How to use assertions.not method in ava

Best JavaScript code snippet using ava


Source:vexflow_test_helpers.js Github


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1/**2 * VexFlow Test Support Library3 * Copyright Mohit Muthanna 2010 <>4 */5/* eslint-disable global-require, import/no-unresolved, import/no-extraneous-dependencies */6/* eslint max-classes-per-file: "off" */7// Mock out the QUnit stuff for generating svg images,8// since we don't really care about the assertions.9if (!window.QUnit) {10 window.QUnit = {};11 QUnit = window.QUnit;12 QUnit.assertions = {13 ok: () => true,14 equal: () => true,15 deepEqual: () => true,16 expect: () => true,17 throws: () => true,18 notOk: () => true,19 notEqual: () => true,20 notDeepEqual: () => true,21 strictEqual: () => true,22 notStrictEqual: () => true,23 };24 QUnit.module = (name) => {25 QUnit.current_module = name;26 };27 /* eslint-disable */28 QUnit.test = (name, func) => {29 QUnit.current_test = name;30 process.stdout.write(" \u001B[0G" + QUnit.current_module + " :: " + name + "\u001B[0K");31 func(QUnit.assertions);32 };33 test = QUnit.test;34 ok = QUnit.assertions.ok;35 equal = QUnit.assertions.equal;36 deepEqual = QUnit.assertions.deepEqual;37 expect = QUnit.assertions.expect;38 throws = QUnit.assertions.throws;39 notOk = QUnit.assertions.notOk;40 notEqual = QUnit.assertions.notEqual;41 notDeepEqual = QUnit.assertions.notDeepEqual;42 strictEqual = QUnit.assertions.strictEqual;43 notStrictEqual = QUnit.assertions.notStrictEqual;44}45if (typeof require === 'function') {46 Vex = require('./vexflow-debug.js');47}48var VF = Vex.Flow;49VF.Test = (function () {50 var Test = {51 // Test Options.52 RUN_CANVAS_TESTS: true,53 RUN_SVG_TESTS: true,54 RUN_RAPHAEL_TESTS: false,55 RUN_NODE_TESTS: false,56 // Where images are stored for NodeJS tests.57 NODE_IMAGEDIR: 'images',58 // Default font properties for tests.59 Font: { size: 10 },60 // Returns a unique ID for a test.61 genID: function (prefix) {62 return prefix + VF.Test.genID.ID++;63 },64 genTitle: function (type, assert, name) {65 return + ' (' + type + '): ' + name;66 },67 // Run `func` inside a QUnit test for each of the enabled68 // rendering backends.69 runTests: function (name, func, params) {70 if (VF.Test.RUN_CANVAS_TESTS) {71 VF.Test.runCanvasTest(name, func, params);72 }73 if (VF.Test.RUN_SVG_TESTS) {74 VF.Test.runSVGTest(name, func, params);75 }76 if (VF.Test.RUN_RAPHAEL_TESTS) {77 VF.Test.runRaphaelTest(name, func, params);78 }79 if (VF.Test.RUN_NODE_TESTS) {80 VF.Test.runNodeTest(name, func, params);81 }82 },83 // Run `func` inside a QUnit test for each of the enabled84 // rendering backends. These are for interactivity tests, and85 // currently only work with the SVG backend.86 runUITests: function (name, func, params) {87 if (VF.Test.RUN_SVG_TESTS) {88 VF.Test.runSVGTest(name, func, params);89 }90 },91 createTestCanvas: function (testId, testName) {92 var testContainer = $('<div></div>').addClass('testcanvas');93 testContainer.append(94 $('<div></div>')95 .addClass('name')96 .text(testName)97 );98 testContainer.append(99 $('<canvas></canvas>')100 .addClass('vex-tabdiv')101 .attr('id', testId)102 .addClass('name')103 .text(name)104 );105 $(VF.Test.testRootSelector).append(testContainer);106 },107 createTestSVG: function (testId, testName) {108 var testContainer = $('<div></div>').addClass('testcanvas');109 testContainer.append(110 $('<div></div>')111 .addClass('name')112 .text(testName)113 );114 testContainer.append(115 $('<div></div>')116 .addClass('vex-tabdiv')117 .attr('id', testId)118 );119 $(VF.Test.testRootSelector).append(testContainer);120 },121 resizeCanvas: function (elementId, width, height) {122 $('#' + elementId).width(width);123 $('#' + elementId).attr('width', width);124 $('#' + elementId).attr('height', height);125 },126 makeFactory: function (options, width, height) {127 return new VF.Factory({128 renderer: {129 elementId: