How to use asBuffer method in ava

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Source:fetch.js Github


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1import { isWindows } from './common.js';2/*3 * Source loading4 */5function fetchFetch (url, authorization, integrity, asBuffer) {6 // fetch doesn't support file:/// urls7 if (url.substr(0, 8) === 'file:///') {8 if (hasXhr)9 return xhrFetch(url, authorization, integrity, asBuffer);10 else11 throw new Error('Unable to fetch file URLs in this environment.');12 }13 // percent encode just "#" for HTTP requests14 url = url.replace(/#/g, '%23');15 var opts = {16 // NB deprecate17 headers: { Accept: 'application/x-es-module, */*' }18 };19 if (integrity)20 opts.integrity = integrity;21 if (authorization) {22 if (typeof authorization == 'string')23 opts.headers['Authorization'] = authorization;24 opts.credentials = 'include';25 }26 return fetch(url, opts)27 .then(function(res) {28 if (res.ok)29 return asBuffer ? res.arrayBuffer() : res.text();30 else31 throw new Error('Fetch error: ' + res.status + ' ' + res.statusText);32 });33}34function xhrFetch (url, authorization, integrity, asBuffer) {35 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {36 // percent encode just "#" for HTTP requests37 url = url.replace(/#/g, '%23');38 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();39 if (asBuffer)40 xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';41 function load() {42 resolve(asBuffer ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText);43 }44 function error() {45 reject(new Error('XHR error: ' + (xhr.status ? ' (' + xhr.status + (xhr.statusText ? ' ' + xhr.statusText : '') + ')' : '') + ' loading ' + url));46 }47 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {48 if (xhr.readyState === 4) {49 // in Chrome on file:/// URLs, status is 050 if (xhr.status == 0) {51 if (xhr.response) {52 load();53 }54 else {55 // when responseText is empty, wait for load or error event56 // to inform if it is a 404 or empty file57 xhr.addEventListener('error', error);58 xhr.addEventListener('load', load);59 }60 }61 else if (xhr.status === 200) {62 load();63 }64 else {65 error();66 }67 }68 };69"GET", url, true);70 if (xhr.setRequestHeader) {71 xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/x-es-module, */*');72 // can set "authorization: true" to enable withCredentials only73 if (authorization) {74 if (typeof authorization == 'string')75 xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', authorization);76 xhr.withCredentials = true;77 }78 }79 xhr.send(null);80 });81}82var fs;83function nodeFetch (url, authorization, integrity, asBuffer) {84 if (url.substr(0, 8) != 'file:///')85 return Promise.reject(new Error('Unable to fetch "' + url + '". Only file URLs of the form file:/// supported running in Node.'));86 fs = fs || require('fs');87 if (isWindows)88 url = url.replace(/\//g, '\\').substr(8);89 else90 url = url.substr(7);91 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {92 fs.readFile(url, function(err, data) {93 if (err) {94 return reject(err);95 }96 else {97 if (asBuffer) {98 resolve(data);99 }100 else {101 // Strip Byte Order Mark out if it's the leading char102 var dataString = data + '';103 if (dataString[0] === '\ufeff')104 dataString = dataString.substr(1);105 resolve(dataString);106 }107 }108 });109 });110}111function noFetch () {112 throw new Error('No fetch method is defined for this environment.');113}114var fetchFunction;115var hasXhr = typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined';116if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && typeof self.fetch !== 'undefined')117 fetchFunction = fetchFetch;118else if (hasXhr)119 fetchFunction = xhrFetch;120else if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined')121 fetchFunction = nodeFetch;122else123 fetchFunction = noFetch;...

