How to use beingCompared method in Best

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Source:GraphClassComponent.js Github


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1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import Row from './Row';3import { isNumber, sleep , getRandomInt} from '../helper/index';4class GraphClassComponent extends Component {5 constructor(props){6 super(props);7 this.state = {8 inputVal: '',9 arrOfNums:[],10 rows:[],11 largestNum:112 }13 }14 componentDidMount(){15 this.reset();16 }17 submitHandler = (e) =>{18 e.preventDefault();19 if(isNumber(this.state.inputVal)){20 this.setState((prevState)=>{21 const tempArr = prevState.arrOfNums.slice();22 const number = parseInt(this.state.inputVal)23 24 let newLargest = 1;25 if(number>prevState.largestNum){26 newLargest = number;27 }else{28 newLargest = prevState.largestNum;29 }30 tempArr.push(number);31 const newRows =,index)=>{32 return <Row key = {index} number={elem} largestNum={newLargest} beingCompared = {false}/>33 });34 return {arrOfNums: tempArr, inputVal : "", rows: newRows, largestNum:newLargest}35 })36 }37 this.setState({inputVal:""})38 }39 bubbleSort = async() =>{40 let arr = this.state.arrOfNums;41 var len = arr.length;42 for (let i = len-1; i>=0; i--){43 for(let j = 1; j<=i; j++){44 await sleep(1);45 if(arr[j-1]>arr[j]){46 var temp = arr[j-1];47 arr[j-1] = arr[j];48 arr[j] = temp;49 }50 const newRows =,index)=>{51 if((i==index)||(j==index)){52 return <Row key = {index} number={elem} largestNum={this.state.largestNum} beingCompared = {true}/>53 }else{54 return <Row key = {index} number={elem} largestNum={this.state.largestNum} beingCompared = {false}/>55 }56 });57 this.setState({rows:newRows,arrOfNums:arr})58 }59 }60 }61 62 reset = () =>{63 const seedArr = [];64 let largest = 1;65 for(let i = 0; i< 50;i++){66 const num = getRandomInt(100)+1;67 if (num>largest) largest = num;68 seedArr.push(num);69 }70 const newRows =,index)=>{71 return <Row key = {index} number={elem} largestNum={largest} beingCompared = {false}/>72 });73 this.setState({arrOfNums: seedArr, rows: newRows, largestNum:largest})74 }75 render() {76 return (77 <div>78 <form onSubmit={this.submitHandler}>79 <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Number" value={this.state.inputVal} onChange={(event)=> this.setState({ inputVal: })}/>80 <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Add Number"/>81 </form>82 <div className="all_buttons">83 <button onClick={this.bubbleSort}>Bubble Sort</button>84 <button onClick={this.reset}>Reset</button>85 </div>86 <div className="all_rows">87 {this.state.rows}88 </div>89 </div>90 );91 }92}...

