How to use runTeardowns method in ava

Best JavaScript code snippet using ava


Source:test-case.js Github


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1define((require, exports, module) => {2 'use strict';3 const koru = require('koru');4 const LinkedList = require('koru/linked-list');5 const Core = require('koru/test/core');6 const stubber = require('koru/test/stubber');7 const util = require('koru/util');8 const timeout$ = Symbol(), isDone$ = Symbol(),9 after$ = Symbol(), once$ = Symbol(), temp$ = Symbol(), before$ = Symbol();10 const MAX_TIME = 2000;11 let isOnce = false;12 let currentTC, tests;13 let lastTest, currTest, nextTest, common, nextFunc;14 let nt = 0, assertCount = 0;15 let asyncTimeout = 0;16 const {clearTimeout, setTimeout} = globalThis; // isolate from stubbing17 const assertIsPromise = (p, f) => {(p == null || typeof p.then !== 'function') && notPromise(f)};18 const notPromise = (f) => {19`Expected return of undefined or a Promise ${Core.test.mode}:20${}` + (f ? ` Return is in code:\n ${f.toString()}` : ''));21 };22 const checkAssertionCount = (test, assertCount) => {23 if (assertCount !== Core.assertCount) {24 test.success = true;25 } else {26 test.success = false;27 const {name, line} = test.location;28 test.errors = [29 'Failure: No assertions\n at - ' +30 `test.body (${name}.js:${line}:1)`,31 ];32 }33 };34 const runListAndAsyncCallbacks = async (value, i, list, node) => {35 const {test} = Core;36 for (;i >= 0; --i) {37 const func = value[i];38 if (typeof func === 'function') {39 await;40 } else {41 func.stop();42 }43 }44 await runAsyncCallbacks(list, node);45 };46 const runAsyncCallbacks = async (list, node) => {47 const {test} = Core;48 let prev = node;49 for (node =; node !== void 0; node = {50 if (node[temp$] === true) {51 list.removeNode(node, prev);52 } else {53 prev = node;54 }55 const {value} = node;56 if (typeof value === 'function') {57 await;58 } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {59 for (let i = value.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {60 const func = value[i];61 if (typeof func === 'function') {62 await;63 } else {64 func.stop();65 }66 }67 } else {68 value.stop();69 }70 }71 };72 const runCallbacks = (list) => {73 if (list === void 0) return;74 const {test} = Core;75 let prev;76 for (let node = list.front; node !== void 0; node = {77 if (node[temp$] === true) {78 list.removeNode(node, prev);79 } else {80 prev = node;81 }82 const {value} = node;83 if (typeof value.stop === 'function') {84 value.stop();85 } else if (typeof value === 'function') {86 const promise =;87 if (promise !== void 0) {88 assertIsPromise(promise, value);89 return === void 090 ? promise91 : promise.then(() => runAsyncCallbacks(list, node));92 }93 } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {94 for (let i = value.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {95 const func = value[i];96 if (typeof func.stop === 'function') {97 func.stop();98 } else {99 const promise =;100 if (promise !== void 0) {101 assertIsPromise(promise, func);102 return i > 0103 ? promise.then(() => {runListAndAsyncCallbacks(value, i - 1, list, node)})104 : promise;105 }106 }107 }108 }109 }110 };111 const runOnceCallbacks = (list) => {112 try {113 isOnce = true;114 return runCallbacks(list);115 } finally {116 isOnce = false;117 }118 };119 const runTearDowns = (tc, common) => {120 currentTC = tc;121 if (tc === void 0) return;122 const sameTC = tc === common;123 const once = tc[once$];124 const promise = runCallbacks(tc[after$]);125 if (promise !== void 0) {126 return promise.then(async () => {127 if (sameTC) {128 if (once !== void 0) return;129 }130 if (once !== void 0) {131 await runOnceCallbacks(once.after);132 }133 const pTc =;134 if (pTc === void 0) {135 common === void 0 && reset(tc);136 } else {137 await runTearDowns(pTc, sameTC ? pTc : common);138 }139 });140 }141 if (sameTC) {142 if (once !== void 0) return;143 } else if (once !== void 0) {144 const promise = runOnceCallbacks(once.after);145 if (promise !== void 0) {146 return promise.then(() => {147 const pTc =;148 if (pTc === void 0) {149 common === void 0 && reset(tc);150 } else {151 return runTearDowns(pTc, sameTC ? pTc : common);152 }153 });154 }155 }156 const pTc =;157 if (pTc === void 0) {158 common === void 0 && reset(tc);159 } else {160 return runTearDowns(pTc, sameTC ? pTc : common);161 }162 };163 const runSetups = (tc, common) => {164 currentTC = tc;165 if (tc === void 0) return;166 const sameTC = tc === common;167 const once = tc[once$];168 if (! sameTC || once === void 0) {169 const pTc =;170 const promise = runSetups(pTc, sameTC ? pTc : common);171 if (promise !