How to use configureApp method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:helpers-e2e-specs.js Github


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...15}16describe('app download and configuration', function () {17 describe('configureApp', function () {18 it('should get the path for a local .app', async function () {19 let newAppPath = await configureApp(getFixture(''), '.app');20 newAppPath.should.contain('');21 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');22 contents.should.eql('this is not really an app\n');23 });24 it('should get the path for a local .apk', async function () {25 let newAppPath = await configureApp(getFixture('FakeAndroidApp.apk'), '.apk');26 newAppPath.should.contain('FakeAndroidApp.apk');27 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');28 contents.should.eql('this is not really an apk\n');29 });30 it('should unzip and get the path for a local', async function () {31 let newAppPath = await configureApp(getFixture(''), '.app');32 newAppPath.should.contain('');33 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');34 contents.should.eql('this is not really an app\n');35 });36 it('should unzip and get the path for a local .ipa', async function () {37 let newAppPath = await configureApp(getFixture('FakeIOSApp.ipa'), '.app');38 newAppPath.should.contain('');39 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');40 contents.should.eql('this is not really an app\n');41 });42 it('should fail for a bad zip file', async function () {43 await configureApp(getFixture(''), '.app')44;45 });46 it('should fail if extensions do not match', async function () {47 await configureApp(getFixture(''), '.wrong')48 not have extension/);49 });50 it('should fail if zip file does not contain an app whose extension matches', async function () {51 await configureApp(getFixture(''), '.wrong')52 not have extension/);53 });54 describe('should download an app from the web', function () {55 const port = 8000;56 const serverUrl = `http://localhost:${port}`;57 describe('server not available', function () {58 it('should handle server not available', async function () {59 await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/`, '.app')60;61 });62 });63 describe('server available', function () {64 // use a local server so there is no dependency on the internet65 let server;66 before(function () {67 const dir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'test', 'basedriver', 'fixtures');68 const serve = serveStatic(dir, {69 index: false,70 setHeaders: (res, path) => {71 res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', contentDisposition(path));72 },73 });74 server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {75 if (req.url.indexOf('missing') !== -1) {76 res.writeHead(404);77 res.end();78 return;79 }80 // for testing zip file content types81 if (req.url.indexOf('mime-zip') !== -1) {82 res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/zip');83 } else if (req.url.indexOf('mime-bip') !== 1) {84 res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/bip');85 }86 serve(req, res, finalhandler(req, res));87 });88 const close = server.close.bind(server);89 server.close = async function () {90 // pause a moment or we get ECONRESET errors91 await B.delay(1000);92 return await new B((resolve, reject) => {93 server.on('close', resolve);94 close((err) => {95 if (err) reject(err); // eslint-disable-line curly96 });97 });98 };99 server.listen(port);100 });101 after(async function () {102 await server.close();103 });104 it('should download zip file', async function () {105 let newAppPath = await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/`, '.app');106 newAppPath.should.contain('');107 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');108 contents.should.eql('this is not really an app\n');109 });110 it('should download zip file with query string', async function () {111 let newAppPath = await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/`, '.app');112 newAppPath.should.contain('.app');113 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');114 contents.should.eql('this is not really an app\n');115 });116 it('should download an app file', async function () {117 let newAppPath = await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/`, '.app');118 newAppPath.should.contain('.app');119 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');120 contents.should.eql('this is not really an app\n');121 });122 it('should accept multiple extensions', async function () {123 let newAppPath = await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/`, ['.app', '.aab']);124 newAppPath.should.contain('');125 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');126 contents.should.eql('this is not really an app\n');127 });128 it('should download an apk file', async function () {129 let newAppPath = await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/FakeAndroidApp.apk`, '.apk');130 newAppPath.should.contain('.apk');131 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');132 contents.should.eql('this is not really an apk\n');133 });134 it('should handle zip file that cannot be downloaded', async function () {135 await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/missing/`, '.app')136 downloading app from url/);137 });138 it('should handle invalid protocol', async function () {139 await configureApp('file://C:/missing/', '.app')140 not supported/);141 await configureApp('ftp://localhost:8000/missing/', '.app')142 not supported/);143 });144 it('should handle missing file in Windows path format', async function () {145 await configureApp('C:\\missing\\', '.app')146 not exist or is not accessible/);147 });148 it('should recognize zip mime types and unzip the downloaded file', async function () {149 let newAppPath = await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/FakeAndroidApp.asd?mime-zip`, '.apk');150 newAppPath.should.contain('FakeAndroidApp.apk');151 newAppPath.should.not.contain('.asd');152 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');153 contents.should.eql('this is not really an apk\n');154 });155 it('should recognize zip mime types and unzip the downloaded file with query string', async function () {156 let newAppPath = await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/FakeAndroidApp.asd?mime-zip&sv=abc&sr=def`, '.apk');157 newAppPath.should.contain('FakeAndroidApp.apk');158 newAppPath.should.not.contain('.asd');159 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');160 contents.should.eql('this is not really an apk\n');161 });162 it('should treat an unknown mime type as an app', async function () {163 let newAppPath = await configureApp(`${serverUrl}/FakeAndroidApp.apk?mime-bip`, '.apk');164 newAppPath.should.contain('.apk');165 let contents = await fs.readFile(newAppPath, 'utf8');166 contents.should.eql('this is not really an apk\n');167 });168 });169 });170 });...

