function(url) {155 url = url.replace(uri.extractProtocol(url), '');156 var portIndex = url.indexOf(':');157 var pathIndex = url.indexOf('/');158 var queryIndex = url.indexOf('?');159 var hashIndex = url.indexOf('#');160 var subIndex = pathIndex;161 if (queryIndex !== -1 && queryIndex < pathIndex) subIndex = queryIndex;162 if (hashIndex !== -1 && hashIndex < pathIndex) subIndex = hashIndex;163 if (portIndex === -1) return '';164 if (subIndex !== -1 && subIndex < portIndex) return '';165 if (subIndex === -1) return url.substring(portIndex + 1);166 return url.substring(portIndex + 1, subIndex);167 };168 /**169 * extracts the domain of a specific url170 *171 * @example172 *173 * uri.extractPath('') // '/'174 * uri.extractPath('') // '/users/1/'175 * uri.extractPath('') // ''176 *177 * @method extractPath178 * @memberof uri179 * @param {String} url that should be parsed180 **/181 uri.extractPath = function(url) {182 url = url.replace(uri.extractProtocol(url), '');183 var pathIndex = url.indexOf('/');184 var queryIndex = url.indexOf('?');185 var hashIndex = url.indexOf('#');186 var subIndex = queryIndex;187 if (hashIndex !== -1 && hashIndex < pathIndex) subIndex = hashIndex;188 if (pathIndex === -1) return '';189 if (subIndex === -1) return url.substring(pathIndex);190 return url.substring(pathIndex, subIndex);191 };192 /**193 * parses a query string and returns a key-value object194 *195 * @example196 *...

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Source:url.test.js Github


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...28 });29 });30 describe('extractProtocol ', () => {31 it('should empty string when no protocol provided', () => {32 expect(libUrl.extractProtocol('this is a string with no protocol')).toBe(33 ''34 );35 });36 it('should return protocol when provided in a normal URL', () => {37 expect(libUrl.extractProtocol('')).toBe(38 'https:'39 );40 });41 it('should return protocol when provided URL with port', () => {42 expect(libUrl.extractProtocol('https://localhost:1234')).toBe('https:');43 });44 });45 describe('stripProtocol ', () => {46 it('should strip nothing when no protocol in string', () => {47 expect(libUrl.stripProtocol('string with no url')).toBe(48 'string with no url'49 );50 });51 it('should strip protocol when given a valid url', () => {52 expect(libUrl.stripProtocol('')).toBe(53 ''54 );55 });56 it('should strip protocol when given a valid url with ports', () => {...

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...15 r = {},16 s = typeof (e = e || o);if ("blob:" === e.protocol) r = new Url(unescape(e.pathname), {});else if ("string" == s) for (t in r = new Url(e, {}), ignore) delete r[t];else if ("object" == s) {17 for (t in e) t in ignore || (r[t] = e[t]);undefined === r.slashes && (r.slashes = slashes.test(e.href));18 }return r;19}function extractProtocol(e) {20 e = trimLeft(e);var t = protocolre.exec(e);return { protocol: t[1] ? t[1].toLowerCase() : "", slashes: !!t[2], rest: t[3] };21}function resolve(e, t) {22 if ("" === e) return t;for (var o = (t || "/").split("/").slice(0, -1).concat(e.split("/")), r = o.length, s = o[r - 1], a = false, n = 0; r--;) "." === o[r] ? o.splice(r, 1) : ".." === o[r] ? (o.splice(r, 1), n++) : n && (0 === r && (a = true), o.splice(r, 1), n--);return a && o.unshift(""), "." !== s && ".." !== s || o.push(""), o.join("/");23}function Url(e, t, o) {24 if (e = trimLeft(e), !(this instanceof Url)) return new Url(e, t, o);var r,25 s,26 a,27 n,28 l,29 i,30 c = rules.slice(),31 u = typeof t,32 h = this,33 p = 0;for ("object" != u && "string" != u && (o = t, t = null), o && "function" != typeof o && (o = qs.parse), t = lolcation(t), r = !(s = extractProtocol(e || "")).protocol && !s.slashes, h.slashes = s.slashes || r && t.slashes, h.protocol = s.protocol || t.protocol || "", e =, s.slashes || (c[3] = [/(.*)/, "pathname"]); p < c.length; p++) "function" != typeof (n = c[p]) ? (a = n[0], i = n[1], a != a ? h[i] = e : "string" == typeof a ? ~(l = e.indexOf(a)) && (e = "number" == typeof n[2] ? (h[i] = e.slice(0, l), e.slice(l + n[2])) : (h[i] = e.slice(l), e.slice(0, l))) : (l = a.exec(e)) && (h[i] = l[1], e = e.slice(0, l.index)), h[i] = h[i] || r && n[3] && t[i] || "", n[4] && (h[i] = h[i].toLowerCase())) : e = n(e);o && (h.query = o(h.query)), r && t.slashes && "/" !== h.pathname.charAt(0) && ("" !== h.pathname || "" !== t.pathname) && (h.pathname = resolve(h.pathname, t.pathname)), required(h.port, h.protocol) || ( = h.hostname, h.port = ""), h.username = h.password = "", h.auth && (n = h.auth.split(":"), h.username = n[0] || "", h.password = n[1] || ""), h.origin = h.protocol && && "file:" !== h.protocol ? h.protocol + "//" + : "null", h.href = h.toString();34}function set(e, t, o) {35 var r = this;switch (e) {case "query":36 "string" == typeof t && t.length && (t = (o || qs.parse)(t)), r[e] = t;break;case "port":37 r[e] = t, required(t, r.protocol) ? t && ( = r.hostname + ":" + t) : ( = r.hostname, r[e] = "");break;case "hostname":38 r[e] = t, r.port && (t += ":" + r.port), = t;break;case "host":39 r[e] = t, /:\d+$/.test(t) ? (t = t.split(":"), r.port = t.pop(), r.hostname = t.join(":")) : (r.hostname = t, r.port = "");break;case "protocol":40 r.protocol = t.toLowerCase(), r.slashes = !o;break;case "pathname":case "hash":41 if (t) {42 var s = "pathname" === e ? "/" : "#";r[e] = t.charAt(0) !== s ? s + t : t;43 } else r[e] = t;break;default:44 r[e] = t;}for (var a = 0; a < rules.length; a++) {45 var n = rules[a];n[4] && (r[n[1]] = r[n[1]].toLowerCase());46 }return r.origin = r.protocol && && "file:" !== r.protocol ? r.protocol + "//" + : "null", r.href = r.toString(), r;47}function toString(e) {...

