Best JavaScript code snippet using ava
1/*2 * Generate binary MIDI data from an array of intermediate MIDI-events.3 *4 * Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Adam Nielsen <>5 *6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or9 * (at your option) any later version.10 *11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of13 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the14 * GNU General Public License for more details.15 *16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License17 * along with this program. If not, see <>.18 */19import Debug from '../debug.js';20const debug = Debug.extend('util:midi:generate-smf');21import { RecordBuffer, RecordType } from '@camoto/record-io-buffer';22/**23 * Convert the given MIDI-events into Standard MIDI Format (SMF) binary data.24 *25 * The output data is the same as you'd find in the MTrk block of a .mid file.26 *27 * If the format being written doesn't support certain events (like SysEx data)28 * simply filter() out those events before calling this function.29 *30 * This function will not write `tempo` events as these can differ between31 * formats (especially those that do not support meta events) so the caller must32 * replace these with another MIDI-event type before calling this function.33 * The UtilMIDI.tempoAsMetaEvent() function can be used for this if the format34 * supports SMF meta event type 0x51 for tempo changes, as found in .mid files.35 *36 * @param {Array} midiEvents37 * The MIDI-events to process. UtilMIDI.generateMIDI() will produce an array38 * in the correct format.39 *40 * @param {object} options41 * Options that control how the data is produced.42 *43 * @param {boolean} options.useRunningStatus44 * `true` to use MIDI running status, omitting repeated control bytes.45 * `false` to always emit full MIDI control bytes.46 *47 * @alias UtilMIDI.generateSMF48 */49export default function generateSMF(midiEvents, options = { useRunningStatus: true })50{51 let bin = new RecordBuffer(65536);52 let pendingDelay = 0;53 function flushDelay() {54 bin.write(, pendingDelay);55 pendingDelay = 0;56 }57 let lastCommand = 0;58 function writeCommand(cmd, channel) {59 const nextCommand = cmd | channel;60 if (options.useRunningStatus && (nextCommand === lastCommand)) return;61 bin.write(, nextCommand);62 lastCommand = nextCommand;63 }64 for (const mev of midiEvents) {65 switch (mev.type) {66 case 'channelPressure':67 if ( === undefined) {68 debug('Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel:', mev);69 throw new Error(`Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel.`);70 }71 flushDelay();72 writeCommand(0xD0,;73 bin.write(, mev.pressure);74 break;75 case 'controller':76 if ( === undefined) {77 debug('Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel:', mev);78 throw new Error(`Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel.`);79 }80 flushDelay();81 writeCommand(0xB0,;82 bin.write(, mev.controller);83 bin.write(, mev.value);84 break;85 case 'delay':86 // TODO: If delay is in ticks, and we know how many usPerTick and ticksPerQuarterNote,87 // can we convert this value into ticksPerQuarterNote units?88 pendingDelay += mev.delay;89 break;90 case 'meta':91 flushDelay();92 bin.write(, 0xFF);93 bin.write(, mev.metaType);94 bin.write(,;95 bin.put(;96 break;97 case 'noteOff': {98 if ( === undefined) {99 debug('Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel:', mev);100 throw new Error(`Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel.`);101 }102 flushDelay();103 let velocity;104 if (options.useRunningStatus && (lastCommand === (0x90 | {105 // Last command was a note-on, running status is active, so make this106 // a note-on as well to take advantage of running status.107 velocity = 0;108 } else {109 velocity = mev.velocity || 64;110 writeCommand(0x80,;111 }112 bin.write(, mev.note);113 bin.write(, velocity);114 break;115 }116 case 'noteOn':117 if ( === undefined) {118 debug('Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel:', mev);119 throw new Error(`Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel.`);120 }121 flushDelay();122 writeCommand(0x90,;123 bin.write(, mev.note);124 bin.write(, mev.velocity);125 break;126 case 'notePressure':127 if ( === undefined) {128 debug('Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel:', mev);129 throw new Error(`Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel.`);130 }131 flushDelay();132 writeCommand(0xA0,;133 bin.write(, mev.pressure);134 bin.write(, mev.note);135 break;136 case 'patch':137 if ( === undefined) {138 debug('Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel:', mev);139 throw new Error(`Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel.`);140 }141 flushDelay();142 writeCommand(0xC0,;143 bin.write(, mev.patch);144 break;145 case 'pitchbend':146 if ( === undefined) {147 debug('Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel:', mev);148 throw new Error(`Tried to write MIDI-event with no channel.`);149 }150 flushDelay();151 writeCommand(0xE0,;152 bin.write(, mev.pitchbend & 0x7F);153 bin.write(, (mev.pitchbend >> 7) & 0x7F);154 break;155 case 'sysex':156 flushDelay();157 writeCommand(0xF0, mev.sysexType);158 bin.write(,;159 bin.put(;160 break;161 case 'tempo':162 // Since different formats handle tempo changes differently, we require163 // the caller to replace tempo events before passing the event list to164 // us. For General MIDI formats, UtilMIDI.tempoAsMetaEvent() can do165 // this.166 throw new Error('MIDI "tempo" events must be replaced with a '167 + 'format-specific event before calling generateSMF(), e.g. with '168 + 'UtilMIDI.tempoAsMetaEvent().');169 default:170 throw new Error(`MIDI events of type "${mev.type}" not implemented in generateSMF().`);171 }172 }173 return bin.getU8();...