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Source:configure.js Github


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1var configureApp = angular.module("configureApp", []);2configureApp.controller("configureController", ['$scope', '$http', '$interval', function ($scope, $http, $interval) {3 $scope.csvCols = [];4 $scope.firstColumn = "";5 $scope.modelObject = {};6 $scope.inProgress = false;7 $scope.emailSentCount = 113;8 $scope.isFormInvalid = function () {9 return $scope.frmConfigure.$invalid || $scope.firstColNotValid();10 };11 $scope.firstColNotValid = function () {12 return $scope.firstColumn != "" && $scope.firstColumn.toLowerCase() != "email"13 };14 $scope.submitForm = function (authToken) {15 var sendData = {16 from_email: $scope.modelObject.fromEmail,17 from_name: $scope.modelObject.fromName,18 subject: $scope.modelObject.subject,19 template_id: $scope.modelObject.templateId,20 notify_email: $scope.modelObject.notifyEmail21 };22 var fd = new FormData();23 fd.append("authenticity_token", authToken);24 fd.append("csv_file", $scope.modelObject.csvFile);25 fd.append("data", JSON.stringify(sendData));26 $scope.inProgress = true;27 $("#processingModal").modal({28 keyboard: false,29 backdrop: 'static'30 });31 $"/email/send", fd, {32 headers: {33 'Content-Type': undefined34 },35 transformRequest: angular.identity36 }).success(function (data) {37 $scope.inProgress = false;38 $scope.emailSentCount = data.sent_count;39 }).error(function (data) {40 $scope.inProgress = false;41 $scope.emailSentCount = 0;42 console.log(data);43 });44 //$interval(function(){45 // $scope.getStatus(authToken);46 //}, 2000);47 };48 $scope.updateNotify = function () {49 if ($scope.modelObject.notifyEmail != "") {50 $"/email/update_notify", {email: $scope.modelObject.notifyEmail})51 .success(function (data) {52 console.log(data);53 })54 .error(function (data) {55 console.log(data);56 });57 $scope.notify = true;58 }59 };60 //$scope.getStatus = function(authToken){61 // $http.get("/email/get_progress", {authenticity_token: authToken})62 // .success(function(data){63 // console.log(data);64 // })65 // .error(function(data){66 // console.log(data);67 // })68 //};69}]);70configureApp.directive("fileread", [function () {71 return {72 link: function (scope, element, attributes) {73 element.bind("change", function (changeEvent) {74 var reader = new FileReader();75 reader.onload = function (loadEvent) {76 scope.$apply(function () {77 //debugger;78 //scope.modelObject.csvFile =;79 var fileText =;80 var lines = fileText.split(/\r\n|\n/);81 //scope.csvCols = lines[0].split(",");82 var headers = lines[0].split(",");83 scope.firstColumn = headers[0].toLowerCase();84 });85 };86 scope.modelObject.csvFile =[0];87 if (scope.modelObject.csvFile) {88 reader.readAsText([0]);89 }90 });91 }92 }...

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Source:app.js Github


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...12 .configure(authentication({ storage }));13export const socket = io('', { path: host('/ws'), autoConnect: false });14export function createApp(req) {15 if (req === 'rest') {16 return configureApp(rest(host('/api')).axios(axios));17 }18 if (__SERVER__ && req) {19 const app = configureApp(20 rest(host('/api')).axios(21 axios.create({22 headers: {23 Cookie: req.get('cookie'),24 authorization: req.header('authorization') || ''25 }26 })27 )28 );29 const accessToken = req.header('authorization') || (req.cookies && req.cookies['feathers-jwt']);30 app.set('accessToken', accessToken);31 return app;32 }33 return configureApp(socketio(socket));...

