How to use writeTimeout method in ava

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Source:FunctionDetails.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import PropTypes from 'prop-types';3import clsx from 'clsx';4import * as Yup from 'yup';5import { Formik } from 'formik';6import {7 Box,8 Button,9 Grid,10 TextField,11 Typography,12 makeStyles13} from '@material-ui/core';14import Autocomplete from '@material-ui/lab/Autocomplete';15const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({16 root: {}17}));18const FunctionDetails = ({19 className,20 payload,21 setPayload,22 secrets,23 images,24 onNext,25 ...rest26}) => {27 const classes = useStyles();28 const mountedSecrets = payload.secrets29 const setImage = payload.image;30 return (31 <Formik32 initialValues={{33 name: || '',34 minReplicas: payload.min_replicas || 0,35 maxReplicas: payload.max_replicas || 1,36 scalingFactor: payload.scaling_factor || 20,37 maxConcurrency: payload.max_concurrency || 0,38 readTimeout: payload.read_timeout || '10',39 writeTimeout: payload.write_timeout || '10',40 secrets: payload.secrets || [],41 image: payload.image || {},42 submit: null43 }}44 validationSchema={Yup.object().shape({45 name: Yup46 .string("Must be a string")47 .required("Required")48 .min(5, "Must be at least 5 characters long")49 .matches(/^(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?$/, "Must match ^(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?$"),50 image: Yup.object().shape({51 id: Yup.string().required()52 }),53 minReplicas: Yup54 .number()55 .typeError("Must be a number")56 .integer("Must be an integer")57 .required("Required")58 .min(0, "Must be greater than or equal to 0")59 .max(Yup.ref("maxReplicas"), "Cannot be great than Maximum Replicas"),60 maxReplicas: Yup61 .number()62 .typeError("Must be a number")63 .integer("Must be an integer")64 .required("Required")65 .min(1, "Must be greater than or equal to 1")66 .test('test-name', 'Must be greater than or equal to Mininum Replicas',67 function (value) {68 const mr = this.options.parent.minReplicas;69 return value >= mr;70 })71 .max(100, "Must be less than or equal to 100"),72 scalingFactor: Yup73 .number()74 .typeError("Must be a number")75 .integer("Must be an integer")76 .required("Required")77 .min(0, "Must be greater than or equal to 0")78 .max(100, "Must be less than or equal to 100"),79 maxConcurrency: Yup80 .number()81 .typeError("Must be a number")82 .integer("Must be an integer")83 .required("Required")84 .min(0, "Must be greater than or equal to 0"),85 readTimeout: Yup86 .number()87 .typeError("Must be a number")88 .integer("Must be an integer")89 .required("Required")90 .min(0, "Must be greater than or equal to 0"),91 writeTimeout: Yup92 .number()93 .typeError("Must be a number")94 .integer("Must be an integer")95 .required("Required")96 .min(0, "Must be greater than or equal to 0")97 })}98 onSubmit={async (values, {99 setErrors,100 setStatus,101 setSubmitting102 }) => {103 console.log(values)104 try {105 setPayload({106 ...payload,107 name:,108 image: values.image,109 min_replicas: parseInt(values.minReplicas, 10),110 max_replicas: parseInt(values.maxReplicas, 10),111 scaling_factor: parseInt(values.scalingFactor, 10),112 max_concurrency: parseInt(values.maxConcurrency, 10),113 read_timeout: values.readTimeout,114 write_timeout: values.writeTimeout,115 secrets: values.secrets116 })117 setStatus({ success: true });118 setSubmitting(false);119 if (onNext) {120 onNext();121 }122 } catch (err) {123 console.error(err);124 setStatus({ success: false });125 setErrors({ submit: err.message });126 setSubmitting(false);127 }128 }}129 >130 {({131 errors,132 handleBlur,133 handleChange,134 handleSubmit,135 setFieldValue,136 isSubmitting,137 touched,138 values139 }) => (140 <form141 onSubmit={handleSubmit}142 className={clsx(classes.root, className)}143 {}144 >145 <Box mb={3}>146 <Typography147 variant="h3"148 color="textPrimary"149 >150 Function Details151 </Typography>152 </Box>153 <Grid154 container155 spacing={3}156 >157 <Grid158 item159 md={12}160 xs={12}161 >162 <TextField163 error={Boolean( &&}164 