How to use isIgnoredByWatcher method in ava

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Source:watcher.js Github


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1'use strict';2const nodePath = require('path');3const debug = require('debug')('ava:watcher');4const chokidar = require('chokidar');5const diff = require('lodash/difference');6const flatten = require('lodash/flatten');7const chalk = require('./chalk').get();8const {applyTestFileFilter, classify, getChokidarIgnorePatterns} = require('./globs');9const {levels: providerLevels} = require('./provider-manager');10function rethrowAsync(error) {11 // Don't swallow exceptions. Note that any12 // expected error should already have been logged13 setImmediate(() => {14 throw error;15 });16}17const MIN_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 10;18const INITIAL_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 100;19const END_MESSAGE = chalk.gray('Type `r` and press enter to rerun tests\nType `u` and press enter to update snapshots\n');20class Debouncer {21 constructor(watcher) {22 this.watcher = watcher;23 this.timer = null;24 this.repeat = false;25 }26 debounce(delay) {27 if (this.timer) {28 this.again = true;29 return;30 }31 delay = delay ? Math.max(delay, MIN_DEBOUNCE_DELAY) : INITIAL_DEBOUNCE_DELAY;32 const timer = setTimeout(async () => {33 await this.watcher.busy;34 // Do nothing if debouncing was canceled while waiting for the busy35 // promise to fulfil36 if (this.timer !== timer) {37 return;38 }39 if (this.again) {40 this.timer = null;41 this.again = false;42 this.debounce(delay / 2);43 } else {44 this.watcher.runAfterChanges();45 this.timer = null;46 this.again = false;47 }48 }, delay);49 this.timer = timer;50 }51 cancel() {52 if (this.timer) {53 clearTimeout(this.timer);54 this.timer = null;55 this.again = false;56 }57 }58}59class TestDependency {60 constructor(file, dependencies) {61 this.file = file;62 this.dependencies = dependencies;63 }64 contains(dependency) {65 return this.dependencies.includes(dependency);66 }67}68class Watcher {69 constructor({api, filter = [], globs, projectDir, providers, reporter}) {70 this.debouncer = new Debouncer(this);71 this.clearLogOnNextRun = true;72 this.runVector = 0;73 this.previousFiles = [];74 this.globs = {cwd: projectDir, ...globs};75 const patternFilters ={pattern}) => pattern);76 this.providers = providers.filter(({level}) => level >= providerLevels.pathRewrites);77 = (specificFiles = [], updateSnapshots = false) => {78 const clearLogOnNextRun = this.clearLogOnNextRun && this.runVector > 0;79 if (this.runVector > 0) {80 this.clearLogOnNextRun = true;81 }82 this.runVector++;83 let runOnlyExclusive = false;84 if (specificFiles.length > 0) {85 const exclusiveFiles = specificFiles.filter(file => this.filesWithExclusiveTests.includes(file));86 runOnlyExclusive = exclusiveFiles.length !== this.filesWithExclusiveTests.length;87 if (runOnlyExclusive) {88 // The test files that previously contained exclusive tests are always89 // run, together with the remaining specific files.90 const remainingFiles = diff(specificFiles, exclusiveFiles);91 specificFiles = this.filesWithExclusiveTests.concat(remainingFiles);92 }93 if (filter.length > 0) {94 specificFiles = applyTestFileFilter({cwd: projectDir, filter: patternFilters, testFiles: specificFiles});95 }96 this.pruneFailures(specificFiles);97 }98 this.touchedFiles.clear();99 this.previousFiles = specificFiles;100 this.busy ={101 files: specificFiles,102 filter,103 runtimeOptions: {104 clearLogOnNextRun,105 previousFailures: this.sumPreviousFailures(this.runVector),106 runOnlyExclusive,107 runVector: this.runVector,108 updateSnapshots: updateSnapshots === true109 }110 })111 .then(runStatus => { // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-then112 reporter.endRun();113 reporter.lineWriter.writeLine(END_MESSAGE);114 if (this.clearLogOnNextRun && (115 runStatus.stats.failedHooks > 0 ||116 runStatus.stats.failedTests > 0 ||117 runStatus.stats.failedWorkers > 0 ||118 runStatus.stats.internalErrors > 0 ||119 runStatus.stats.timeouts > 0 ||120 runStatus.stats.uncaughtExceptions > 0 ||121 runStatus.stats.unhandledRejections > 0122 )) {123 this.clearLogOnNextRun = false;124 }125 })126 .catch(rethrowAsync);127 };128 this.testDependencies = [];129 this.trackTestDependencies(api);130 this.touchedFiles = new Set();131 this.trackTouchedFiles(api);132 this.filesWithExclusiveTests = [];133 this.trackExclusivity(api);134 this.filesWithFailures = [];135 this.trackFailures(api);136 this.dirtyStates = {};137 this.watchFiles();138 this.rerunAll();139 }140 watchFiles() {141['**/*'], {142 cwd: this.globs.cwd,143 ignored: getChokidarIgnorePatterns(this.globs),144 ignoreInitial: true145 }).on('all', (event, path) => {146 if (event === 'add' || event === 'change' || event === 'unlink') {147 debug('Detected %s of %s', event, path);148 this.dirtyStates[nodePath.join(this.globs.cwd, path)] = event;149 this.debouncer.debounce();150 }151 });152 }153 trackTestDependencies(api) {154 api.on('run', plan => {155 plan.status.on('stateChange', evt => {156 if (evt.type !== 'dependencies') {157 return;158 }159 const dependencies = evt.dependencies.filter(filePath => {160 const {isIgnoredByWatcher} = classify(filePath, this.globs);161 return !isIgnoredByWatcher;162 });163 this.updateTestDependencies(evt.testFile, dependencies);164 });165 });166 }167 updateTestDependencies(file, dependencies) {168 // Ensure the rewritten test file path is included in the dependencies,169 // since changes to non-rewritten paths are ignored.170 for (const {main} of this.providers) {171 const rewritten = main.resolveTestFile(file);172 if (!dependencies.includes(rewritten)) {173 dependencies = [rewritten, ...dependencies];174 }175 }176 if (dependencies.length === 0) {177 this.testDependencies = this.testDependencies.filter(dep => dep.file !== file);178 return;179 }180 const isUpdate = this.testDependencies.some(dep => {181 if (dep.file !== file) {182 return false;183 }184 dep.dependencies = dependencies;185 return true;186 });187 if (!isUpdate) {188 this.testDependencies.push(new TestDependency(file, dependencies));189 }190 }191 trackTouchedFiles(api) {192 api.on('run', plan => {193 plan.status.on('stateChange', evt => {194 if (evt.type !== 'touched-files') {195 return;196 }197 for (const file of evt.files) {198 this.touchedFiles.add(file);199 }200 });201 });202 }203 trackExclusivity(api) {204 api.on('run', plan => {205 plan.status.on('stateChange', evt => {206 if (evt.type !== 'worker-finished') {207 return;208 }209 const fileStats = plan.status.stats.byFile.get(evt.testFile);210 const ranExclusiveTests = fileStats.selectedTests > 0 && fileStats.declaredTests > fileStats.selectedTests;211 this.updateExclusivity(evt.testFile, ranExclusiveTests);212 });213 });214 }215 updateExclusivity(file, hasExclusiveTests) {216 const index = this.filesWithExclusiveTests.indexOf(file);217 if (hasExclusiveTests && index === -1) {218 this.filesWithExclusiveTests.push(file);219 } else if (!hasExclusiveTests && index !== -1) {220 this.filesWithExclusiveTests.splice(index, 1);221 }222 }223 trackFailures(api) {224 api.on('run', plan => {225 this.pruneFailures(plan.files);226 const currentVector = this.runVector;227 plan.status.on('stateChange', evt => {228 if (!evt.testFile) {229 return;230 }231 switch (evt.type) {232 case 'hook-failed':233 case 'internal-error':234 case 'test-failed':235 case 'uncaught-exception':236 case 'unhandled-rejection':237 case 'worker-failed':238 this.countFailure(evt.testFile, currentVector);239 break;240 default:241 break;242 }243 });244 });245 }246 pruneFailures(files) {247 const toPrune = new Set(files);248 this.filesWithFailures = this.filesWithFailures.filter(state => !toPrune.has(state.file));249 }250 countFailure(file, vector) {251 const isUpdate = this.filesWithFailures.some(state => {252 if (state.file !