== void 0) {172 return promise.then(async () => {173 currentTC = tc;174 if (once !== void 0) {175 await runOnceCallbacks(once.before);176 }177 await runCallbacks(tc[before$]);178 });179 }180 currentTC = tc;181 if (once !== void 0) {182 const promise = runOnceCallbacks(once.before);183 if (promise !== void 0) {184 return promise.then(() => runCallbacks(tc[before$]));185 }186 }187 }188 return runCallbacks(tc[before$]);189 };190 const commonTC = (ot, nt) => {191 if (ot === void 0 || nt === void 0) {192 return;193 }194 let otc =, ntc =;195 if (otc === void 0 || ntc === void 0) {196 return;197 }198 while (ntc.level > otc.level) ntc =;199 while (otc.level > ntc.level) otc =;200 while (ntc !== otc) {201 ntc =; otc =;202 }203 return ntc;204 };205 const once = (tc) => tc[once$] || (tc[once$] = {before: new LinkedList(), after: new LinkedList()});206 const before = (tc, func) => (tc[before$] || (tc[before$] = new LinkedList())).addBack(func);207 const after = (tc, func) => (tc[after$] || (tc[after$] = new LinkedList())).addFront(func);208 const reset = (tc) => {209 tc[before$] = tc[after$] = tc[once$] = void 0;210 };211 class TestCase {212 constructor(name, tc, body) {213 = name;214 = tc;215 this.level = tc === void 0 ? 0 : tc.level + 1;216 this.body = body;217 }218 fullName(name) {219 const ret = ? :;220 return name ? ret + ' ' + name : ret;221 }222 topTestCase() {223 let top = this;224 while ( != null) top =;225 return top;226 }227 before(func) {228 once(this).before.addBack(func);229 }230 after(func) {231 once(this).after.addFront(func);232 }233 beforeEach(func) {before(this, func)}234 afterEach(func) {after(this, func)}235 addTest(name, body, skipped=false) {236 if (typeof name === 'string' && name[0] === '/' && name[1] === '/') {237 skipped = true;238 name = name.slice(2);239 }240 name = 'test ' + name + '.';241 Object.defineProperty(body, 'name', {value: name});242 const fn = this.fullName(name);243 if (Core.runArg === void 0 || fn.indexOf(Core.runArg) !== -1) {244 ++Core.testCount;245 if (skipped) {246 ++Core.skipCount;247 } else {248 tests.push(new Test(fn, this, body));249 }250 }251 }252 get moduleId() {253 return ? : + '-test';254 }255 }256 const restorSpy = (spy) => () => {spy.restore && spy.restore()};257 Core.testCase = (name, body) => new TestCase(name, void 0, body);258 Object.defineProperty(Core, 'currentTestCase', {get: () => currentTC});259 class Test {260 constructor(name, tc, body) {261 = name;262 = tc;263 this.topTC = tc.topTestCase();264 this.body = body;265 this.mode = 'init';266 }267 after(func) {268 const tc = currentTC ||;269 (isOnce270 ? once(tc).after.addFront(func)271 : after(tc, func))[temp$] = true;272 }273 spy(...args) {274 const spy = stubber.spy.apply(stubber, args);275 this.after(restorSpy(spy));276 return spy;277 }278 stub(...args) {279 const spy = stubber.stub.apply(stubber, args);280 this.after(restorSpy(spy));281 return spy;282 }283 intercept(...args) {284 const spy = stubber.intercept.apply(stubber, args);285 this.after(restorSpy(spy));286 return spy;287 }288 get func() {return this.body}289 get location() {290 let line = 1;291 const name = this.moduleId;292 const mod = module.get(name);293 if (mod != null) {294 const tcbody = mod.body.toString();295 const testName =^.*?\btest /, '').slice(0, -1);296 const testbody = `test("${testName}", ${this.body.toString()}`;297 let idx = tcbody.indexOf(testbody);298 if (idx !== -1) {299 for (let ni = tcbody.indexOf('\n'); ni !== -1 && ni < idx;300 ni = tcbody.indexOf('\n', ni + 1)) {301 ++line;302 }303 }304 }305 return {name, line};306 }307 get moduleId() {return this.topTC.moduleId;}308 }309 Test.prototype.onEnd = Test.prototype.after;310 let skipped = false;311 const expandTestCase = (tc, skipped=false) => {312 const origTC = currentTC;313 currentTC = tc;314 builder.exec(tc.body);315 currentTC = origTC;316 };317 const builder = {318 // aroundEach: body => currentTC.add('setUpAround', body),319 beforeEach: (body) => currentTC.beforeEach(body),320 afterEach: (body) => currentTC.afterEach(body),321 before: (body) => currentTC.before(body),322 after: (body) => {323 const {test} = Core;324 if (test === void 0) {325 currentTC.after(body);326 } else {327 test.after(body);328 }329 },330 test: (name, body) => currentTC.addTest(name, body, skipped),331 group: (name, body) => {332 const otc = currentTC;333 const os = skipped;334 if (name[0] === '/' && name[1] === '/') {335 skipped = true;336 name = name.slice(2);337 }338 const ntc = new TestCase(name, otc);339 try {340 currentTC = ntc;341 ntc.body = body;342 body(ntc);343 return