fullWidth165 helperText={ &&}166 label="Function Name"167 name="name"168 onBlur={handleBlur}169 onChange={handleChange}170 required171 value={}172 variant="outlined"173 />174 </Grid>175 <Grid176 item177 md={12}178 xs={12}179 >180 <Autocomplete181 name="image"182 options={images}183 getOptionLabel={(option) => `${} (${option.runtime}) (${option.version})`}184 defaultValue={setImage}185 filterSelectedOptions186 required187 getOptionSelected={(option, value) => ===}188 onChange={(_, value) => setFieldValue("image", value)}189 renderInput={(params) => (190 <TextField191 {...params}192 variant="outlined"193 label="Image"194 placeholder="Image"195 required196 />197 )}198 />199 </Grid>200 <Grid201 item202 md={6}203 xs={12}204 >205 <TextField206 error={Boolean(touched.minReplicas && errors.minReplicas)}207 fullWidth208 helperText={touched.minReplicas && errors.minReplicas}209 label="Mininum Replicas"210 name="minReplicas"211 onBlur={handleBlur}212 onChange={handleChange}213 required214 value={values.minReplicas}215 variant="outlined"216 />217 </Grid>218 <Grid219 item220 md={6}221 xs={12}222 >223 <TextField224 error={Boolean(touched.maxReplicas && errors.maxReplicas)}225 fullWidth226 helperText={touched.maxReplicas && errors.maxReplicas}227 label="Maximum Replicas"228 name="maxReplicas"229 onBlur={handleBlur}230 onChange={handleChange}231 required232 value={values.maxReplicas}233 variant="outlined"234 />235 </Grid>236 <Grid237 item238 md={6}239 xs={12}240 >241 <TextField242 error={Boolean(touched.scalingFactor && errors.scalingFactor)}243 fullWidth244 helperText={touched.scalingFactor && errors.scalingFactor}245 label="Scaling Factor (%)"246 name="scalingFactor"247 onBlur={handleBlur}248 onChange={handleChange}249 value={values.scalingFactor}250 variant="outlined"251 />252 </Grid>253 <Grid254 item255 md={6}256 xs={12}257 >258 <TextField259 error={Boolean(touched.maxConcurrency && errors.maxConcurrency)}260 fullWidth261 helperText={touched.maxConcurrency && errors.maxConcurrency}262 label="Per Instance Concurrency"263 name="maxConcurrency"264 onBlur={handleBlur}265 onChange={handleChange}266 value={values.maxConcurrency}267 variant="outlined"268 />269 </Grid>270 <Grid271 item272 md={6}273 xs={12}274 >275 <TextField276 error={Boolean(touched.readTimeout && errors.readTimeout)}277 fullWidth278 helperText={touched.readTimeout && errors.readTimeout}279 label="Read Timeout (Seconds)"280 name="readTimeout"281 onBlur={handleBlur}282 onChange={handleChange}283 value={values.readTimeout}284 variant="outlined"285 />286 </Grid>287 <Grid288 item289 md={6}290 xs={12}291 >292 <TextField293 error={Boolean(touched.writeTimeout && errors.writeTimeout)}294 fullWidth295 helperText={touched.writeTimeout && errors.writeTimeout}296 label="Write Timeout (Seconds)"297 name="writeTimeout"298 onBlur={handleBlur}299 onChange={handleChange}300 value={values.writeTimeout}301 variant="outlined"302 />303 </Grid>304 </Grid>305 <Box mb={3} mt={3}>306 <Typography variant="h4" component="h4" gutterBottom>307 Mounted Secrets308 </Typography>309 </Box>310 <Grid container spacing={3}>311 <Grid312 item313 md={12}314 xs={12}315 >316 <Autocomplete317 multiple318 name="secrets"319 id="tags-outlined"320 options={secrets}321 getOptionLabel={(option) =>}322 defaultValue={mountedSecrets}323 filterSelectedOptions324 getOptionSelected={(option, value) => ===}325 onChange={(_, value) => setFieldValue("secrets", value)}326 renderInput={(params) => (327 <TextField328 {...params}329 variant="outlined"330 label="Attached Secrets"331 placeholder="Secrets"332 />333 )}334 />335 </Grid>336 </Grid>337 <Box338 mt={6}339 display="flex"340 justifyContent="flex-end"341 >342 <Button343 color="secondary"344 disabled={isSubmitting}345 type="submit"346 variant="contained"347 size="large"348 >349 Next350 </Button>351 </Box>352 </form>353 )}354 </Formik>355 );356};357FunctionDetails.propTypes = {358 className: PropTypes.string,359 payload: PropTypes.object.isRequired,360 setPayload: PropTypes.func.isRequired,361 secrets: PropTypes.array.isRequired,362 images: PropTypes.array.isRequired,363 onNext: PropTypes.func.isRequired,364};...

