How to use ScreenshotLoader method in argos

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Source:screenshot.js Github


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1import {fetchJSON} from './tools/utils.worker'2const loadedDirs = {}3const loadedRangeDirs = {}4class ScreenshotLoader {5 getScreenshot(appId, dir) {6 return loadedDirs[dir]?.[appId]7 }8}9// TODO: Add support for multiple screenshots / video files10class V2RangedScreenshotLoader extends ScreenshotLoader {11 constructor(host, prefix = '', escapePath = false) {12 super()13 = host14 this.prefix = prefix15 this.escapePath = escapePath16 }17 _parseComressedRangesFile(items) {18 const output = {}19 let globalOffset = 020 for (let i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i += 2) {21 let offset = 6 + (Math.log(items[i]) * Math.LOG10E + 1 | 0)22 const start = i === 0 ? --offset : offset + globalOffset23 const end = start + items[i + 1]24 globalOffset += offset + items[i + 1]25 output[items[i]] = [start, end]26 }27 return output28 }29 async getScreenshot(appId, dir) {30 const rangesFilePath = '/screenshots.ranges.json?alt=media'.replace(this.escapePath ? /\//g : false, '%2F')31 const screenshotsFilePath = '/screenshots.json?alt=media'.replace(this.escapePath ? /\//g : false, '%2F')32 if (app.config.screenshots) {33 // load ranges34 if (!(dir in loadedRangeDirs)) {35 await fetchJSON( + this.prefix + dir + rangesFilePath).then(ranges => {36 loadedRangeDirs[dir] = this._parseComressedRangesFile(ranges)37 loadedDirs[dir] = {}38 })39 }40 let screenshot = false41 // try to load from cache42 if (typeof loadedDirs[dir] === 'object' && loadedDirs[dir][appId]) {43 screenshot = loadedDirs[dir][appId]44 }45 // load from file with range46 if (!screenshot && typeof loadedRangeDirs[dir] === 'object') {47 const range = loadedRangeDirs[dir][appId]48 if (!range) return false49 screenshot = await fetchJSON(50 + this.prefix + dir + screenshotsFilePath,51 {headers: {range: 'bytes=' + range[0] + '-' + range[1]}}52 )53 loadedDirs[dir][appId] = screenshot54 }55 return screenshot ? 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + screenshot : false56 }57 return false58 }59}...

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Source:ScreenshotDiff.js Github


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1import { gql } from "graphql-tag";2import config from "@argos-ci/config";3import { s3 as getS3, getSignedGetObjectUrl } from "@argos-ci/storage";4import { ScreenshotLoader } from "../loaders";5export const typeDefs = gql`6 enum ScreenshotDiffStatus {7 added8 stable9 updated10 }11 type ScreenshotDiff {12 id: ID!13 createdAt: DateTime!14 updatedAt: DateTime!15 buildId: ID!16 baseScreenshotId: ID17 baseScreenshot: Screenshot18 compareScreenshotId: ID!19 compareScreenshot: Screenshot!20 score: Float21 url: String22 "Represent the state of the job generating the diffs"23 jobStatus: JobStatus24 "Represent the status given by the user"25 validationStatus: ValidationStatus!26 status: ScreenshotDiffStatus!27 }28 type ScreenshotDiffResult {29 pageInfo: PageInfo!30 edges: [ScreenshotDiff!]!31 }32`;33export const resolvers = {34 ScreenshotDiff: {35 baseScreenshot: async (screenshotDiff) => {36 if (!screenshotDiff.baseScreenshotId) return null;37 return ScreenshotLoader.load(screenshotDiff.baseScreenshotId);38 },39 compareScreenshot: async (screenshotDiff) => {40 return ScreenshotLoader.load(screenshotDiff.compareScreenshotId);41 },42 url(screenshotDiff) {43 if (!screenshotDiff.s3Id) return null;44 const s3 = getS3();45 return getSignedGetObjectUrl({46 s3,47 Bucket: config.get("s3.screenshotsBucket"),48 Key: screenshotDiff.s3Id,49 expiresIn: 7200,50 });51 },52 status(screenshotDiff) {53 switch (screenshotDiff.score) {54 case null:55 return "added";56 case 0:57 return "stable";58 default:59 return "updated";60 }61 },62 },...

