How to use readSnapshots method in ava

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Source:middleware.js Github


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1var async = require('async');2var Backend = require('../lib/backend');3var expect = require('expect.js');4var util = require('./util');5var types = require('../lib/types');6describe('middleware', function() {7 beforeEach(function() {8 this.backend = new Backend();9 });10 var expectedError = new Error('Bad dog!');11 function passError(_request, next) {12 return next(expectedError);13 }14 function getErrorTest(done) {15 return function(err) {16 expect(err).to.eql(expectedError);17 done();18 };19 }20 describe('use', function() {21 it('returns itself to allow chaining', function() {22 var response = this.backend.use('submit', function(request, next) {});23 expect(response).equal(this.backend);24 });25 });26 describe('connect', function() {27 it('passes the agent on connect', function(done) {28 var clientId;29 this.backend.use('connect', function(request, next) {30 clientId = request.agent.clientId;31 next();32 });33 var connection = this.backend.connect();34 expect(;35 connection.on('connected', function() {36 expect(;37 done();38 });39 });40 it('passing an error on connect stops the client', function(done) {41 this.backend.use('connect', function(request, next) {42 next({message: 'No good'});43 });44 var connection = this.backend.connect();45 connection.on('stopped', function() {46 done();47 });48 });49 });50 function testReadDoc(expectFidoOnly, expectFidoAndSpot) {51 beforeEach('Add fido to db', function(done) {52 this.snapshot = {v: 1, type: 'json0', data: {age: 3}};53 this.backend.db.commit('dogs', 'fido', {v: 0, create: {}}, this.snapshot, null, done);54 });55 it('is triggered when a document is retrieved with fetch', function(done) {56 var doneAfter = expectFidoOnly(this.backend, done);57 this.backend.fetch({}, 'dogs', 'fido', doneAfter);58 });59 it('calls back with an error that is yielded by fetch', function(done) {60 this.backend.use('readSnapshots', passError);61 this.backend.fetch({}, 'dogs', 'fido', getErrorTest(done));62 });63 it('is triggered when a document is retrieved with subscribe', function(done) {64 var doneAfter = expectFidoOnly(this.backend, done);65 this.backend.subscribe({}, 'dogs', 'fido', null, doneAfter);66 });67 it('calls back with an error that is yielded by subscribe', function(done) {68 this.backend.use('readSnapshots', passError);69 this.backend.subscribe({}, 'dogs', 'fido', null, getErrorTest(done));70 });71 ['queryFetch', 'querySubscribe'].forEach(function(queryMethod) {72 it('is triggered when multiple documents are retrieved with ' + queryMethod, function(done) {73 var doneAfter = expectFidoOnly(this.backend, done);74 this.backend[queryMethod]({}, 'dogs', {age: 3}, {}, doneAfter);75 });76 it('calls back with an error that is yielded by ' + queryMethod, function(done) {77 this.backend.use('readSnapshots', passError);78 this.backend[queryMethod]({}, 'dogs', {age: 3}, {}, getErrorTest(done));79 });80 });81 ['fetchBulk', 'subscribeBulk'].forEach(function(bulkMethod) {82 it('is triggered when a document is retrieved with ' + bulkMethod, function(done) {83 var doneAfter = expectFidoAndSpot(this.backend, done);84 this.backend[bulkMethod]({}, 'dogs', ['fido', 'spot'], doneAfter);85 });86 it('calls back with an error that is yielded by ' + bulkMethod, function(done) {87 this.backend.use('readSnapshots', passError);88 this.backend[bulkMethod]({}, 'dogs', ['fido', 'spot'], getErrorTest(done));89 });90 });91 }92 describe('doc', function() {93 describe('with default options for backend constructor', function() {94 function expectFido(request) {95 