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Source:repository-client-config.js Github


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1const ClientConfig = require('../http/client-config');2const RDFMimeType = require('../http/rdf-mime-type');3const defaultTimeout = 10000;4/**5 * Configuration wrapper used for initialization of {@link BaseRepositoryClient}6 * implementations.7 *8 * @class9 * @extends ClientConfig10 * @author Mihail Radkov11 * @author Svilen Velikov12 * @author Teodossi Dossev13 */14class RepositoryClientConfig extends ClientConfig {15 /**16 * Repository client configuration constructor.17 * Initializes [endpoints]{@link RepositoryClientConfig#endpoints} and18 * sets configuration default values to19 * [defaultRDFMimeType]{@link RepositoryClientConfig#defaultRDFMimeType},20 * [readTimeout]{@link RepositoryClientConfig#readTimeout} and21 * [writeTimeout]{@link RepositoryClientConfig#writeTimeout}22 *23 * @param {string} endpoint server base URL that will be prepend24 * to all server requests25 */26 constructor(endpoint) {27 super(endpoint);28 this.setEndpoints([]);29 this.setHeaders({});30 this.setKeepAlive(true);31 this.setDefaultRDFMimeType(RDFMimeType.SPARQL_RESULTS_JSON);32 this.setReadTimeout(defaultTimeout);33 this.setWriteTimeout(defaultTimeout);34 }35 /**36 * Sets the repository endpoint URLs.37 *38 * @param {string[]} endpoints the endpoint URLs39 *40 * @return {this} current config for method chaining41 */42 setEndpoints(endpoints) {43 this.endpoints = endpoints;44 return this;45 }46 /**47 * Inserts a repository endpoint URL to the rest of the endpoints.48 *49 * @param {string} endpoint repository endpoint URL50 *51 * @return {this} current config for method chaining52 */53 addEndpoint(endpoint) {54 if (!this.endpoints) {55 this.endpoints = [];56 }57 this.endpoints.push(endpoint);58 return this;59 }60 /**61 * Gets the repository endpoint URLs.62 *63 * @return {string[]}64 */65 getEndpoints() {66 return this.endpoints;67 }68 /**69 * Sets the default RDF MIME type.70 *71 * @param {string} defaultRDFMimeType72 *73 * @return {this} current config for method chaining74 */75 setDefaultRDFMimeType(defaultRDFMimeType) {76 this.defaultRDFMimeType = defaultRDFMimeType;77 return this;78 }79 /**80 * Returns the default RDF MIME type.81 *82 * @return {string}83 */84 getDefaultRDFMimeType() {85 return this.defaultRDFMimeType;86 }87 /**88 * Sets the default read timeout for HTTP requests.89 *90 * @param {number} readTimeout the timeout in milliseconds91 *92 * @return {this} current config for method chaining93 */94 setReadTimeout(readTimeout) {95 this.readTimeout = readTimeout;96 return this;97 }98 /**99 * Returns the default read timeout for HTTP requests.100 *101 * @return {number}102 */103 getReadTimeout() {104 return this.readTimeout;105 }106 /**107 * Sets the default write timeout for HTTP requests.108 *109 * @param {number} writeTimeout the timeout in milliseconds110 *111 * @return {this} current config for method chaining112 */113 setWriteTimeout(writeTimeout) {114 this.writeTimeout = writeTimeout;115 return this;116 }117 /**118 * Returns the default write timeout for HTTP requests.119 *120 * @return {number}121 */122 getWriteTimeout() {123 return this.writeTimeout;124 }125}...

