How to use findInconsistencies method in Best

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...163 }164 doneTargetApp = true;165 if (useSampleApps) {166 if (doneTargetApp && doneSampleApps) 167 findInconsistencies();168 }169 else {170 findInconsistencies();171 }172 });173 /​/​TODO: Move this to callback for getting sample apps174 /​*175 Promise.all(sampleAppPromises).then(function(results) {176 doneSampleApps = true;177 if (doneTargetApp && doneSampleApps) findInconsistencies();178 });179 */​180 }181 }182 };183 var contents = directory.getContents(processDirectoryContents);184 185 var processSampleApps = function(err, entries) {186 if (!err) {187 for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {188 var file = entries[i];189 var pathToFile = file._path;190 191 /​/​The file must be a directory192 if (file instanceof Directory) {193 var sameAsTarget = (pathToFile.indexOf(directoryName) == 0);194 if (!sameAsTarget) {195 var newContents = file.getContents(processOneSampleApp);196 sampleAppId++;197 }198 }199 }200 201 Promise.all(sampleAppPromises).then(function(results) {202 for (var i = 0; i < results.length-1; i=i+3) {203 var text = results[i];204 var pathToFile = results[i+1];205 var appId = results[i+2];206 if (pathToFile.indexOf(".js") > 0 && 207 pathToFile.indexOf(".js")+".js".length == pathToFile.length) {208 var generatedAst = esprima.parse(text, {loc: true});209 var codeTree = codeTreeTransformer.getCodeTree(generatedAst, 210 "ast", pathToFile, 211 appId);212 subtreeFinder.findAllSubtrees(codeTree.tree, Parameters.MAX_CHILDREN, 213 jsHashTable);214 /​/​console.log(jsHashTable);215 }216 else if (pathToFile.indexOf(".html") > 0 &&217 pathToFile.indexOf(".html")+".html".length == 218 pathToFile.length) {219 /​/​TODO: Any other file extensions (e.g., ".htm")?220 var generatedDomTree = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 221 'text/​xml');222 /​/​console.log(generatedDomTree);223 var codeTree = codeTreeTransformer.getCodeTree(generatedDomTree,224 "dom", pathToFile, 225 appId);226 subtreeFinder.findAllSubtrees(codeTree.tree, Parameters.MAX_CHILDREN, 227 domHashTable);228 /​/​console.log(domHashTable);229 }230 }231 doneSampleApps = true;232 if (doneTargetApp && doneSampleApps) findInconsistencies();233 });234 }235 };236 237 var processOneSampleApp = function(err, entries) {238 if (!err) {239 for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {240 var file = entries[i];241 var pathToFile = file._path;242 243 /​/​Determine if the file is a directory. If so, go through the children244 if (file instanceof Directory) {245 var newContents = file.getContents(processOneSampleApp);246 continue;...

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Source:index.js Github


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...39 `Can not find files using provided glob ${packagesPath}: ${er.message}`40 )41 }42 const packages = getPackageInfos(files)43 const inconsistentPackages = findInconsistencies(packages)44 console.log(45 `Found inconsistencies: ${JSON.stringify(46{ path, reasons }) => ({ path, reasons })),47 null,48 ' '49 )}`50 )51 if (inconsistentPackages.length) {52 fixInconsistencies(inconsistentPackages)53 exec(54 `55 git config "${syncCommitEmail}" &&56 git config "${syncCommitName}" &&57 git commit -am "${syncCommitMessage}" ${commitArguments} &&58 git push59 `,60 (err, stdout, stderr) => {61 if (err) {62 core.setFailed(err.message)63 }64 console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`)65 console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`)66 }67 )68 } else {69 console.log(`No inconsistencies`)70 }71 }72 )73 console.log(`Finished in ${ - startTime}ms`)74} catch (error) {75 core.setFailed(error.message)76}77/​**78 * @param {string[]} packagePaths79 * @return {PackageJsonInfo[]}80 */​81function getPackageInfos(packagePaths) {82 /​**83 * @type { PackageJsonInfo[] }84 */​85 const packages = []86 for (const packagePath of packagePaths) {87 /​**88 * @type {PackageJson}89 */​90 let packageJson91 try {92 packageJson = fs.readFileSync(packagePath, { encoding: 'utf-8' })93 } catch (error) {94 core.setFailed(`Can not read/​parse ${packagePath}: ${error.message}`)95 }96 packages.push({97 json: JSON.parse(packageJson),98 text: packageJson,99 path: packagePath100 })101 }102 return packages103}104/​**105 * @param {PackageJsonInfo[]} packages106 * @return {InconsistentPackageJson[]}107 */​108function findInconsistencies(packages) {109 /​**110 * @type {InconsistentPackageJson[]}111 */​112 const inconsistentPackages = []113 for (const masterPackage of packages) {114 for (const linkedPackage of packages) {115 if (masterPackage.path === linkedPackage.path) continue116 for (const depType of ['dependencies', 'devDependencies']) {117 if (!linkedPackage.json[depType]) continue118 const foundVersionInconsistency = Object.entries(119 linkedPackage.json[depType]120 ).find(([name, version]) => {121 if (typeof version !== 'string') return false122 return (...