options.elementId,130 backend: options.backend,131 width: width || 450,132 height: height || 140,133 },134 });135 },136 runCanvasTest: function (name, func, params) {137 QUnit.test(name, function (assert) {138 var elementId = VF.Test.genID('canvas_');139 var title = VF.Test.genTitle('Canvas', assert, name);140 VF.Test.createTestCanvas(elementId, title);141 var testOptions = {142 backend: VF.Renderer.Backends.CANVAS,143 elementId: elementId,144 params: params,145 assert: assert,146 };147 func(testOptions, VF.Renderer.getCanvasContext);148 });149 },150 runRaphaelTest: function (name, func, params) {151 QUnit.test(name, function (assert) {152 var elementId = VF.Test.genID('raphael_');153 var title = VF.Test.genTitle('Raphael', assert, name);154 VF.Test.createTestSVG(elementId, title);155 var testOptions = {156 elementId: elementId,157 backend: VF.Renderer.Backends.RAPHAEL,158 params: params,159 assert: assert,160 };161 func(testOptions, VF.Renderer.getRaphaelContext);162 });163 },164 runSVGTest: function (name, func, params) {165 if (!VF.Test.RUN_SVG_TESTS) return;166 const fontStacks = {167 Bravura: [VF.Fonts.Bravura, VF.Fonts.Gonville, VF.Fonts.Custom],168 Gonville: [VF.Fonts.Gonville, VF.Fonts.Bravura, VF.Fonts.Custom],169 Petaluma: [VF.Fonts.Petaluma, VF.Fonts.Gonville, VF.Fonts.Custom],170 }171 const testFunc = (fontName) => (assert) => {172 const defaultFontStack = VF.DEFAULT_FONT_STACK;173 VF.DEFAULT_FONT_STACK = fontStacks[fontName];174 var elementId = VF.Test.genID('svg_'+fontName);175 var title = VF.Test.genTitle('SVG '+fontName, assert, name);176 VF.Test.createTestSVG(elementId, title);177 var testOptions = {178 elementId: elementId,179 backend: VF.Renderer.Backends.SVG,180 params: params,181 assert: assert,182 };183 func(testOptions, VF.Renderer.getSVGContext);184 VF.DEFAULT_FONT_STACK = defaultFontStack;185 }186 QUnit.test(name, testFunc('Bravura'));187 QUnit.test(name, testFunc('Gonville'));188 QUnit.test(name, testFunc('Petaluma'));189 },190 runNodeTest: function (name, func, params) {191 var fs = require('fs');192 // Allows `name` to be used inside file names.193 function sanitizeName(name) {194 return name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '_');195 }196 QUnit.test(name, function (assert) {197 var elementId = VF.Test.genID('nodecanvas_');198 var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');199 canvas.setAttribute('id', elementId);200 document.body.appendChild(canvas);201 var testOptions = {202 elementId: elementId,203 backend: VF.Renderer.Backends.CANVAS,204 params: params,205 assert: assert,206 };207 func(testOptions, VF.Renderer.getCanvasContext);208 if (VF.Renderer.lastContext !== null) {209 var moduleName = sanitizeName(QUnit.current_module);210 var testName = sanitizeName(QUnit.current_test);211 var fileName = `${VF.Test.NODE_IMAGEDIR}/${moduleName}.${testName}.png`;212 var imageData = canvas.toDataURL().split(';base64,').pop();213 var image = Buffer.from(imageData, 'base64');214 fs.writeFileSync(fileName, image, { encoding: 'base64' });215 }216 });217 },218 plotNoteWidth: VF.Note.plotMetrics,219 plotLegendForNoteWidth: function (ctx, x, y) {220;221 ctx.setFont('Arial', 8, '');222 var spacing = 12;223 var lastY = y;224 function legend(color, text) {225 ctx.beginPath();226 ctx.setStrokeStyle(color);227 ctx.setFillStyle(color);228 ctx.setLineWidth(10);229 ctx.moveTo(x, lastY - 4);230 ctx.lineTo(x + 10, lastY - 4);231 ctx.stroke();232 ctx.setFillStyle('black');233 ctx.fillText(text, x + 15, lastY);234 lastY += spacing;235 }236 legend('green', 'Note + Flag');237 legend('red', 'Modifiers');238 legend('#999', 'Displaced Head');239 legend('#DDD', 'Formatter Shift');240 ctx.restore();241 },242 almostEqual: function (value, expectedValue, errorMargin) {243 return equal(Math.abs(value - expectedValue) < errorMargin, true);244 },245 };246 Test.genID.ID = 0;247 Test.testRootSelector = '#vexflow_testoutput';248 return Test;...