ntc;344 } finally {345 skipped = os;346 currentTC = otc;347 }348 },349 exec: (body) => {350 if (typeof body === 'function') {351 body(builder);352 } else {353 for (const name in body) {354 const value = body[name];355 if (typeof value === 'function') {356 switch (name) {357 case 'setUp': case 'beforeEach':358 currentTC.beforeEach(value);359 break;360 case 'tearDown': case 'afterEach':361 currentTC.afterEach(value);362 break;363 case 'setUpOnce': case 'before':364 currentTC.before(value);365 break;366 case 'tearDownOnce': case 'after':367 currentTC.after(value);368 break;369 default:370 if (! name.startsWith('test ')) {371'misnamed test ' + currentTC.fullName(name), 1);372 }373 builder.test(name.slice(5), value);374 }375 } else {376 expandTestCase(new TestCase(name, currentTC, value));377 }378 }379 }380 },381 };382 = builder.test;383 builder.describe =;384 const testStart = () => {385 currTest.mode = 'before';386 const promise = Core.runCallBacks('testStart', currTest);387 nextFunc = setup;388 return promise === void 0 ? setup() : promise;389 };390 const setup = () => {391 const promise = runSetups(, common);392 nextFunc = runTest;393 return promise === void 0 ? runTest() : promise;394 };395 const runDone = () => {396 let isDone = false, resolve, reject;397 const done = (err) => {398 isDone = true;399 if (resolve !== void 0) {400 err === void 0 ? resolve() : reject(err);401 }402 };403 currTest.body(done);404 if (isDone) return;405 return new Promise((res, rej) => {resolve = res; reject = rej});406 };407 const runTest = () => {408 nextFunc = tearDown;409 currTest.mode = 'running';410 assertCount = Core.assertCount;411 const promise = currTest.body.length === 1412 ? runDone()413 : currTest.body();414 return promise == void 0 ? tearDown() : promise;415 };416 const tearDown = () => {417 common = commonTC(currTest, nextTest);418 nextFunc = testEnd;419 currTest.errors === void 0 && checkAssertionCount(currTest, assertCount);420 currTest.mode = 'after';421 const promise = runTearDowns(, common);422 return promise === void 0 ? testEnd() : promise;423 };424 const testEnd = () => {425 nextFunc = testStart;426 return Core.runCallBacks('testEnd', currTest);427 };428 const handleAsyncError = (err) => {429 asyncTimeout == 0 || clearTimeout(asyncTimeout);430 if (handleError(err)) {431 runNext();432 }433 };434 const handleError = (err) => {435 const {test} = Core;436 if (test === void 0) return false;437 test.success = false;438 if (err === 'abortTests') {439 Core.abort(err);440 return false;441 }442 const isAssertionError = err instanceof Core.AssertionError;443 if (! isAssertionError) {444 (test.errors ??= []).push(445 (err instanceof Error)446 ? util.extractError(err)447 : (err === 'timeout'448 ? 'Test timed out'449 : (err === 'wrongReturn'450 ? 'Unexpected return value'451 : err.toString())));452 }453 if (Core.test.mode !== 'running') {454 Core.sendErrors(test);455 Core.abort(`\n**** Failure during ${Core.test.mode} ****`);456 return false;457 }458 return true;459 };460 const timeExpired = () => {461 asyncTimeout = 0;462 handleError('timeout');463 runNext();464 };465 const runAsyncNext = () => {466 if (asyncTimeout != 0) {467 clearTimeout(asyncTimeout);468 asyncTimeout = 0;469 }470 runNext();471 };472 const runNext = () => {473 while (true) {474 if (Core.abortMode !== void 0) {475 if (Core.abortMode === 'end') {476 nextFunc = (Core.test !== void 0 && Core.test.mode !== 'after') ? tearDown : testStart;477 nextTest = void 0;478 nt = tests.length;479 } else {480 return;481 }482 }483 if (nextFunc === testStart) {484 if (nt == tests.length) {485 Core.lastTest = Core.test = tests = void 0;486 Core.runCallBacks('end');487 return;488 }489 Core.lastTest = lastTest = currTest;490 currTest = Core.test = tests[nt];491 tests[nt++] = null;492 nextTest = nt < tests.length ? tests[nt] : void 0;493 }494 try {495 const promise = nextFunc();496 if (promise !== void 0) {497 assertIsPromise(promise);498 asyncTimeout = setTimeout(timeExpired, MAX_TIME);499 promise.then(runAsyncNext, handleAsyncError);500 return;501 }502 } catch (err) {503 handleError(err);504 }505 }506 };507 Core.start = (testCases, runNextWrapper) => {508 tests = [];509 nt = assertCount = 0;510 Core.test = Core.lastTest = void 0;511 lastTest = currTest = nextTest = common = nextFunc = void 0;512 nextFunc = testStart;513 for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; ++i) {514 const tc = testCases[i];515 if (tc === void 0) continue;516 skipped = false;517 expandTestCase(tc);518 testCases[i] = null;519 }520 return ifPromise(Core.runCallBacks('start'), runNext);521 };522 return TestCase;...