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Source:extractProtocol.js Github


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...98 const destination = protocolPath(protocolName);99 return importZip(protocolFile, protocolName, destination);100 };101 }102 return () => Promise.reject(new Error('extractProtocol() not available on platform'));103});104export default extractProtocol;105export {106 checkZipPaths,...

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...30 if (typeof XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined') {31 cache['curl/plugin/_fetchText'] = _fetchText;32 }33 protocol = fixProtocol(config.defaultProtocol)34 || extractProtocol(config.baseUrl)35 || 'http:';36 // sniff for capabilities37 if (globalLoad) {38 // rhino & ringo make this so easy39 localLoadFunc = remoteLoadFunc = loadScriptViaLoad;40 }41 else if (freeRequire) {42 localLoadFunc = loadScriptViaRequire;43 // try to find an http client44 try {45 // node46 http = freeRequire('http');47 remoteLoadFunc = loadScriptViaNodeHttp;48 }...

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Source:extraction.js Github


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...10 .factory('Extraction', function(Protocols) {11function extractField(ctx, proto, field){12 Protocols.Extractors[][].extract(ctx.key, field.value);13}14function extractProtocol(ctx, proto){15 if( !== 'VLAN' && !== 'MPLS'){16 ctx.key[] = {};17 _(proto.fields).each(function(field){18 extractField(ctx, proto, field);19 });20 return true;21 } else {22 extractTag(ctx, proto);23 return true;24 }25}26function extractTag(ctx, proto){27 var tag = {};28 _(proto.fields).each(function(field){29 tag[] = field.value;30 });31 if(!ctx.key[]){32 ctx.key[] = [];33 }34 ctx.key[].push(tag);35}36function Extractor(){37 this.clonedPacket = null;38}39Extractor.prototype.extract = function(ctx){40 if(!this.clonedPacket){41 this.clonedPacket = ctx.packet.clone();42 }43 if(this.clonedPacket.protocols.length > 0){44 return extractProtocol(ctx, this.clonedPacket.protocols.shift());45 } else {46 this.clonedPacket = false;47 return false;48 }49};50Extractor.prototype.isDone = function(){51 if(this.clonedPacket.protocols.length){52 return false;53 } else {54 this.clonedPacket = false;55 return true;56 }57};58return {...

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Source:bookmark.js Github


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...6 const searchCriteria = searchText === '' ? {} : searchText;7 const searchResults = await;8 const validResults = [];9 searchResults.forEach(({ url, title }) => {10 const protocol = extractProtocol(url);11 if (isURL(url) && isProtocol(protocol)) {12 validResults.push({13 type: 'bookmark',14 score: -1,15 title,16 url17 });18 }19 });20 return validResults;21}22export default async function bookmarkSuggestions(searchString) {23 const { sakaSettings } = await['sakaSettings']);24 const enableFuzzySearch =...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2let appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();3class AppiumBaseDriver {4 extractProtocol(url) {5 return urlParts[0];6 }7}8Your name to display (optional):9Your name to display (optional):10const regex = /^(https?):\/\/.*$/;11const match = url.match(regex);12if (match) {13 console.log(match[1]);14}15Your name to display (optional):

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var Appium = require('appium-base-driver');2var appium = new Appium();3console.log(protocol);4var Appium = require('appium-base-driver');5var appium = new Appium();6console.log(protocol);7var Appium = require('appium-base-driver');8var appium = new Appium();9console.log(host);10var Appium = require('appium-base-driver');11var appium = new Appium();12console.log(port);13var Appium = require('appium-base-driver');14var appium = new Appium();15console.log(path);16var Appium = require('appium-base-driver');17var appium = new Appium();18console.log(query);19var Appium = require('appium-base-driver');20var appium = new Appium();21console.log(pathAndQuery);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2const protocol = appiumBaseDriver.BaseDriver.prototype.extractProtocol('1.2.3');3console.log(protocol);4const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');5const protocol = appiumBaseDriver.BaseDriver.prototype.extractProtocol('1.2');6console.log(protocol);7const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');8const protocol = appiumBaseDriver.BaseDriver.prototype.extractProtocol('1');9console.log(protocol);10const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');11const protocol = appiumBaseDriver.BaseDriver.prototype.extractProtocol('1.2.a');12console.log(protocol);13const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14const protocol = appiumBaseDriver.BaseDriver.prototype.extractProtocol('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2const protocol = BaseDriver.extractProtocol(url);3console.log('Protocol: ' + protocol);4const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');5const host = BaseDriver.extractHost(url);6console.log('Host: ' + host);7const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');8const port = BaseDriver.extractPort(url);9console.log('Port: ' + port);10const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');11const path = BaseDriver.extractPath(url);12console.log('Path: ' + path);13const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14const query = BaseDriver.extractQuery(url);15console.log('Query: ' + query);

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