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Source:uncompress-stream.js Github


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1var Transform = require('stream').Transform2 , util = require('util')3 , bufferEqual = require('buffer-equal')4 , bufferFrom = require('buffer-from')5 , BufferList = require('bl')6 , snappy = require('snappy')7 , IDENTIFIER = bufferFrom([8 0x73, 0x4e, 0x61, 0x50, 0x70, 0x599 ])10 , frameSize = function (buffer, offset) {11 return buffer.get(offset) + (buffer.get(offset + 1) << 8) + (buffer.get(offset + 2) << 16)12 }13 , getType = function (value) {14 if (value === 0xff)15 return 'identifier'16 if (value === 0x00)17 return 'compressed'18 if (value === 0x01)19 return 'uncompressed'20 if (value === 0xfe)21 return 'padding'22 // TODO: Handle the other cases described in the spec23 }24 , UncompressStream = function (opts) {25 var asBuffer = (opts && typeof(opts.asBuffer) === 'boolean') ? opts.asBuffer : true26, { objectMode: !asBuffer })27 this.asBuffer = asBuffer28 this.foundIdentifier = false29 this.buffer = new BufferList()30 }31util.inherits(UncompressStream, Transform)32UncompressStream.prototype._parse = function (callback) {33 if (this.buffer.length < 4)34 return callback()35 var self = this36 , size = frameSize(this.buffer, 1)37 , type = getType(this.buffer.get(0))38 , data = this.buffer.slice(4, 4 + size)39 if (this.buffer.length - 4 < size)40 return callback()41 this.buffer.consume(4 + size)42 if (!this.foundIdentifier && type !== 'identifier')43 return callback(new Error('malformed input: must begin with an identifier'))44 if (type === 'identifier') {45 if(!bufferEqual(data, IDENTIFIER))46 return callback(new Error('malformed input: bad identifier'))47 this.foundIdentifier = true48 return this._parse(callback)49 }50 if (type === 'compressed') {51 // TODO: check that the checksum matches52 snappy.uncompress(data.slice(4), { asBuffer: this.asBuffer }, function (err, raw) {53 if(err) {54 return callback(err)55 }56 self.push(raw)57 self._parse(callback)58 })59 return60 }61 if (type === 'uncompressed') {62 // TODO: check that the checksum matches63 data = data.slice(4)64 if (!this.asBuffer)65 data = data.toString()66 this.push(data)67 this._parse(callback)68 }69 if (type === 'padding') {70 return this._parse(callback)71 }72}73UncompressStream.prototype._transform = function (chunk, enc, callback) {74 this.buffer.append(chunk)75 this._parse(callback)76}...

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Source:rw.js Github


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...4test('encode and decode a string', (t) => {5 const w = RW()6 const str = 'hello world'7 w.writeString(str)8 console.log(w.asBuffer())9 t.ok(w.asBuffer() instanceof Buffer, 'asBuffer returns a buffer')10 t.ok(w.asUint8Array() instanceof Uint8Array, 'asBuffer returns a buffer')11 t.equal(w.asBuffer().length, Buffer.byteLength(str) + 4, 'Buffer length matches')12 t.equal(w.asUint8Array().length, str.length + 4, 'Uint8Array length matches')13 const r = RW(w.asBuffer())14 t.equal(, str)15 t.end()16})17test('encode and decode a big string', (t) => {18 const w = RW()19 const str = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2048).fill('a').toString()20 w.writeString(str)21 t.ok(w.asBuffer() instanceof Buffer, 'asBuffer returns a buffer')22 t.ok(w.asUint8Array() instanceof Uint8Array, 'asBuffer returns a buffer')23 t.equal(w.asBuffer().length, Buffer.byteLength(str) + 4, 'Buffer length matches')24 t.equal(w.asUint8Array().length, str.length + 4, 'Uint8Array length matches')25 const r = RW(w.asBuffer())26 t.equal(, str)27 t.end()...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Client, Intents, MessageAttachment } = require('discord.js');2const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS] });3client.on('ready', () => {4 console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);5});6client.on('messageCreate', message => {7 if (message.content === '!avatar') {8 message.reply(;9 }10 else if (message.content === '!avatar2') {11 message.reply({ dynamic: true }));12 }13 else if (message.content === '!avatar3') {14 message.reply({ format: "png", dynamic: true }));15 }16 else if (message.content === '!avatar4') {17 message.reply({ format: "png", dynamic: true }));18 }19 else if (message.content === '!avatar5') {20 message.reply({ files: [{ format: "png", dynamic: true })] });21 }22 else if (message.content === '!avatar6') {23 message.reply({ files: [{ format: "png", dynamic: true })] });24 }25 else if (message.content === '!avatar7') {26 message.reply({ files: [{ format: "png", dynamic: true })] });27 }28 else if (message.content === '!avatar8') {29 message.reply({ files: [{ format: "png", dynamic: true })] });30 }31 else if (message.content === '!avatar9') {32 message.reply({ files: [{ format: "png", dynamic: true })] });33 }34 else if (message.content === '!avatar10') {35 message.reply({ files: [message