== file) {253 return false;254 }255 state.count++;256 return true;257 });258 if (!isUpdate) {259 this.filesWithFailures.push({260 file,261 vector,262 count: 1263 });264 }265 }266 sumPreviousFailures(beforeVector) {267 let total = 0;268 for (const state of this.filesWithFailures) {269 if (state.vector < beforeVector) {270 total += state.count;271 }272 }273 return total;274 }275 cleanUnlinkedTests(unlinkedTests) {276 for (const testFile of unlinkedTests) {277 this.updateTestDependencies(testFile, []);278 this.updateExclusivity(testFile, false);279 this.pruneFailures([testFile]);280 }281 }282 observeStdin(stdin) {283 stdin.resume();284 stdin.setEncoding('utf8');285 stdin.on('data', async data => {286 data = data.trim().toLowerCase();287 if (data !== 'r' && data !== 'rs' && data !== 'u') {288 return;289 }290 // Cancel the debouncer, it might rerun specific tests whereas *all* tests291 // need to be rerun292 this.debouncer.cancel();293 await this.busy;294 // Cancel the debouncer again, it might have restarted while waiting for295 // the busy promise to fulfil296 this.debouncer.cancel();297 this.clearLogOnNextRun = false;298 if (data === 'u') {299 this.updatePreviousSnapshots();300 } else {301 this.rerunAll();302 }303 });304 }305 rerunAll() {306 this.dirtyStates = {};307;308 }309 updatePreviousSnapshots() {310 this.dirtyStates = {};311, true);312 }313 runAfterChanges() {314 const {dirtyStates} = this;315 this.dirtyStates = {};316 let dirtyPaths = Object.keys(dirtyStates).filter(path => {317 if (this.touchedFiles.has(path)) {318 debug('Ignoring known touched file %s', path);319 this.touchedFiles.delete(path);320 return false;321 }322 return true;323 });324 for (const {main} of this.providers) {325 dirtyPaths = dirtyPaths.filter(path => {326 if (main.ignoreChange(path)) {327 debug('Ignoring changed file %s', path);328 return false;329 }330 return true;331 });332 }333 const dirtyHelpersAndSources = [];334 const dirtyTests = [];335 for (const filePath of dirtyPaths) {336 const {isIgnoredByWatcher, isTest} = classify(filePath, this.globs);337 if (!isIgnoredByWatcher) {338 if (isTest) {339 dirtyTests.push(filePath);340 } else {341 dirtyHelpersAndSources.push(filePath);342 }343 }344 }345 const addedOrChangedTests = dirtyTests.filter(path => dirtyStates[path] !== 'unlink');346 const unlinkedTests = diff(dirtyTests, addedOrChangedTests);347 this.cleanUnlinkedTests(unlinkedTests);348 // No need to rerun tests if the only change is that tests were deleted349 if (unlinkedTests.length === dirtyPaths.length) {350 return;351 }352 if (dirtyHelpersAndSources.length === 0) {353 // Run any new or changed tests354;355 return;356 }357 // Try to find tests that depend on the changed source files358 const testsByHelpersOrSource = => {359 return this.testDependencies.filter(dep => dep.contains(path)).map(dep => {360 debug('%s is a dependency of %s', path, dep.file);361 return dep.file;362 });363 }, this).filter(tests => tests.length > 0);364 // Rerun all tests if source files were changed that could not be traced to365 // specific tests366 if (testsByHelpersOrSource.length !== dirtyHelpersAndSources.length) {367 debug('Files remain that cannot be traced to specific tests: %O', dirtyHelpersAndSources);368 debug('Rerunning all tests');369;370 return;371 }372 // Run all affected tests373[ Set(addedOrChangedTests.concat(flatten(testsByHelpersOrSource)))]);374 }375}...