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Source:uploadStateStorage.js Github


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1const uploadStorage = window.localStorage;2const key = 'uploadState';3class UploadStateStorage {4 cache;5 writeTimeout;6 getUpload(userId, fileUID) {7 const d = this.getData();8 if (!d[userId]) {9 return;10 }11 return d[userId][fileUID];12 }13 initUpload(userId, fileUID, uploadId, path) {14 const d = this.getData();15 d[userId] = d[userId] || {};16 d[userId][fileUID] = {17 u: uploadId,18 p: path,19 c: [],20 };21 this.setData(d);22 }23 updateUpload(userId, fileUID, chunkETag) {24 const d = this.getData();25 d[userId][fileUID].c.push(chunkETag);26 this.setData(d);27 }28 removeUpload(userId, fileUID) {29 const d = this.getData();30 delete d[userId][fileUID];31 this.setData(d);32 }33 getData() {34 if (this.cache) {35 return this.cache;36 }37 const item = uploadStorage.getItem(key);38 return this.cache = item ? JSON.parse(item) : {};39 }40 setData(data) {41 this.cache = data;42 if (this.writeTimeout) {43 clearTimeout(this.writeTimeout);44 }45 this.writeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {46 uploadStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(data))47 }, 100);48 }49}50export function getUniqueFileId(file, fileChunkSize) {51 const relativePath = file.webkitRelativePath || file.relativePath || file.fileName ||;52 return `${file.size}-${fileChunkSize}-${relativePath}`;53}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var data = 'Simply Easy Learning';3var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');4writerStream.write(data,'UTF8');5writerStream.end();6writerStream.on('finish', function() {7 console.log("Write completed.");8});9writerStream.on('error', function(err){10 console.log(err.stack);11});12console.log("Program Ended");13var fs = require('fs');14var data = 'Simply Easy Learning';15var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');16writerStream.write(data,'UTF8');17writerStream.end();18writerStream.on('finish', function() {19 console.log("Write completed.");20});21writerStream.on('error', function(err){22 console.log(err.stack);23});24console.log("Program Ended");25var fs = require('fs');26var data = 'Simply Easy Learning';27var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');28writerStream.write(data,'UTF8');29writerStream.end();30writerStream.on('finish', function() {31 console.log("Write completed.");32});33writerStream.on('error', function(err){34 console.log(err.stack);35});36console.log("Program Ended");37var fs = require('fs');38var data = 'Simply Easy Learning';39var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');40writerStream.write(data,'UTF8');41writerStream.end();42writerStream.on('finish', function() {43 console.log("Write completed.");44});45writerStream.on('error', function(err

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var data = 'This is the data to be written into the file';3var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');4writerStream.write(data,'UTF8');5writerStream.end();6writerStream.on('finish', function() {7 console.log("Write completed.");8});9writerStream.on('error', function(err){10 console.log(err.stack);11});12console.log("Program Ended");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'ava';2import delay from 'delay';3import m from '.';4test('main', async t => {5 t.plan(2);6, 2);7 await delay(200);8, 3);9});10 ✔ main (200ms)11 ✔ main (200ms)12### `test.cb([title], implementation)`13### `test.cb.serial([title], implementation)`14### `test.cb.only([title], implementation)`15### `test.cb.skip([title], implementation)`16Define a callback-style test. Callback-style tests must be explicitly ended with `t.end()`. These tests are useful for testing APIs that require a callback function, like [request](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let fs = require('fs');2let data = 'Hello World!';3let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');4writeStream.write(data,'UTF8');5writeStream.end();6writeStream.on('finish',function(){7 console.log("Write completed.");8});9writeStream.on('error',function(err){10 console.log(err.stack);11});12console.log("Program Ended");13The pipe() method takes the following parameters −14let fs = require('fs');15let readerStream = fs.createReadStream('input.txt');16let writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt');17readerStream.pipe(writerStream);18console.log("Program Ended");19let fs = require('fs');20let zlib = require('zlib');21fs.createReadStream('input.txt')22 .pipe(zlib.createGzip())23 .