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Source:Stats.js Github


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1import React from "react" 2import "./Stats.scss"3// function that allows you to compare multiple values instead of using4// multiple || 5const oneIsEqual = (beingCompared, expected) => {6 let isEqual = false;7 for (let i = 0; i < beingCompared.length; i++) {8 if (beingCompared[i] === expected) {9 return true;10 }11 }12 return isEqual13}14const Stats = (props) => {15 //----------------------------Determining the values for the stats based on the algorithm----------------------------------------------------//16 // value variables (default: bubble sort)17 let stability = "Stable"18 let space = "O(1)"19 let timeBest = "O(n)"20 let timeWorst = "O(n²)"21 let timeAverage = "O(n²)"22 if (oneIsEqual(["bubbleSort","mergeSort","insertionSort"], props.algorithm)) {23 stability = "Stable"24 } else if (oneIsEqual(["heapSort","quickSort","selectionSort"], props.algorithm)) {25 stability = "Unstable"26 }27 28 if (oneIsEqual(["bubbleSort","heapSort","insertionSort","selectionSort"], props.algorithm)) {29 space = "O(1)"30 } else if ("mergeSort" === props.algorithm) {31 space = "O(n)"32 } else if ("quickSort" === props.algorithm) {33 space = "O(log n)"34 }35 if (oneIsEqual(["heapSort", "quickSort", "mergeSort"], props.algorithm)) {36 timeBest = "O(n log n)"37 } else if (oneIsEqual(["bubbleSort","insertionSort"], props.algorithm)) {38 timeBest = "O(n)"39 } else if ("selectionSort" === props.algorithm) {40 timeBest = "O(n²)"41 }42 if (oneIsEqual(["heapSort", "quickSort", "mergeSort"], props.algorithm)) {43 timeAverage = "O(n log n)"44 } else if (oneIsEqual(["bubbleSort","insertionSort","selectionSort"], props.algorithm)) {45 timeAverage = "O(n²)"46 }47 if (oneIsEqual(["heapSort", "mergeSort"], props.algorithm)) {48 timeWorst = "O(n log n)"49 } else if (oneIsEqual(["bubbleSort","insertionSort","selectionSort", "quickSort"], props.algorithm)) {50 timeWorst = "O(n²)"51 }52 return (53 <div className = "stats-container">54 <h1 className = "stats-title">Stats</h1>55 <p className="stat">Stability:<span className="stat-value">{stability}</span></p>56 <p className="stat">Space Complexity:<span className="stat-value">{space}</span></p>57 <div className="stat stat-time-complexity">58 <p className="stat-time-complexity-title">Time Complexity:</p>59 <p className="stat-time-complexity-case">Best Case:<span className="stat-value">{timeBest}</span></p>60 <p className="stat-time-complexity-case">Average Case:<span className="stat-value">{timeAverage}</span></p>61 <p className="stat-time-complexity-case">Worst Case:<span className="stat-value">{timeWorst}</span></p>62 {props.algorithm === "bubbleSort" ? <p className="stat-time-complexity-case bubble-sort-note">Note: The optimal version of bubble sort was 63 not implemented in this application. Thus a run time of O(n) is not possible with the currently implemented algorithm. 64 To do so the use of a boolean variable is required.</p> : null}65 </div>66 </div>67 )68}...

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Source:sumTwoSmallestNumbers-v1.js Github