1UpdateItemForm = Ext.extend(Ext.Window ,{2 form : null,3 resource : null,4 constructor:function(a){5 if(a==null){6 a={};7 }8 Ext.apply(this,a);9 this.initComponents();10,{11 id:'updateSort',12 modal:true,13 resizable:false,14 width:document.documentElement.clientWidth-885,15 height:document.documentElement.clientHeight-330,16 items:[{17 columnWidth:1,18 items:[19 this.form20 ]21 }],22 title:'导èªæ¨¡æ¿ç»´æ¤',23 renderTo : "mainDiv"24 }); 25 },26 initComponents:function(){27 var sid = this.sid;28 var moduleName = this.moduleName;29 var channelSid=this.channelSid;30 var channelFlush = this.channelSid;31 32 33 var data = new{34 url:__ctxPath +"/channel/channeltree", 35 autoLoad: true,36 fields : [ "id","text"]37 });38 data.on('load',function(){Ext.getCmp('channelSid').setValue(channelSid);});39 40 this.form = new Ext.FormPanel({41 xtype:"form",42 id:"updateSortForm",43 labelWidth:80,44 labelAlign:"left",45 layout:"form",46 autoScroll : true,47 containerscroll: true,48 height:document.documentElement.clientHeight-362,49 width:document.documentElement.clientWidth-900,50 bbar:new Ext.Toolbar({51 height:30,52 buttonAlign:'center',53 items:[54 {55 text:"ä¿®æ¹",56 ctCls: 'x-btn-over',57 height:20,58 width:40,59 handler:updateSort60 },61 {62 text:"åæ¶",63 height:20,64 width:40,65 ctCls: 'x-btn-over',66 handler:function(){67 Ext.getCmp('updateSort').close();68 }69 }70 ]71 }),72 items:[73 {74 xtype:"textfield",75 fieldLabel:"sid",76 value:sid,77 id : "sid",78 name : "sid",79 hidden:true80 },81 {82 xtype:"textfield",83 fieldLabel:"channelFlush",84 value:channelFlush,85 id : "channelFlush",86 name : "channelFlush",87 hidden:true88 },89 {90 xtype: 'combo',91 fieldLabel:"å½å±é¢é",92 anchor:"95%",93 id : "channelSid",94 hiddenName: "isValid",95 triggerAction : "all",96 editable : false,97 displayField : "text",98 valueField : "id",99 store : data,100 mode : 'local'101 },102 {103 xtype:"textfield",104 fieldLabel:"模æ¿å称",105 anchor:"95%",106 id : "sortName",107 name : "sortName",108 value:moduleName,109 allowBlank: false110 }111 ]112 113 });114 115 function updateSort(){116 var form = Ext.getCmp("updateSortForm").getForm();117 var sortName=Ext.get("sortName").dom.value;118 var sid=Ext.get("sid").dom.value;119 if(form.isValid()){120 form.submit({121 waitMsg : "æ£å¨æ交æ°æ®â¦â¦",122 url : __ctxPath + "/navSort/updateSort",123 params : {124 _method : "POST", 125 shopChannelsSid:Ext.getCmp("channelSid").getValue(),126 },127 success :function(form,action){128 var shopChannelsSid=Ext.getCmp("channelFlush").getValue();129 Ext.getCmp('updateSort').close();130 NavSortView.findById(shopChannelsSid);131 Ext.Msg.alert('ä¿¡æ¯æ示','æä½æå');132 }133 });134 }135 }136 137 }
1// @flow2import { actionChannel, flush, put } from 'redux-saga/effects';3import expectSaga from 'expectSaga';4import * as m from 'expectSaga/matchers';5import { dynamic } from 'expectSaga/providers';6const fakeChannel = {7 take() {},8 close() {},9};10function* saga() {11 const channel = yield actionChannel('FOO');12 const value = yield flush(channel);13 yield put({ type: 'DONE', payload: value });14}15const actionChannelProvider = { actionChannel: () => fakeChannel };16test('uses provided value for `flush`', () =>17 expectSaga(saga)18 .provide({19 actionChannel: actionChannelProvider.actionChannel,20 flush(channel, next) {21 if (channel === fakeChannel) {22 return 'flushed';23 }24 return next();25 },26 })27 .put({ type: 'DONE', payload: 'flushed' })28 .run());29test('uses static provided values from redux-saga/effects', () =>30 expectSaga(saga)31 .provide([[flush(fakeChannel), 'flushed'], actionChannelProvider])32 .put({ type: 'DONE', payload: 'flushed' })33 .run());34test('uses static provided values from matchers', () =>35 expectSaga(saga)36 .provide([[m.flush(fakeChannel), 'flushed'], actionChannelProvider])37 .put({ type: 'DONE', payload: 'flushed' })38 .run());39test('uses dynamic values for static providers', () =>40 expectSaga(saga)41 .provide([42 [m.flush(fakeChannel), dynamic(() => 'flushed')],43 actionChannelProvider,44 ])45 .put({ type: 'DONE', payload: 'flushed' })46 .run());47test('dynamic values have access to channel', () =>48 expectSaga(saga)49 .provide([50 [51 m.flush(fakeChannel),52 dynamic(channel => {53 expect(channel).toBe(fakeChannel);54 return 'flushed';55 }),56 ],57 actionChannelProvider,58 ])59 .put({ type: 'DONE', payload: 'flushed' })...
Using AI Code Generation
1var amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');2 conn.createChannel(function(err, ch) {3 var q = 'hello';4 var msg = 'Hello World!';5 ch.assertQueue(q, {durable: false});6 ch.sendToQueue(q, new Buffer(msg));7 console.log(" [x] Sent %s", msg);8 });9 setTimeout(function() { conn.close(); process.exit(0) }, 500);10});11var amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');12 conn.createChannel(function(err, ch) {13 var ex = 'logs';14 var msg = 'Hello World!';15 ch.assertExchange(ex, 'fanout', {durable: false});16 ch.publish(ex, '', new Buffer(msg));17 console.log(" [x] Sent %s", msg);18 });19 setTimeout(function() { conn.close(); process.exit(0) }, 500);20});
Using AI Code Generation
1var channel = require('cordova/channel');2channel.flush();3var channel = require('cordova/channel');4channel.join(function() {5});6var channel = require('cordova/channel');7channel.join(function() {8}, function() {9});10var channel = require('cordova/channel');11channel.join(function() {12}, function() {13}, function() {14});15var channel = require('cordova/channel');16channel.join(function() {17}, function() {18}, function() {19}, function() {20});21var channel = require('cordova/channel');22channel.join(function() {
Using AI Code Generation
1var channel = require("vertx/channel");2var ch = channel.create();3var count = 0;4ch.handler(function() {5count++;6});7ch.flush();8console.log(count);
Using AI Code Generation
1channel.flush(function(err) {2 if (err) {3 console.log('Error: ' + err);4 } else {5 console.log('Data flushed successfully.');6 }7});8channel.close(function(err) {9 if (err) {10 console.log('Error: ' + err);11 } else {12 console.log('Channel closed successfully.');13 }14});15channel.on('open', function() {16 console.log('Channel opened successfully.');17});18channel.on('data', function(data) {19 console.log('Data received: ' + data);20});
Using AI Code Generation
1var channel = require('cordova/channel');2channel.flush();3var channel = require('cordova/channel');4channel.join(function(){5 console.log('executed before device is ready');6}, 20);7var channel = require('cordova/channel');8channel.leave(function(){9 console.log('executed after device is ready');10}, 20);11var channel = require('cordova/channel');12channel.createSticky('onCordovaInfoReady');
Using AI Code Generation
1var channel = require('channel');2channel.flush();3var channel = require('channel');4channel.onMessage(function (message) {5});6var channel = require('channel');7channel.onMessageError(function (message) {8});9var channel = require('channel');10channel.onMessageSuccess(function (message) {11});
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