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Source:utils.js Github


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1export const findInconsistencies = (set, property) => {2 const values = [...set[property]];3 let previous = values.shift();4 const inconsistencies = values.reduce((badSet, value, idx) => {5 if (previous !== value) {6 previous = value;7 badSet.push(idx + 1);8 }9 return badSet;10 }, []);11 return inconsistencies;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestFit = require('./​BestFit.js');2var bestFit = new BestFit();3var data = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];4var response = bestFit.findInconsistencies(data);5console.log(response);6var response = bestFit.findBestFit(data);7console.log(response);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatchFinder = require('./​BestMatchFinder');2var finder = new BestMatchFinder();3var inconsistencies = finder.findInconsistencies();4console.log(inconsistencies);5var fs = require('fs');6var BestMatchFinder = function() {7 this.findInconsistencies = function() {8 var data = fs.readFileSync('data.json', 'utf8');9 var inconsistencies = [];10 var dataObj = JSON.parse(data);11 for (var i = 0; i < dataObj.length; i++) {12 var obj = dataObj[i];13 var keys = Object.keys(obj);14 var values = Object.values(obj);15 for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {16 var key = keys[j];17 var value = values[j];18 for (var k = j + 1; k < keys.length; k++) {19 var key2 = keys[k];20 var value2 = values[k];21 if (value != value2) {22 var inconsistency = {23 };24 inconsistencies.push(inconsistency);25 }26 }27 }28 }29 return inconsistencies;30 }31}32module.exports = BestMatchFinder;33[ { key: 'id', value: '1', key2: 'name', value2: 'John' },34 { key: 'id', value: '1', key2: 'age', value2: '20' },35 { key: 'id', value: '2', key2: 'name', value2: 'Mary' },36 { key: 'id', value: '2', key2: 'age', value2: '25' },37 { key: 'id', value: '3', key2: 'name', value2: 'Peter' },38 { key: 'id', value: '3', key2: 'age', value2: '30' },39 { key: 'id', value: '4', key2: 'name', value2: 'Mary' },40 { key: 'id', value: '4', key2: '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var bestMatchFinder = require('./​BestMatchFinder');2var input = {3};4var result = bestMatchFinder.findInconsistencies(input);5console.log(result);6var _ = require('underscore');7function BestMatchFinder() {8 this.findInconsistencies = function (input) {9 var inconsistencies = [];10 var keys = _.keys(input);11 var values = _.values(input);12 var valueSet = new Set();13 var keySet = new Set();14 _.each(values, function (value) {15 _.each(value, function (val) {16 valueSet.add(val);17 });18 });19 _.each(keys, function (key) {20 keySet.add(key);21 });22 var difference = _.difference(Array.from(valueSet), Array.from(keySet));23 _.each(difference, function (val) {24 inconsistencies.push(val);25 });26 return inconsistencies;27 }28}29module.exports = new BestMatchFinder();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var findInconsistencies = require('best-practices').findInconsistencies;3var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf-8');4findInconsistencies(code, function(err, inconsistencies) {5 console.log(inconsistencies);6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var findInconsistencies = require('best-practices').findInconsistencies;3var code = fs.readFileSync('test.js', 'utf-8');4findInconsistencies(code, function(err, inconsistencies) {5 console.log(inconsistencies);6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('best-match');2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");4var BestMatch = require('best-match');5var bestMatch = new BestMatch();6var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");7var BestMatch = require('best-match');8var bestMatch = new BestMatch();9var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");10var BestMatch = require('best-match');11var bestMatch = new BestMatch();12var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");13var BestMatch = require('best-match');14var bestMatch = new BestMatch();15var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");16var BestMatch = require('best-match');17var bestMatch = new BestMatch();18var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");19va BestMatch = requre('best-match');20var estMatch = new BestMatch();21var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");22va BetMatch =require('best-match');23v bestMatch = nwBestMac();24var rsult = bestMatch.fndInconsistencies("hello wold","hell orld!");25{ '2': { line: 'this is a test', file: 'test.txt' },26 '3': { line: 'this is a test', file: 'test.txt' } }27{ '2': { line: 'this is a test', file: 'test.txt' },28 '3': { line: 'this is a test', file: 'test.txt' },29 '4': { line: 'this is a test', file: 'test.txt' },30 '5': { line: 'this is a test', file: 'test.txt' } }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('best-match');2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");4var BestMatch = require('best-match');5var bestMatch = new BestMatch();6var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");7var BestMatch = require('best-match');8var bestMatch = new BestMatch();9var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");10var BestMatch = require('best-match');11var bestMatch = new BestMatch();12var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");13var BestMatch = require('best-match');14var bestMatch = new BestMatch();15var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");16var BestMatch = require('best-match');17var bestMatch = new BestMatch();18var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");19var BestMatch = require('best-match');20var bestMatch = new BestMatch();21var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");22var BestMatch = require('best-match');23var bestMatch = new BestMatch();24var result = bestMatch.findInconsistencies("hello world", "hello world!");

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