expect(request.collection).to.equal('dogs');96 expect('fido');97 expect(request.snapshot)'data').eql({age: 3});98 }99 function expectSpot(request) {100 expect(request.collection).to.equal('dogs');101 expect('spot');102 expect(request.snapshot)'type').equal(null);103 }104 function expectFidoOnly(backend, done) {105 var doneAfter = util.callAfter(1, done);106 backend.use('doc', function(request, next) {107 expectFido(request);108 doneAfter();109 next();110 });111 return doneAfter;112 }113 function expectFidoAndSpot(backend, done) {114 var doneAfter = util.callAfter(2, done);115 var i = 0;116 backend.use('doc', function(request, next) {117 doneAfter();118 if (doneAfter.called === 1) {119 expectFido(request);120 } else {121 expectSpot(request);122 }123 next();124 });125 return doneAfter;126 }127 testReadDoc(expectFidoOnly, expectFidoAndSpot);128 });129 describe('with disableDocAction option set to true for backend constructor', function() {130 beforeEach('Create backend with disableDocAction option', function() {131 this.backend = new Backend({disableDocAction: true});132 });133 it('is not triggered when a document is retrieved with fetch', function(done) {134 this.backend.use('doc', passError);135 this.backend.fetch({}, 'dogs', 'fido', done);136 });137 it('is not triggered when a document is retrieved with subscribe', function(done) {138 this.backend.use('doc', passError);139 this.backend.subscribe({}, 'dogs', 'fido', null, done);140 });141 ['queryFetch', 'querySubscribe'].forEach(function(queryMethod) {142 it('is not triggered when multiple documents are retrieved with ' + queryMethod, function(done) {143 this.backend.use('doc', passError);144 this.backend[queryMethod]({}, 'dogs', {age: 3}, {}, done);145 });146 });147 ['fetchBulk', 'subscribeBulk'].forEach(function(bulkMethod) {148 it('is not triggered when a document is retrieved with ' + bulkMethod, function(done) {149 this.backend.use('doc', passError);150 this.backend[bulkMethod]({}, 'dogs', ['fido', 'spot'], done);151 });152 });153 });154 });155 describe('readSnapshots', function() {156 function expectFido(request) {157 expect(request.collection).to.equal('dogs');158 expect(request.snapshots[0])'id', 'fido');159 expect(request.snapshots[0])'data').eql({age: 3});160 }161 function expectSpot(request) {162 expect(request.collection).to.equal('dogs');163 expect(request.snapshots[1])'id', 'spot');164 expect(request.snapshots[1])'type').equal(null);165 }166 function expectFidoOnly(backend, done) {167 var doneAfter = util.callAfter(1, done);168 backend.use('readSnapshots', function(request, next) {169 expect(request.snapshots).to.have.length(1);170 expectFido(request);171 doneAfter();172 next();173 });174 return doneAfter;175 }176 function expectFidoAndSpot(backend, done) {177 var doneAfter = util.callAfter(1, done);178 backend.use('readSnapshots', function(request, next) {179 expect(request.snapshots).to.have.length(2);180 expectFido(request);181 expectSpot(request);182 doneAfter();183 next();184 });185 return doneAfter;186 }187 testReadDoc(expectFidoOnly, expectFidoAndSpot);188 });189 describe('submit lifecycle', function() {190 // DEPRECATED: 'after submit' is a synonym for 'afterSubmit'191 ['submit', 'apply', 'commit', 'afterSubmit', 'after submit'].forEach(function(action) {192 it(action + ' gets options passed to backend.submit', function(done) {193 var doneAfter = util.callAfter(1, done);194 this.backend.use(action, function(request, next) {195 expect(request.options).eql({testOption: true});196 doneAfter();197 next();198 });199 var op = {create: {type: types.defaultType.uri}};200 var options = {testOption: true};201 this.backend.submit(null, 'dogs', 'fido', op, options, doneAfter);202 });203 });204 });...