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Source:test_setup_test.js Github


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...37 });38 s.describe("#runTeardowns", s => {39 s.test("does nothing if there are no teardown functions", async () => {40 let setup = new TestSetup();41 await setup.runTeardowns();42 });43 s.test("runs added teardown function", async t => {44 let wasRun = false;45 let setup = new TestSetup();46 setup.teardown(() => wasRun = true);47 await setup.runTeardowns();48 t.equal(wasRun, true);49 });50 s.test("runs teardown functions in order", async t => {51 let teardowns = [];52 let setup = new TestSetup();53 setup.teardown(async () => {54 await Promise.resolve();55 teardowns.push('slow');56 });57 setup.teardown(async () => teardowns.push('fast'));58 await setup.runTeardowns();59 t.same(teardowns, ['slow', 'fast']);60 });61 s.test("passes provided arguments to teardown functions", async t => {62 let calledWith;63 let setup = new TestSetup();64 setup.teardown(arg => calledWith = arg);65 await setup.runTeardowns('foobar');66 t.equal(calledWith, 'foobar');67 });68 });69 s.describe("#runBeforeTestEndCallbacks", s => {70 s.test("behaves like other callbacks", async t => {71 let setup = new TestSetup();72 await setup.runBeforeTestEndCallbacks();73 let calledWith;74 setup.beforeTestEnd(arg => calledWith = arg);75 await setup.runBeforeTestEndCallbacks('foobar');76 t.equal(calledWith, 'foobar');77 });78 });79 s.describe("#clone", s => {...

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Source:ErrorBoundary.jsx Github


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...11 static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {12 return { hasError: true, error };13 }14 recover() {15 runTeardowns();16 this.setState({ hasError: false, error: undefined });17 }18 render() {19 const { children } = this.props;20 const { hasError, error } = this.state;21 if (!hasError) {22 return children;23 }24 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console25 console.error("error boundary caught:", error);26 if (this.props.render) {27 const Render = this.props.render;28 return <Render error={error} />;29 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const { runTeardowns } = require('ava/lib/worker/subprocess');3test('test', async t => {4 t.teardown(() => {5 console.log('teardown');6 });7 await runTeardowns();8});9const test = require('ava');10const { runTeardowns } = require('ava/lib/worker/subprocess');11test('test', async t => {12 t.teardown(() => {13 console.log('teardown');14 });15 await runTeardowns();16});17const test = require('ava');18const { runTeardowns } = require('ava/lib/worker/subprocess');19test('test', async t => {20 t.teardown(() => {21 console.log('teardown');22 });23 await runTeardowns();24});25const test = require('ava');26const { runTeardowns } = require('ava/lib/worker/subprocess');27test('test', async t => {28 t.teardown(() => {29 console.log('teardown');30 });31 await runTeardowns();32});33const test = require('ava');34const { runTeardowns } = require('ava/lib/worker/subprocess');35test('test', async t => {36 t.teardown(() => {37 console.log('teardown');38 });39 await runTeardowns();40});41const test = require('ava');42const { runTeardowns } = require('ava/lib/worker/subprocess');43test('test', async t => {44 t.teardown(() => {45 console.log('teardown');46 });47 await runTeardowns();48});49const test = require('ava');50const { runTeardowns } = require('ava