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Source:globs.js Github


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...177 const options = {178 ...globs.normalizeGlobs({extensions: ['js'], providers: []}),179 cwd: fixture()180 };181 function isIgnoredByWatcher(file) {182 t.true(globs.classify(fixture(file), options).isIgnoredByWatcher, `${file} should be ignored`);183 }184 function notIgnored(file) {185 t.false(globs.classify(fixture(file), options).isIgnoredByWatcher, `${file} should not be ignored`);186 }187 notIgnored('foo-bar.js');188 notIgnored('foo.js');189 notIgnored('foo/blah.js');190 notIgnored('bar/foo.js');191 notIgnored('_foo-bar.js');192 notIgnored('foo/_foo-bar.js');193 notIgnored('fixtures/foo.js');194 notIgnored('helpers/foo.js');195 notIgnored('snapshots/foo.js.snap');196 isIgnoredByWatcher('snapshots/');197 notIgnored('foo-bar.json');198 notIgnored('');199 notIgnored('bar.js');200 notIgnored('bar/bar.js');201 isIgnoredByWatcher('node_modules/foo.js');202 t.end();203});204test('isIgnoredByWatcher with patterns', t => {205 const options = {206 ...globs.normalizeGlobs({207 files: ['**/foo*'],208 ignoredByWatcher: ['**/bar*'],209 extensions: ['js'],210 providers: []211 }),212 cwd: fixture()213 };214 t.true(globs.classify(fixture('node_modules/foo/foo.js'), options).isIgnoredByWatcher);215 t.true(globs.classify(fixture('bar.js'), options).isIgnoredByWatcher);...

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1const test = require('ava')2const isIgnoredByWatcher = require('ava/lib/watcher').isIgnoredByWatcher3test('isIgnoredByWatcher', t => {4 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test.js'))5 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test-foo.js'))6 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo.js'))7 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar.js'))8 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test.js'))9 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo.js'))10 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar.js'))11 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test.js'))12 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo.js'))13 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar.js'))14 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test.js'))15 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo.js'))16 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar.js'))17 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test.js'))18 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo.js'))19 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar.js'))20 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test.js'))21 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo.js'))22 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar.js'))23 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher('test/foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test-foo/bar/test.js'))

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import {isIgnoredByWatcher} from 'ava/lib/watcher';3test('check if file is ignored by watcher', t => {4 const isIgnored = isIgnoredByWatcher('test.js');5 t.true(isIgnored);6});7import test from 'ava';8import {isIgnoredByWatcher} from 'ava/lib/watcher';9test('check if file is ignored by watcher', t => {10 const isIgnored = isIgnoredByWatcher('test2.js');11 t.false(isIgnored);12});13{14 "scripts": {15 },16 "ava": {17 }18}19import test from 'ava';20import {isIgnoredByWatcher} from 'ava/lib/watcher';21test('check if file is ignored by watcher', t => {22 const isIgnored = isIgnoredByWatcher('test.js');23 t.true(isIgnored);24});25import test from 'ava';26import {isIgnoredByWatcher} from 'ava/lib/watcher';27test('check if file is ignored by watcher', t => {28 const isIgnored = isIgnoredByWatcher('test2.js');29 t.false(isIgnored);30});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava')2const path = require('path')3const isIgnoredByWatcher = require('ava/lib/watcher').isIgnoredByWatcher4const cwd = process.cwd()5const ignoredPath = path.join(cwd, 'ignored.txt')6const notIgnoredPath = path.join(cwd, 'not-ignored.txt')7test('ignored path', t => {8 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher(ignoredPath))9})10test('not