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Source:index.js Github


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1/* eslint-disable comma-dangle */2const path = require('path');3const spawn = require('./utils/spawn');4const exec = require('./utils/exec');5const assertions = require('./utils/assertions');6const CWD = path.join(process.cwd(), '../e2eApp');7process.on('uncaughtException', (error) => {8 console.error(error);9 process.exit(1);10});11module.exports = () => {12 exec('sudo npm install -g ./packages/gluestick-cli');13 exec(14 'sudo npm install ~/gluestick/packages/gluestick-generators',15 '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/gluestick-cli'16 );17 // New project with npm18 exec('gluestick new e2eApp --dev ./gluestick', path.dirname(CWD));19 exec('rm node_modules/gluestick/.babelrc', CWD);20 // New apps (camel and kebab case)21 exec('gluestick generate app secondApp', CWD);22 exec('gluestick generate app third-app', CWD);23 // Generate component24 exec('gluestick generate component MyComponent', CWD);25 assertions.exists(26 `${CWD}/src/apps/main/components`,27 'MyComponent.js',28 '__tests__/MyComponent.test.js'29 );30 exec('gluestick generate component MyComponent -E shared', CWD);31 assertions.exists(32 `${CWD}/src/shared/components`,33 'MyComponent.js',34 '__tests__/MyComponent.test.js'35 );36 exec('gluestick generate component MyComponent -E apps/secondApp', CWD);37 assertions.exists(38 `${CWD}/src/apps/secondApp/components`,39 'MyComponent.js',40 '__tests__/MyComponent.test.js'41 );42 // Generate container43 exec('gluestick generate container MyContainer', CWD);44 assertions.exists(45 `${CWD}/src/apps/main/containers`,46 'MyContainer.js',47 '__tests__/MyContainer.test.js'48 );49 exec('gluestick generate container MyContainer -E shared', CWD);50 assertions.exists(51 `${CWD}/src/shared/containers`,52 'MyContainer.js',53 '__tests__/MyContainer.test.js'54 );55 exec('gluestick generate container MyContainer -E apps/secondApp', CWD);56 assertions.exists(57 `${CWD}/src/apps/secondApp/containers`,58 'MyContainer.js',59 '__tests__/MyContainer.test.js'60 );61 // Generate reducer62 exec('gluestick generate reducer myReducer', CWD);63 assertions.exists(64 `${CWD}/src/apps/main/reducers`,65 'myReducer.js',66 '__tests__/myReducer.test.js'67 );68 exec('gluestick generate reducer myReducer -E shared', CWD);69 assertions.exists(70 `${CWD}/src/shared/reducers`,71 'myReducer.js',72 '__tests__/myReducer.test.js'73 );74 exec('gluestick generate reducer myReducer -E apps/secondApp', CWD);75 assertions.exists(76 `${CWD}/src/apps/secondApp/reducers`,77 'myReducer.js',78 '__tests__/myReducer.test.js'79 );80 // Generate generator81 exec('gluestick generate generator myGenerator', CWD);82 assertions.exists(83 `${CWD}/generators`,84 'myGenerator.js'85 );86 // Lint, flow, test87 exec('npm run lint', CWD);88 exec('npm run flow', CWD);89 exec('gluestick test', CWD);90 // Build in dev and prod bundles91 exec('gluestick build', CWD);92 exec('gluestick build', CWD, { NODE_ENV: 'production' });93 // Destroy component94 exec('gluestick destroy component MyComponent', CWD);95 assertions.notExists(96 `${CWD}/src/apps/main/components`,97 'MyComponent.js',98 '__tests__/MyComponent.test.js'99 );100 exec('gluestick destroy component MyComponent -E shared', CWD);101 assertions.notExists(102 `${CWD}/src/shared/components`,103 'MyComponent.js',104 '__tests__/MyComponent.test.js'105 );106 exec('gluestick destroy component MyComponent -E apps/secondApp', CWD);107 assertions.notExists(108 `${CWD}/src/apps/secondApp/components`,109 'MyComponent.js',110 '__tests__/MyComponent.test.js'111 );112 // Destroy container113 exec('gluestick destroy container MyContainer', CWD);114 assertions.notExists(115 `${CWD}/src/apps/main/containers`,116 'MyContainer.js',117 '__tests__/MyContainer.test.js'118 );119 exec('gluestick destroy container MyContainer -E shared', CWD);120 assertions.notExists(121 `${CWD}/src/shared/containers`,122 'MyContainer.js',123 '__tests__/MyContainer.test.js'124 );125 exec('gluestick destroy container MyContainer -E apps/secondApp', CWD);126 assertions.notExists(127 `${CWD}/src/apps/secondApp/containers`,128 'MyContainer.js',129 '__tests__/MyContainer.test.js'130 );131 // Destroy reducer132 exec('gluestick destroy reducer myReducer', CWD);133 assertions.notExists(134 `${CWD}/src/apps/main/reducers`,135 'myReducer.js',136 '__tests__/myReducer.test.js'137 );138 exec('gluestick destroy reducer myReducer -E shared', CWD);139 assertions.notExists(140 `${CWD}/src/shared/reducers`,141 'myReducer.js',142 '__tests__/myReducer.test.js'143 );144 exec('gluestick destroy reducer myReducer -E apps/secondApp', CWD);145 assertions.notExists(146 `${CWD}/src/apps/secondApp/reducers`,147 'myReducer.js',148 '__tests__/myReducer.test.js'149 );150 // Lint, flow, test after removal of components, containers and reducers151 exec('npm run lint', CWD);152 exec('npm run flow', CWD);153 exec('gluestick test', CWD);154 // Build in dev and prod bundles after removal of components, containers and reducers155 exec('gluestick build', CWD);156 exec('gluestick build', CWD, { NODE_ENV: 'production' });157 // Run bin command158 spawn('gluestick bin gluestick -V', CWD, {}, 'pipe').then(({ stdout }) => {159 console.log(stdout);160 if (!stdout.includes(require('../../lerna.json').version)) {161 throw new Error('gluestick version from `bin` command does not contain version from `lerna.json`');162 }163 return Promise.resolve();164 })165 .then(() => {166 process.exit(0);167 })168 .catch((error) => {169 console.error(error);170 process.exit(1);171 });...