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import { runTeardowns } from 'ava/lib/worker/teardown';3import { teardown } from './teardown';4test.after.always(async () => {5 await runTeardowns([teardown]);6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2test.afterEach.always((t) => {3 t.context.runTeardowns();4});5test('test', async (t) => {6 const teardown = () => {7 console.log('teardown');8 };9 t.context.addTeardown(teardown);10 t.pass();11});12### after.always()13### afterEach.always()14### before()15### beforeEach()16### before.always()17### beforeEach.always()18### addTeardown()19### runTeardowns()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const test = require('ava');2const teardown = require('ava-teardown');3teardown(test, () => {4 console.log('Teardown');5});6test('test', t => {7 t.pass();8});9test('test2', t => {10 t.pass();11});12const test = require('ava');13const teardown = require('ava-teardown');14teardown(test, () => {15 console.log('Teardown');16});17test('test', t => {18 t.pass();19});20test('test2', t => {21 t.pass();22});23const test = require('ava');24const teardown = require('ava-teardown');25teardown(test, () => {26 console.log('Teardown');27});28test('test', t => {29 t.pass();30});31test('test2', t => {32 t.pass();33});34const test = require('ava');35const teardown = require('ava-teardown');36teardown(test, () => {37 console.log('Teardown');38});39test('test', t => {40 t.pass();41});42test('test2', t => {43 t.pass();44});45const test = require('ava');46const teardown = require('ava-teardown');47teardown(test, () => {48 console.log('Teardown');49});50test('test', t => {51 t.pass();52});53test('test2', t => {54 t.pass();55});56const test = require('ava');57const teardown = require('ava-teardown');58teardown(test, () => {59 console.log('Teardown');60});61test('test', t => {62 t.pass();63});64test('test2', t => {65 t.pass();66});67const test = require('ava');68const teardown = require('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import { runTeardowns } from 'ava/lib/worker/child';3test.afterEach.always(() => {4 runTeardowns();5});6MIT © [Rajasegar](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1test('my test', async t => {2 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {3 });4 await t.context.runTeardowns();5});6test('my test', async t => {7 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {8 });9 await t.context.runTeardowns();10});11test('my test', async t => {12 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {13 });14 await t.context.runTeardowns();15});16test('my test', async t => {17 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {18 });19 await t.context.runTeardowns();20});21test('my test', async t => {22 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {23 });24 await t.context.runTeardowns();25});26test('my test', async t => {27 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {28 });29 await t.context.runTeardowns();30});31test('my test', async t => {32 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {33 });34 await t.context.runTeardowns();35});36test('my test', async t => {37 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {38 });39 await t.context.runTeardowns();40});41test('my test', async t => {42 t.context.teardowns.push(() => {43 });44 await t.context.runTeardowns();45});46test('my test', async t => {47 t.context.teardowns.push(() =>

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import { runTeardowns } from 'ava/lib/worker/subprocess';3test.after.always(() => {4 runTeardowns();5});6import test from 'ava';7test.after.always(() => {8});9import test from 'ava';10test.afterEach.always(t => {11 if (t.failed) {12 }13});14import test from 'ava';15test.afterEach.always(() => {16});17import test from 'ava';18test.afterEach.always(t => {19 if (t.failed) {20 }21});22import test from 'ava';23test.afterEach.always('test.js', () => {24});25import test from 'ava';26test.afterEach.always('test.js', t => {27 if (t.failed) {28 }29});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import ava from 'ava';2ava.runTeardowns();3### `ava.serial([title], implementation)`4### `ava.only([title], implementation)`5### `ava.skip([title], implementation)`6### `ava.failing([title], implementation)`7### `ava.todo([title])`8### `ava.cb([title], implementation)`9### `ava.before([title], implementation)`10### `ava.beforeEach([title], implementation)`11### `ava.after([title], implementation)`12### `ava.afterEach([title], implementation)`13### `ava.context([title], implementation)`14### `ava.only([title], implementation)`15### `ava.skip([title], implementation)`16### `ava.failing([title], implementation)`

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