ignored path', t => {11 t.false(isIgnoredByWatcher(notIgnoredPath))12})13const test = require('ava')14const path = require('path')15const isIgnoredByWatcher = require('ava/lib/watcher').isIgnoredByWatcher16const cwd = process.cwd()17const ignoredPath = path.join(cwd, 'ignored.txt')18const notIgnoredPath = path.join(cwd, 'not-ignored.txt')19test('ignored path', t => {20 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher(ignoredPath))21})22test('not ignored path', t => {23 t.false(isIgnoredByWatcher(notIgnoredPath))24})25const test = require('ava')26const path = require('path')27const isIgnoredByWatcher = require('ava/lib/watcher').isIgnoredByWatcher28const cwd = process.cwd()29const ignoredPath = path.join(cwd, 'ignored.txt')30const notIgnoredPath = path.join(cwd, 'not-ignored.txt')31test('ignored path', t => {32 t.true(isIgnoredByWatcher(ignoredPath))33})34test('not ignored path', t => {35 t.false(isIgnoredByWatcher(notIgnoredPath))36})37{38 "ava": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var avaFiles = require('ava-files');2var path = require('path');3var files = avaFiles({4 cwd: process.cwd(),5 resolveTestsFrom: process.cwd()6});7var filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.js');8console.log(files.isIgnoredByWatcher(filePath));9var avaFiles = require('ava-files');10var path = require('path');11var files = avaFiles({12 cwd: process.cwd(),13 resolveTestsFrom: process.cwd()14});15var filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.js');16console.log(files.isIgnoredByWatcher(filePath));17var avaFiles = require('ava-files');18var path = require('path');19var files = avaFiles({20 cwd: process.cwd(),21 resolveTestsFrom: process.cwd()22});23var filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.js');24console.log(files.isIgnoredByWatcher(filePath));25var avaFiles = require('ava-files');26var path = require('path');27var files = avaFiles({28 cwd: process.cwd(),29 resolveTestsFrom: process.cwd()30});31var filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.js');32console.log(files.isIgnoredByWatcher(filePath));33var avaFiles = require('ava-files');34var path = require('path');35var files = avaFiles({36 cwd: process.cwd(),37 resolveTestsFrom: process.cwd()38});39var filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.js');40console.log(files.isIgnoredByWatcher(filePath));41var avaFiles = require('ava-files');42var path = require('path');43var files = avaFiles({44 cwd: process.cwd(),45 resolveTestsFrom: process.cwd()46});47var filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.js');48console.log(files.isIgnoredByWatcher(filePath));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const watcher = require('chokidar');3const path = require('path');4test('chokidar', t => {5 const watcher =, 'test.js'));6 watcher.on('ready', () => {7 console.log(watcher.isIgnored(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js')));8 });9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import path from 'path';3import watcher from 'chokidar';4const ignored = watcher().getWatched();5test('Test if file is being watched', t => {6 const testFilePath = path.resolve('./test.js');7 t.false(watcher.isIgnored(testFilePath));8});9test('Test if file is being ignored', t => {10 const testFilePath = path.resolve('./test.js');11 t.true(watcher.isIgnored(testFilePath));12});13import test from 'ava';14import path from 'path';15import watcher from 'chokidar';16const ignored = watcher().getWatched();17test('Test if file is being watched', t => {18 const testFilePath = path.resolve('./test.js');19 t.false(watcher.isIgnored(testFilePath));20});21test('Test if file is being ignored', t => {22 const testFilePath = path.resolve('./test.js');23 t.true(watcher.isIgnored(testFilePath));24});25import test from 'ava';26import path from 'path';27import watcher from 'chokidar';28const ignored = watcher().getWatched();29test('Test if file is being watched', t => {30 const testFilePath = path.resolve('./test.js');31 t.false(watcher.isIgnored(testFilePath));32});33test('Test if file is being ignored', t => {34 const testFilePath = path.resolve('./test.js');35 t.true(watcher.isIgnored(testFilePath));36});

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