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Source:snapshotCard.js Github


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...30 };31 await writeDocument('cloudOptimizeSnapshots', `ss_${payload.t}`, payload);32 this.props.fetchSnapshots();33 }34 readSnapshots(group) {35 return this.props.snapshots36 .filter(snapshot => group === snapshot.document.g)37 .map(ss => {38 ss.document.configMatch =39 JSON.stringify(this.props.config) === JSON.stringify(ss.document.c);40 return ss.document;41 });42 }43 writeSnapshotButton() {44 return (45 <Button46 icon="camera"47 content="Snapshot"48 style={{49 backgroundColor: 'white',50 color: 'black',51 borderRadius: '6px',52 border: '1px solid #000000',53 fontSize: '15px',54 fontWeight: 'bold',55 display: 'inline-block',56 float: 'right',57 padding: '6px 24px',58 textDecoration: 'none',59 cursor: 'pointer'60 }}61 onClick={() => {62 this.writeSnapshot(, this.props.config);63 }}64 />65 );66 }67 configDifferWarningButton(snapshots) {68 if (snapshots.length > 0 && snapshots[0].t && !snapshots[0].configMatch) {69 return (70 <Modal71 inverted72 trigger={73 <Button74 icon="warning"75 content="Config Differs from Last Snapshot"76 style={{77 backgroundColor: 'white',78 color: 'black',79 borderRadius: '6px',80 border: '1px solid #000000',81 fontSize: '15px',82 fontWeight: 'bold',83 display: 'inline-block',84 float: 'right',85 padding: '6px 24px',86 textDecoration: 'none',87 cursor: 'pointer'88 }}89 />90 }91 >92 <Modal.Header>Snapshot Alert</Modal.Header>93 <Modal.Content style={{ backgroundColor: 'black', color: 'white' }}>94 <span>95 We thought we&apos;d let you know your current optimization config96 differs. <br />97 Here they are below. If you&apos;re fine with this feel free to98 ignore.99 </span>100 <Table inverted aria-label="table">101 <Table.Header>102 <Table.Row>103 <Table.HeaderCell>Current Config</Table.HeaderCell>104 <Table.HeaderCell>Last Snapshot Config</Table.HeaderCell>105 </Table.Row>106 </Table.Header>107 <Table.Body>108 <Table.Row>109 <Table.Cell>110 <div>111 <pre>{JSON.stringify(this.props.config, null, 2)}</pre>112 </div>113 </Table.Cell>114 <Table.Cell>115 <div>116 <pre>{JSON.stringify(snapshots[0].c, null, 2)}</pre>117 </div>118 </Table.Cell>119 </Table.Row>120 </Table.Body>121 </Table>122 </Modal.Content>123 </Modal>124 );125 }126 return null;127 }128 render() {129 const snapshots = this.readSnapshots(;130 return (131 <Modal size="fullscreen" trigger={<Icon name="clone" />}>132 <Modal.Header>133 Snapshots ({snapshots.length}) - {}134 {this.writeSnapshotButton()}135 {this.configDifferWarningButton(snapshots)}136 </Modal.Header>137 <Modal.Content scrolling style={{ height: '100%', padding: '0px' }}>138 <div139 style={{ overflow: 'scroll', height: '100%', minHeight: '275px' }}140 >141 <div style={{ position: 'absolute', height: '100%', zIndex: 100 }}>142 <SnapshotTable143 data={}...

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Source:integration.test.js Github