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1#!/usr/bin/env node2"use strict";3/**4* Problem statement (* Create a function that returns the sum of the two lowest positive numbers given an array of minimum 4 integers. No floats or empty arrays will be passed.6* For example, when an array is passed like [19, 5, 42, 2, 77], the output should be 7.7* [10, 343445353, 3453445, 3453545353453] should return 3453455.8* FUNDAMENTALS ARRAYS9*/10/**11* Solution logic:12* start assuming the two first positions are the lowest ones (A and B)13* take a 3rd position (C) and compare with each one of the lowests14* if (C-A<0): C is lesser than A15* if (C-B<0): C is lesser than B16* should substitute the one with the bigger negative result17* A = C if (C-A) < 0 OR (if (C-B) < 0 AND if (C-A) < (C-B))18* B = C if (C-B) < 0 OR (if (C-A) < 0 AND if (C-B) < (C-A))19* return A + B20*/21// Solution code V1:22function sumTwoSmallestNumbers (array){23 24 var lowestOne = array[0];25 var lowestTwo = array[1];26 27 for (let i = 2; i < array.length; i++){28 29 let beingCompared = array[i];30 31 if ((beingCompared - lowestOne < 0) && (beingCompared - lowestOne < beingCompared - lowestTwo)){32 lowestOne = beingCompared;33 } else if ((beingCompared - lowestTwo < 0) && (beingCompared - lowestTwo < beingCompared - lowestOne)){34 lowestTwo = beingCompared;35 }36 }37 return lowestOne + lowestTwo;38}39// Testing:40console.log(sumTwoSmallestNumbers([19, 5, 42, 2, 77]));41console.log(sumTwoSmallestNumbers([1, 5, 42, 2, 77]));42console.log(sumTwoSmallestNumbers([10, 20, 42, 30, 77, 155, 1333, 2422, 35353, 353343, 2, 12313]));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestFriend = require('./BestFriend');2var bestFriend = new BestFriend();3var myName = 'John';4var friendName = 'Mary';5var result = bestFriend.beingCompared(myName, friendName);6console.log(result);7var BestFriend = function(){};8BestFriend.prototype.beingCompared = function(myName, friendName){9 if(myName === friendName){10 return 'You are best friends.';11 }12 else{13 return 'You are not best friends.';14 }15};16module.exports = BestFriend;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var bestMatch = new BestMatch();2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var bestMatch = new BestMatch();4var bestMatch = new BestMatch();5var bestMatch = new BestMatch();6var bestMatch = new BestMatch();7var bestMatch = new BestMatch();8var bestMatch = new BestMatch();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('./BestMatch.js');2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var result = bestMatch.beingCompared('hello', 'hello');4console.log(result);5function BestMatch() {6 this.beingCompared = function (str1, str2) {7 if (str1 === str2) {8 return true;9 }10 else {11 return false;12 }13 }14}15module.exports = BestMatch;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var bestMatch = require('./bestMatch.js');2var bestMatch = new bestMatch();3var stringToCompare = "This is a string to compare";4var stringToBeCompared = "This is a string to be compared";5var result = bestMatch.beingCompared(stringToCompare, stringToBeCompared);6console.log(result);7{ similarity: 0.8,8 stringToBeCompared: 'This is a string to be compared' }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('./bestMatch.js');2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var bestMatchResult = bestMatch.beingCompared('football','football');4console.log(bestMatchResult);5var BestMatch = function() {6};7BestMatch.prototype.beingCompared = function(string1, string2) {8 if (string1 === string2) {9 return 1;10 }11 return 0;12};13module.exports = BestMatch;14var get = function (url) {15 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {16 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();17'GET', url);18 xhr.onload = function () {19 if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {20 resolve(xhr.response);21 } else {22 reject({23 });24 }25 };26 xhr.onerror = function () {27 reject({28 });29 };30 xhr.send();31 });32};33var assert = require('chai').assert;34var get = require('../app/get');35describe('get', function () {36 it('should return a promise', function () {37 });38});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('./bestMatch.js');2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var list = ['dog', 'cat', 'frog'];4function BestMatch() {5 this.beingCompared = function (word, list) {6 var bestMatch = -1;7 var bestMatchValue = 0;8 for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {9 var matchValue = 0;10 var wordLength = word.length;11 var listLength = list[i].length;12 var minLength = wordLength;13 if (listLength < wordLength) {14 minLength = listLength;15 }16 for (var j = 0; j < minLength; j++) {17 if (word[j] == list[i][j]) {18 matchValue++;19 }20 }21 if (matchValue > bestMatchValue) {22 bestMatchValue = matchValue;23 bestMatch = i;24 }25 }26 return bestMatch;27 };28}29module.exports = BestMatch;30var BestMatch = require('./bestMatch.js');31var bestMatch = new BestMatch();32var list = ['dog', 'cat', 'frog'];33function BestMatch() {34 this.beingCompared = function (word, list) {35 };36}37module.exports = BestMatch;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var userInput = $('#userInput').val();2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var bestMatchResult = bestMatch.beingCompared(userInput);4$('#bestMatch').html(bestMatchResult);5var userInput = $('#userInput').val();6var bestMatch = new BestMatch();7var bestMatchResult = bestMatch.beingCompared(userInput);8$('#bestMatch').html(bestMatchResult);9var userInput = $('#userInput').val();10var bestMatch = new BestMatch();11var bestMatchResult = bestMatch.beingCompared(userInput);12$('#bestMatch').html(bestMatchResult);13var userInput = $('#userInput').val();14var bestMatch = new BestMatch();15var bestMatchResult = bestMatch.beingCompared(userInput);16$('#bestMatch').html(bestMatchResult);17var userInput = $('#userInput').val();18var bestMatch = new BestMatch();19var bestMatchResult = bestMatch.beingCompared(userInput);20$('#bestMatch').html(bestMatchResult);21var userInput = $('#userInput').val();22var bestMatch = new BestMatch();

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