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Source:routes_test.js Github


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1pavlov.specify('Project Tasks Route Tests', function() {2 describe('App.ProjectTasksIndexRoute Class', function () {3 it('should be an Ember.Route', function() {4 assert(App.ProjectTasksIndexRoute).isDefined();5 assert(Ember.Route.detect(App.ProjectTasksIndexRoute)).isTrue();6 });7 });8 describe('App.ProjectTasksIndexRoute Instance', function () {9 var route;10 before(function () {11 function () {12 route = App.ProjectTasksIndexRoute.create();13 });14 });15 it('should have an empty model property', function() {16 var model = route.model();17 assert(model).isEmptyArray();18 });19 it('should add project tasks to controller when calling setupController', function () {20 expect(0); // Expect 0 Assertions == Not Implemented21 });22 });23 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava')2const { not } = require('ramda')3test('not', t => {4 t.not(1, 2)5 t.not('foo', 'bar')6 t.not([1, 2], [1, 2])7 t.not({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 })8 t.not(/foo/, /bar/)9 t.not(NaN, NaN)10 t.not(new Date(), new Date())11})12const test = require('ava')13const { notThrows } = require('ramda')14test('notThrows', async t => {15 await t.notThrows(Promise.resolve())16})17const test = require('ava')18const { notThrowsAsync } = require('ramda')19test('notThrowsAsync', async t => {20 await t.notThrowsAsync(Promise.resolve())21})22const test = require('ava')23const { notThrowsSync } = require('ramda')24test('notThrowsSync', t => {25 t.notThrowsSync(() => {})26})27const test = require('ava')28const { pass } = require('ramda')29test('pass', t => {30 t.pass()31})32const test = require('ava')33const { regex } = require('ramda')34test('regex', t => {35 t.regex('foobar', /^foo/)36})37const test = require('ava')38const { snapshot } = require('ramda')39test('snapshot', t => {40 t.snapshot({ foo: 'bar' })41})42const test = require('ava')43const { throws } = require('ramda')44test('throws', async t => {45 await t.throws(Promise.reject(fixture), fixture)46})47const test = require('ava