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Source:loaders.js Github


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1import DataLoader from "dataloader";2import {3 Screenshot,4 ScreenshotBucket,5 ScreenshotDiff,6 Repository,7} from "@argos-ci/database/models";8const createModelLoader = (Model) => {9 return new DataLoader(async (ids) => {10 const models = await Model.query().findByIds(ids);11 return => models.find((model) => === id));12 });13};14export const ScreenshotLoader = createModelLoader(Screenshot);15export const ScreenshotBucketLoader = createModelLoader(ScreenshotBucket);16export const ScreenshotDiffLoader = createModelLoader(ScreenshotDiff);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';2import SData from 'argos/Models/SData';3import MODEL_NAMES from 'argos/Models/Names';4import MODEL_TYPES from 'argos/Models/Types';5import getResource from 'argos/I18n';6const resource = getResource('test');7const __class = declare('crm.Integrations.BOE.Models.Test.SData', [SData], {8 createQueryModels: function createQueryModels() {9 return [{10 }, {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', ['SDataLoader', 'ScreenshotLoader'], function(SDataLoader, ScreenshotLoader) {2 return declare('test', [SDataLoader], {3 constructor: function() {4 this.inherited(arguments);5 },6 createRequest: function() {7 var request = this.inherited(arguments);8 request['$select'] = 'Name,Description,Owner,CreateDate,ModifyDate';9 return request;10 },11 createEntry: function(entry) {12 var screenshot = new ScreenshotLoader();13 screenshot.set('entry', entry);14 return screenshot;15 }16 });17});18define('ScreenshotLoader', ['_SDataDetailMixin'], function(_SDataDetailMixin) {19 return declare('ScreenshotLoader', [_SDataDetailMixin], {20 itemTemplate: new Simplate([21 '<h3>{%: $.Name %}</h3>',22 '<h4>{%: $.Description %}</h4>'23 createRequest: function() {24 var request = this.inherited(arguments);25 request['$select'] = this.querySelect.join(',');26 request['$include'] = this.queryInclude.join(',');27 request['$orderBy'] = this.queryOrderBy;28 request['$where'] = this.queryWhere;29 return request;30 },31 requestData: function() {32 var request = this.createRequest();33 if (this.queryInclude) {34 request['$include'] = this.queryInclude.join(',');35 }36 return this.requestDataCore(request);37 },38 requestDataCore: function(request) {39 var requestArgs = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';2import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';3import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';4import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';5import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';6import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';7import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';8import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';9import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';10import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';11import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';12import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';13import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';14import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';15import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';16import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';17import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-test';18import { ScreenshotLoader }

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1define('test', [2], function(3) {4 return {5 load: function() {6 ScreenshotLoader.load('test.html');7 },8 unload: function() {9 ScreenshotLoader.unload();10 }11 };12});13require([14], function(15) {16 var test = new Test();17 test.registerSuite('Test Suite', {18 'Test Case': function() {19 }20 });21;22});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var screenshotLoader = require('argos-sdk/src/Utility/ScreenshotLoader');2 if (err) {3 console.log(err);4 } else {5 console.log(result);6 }7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var Test = require('argos-test');3var test = new Test();4describe('My Test', function() {5 it('should load screenshots', function() {6 var screenshots = test.ScreenshotLoader.load('testScreenshots');7 assert.equal(screenshots.length, 2);8 });9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-sdk/src/Utility/ScreenshotLoader';2const screenshotLoader = new ScreenshotLoader();3screenshotLoader.loadScreenshots(this.screenshots);4const screenshotLoader = new ScreenshotLoader();5screenshotLoader.loadScreenshots(this.screenshots);6import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-sdk/src/Utility/ScreenshotLoader';7const screenshotLoader = new ScreenshotLoader();8screenshotLoader.loadScreenshots(this.screenshots).then((screenshots) => {9}).catch((screenshots) => {10});11import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-sdk/src/Utility/ScreenshotLoader';12const screenshotLoader = new ScreenshotLoader();13screenshotLoader.loadScreenshots(this.screenshots, (screenshot) => {14}).then((screenshots) => {15}).catch((screenshots) => {16});17import { ScreenshotLoader } from 'argos-sdk/src/Utility/Screenshot

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