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Source:server.js Github


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...8 .command('start', { isDefault: true })9 .description('Starts the server')10 .option('-m, --migrate', 'Run migrations before starting', false)11 .action(async ({ migrate }) => {12 const app = configureApp(getConfig(process.env))13 if (migrate) await app.migrateUp()14 const close = await app.start()15 function shutdown () {16 close()17 .then(() => process.exit())18 .catch(err => {19 console.error(err)20 process.exit(1)21 })22 }23 process.on('SIGINT', shutdown)24 process.on('SIGTERM', shutdown)25 process.on('SIGUSR2', shutdown)26 })27program28 .command('migrate:up')29 .description('Run migrations')30 .action(async () => {31 const app = configureApp(getConfig(process.env))32 await app.migrateUp()33 })34program35 .command('migrate:down')36 .description('Roll back the latest set of migrations')37 .action(async () => {38 const app = configureApp(getConfig(process.env))39 await app.migrateDown()40 })...

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Source:signin.js Github


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...5import configureApp from 'configureApp';6import signinModules from './modules/signinModules';7require(__MARKUP_LOGIN__);8const mountNode = document.getElementById('root');9const { stores, routes, history } = configureApp(signinModules);...

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Source:index.js Github


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...5import configureApp from 'configureApp';6import indexModules from './modules/indexModules';7require(__MARKUP_KASSA__);8const mountNode = document.getElementById('root');9const { stores, routes } = configureApp(indexModules);...

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Source:app.config.js Github


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...3 angular4 .module('testScriptOrganizer')5 .config(configureApp);6 configureApp.$inject = ['$resourceProvider'];7 function configureApp($resourceProvider) {8 $resourceProvider.defaults.stripTrailingSlashes = false;9 }...

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Source:setupProxy.js Github


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1const configureApp = require('../server-config').configureApp;2module.exports = function (app) {3 configureApp(app);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');3const appPath = '/path/to/';4const appPath = '/path/to/';5const app = await configureApp(appPath, {6const app = await configureApp(appPath, {7});8const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');9const appPath = '/path/to/';10const app = await configureApp(appPath, {11});12const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');13const appPath = '/path/to/';14const app = await configureApp(appPath, {15});16const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');17const appPath = '/path/to/';18const app = await configureApp(appPath, {19});20const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');21const appPath = '/path/to/';22const app = await configureApp(appPath, {23});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const {configureApp} = XCUITestDriver;3const path = require('path');4const app = configureApp(path.resolve(__dirname, ''), 'iOS', '12.0');5console.log(app);6const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');7const {configureApp} = XCUITestDriver;8const path = require('path');9const app = configureApp(path.resolve(__dirname, ''), 'iOS', '12.0');10console.log(app);11const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');12const {configureApp} = XCUITestDriver;13const path = require('path');14const app = configureApp(path.resolve(__dirname, ''), 'iOS', '12.0');15console.log(app);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const { getDriver } = require('./driver');3const { getCapabilities } = require('./capabilities');4const { getTestAppPath } = require('./utils');5const { getTestAppPlistPath } = require('./utils');6const testAppPath = getTestAppPath();7const testAppPlistPath = getTestAppPlistPath();8const capabilities = getCapabilities();9const driver = getDriver();10describe('Test App', () => {11 before(async () => {12 await driver.init(capabilities);13 });14 after(async () => {15 await driver.quit();16 });17 it('should be able to launch the app', async () => {18 await driver.launchApp();19 });20 it('should be able to configure the app', async () => {21 await configureApp(driver, testAppPath, testAppPlistPath);22 });23});24const { initDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');25const { getCapabilities } = require('./capabilities');26const capabilities = getCapabilities();27const getDriver = () => {28 const driver = initDriver(capabilities);29 return driver;30};31module.exports = {32};33const { getTestAppPath } = require('./utils');34const { getTestAppPlistPath } = require('./utils');35const testAppPath = getTestAppPath();36const testAppPlistPath = getTestAppPlistPath();37const getCapabilities = () => {38 const capabilities = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});3const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');4const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});5const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');6const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});7const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');8const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});9const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');10const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});11const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');12const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});13const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');14const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});15const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');16const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});17const { configureApp } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');18const app = configureApp("path/to/app", {some: 'options'});19const { configureApp } = require('app

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