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...73 { name: 'create-next-app typescript', type: 'next', lng: 'ts' },74];75describe.each(cases)('$', ({ type, name, lng }) => {76 const cwd = resolve('integration', `${type}-${lng}`);77 const { results, config, deps } = readSnapshots(cwd);78 test(`${name}`, () => {79 try {80 execSync('yarn lint:integration', { cwd, env });81 } catch {82 const updatedSnapshots = readSnapshots(cwd);83 if (results) {84 expect(results).toStrictEqual(updatedSnapshots.results);85 expect(config).toStrictEqual(updatedSnapshots.config);86 expect(deps).toStrictEqual(updatedSnapshots.deps);87 }88 } finally {89 execSync('prettier --write *.json', { cwd });90 }91 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var availableSnapshots = require('./availableSnapshots.js');2var snapshots = availableSnapshots.readSnapshots();3console.log(snapshots);4var fs = require('fs');5var path = require('path');6var availableSnapshots = {7 readSnapshots: function() {8 var snapshots = fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'snapshots'));9 return snapshots;10 }11};12module.exports = availableSnapshots;13This code works fine. But I want to use this method in another file. I tried to use require('./availableSnapshots.js') but it does not work. I get the error:14var availableSnapshots = require(__dirname + '/availableSnapshots.js');15var snapshots = availableSnapshots.readSnapshots();16console.log(snapshots);17var fs = require('fs');18var path = require('path');19var availableSnapshots = {20 readSnapshots: function() {21 var snapshots = fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'snapshots'));22 return snapshots;23 }24};25module.exports = availableSnapshots;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import { readSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';3import { readFileSync } from 'fs';4import { resolve } from 'path';5test('read snapshots', t => {6 const file = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/snapshots.js');7 const snapshots = readSnapshots(readFileSync(file, 'utf8'));8, 2);9'foo').value, 'bar');10'bar').value, 'foo');11});12import test from 'ava';13import { concordanceOptions } from 'ava/lib/concordance-options';14test('concordance options', t => {15 t.deepEqual(concordanceOptions(), {16 });17});18import test from 'ava';19import { createWorker } from 'ava/lib/create-worker';20test('create worker', async t => {21 const worker = createWorker();22 await worker.init();23 await;24 await worker.end();25 t.pass();26});27import test from 'ava';28import { fork } from 'ava/lib/fork';29test('fork', async t => {30 const result = await fork('fixtures/fork.js', {31 });32, true);33});34import test from 'ava';35import { loadConfigFile } from 'ava/lib/load-config-file';36test('load config file', async t => {37 const result = await loadConfigFile(__dirname);38, __dirname);39});40import test from '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var availableSnapshots = require('./availableSnapshots.js');2var snapshot = new availableSnapshots();3var path = require('path');4var fs = require('fs');5var snapPath = path.join(__dirname, 'snapshots');6var snapList = snapshot.readSnapshots(snapPath);7console.log(snapList);8## availableSnapshots.readSnapshots(path)9## availableSnapshots.createSnapshot(path, snapshotName)10## availableSnapshots.deleteSnapshot(path, snapshotName)11## availableSnapshots.snapshotExists(path, snapshotName)12## availableSnapshots.snapshotPath(path, snapshotName)13## availableSnapshots.snapshotName(path, snapshotPath)14## availableSnapshots.snapshotList(path)15## availableSnapshots.snapshotCount(path)16## availableSnapshots.snapshotPathList(path)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var availableSnapshots = require('./availableSnapshots.js');2var snapshot = availableSnapshots.readSnapshots('test.txt');3console.log(snapshot);4var availableSnapshots = require('./availableSnapshots.js');5availableSnapshots.writeToSnapshots('test.txt', 'Hello World');6console.log(availableSnapshots.readSnapshots('test.txt'));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import { readSnapshots } from 'ava/lib/worker/serialization';3import { readFileSync } from 'fs';4test('snapshot', (t) => {5 const snapshots = readSnapshots(6 readFileSync('./test.js.snap', 'utf8'),7 );8 t.snapshot(snapshots);9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {readSnapshots} = require('./availableSnapshots');2readSnapshots().then((data) => {3 console.log(data);4}).catch((err) => {5 console.log(err);6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var availableSnapshots = require('./availableSnapshots');2var params = {3};4availableSnapshots.readSnapshots(params)5 .then(function(snapshots) {6 console.log(snapshots);7 console.log(snapshots.length);8 })9 .catch(function(err) {10 console.log(err);11 });12This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details

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