How to use encodeSnapshots method in ava

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Source:snapshot-manager.js Github


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...123 buffers.unshift(prepend);124 byteLength += prepend.byteLength;125 return Buffer.concat(buffers, byteLength);126}127function encodeSnapshots(buffersByHash) {128 const buffers = [];129 let byteOffset = 0;130 // Entry start and end pointers are relative to the header length. This means131 // it's possible to append new entries to an existing snapshot file, without132 // having to rewrite pointers for existing entries.133 const headerLength = Buffer.alloc(4);134 buffers.push(headerLength);135 byteOffset += 4;136 // Allows 65535 hashes (tests or identified snapshots) per file.137 const numHashes = Buffer.alloc(2);138 numHashes.writeUInt16LE(buffersByHash.size);139 buffers.push(numHashes);140 byteOffset += 2;141 const entries = [];142 for (const pair of buffersByHash) {143 const hash = pair[0];144 const snapshotBuffers = pair[1];145 buffers.push(Buffer.from(hash, 'hex'));146 byteOffset += MD5_HASH_LENGTH;147 // Allows 65535 snapshots per hash.148 const numSnapshots = Buffer.alloc(2);149 numSnapshots.writeUInt16LE(snapshotBuffers.length, 0);150 buffers.push(numSnapshots);151 byteOffset += 2;152 for (const value of snapshotBuffers) {153 // Each pointer is 32 bits, restricting the total, uncompressed buffer to154 // 4 GiB.155 const start = Buffer.alloc(4);156 const end = Buffer.alloc(4);157 entries.push({start, end, value});158 buffers.push(start, end);159 byteOffset += 8;160 }161 }162 headerLength.writeUInt32LE(byteOffset, 0);163 let bodyOffset = 0;164 for (const entry of entries) {165 const start = bodyOffset;166 const end = bodyOffset + entry.value.byteLength;167 entry.start.writeUInt32LE(start, 0);168 entry.end.writeUInt32LE(end, 0);169 buffers.push(entry.value);170 bodyOffset = end;171 }172 byteOffset += bodyOffset;173 const compressed = zlib.gzipSync(Buffer.concat(buffers, byteOffset));174 const md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5').update(compressed).digest();175 return Buffer.concat([176 READABLE_PREFIX,177 VERSION_HEADER,178 md5sum,179 compressed180 ], READABLE_PREFIX.byteLength + VERSION_HEADER.byteLength + MD5_HASH_LENGTH + compressed.byteLength);181}182function decodeSnapshots(buffer, snapPath) {183 if (isLegacySnapshot(buffer)) {184 throw new LegacyError(snapPath);185 }186 // The version starts after the readable prefix, which is ended by a newline187 // byte (0x0A).188 const versionOffset = buffer.indexOf(0x0A) + 1;189 const version = buffer.readUInt16LE(versionOffset);190 if (version !== VERSION) {191 throw new VersionMismatchError(snapPath, version);192 }193 const md5sumOffset = versionOffset + 2;194 const compressedOffset = md5sumOffset + MD5_HASH_LENGTH;195 const compressed = buffer.slice(compressedOffset);196 const md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5').update(compressed).digest();197 const expectedSum = buffer.slice(md5sumOffset, compressedOffset);198 if (!md5sum.equals(expectedSum)) {199 throw new ChecksumError(snapPath);200 }201 const decompressed = zlib.gunzipSync(compressed);202 let byteOffset = 0;203 const headerLength = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset);204 byteOffset += 4;205 const snapshotsByHash = new Map();206 const numHashes = decompressed.readUInt16LE(byteOffset);207 byteOffset += 2;208 for (let count = 0; count < numHashes; count++) {209 const hash = decompressed.toString('hex', byteOffset, byteOffset + MD5_HASH_LENGTH);210 byteOffset += MD5_HASH_LENGTH;211 const numSnapshots = decompressed.readUInt16LE(byteOffset);212 byteOffset += 2;213 const snapshotsBuffers = new Array(numSnapshots);214 for (let index = 0; index < numSnapshots; index++) {215 const start = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset) + headerLength;216 byteOffset += 4;217 const end = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset) + headerLength;218 byteOffset += 4;219 snapshotsBuffers[index] = decompressed.slice(start, end);220 }221 // Allow for new entries to be appended to an existing header, which could222 // lead to the same hash being present multiple times.223 if (snapshotsByHash.has(hash)) {224 snapshotsByHash.set(hash, snapshotsByHash.get(hash).concat(snapshotsBuffers));225 } else {226 snapshotsByHash.set(hash, snapshotsBuffers);227 }228 }229 return snapshotsByHash;230}231class Manager {232 constructor(options) {233 this.appendOnly = options.appendOnly;234 this.dir = options.dir;235 this.relFile = options.relFile;236 this.reportFile = options.reportFile;237 this.snapFile = options.snapFile;238 this.snapPath = options.snapPath;239 this.snapshotsByHash = options.snapshotsByHash;240 this.hasChanges = false;241 this.reportEntries = new Map();242 }243 compare(options) {244 const hash = md5Hex(options.belongsTo);245 const entries = this.snapshotsByHash.get(hash) || [];246 if (options.index > entries.length) {247 throw new RangeError(`Cannot record snapshot ${options.index} for ${JSON.stringify(options.belongsTo)}, exceeds expected index of ${entries.length}`);248 }249 if (options.index === entries.length) {250 this.record(hash, options);251 return {pass: true};252 }253 const snapshotBuffer = entries[options.index];254 const actual = concordance.deserialize(snapshotBuffer, concordanceOptions);255 const expected = concordance.describe(options.expected, concordanceOptions);256 const pass = concordance.compareDescriptors(actual, expected);257 return {actual, expected, pass};258 }259 record(hash, options) {260 const descriptor = concordance.describe(options.expected, concordanceOptions);261 this.hasChanges = true;262 const snapshot = concordance.serialize(descriptor);263 if (this.snapshotsByHash.has(hash)) {264 this.snapshotsByHash.get(hash).push(snapshot);265 } else {266 this.snapshotsByHash.set(hash, [snapshot]);267 }268 const entry = formatEntry(options.label, descriptor);269 if (this.reportEntries.has(options.belongsTo)) {270 this.reportEntries.get(options.belongsTo).push(entry);271 } else {272 this.reportEntries.set(options.belongsTo, [entry]);273 }274 }275 save() {276 if (!this.hasChanges) {277 return null;278 }279 const snapPath = this.snapPath;280 const buffer = encodeSnapshots(this.snapshotsByHash);281 const reportPath = path.join(this.dir, this.reportFile);282 const existingReport = this.appendOnly ? tryRead(reportPath) : null;283 const reportBuffer = existingReport ?284 appendReportEntries(existingReport, this.reportEntries) :285 generateReport(this.relFile, this.snapFile, this.reportEntries);286 makeDir.sync(this.dir);287 const tmpSnapPath = writeFileAtomic.sync(snapPath, buffer);288 const tmpReportPath = writeFileAtomic.sync(reportPath, reportBuffer);289 return [tmpSnapPath, tmpReportPath, snapPath, reportPath];290 }291}292function determineSnapshotDir(options) {293 const testDir = determineSourceMappedDir(options);294 if (options.fixedLocation) {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';3test('my test', t => {4 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({ foo: 'bar' }));5});6import test from 'ava';7import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';8test('my test', t => {9 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({ foo: 'bar' }));10});11import test from 'ava';12import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';13test('my test', t => {14 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({ foo: 'bar' }));15});16import test from 'ava';17import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';18test('my test', t => {19 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({ foo: 'bar' }));20});21import test from 'ava';22import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';23test('my test', t => {24 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({ foo: 'bar' }));25});26import test from 'ava';27import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';28test('my test', t => {29 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({ foo: 'bar' }));30});31import test from 'ava';32import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';33test('my test', t => {34 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({ foo: 'bar' }));35});36import test from 'ava';37import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';38test('my test', t => {39 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({ foo: 'bar' }));40});41import test