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('input.txt.gz'));24console.log("File Compressed.");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1test.cb('writeTimeout', t => {2 t.plan(1);3 setTimeout(() => {4 t.pass();5 t.end();6 }, 1000);7});8test('writeTimeout', t => {9 t.plan(1);10 return new Promise(resolve => {11 setTimeout(() => {12 t.pass();13 resolve();14 }, 1000);15 });16});17test('writeTimeout', async t => {18 t.plan(1);19 await new Promise(resolve => {20 setTimeout(() => {21 t.pass();22 resolve();23 }, 1000);24 });25});26test('writeTimeout', async t => {27 t.plan(1);28 await new Promise(resolve => {29 setTimeout(() => {30 t.pass();31 resolve();32 }, 1000);33 });34});35MIT © [Fernando Lasso](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var net = require('net');2var socket = new net.Socket();3socket.connect(5000, 'localhost', function() {4 socket.write('Hello');5 socket.write('World');6 socket.write('!');7});8socket.on('data', function(data) {9 console.log('Received: ' + data);10});11socket.on('error', function(err) {12 console.log('Error: ' + err);13});14socket.on('timeout', function() {15 console.log('Timed out');16});17socket.on('close', function() {18 console.log('Connection closed');19});20var net = require('net');21var server = net.createServer(function(socket) {22 socket.on('data', function(data) {23 console.log('Received: ' + data);24 socket.write('Sending: ' + data);25 });26 socket.on('error', function(err) {27 console.log('Error: ' + err);28 });29 socket.on('timeout', function() {30 console.log('Timed out');31 });32 socket.on('close', function() {33 console.log('Connection closed');34 });35});36server.listen(5000, 'localhost');37var net = require('net');38var socket = new net.Socket();39socket.connect(5000, 'localhost', function() {40 socket.setEncoding('utf8');41 socket.write('Hello');42 socket.write('World');43 socket.write('!');44});45socket.on('data', function(data) {46 console.log('Received: ' + data);47});48socket.on('error', function(err) {49 console.log('Error: ' + err);50});51socket.on('timeout', function() {52 console.log('Timed out');53});54socket.on('close', function() {55 console.log('Connection closed');56});57var net = require('net');58var server = net.createServer(function(socket) {59 socket.on('data', function(data) {60 console.log('Received: ' + data);61 socket.write('Sending: ' + data);62 });63 socket.on('error', function(err) {64 console.log('Error: ' + err);65 });66 socket.on('timeout', function() {67 console.log('Timed out');68 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');'file.txt','w',function(err,fd){3 if(err){4 return console.error(err);5 }6 console.log("File open successfully");7 console.log("Going to write into existing file");8 fs.write(fd,'Simply Easy Learning!',function(err){9 if(err){10 return console.error(err);11 }12 console.log("Data written successfully!");13 console.log("Let's read newly written data");14,buf,0,buf.length,0,function(err,bytes){15 if(err){16 console.log(err);17 }18 console.log(bytes + " bytes read");19 if(bytes > 0){20 console.log(buf.slice(0,bytes).toString());21 }22 fs.close(fd,function(err){23 if(err){24 console.log(err);25 }26 console.log("File closed successfully.");27 });28 });29 });30});31var fs = require('fs');32fs.writeFile('file.txt','Simply Easy Learning!',function(err){33 if(err){34 return console.error(err);35 }36 console.log("Data written successfully!");37 console.log("Let's read newly written data");38 fs.readFile('file.txt',function(err,data){39 if(err){40 return console.error(err);41 }42 console.log("Asynchronous read: " + data.toString());43 });44});45var fs = require('fs');46fs.writeFileSync('file.txt','Simply Easy Learning!');47console.log("Data written successfully!");48console.log("Let's read newly written data");49var data = fs.readFileSync('file.txt');50console.log("Synchronous read: " + data.toString());51console.log("Program Ended");52var fs = require('fs');53var buf = new Buffer(1024);54console.log("Going to open an existing file");'file.txt','r+',function(err,fd){56 if(err){57 return console.error(err);58 }59 console.log("File opened successfully!");60 console.log("Going to read the file");61,buf,0,buf.length,0,function(err,bytes){62 if(err){63 console.log(err

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var data = 'Write this content in file.';3fs.writeFile('test.txt', data, (err) => {4 if (err) throw err;5 console.log('File is created successfully.');6});7fs.writeTimeout('test.txt', data, 1000, (err) => {8 if (err) throw err;9 console.log('File is created successfully.');10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2fs.writeFile('test.txt', 'Hello World', function(err) {3 if (err) {4 return console.error(err);5 }6 console.log('Data written successfully!');7 console.log('Let\'s read newly written data');8 fs.readFile('test.txt', function(err, data) {9 if (err) {10 return console.error(err);11 }12 console.log('Asynchronous read: ' + data.toString());13 });14});

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