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Client } = require('whatsapp-web.js');2const client = new Client();3const fs = require('fs');4client.on('message', msg => {5if (msg.body == '!ping') {6msg.reply('pong');7}8if (msg.body == '!image') {9const contact = msg.from;10const image = await client.getProfilePicFromServer(contact);11fs.writeFile('image.jpg', image, function(err) {12if (err) return console.log(err);13});14}15});16client.initialize();17const { Client } = require('whatsapp-web.js');18const client = new Client();19const fs = require('fs');20client.on('message', msg => {21if (msg.body == '!ping') {22msg.reply('pong');23}24if (msg.body == '!image') {25const contact = msg.from;26const image = await client.getProfilePicFromServer(contact);27msg.reply(image);28}29});30client.initialize();31const { Client } = require('whatsapp-web.js');32const client = new Client();33const fs = require('fs');34client.on('message', msg => {35if (msg.body == '!ping') {36msg.reply('pong');37}38if (msg.body == '!image') {39const contact = msg.from;40const image = await client.getProfilePicFromServer(contact);41msg.reply(image, 'image.jpg', 'image');42}43});44client.initialize();45client.on('message', msg => {46if (msg.body == '!ping') {47msg.reply('pong');48}49if (msg.body == '!name') {50const contact = msg.from;51const name = client.getName(contact);52msg.reply(name);53}54});55client.on('message', msg => {56if (msg.body == '!ping') {57msg.reply('pong');58}59if (msg.body == '!id') {60const contact = msg.from;61const name = client.getName(contact);62const id = client.getIdByName(name);63msg.reply(id);64}65});66client.on('message', msg => {67if (msg.body

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { MessageAttachment } = require('discord.js');2const { Canvas } = require('canvacord');3module.exports = {4 async execute(message, args) {5 const user = message.mentions.users.first() ||;6 const avatar = user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: false, format: 'png' });7 const image = await Canvas.trigger(avatar);8 const attachment = new MessageAttachment(image, 'triggered.gif');9;10 }11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const buf = Buffer.from('Hello', 'utf8');2console.log(buf);3console.log(buf.toString());4console.log(buf.toJSON());5console.log(buf[2]);6const buf1 = Buffer.from('Hello', 'utf8');7const buf2 = Buffer.from(' World', 'utf8');8const buf3 = Buffer.concat([buf1, buf2]);9console.log(buf3.toString());10const buf1 = Buffer.from('ABC');11const buf2 = Buffer.from('BCD');12const result =;13if (result < 0) {14 console.log(buf1 + " comes before " + buf2);15} else if (result == 0) {16 console.log(buf1 + " is the same as " + buf2);17} else {18 console.log(buf1 + " comes after " + buf2);19}20const buf1 = Buffer.from('ABC');21const buf2 = Buffer.from('0123');22buf2.copy(buf1);23console.log(buf1.toString());24const buf1 = Buffer.from('ABC');25console.log(Buffer.isBuffer(buf1));26const buf1 = Buffer.from('ABC');27console.log(buf1.length);28const buf1 = Buffer.from('TutorialsPoint');29const buf2 = buf1.slice(0, 9);30console.log("buffer2 content: " + buf2.toString());31const buf1 = Buffer.from('TutorialsPoint');32console.log("buffer2 content: " + buf1.toLocaleString());33const buf1 = Buffer.from('TutorialsPoint');34console.log("buffer2 content: " + buf1.toString());35const buf1 = Buffer.from('TutorialsPoint');36const arr = [...buf1.values()];37console.log(arr);38const buf1 = Buffer.from('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const { asBuffer } = require('ipfs-http-client');3test('asBuffer', async t => {4 const buffer = asBuffer('Hello world!');5, 'Hello world!');6});7### asBuffer(input)8[MIT](LICENSE) © Protocol Labs

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