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var availableSnapshots = require('availableSnapshots');2var encodedSnapshots = availableSnapshots.encodeSnapshots(snapshots);3console.log(encodedSnapshots);4module.exports = {5 encodeSnapshots: function(snapshots) {6 return 'encodedSnapshots';7 }8};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';3test('test', t => {4 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({a: 1, b: 2}));5});6import test from 'ava';7import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';8test('test', t => {9 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({a: 1, b: 2}));10});11import test from 'ava';12import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';13test('test', t => {14 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({a: 1, b: 2}));15});16import test from 'ava';17import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';18test('test', t => {19 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({a: 1, b: 2}));20});21import test from 'ava';22import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';23test('test', t => {24 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({a: 1, b: 2}));25});26import test from 'ava';27import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';28test('test', t => {29 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({a: 1, b: 2}));30});31import test from 'ava';32import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';33test('test', t => {34 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({a: 1, b: 2}));35});36import test from 'ava';37import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';38test('test', t => {39 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots({a: 1, b: 2}));40});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require("ava");2const { encodeSnapshots } = require("ava/lib/snapshot/encode");3const { readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require("fs");4const { join } = require("path");5const fixtures = join(__dirname, "fixtures");6const snapshots = join(__dirname, "snapshots");7test("encodeSnapshots", (t) => {8 const input = readFileSync(join(fixtures, "input.js"), "utf8");9 const output = readFileSync(join(snapshots, "output.js"), "utf8");10, output);11});12test("encodeSnapshots", (t) => {13 t.snapshot({14 });15});16test("encodeSnapshots", (t) => {17 t.snapshot({18 });19});20Object {21}22`;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialize';2import {test} from 'ava';3test('test', t => {4 const a = {a: 1};5 const b = {b: 2};6 const c = {c: 3};7 const d = {d: 4};8 const e = {e: 5};9 const f = {f: 6};10 const g = {g: 7};11 const h = {h: 8};12 const i = {i: 9};13 const j = {j: 10};14 const k = {k: 11};15 const l = {l: 12};16 const m = {m: 13};17 const n = {n: 14};18 const o = {o: 15};19 const p = {p: 16};20 const q = {q: 17};21 const r = {r: 18};22 const s = {s: 19};23 const t = {t: 20};24 const u = {u: 21};25 const v = {v: 22};26 const w = {w: 23};27 const x = {x: 24};28 const y = {y: 25};29 const z = {z: 26};30 const aa = {aa: 27};31 const ab = {ab: 28};32 const ac = {ac: 29};33 const ad = {ad: 30};34 const ae = {ae: 31};35 const af = {af: 32};36 const ag = {ag: 33};37 const ah = {ah: 34};38 const ai = {ai: 35};39 const aj = {aj: 36};40 const ak = {ak: 37};41 const al = {al: 38};42 const am = {am: 39};43 const an = {an: 40};44 const ao = {ao: 41};45 const ap = {ap: 42};46 const aq = {aq: 43};47 const ar = {ar: 44};48 const as = {as: 45};49 const at = {at: 46};50 const au = {au:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { encodeSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';2import { test } from 'ava';3import { getSnapshotPath } from 'ava/lib/snapshot-utils';4test('my test', async t => {5 const snapshotPath = getSnapshotPath(t);6 const options = {7 };8 const encoded = await encodeSnapshots(options);9 console.log(encoded);10});11{ 'test.js': { 'my test': { 'my test': { 'my test': {} } } } }12{ 'test.js': { 'my test': { 'my test': { 'my test': {} } } } }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialization';2import {test} from 'ava';3test('my test', t => {4 const obj = {5 };6 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots(obj));7});8import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialization';9import {test} from 'ava';10test('my test', t => {11 const obj = {12 };13 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots(obj));14});15import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialization';16import {test} from 'ava';17test('my test', t => {18 const obj = {19 };20 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots(obj));21});22import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialization';23import {test} from 'ava';24test('my test', t => {25 const obj = {26 };27 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots(obj));28});29import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialization';30import {test} from 'ava';31test('my test', t => {32 const obj = {33 };34 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots(obj));35});36import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialization';37import {test} from 'ava';38test('my test', t => {39 const obj = {40 };41 t.snapshot(encodeSnapshots(obj));42});43import {encodeSnapshots} from 'ava/lib/worker/serialization';44import {test} from 'ava';45test('my test', t =>

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var snapshot = require('snapshot');2var encodedSnapshots = snapshot.encodeSnapshots([snapshot1, snapshot2, snapshot3], 'base64');3var snapshot = require('snapshot');4var decodedSnapshots = snapshot.decodeSnapshots(encodedSnapshots, 'base64');5var snapshot = require('snapshot');6var snapshot = snapshot.createSnapshot({7}, function(error, snapshot) {8});9var snapshot = require('snapshot');10var snapshot = snapshot.createSnapshot({11}, function(error, snapshot) {12});13var snapshot = require('snapshot');14var snapshot = snapshot.createSnapshot({15}, function(error, snapshot) {16});17var snapshot = require('snapshot');18var snapshot = snapshot.createSnapshot({19}, function(error, snapshot) {20});21var snapshot = require('snapshot');22var snapshot = snapshot.createSnapshot({23}, function(error, snapshot) {24});

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