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2test('foo', t => {3 t.not(1, 2);4});5const test = require('ava');6test('foo', t => {7 t.notThrows(function() {8 throw new TypeError('foo');9 });10});11const test = require('ava');12test('foo', async t => {13 await t.notThrowsAsync(Promise.resolve());14});15const test = require('ava');16test('foo', t => {17 t.plan(2);18, 1);19, 2);20});21const test = require('ava');22test('foo', t => {23 t.regex('I love unicorns', /unicorn/);24});25const test = require('ava');26test('foo', t => {27 t.snapshot({foo: 'bar'});28});29const test = require('ava');30test('foo', t => {31 const error = t.throws(function() {32 throw new TypeError('foo');33 }, TypeError);34, 'foo');35});36const test = require('ava');37test('foo', async t => {38 await t.throwsAsync(Promise.reject(new Error('foo')), 'foo');39});40const test = require('ava');41test('foo', t => {42 t.true('unicorn' === 'unicorn');43});44const test = require('ava');45test('foo', t => {46 t.truthy('unicorn');47});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const assertions = require('ava-assertions');3assertions(test, 'not');4test('not', t => {5 t.not(1, 2);6 t.not('foo', 'bar');7});8### assertions(test, method)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1test('not', t => {2 t.not(1, 2);3 t.not(is.not.number(2), true);4 t.not(is.not.number('2'), true);5 t.not(is.not.number(2), false);6 t.not(is.not.number('2'), false);7 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');8 t.not(is.not.number('2'), 2);9 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');10 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');11 t.not(is.not.number(2), 2);12 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');13 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');14 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');15 t.not(is.not.number(2), 2);16 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');17 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');18 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');19 t.not(is.not.number(2), 2);20 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');21 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');22 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');23 t.not(is.not.number(2), 2);24 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');25 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');26 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');27 t.not(is.not.number(2), 2);28 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');29 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');30 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');31 t.not(is.not.number(2), 2);32 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');33 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');34 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');35 t.not(is.not.number(2), 2);36 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');37 t.not(is.not.number(2), '2');38 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');39 t.not(is.not.number(2), 2);40 t.not(is.not.number('2'), '2');41 t.not(is

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava')2const assertions = require('./assertions')3test('not', t => {4 const a = assertions.not(1, 2)5, true)6})7module.exports = {8 not: (a, b) => a !== b9}10const test = require('ava')11const assertions = require('./assertions')12test('is', t => {13 const a =, 1)14, true)15})16module.exports = {17 is: (a, b) => a === b18}19const test = require('ava')20const assertions = require('./assertions')21test('truthy', t => {22 const a = assertions.truthy(1)23, true)24})25module.exports = {26 truthy: a => Boolean(a)27}28const test = require('ava')29const assertions = require('./assertions')30test('falsy', t => {31 const a = assertions.falsy(0)32, true)33})34module.exports = {35 falsy: a => !Boolean(a)36}37const test = require('ava')38const assertions = require('./assertions')39test('true', t => {40 const a = assertions.true(true)41, true)42})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var test = require('ava');2test('my passing test', function (t) {3 t.not(1, 2);4});5var test = require('ava');6test('my passing test', function (t) {7 t.notDeepEqual({a: 1}, {a: '1'});8});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const { not } = require('chai').assert;3test('assert.not', t => {4 not(1, 2);5});6const test = require('ava');7const { notEqual } = require('chai').assert;8test('assert.notEqual', t => {9 notEqual(1, 2);10});11const test = require('ava');12const { notStrictEqual } = require('chai').assert;13test('assert.notStrictEqual', t => {14 notStrictEqual(1, 2);15});16const test = require('ava');17const { ok } = require('chai').assert;18test('assert.ok', t => {19 ok(true);20});21const test = require('ava');22const { property } = require('chai').assert;23test('', t => {24 property({ a: 1 }, 'a');25});26const test = require('ava');27const { propertyVal } = require('chai').assert;28test('assert.propertyVal', t => {29 propertyVal({ a: 1 }, 'a', 1);30});31const test = require('ava');32const { propertyNotVal } = require('chai').assert;33test('assert.propertyNotVal', t => {34 propertyNotVal({ a: 1 }, 'a', 2);35});36const test = require('ava');37const { propertyNotVal } = require('chai').assert;38test('assert.propertyNotVal', t => {39 propertyNotVal({ a:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const {not} = require('chai').assert;3test('not', t => {4 not(1, 2);5 t.pass();6});

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